Medina, Jose Roberto

Court: Court of Appeals of Texas
Date filed: 2015-04-24
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Combined Opinion
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                                                                               ~7i: llt!?.IL ISI ao15

  CLERK        or 1iiE (our~

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          7o 111£ /loAIPRJI/31..E :Ji.IIJI-£$ "f' 7flt;-- (otiP.l tJr (R.I/TI.fNAL IIPPEAL J":
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     oN tiUJ 111E- DAY cl.                                  1   (}ol5, ClimE To DE llc/IRIJ K~Lfllb~'f
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  :INli'£, .Tost NPBEJ(lc /YJ£D.t'IV'/9

 R'*ymoJtlb D£Lif:MI, 7/imL (ouN.'El

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        fXpMtft (olE 1 77~ s,~;;J 5?1 .. ; '*       .,. ,    ,                                      "           "             ,            "            'f
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        f)( PARTE fow£LL       SS"8 S.Wr ~J Lt9t>     ,        ,      '          ,.            •                     ,.                    .. , 3
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                             Rr:LA "T;~'J ~lf:l7:ItV'AL   /lfJI'L.I t:lllicAI
                                  FoR WIUT "/'/YJIIN/JIIRUJS

7b mE HoNoR116L£ ..JUJ'It:. "r st~Io (cull.r;
      (o~E-S ~ow ;:Jc.sE. RDB£1(/C. mE.p:rnA1 IINJJ ~'fEcT!i.tL'f Su/lmin 1itf$ &b!"/blf5 IM.t1.:tl/nL
APfLICI/fiMI ~R WRL1 t~f /11ANO/I/J1U5 (c({ Rt!.lflfvt<,:DI/HI:-IIOt>VE-sljLE.IJ I'INP NUmB£R£1>
CALISE tJf /l(-,;tJN1 AN/J wcuLI> /lltRtfoR€ SHew 7ii.I.f /icAI~RIIBi.E (owP.r 7i1F foLlcwLNj
111 SLtppcP.T /II~AE ()f)

        Rei.ftfoR, :Tcs! Ko/JiiP.k mE.I>:fNif, /EXA.S D~fAtVm£1'11 of (llQrl/NAL :&itfte 1Nihli.i!fc#AL
 pt.VJ.S:toN,.ZOetTif.zcnJ;ofi/ 1/umOfP. H 111~3~3/o I :f.$ /IN tJFf~#j)£/l. rN(i9/l(E!M1ii> IAI 711E 1E.tns
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wHo WilE Lolli® /lr1JIF 011/JIII~IlJNL" 111SOFiri,Cfc:t?J, DALHM.1, 7EK14j l'lo2.2,
           ReLATeR HAs Ex/111usli.b H$5 R£mE.PIE5, 19NJJ II/I> N~ o/11~~ IIJJEQvll7i KtmEDJIIT/flw1
·7H£ /l(r ..5ou1HT k Bt. tOmf&LLtt> 1.5 !»VII51iRIHL 1 AAIJJ            ,N't'T j)r$fi(Ehclii/J!e/ :rN IV/Jl'il~;
   RAJIYitMID   DelEIJ# 11o w, tV VEVII S19# /1AJ1ctJ~tJ;'/&X!+S /liE /JLLEbcrE
       Rtsft>A'Dt!Jr; Sfl.f/IN !J, Ku:.J) I# HEP. off.tcJAt.. (i1pACI7j 11.5 wskcTAl!d~Wif
 of 711/i J~b TII..::JiiJJICl/1 L /)Ifl/ucT (ollll        r; /YJII)' P£.5£-~V£/) AT/IJ/ Wj /v'V.t:VAI 511K
 A1Jfi#101 TEAI15 7~Jc'f

         7Hf I?EU,.Tct< JOse RoB£-~<70 tn~DINII fiLED IJNE w~IT df H116EIIJ {ollfu5 11/IJJ
 mr:moK/1#/JIIm :IN SvpporiT 7C 7i/E (tJA'V1CU/tlf (cull./ tJf 7/IE ;JJIP 7/lfuJ).ZC.ZAL
 D:J.SJk.zcT (ov~T df BtX!iR (ouiV'7y, 77:tn>1 RcfA.'TPR.I5IIf'PLI(Alftw wn.> F.IL&iJ
 }'IOV'E/nBEI< 141 ~c 14- ~                                     .      ·
        "iii£ /{lspoNp/E:/11{ Rt.>f.ONIJED 7P ·111E JfcLIIk/l'J llff'L1(A1Jon, 0Wf."Pt17 t:Adl
  fW/J EVct<.y /ILI£fATitYJ qf''fiK//IVI/)E          "!
                                                 7JIE KtiA1il'l 1~JV.t~./)6/nAA'DEIJ 57R.r~T /hbDf.,
      · 7Jit :IuJ1E tJf 7i1E .J.Jto 1il .:fui)It'JI'IL D.1J~r,/ (IJu~i /'iAca ntv oKDr~ 1H
  t.'fft;c1 (JIU)~~~ DP5If~rl~IV? :IHu~~- fc, BE ~E 111/i" (our
 t/1111 (oPi!iloV~IlliPt /I(EV.J.cV5''-y    U#K£:$cLVEp M(./5 w//1(/1 /1~ /11111i:R.ri'IL 1V 7ilr,
 of 1/IF      /(t/Jt1"/i,A 1$   (oNfsNE/11/iN/ £-Y.:tsT /MIJJ IV'#/) 7C PE ,fc.fiLVSJ; ?liE HtWtJRI#BLf:   '!
 51/J /111KLE fJt '$t- :JJwiH .:JuJJ:ra~L J)I;'?Azt.T (/Jv~l BPtA~ (ouNlf1 1i-¥11s lovJJD /HRr
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 RtsbLutitJAI:                                .
                     :J:A!Eff£(.ttV& 1/Js.lS?ilNCE oF (OUN.S£L

         ·          f1AIIJ111'fW1 lL BJ: fMwiiR.D£J) 70 71/E (ou~t.r ~r (IIJ/YlfNAL /IPPtiiL~ foil :r[J
  D:I.SfiJJ:i"&/)/1/ t>f 711i-- mATli_~, 5:1.1/'lc/J /lNIJ Elv'Ji.ll&O_!N IV~~ 1g1 :Jell{ HcNoAABi-f:
 ;1wf)6.-f ~p /IA~L£ of 7ilk JJftJ711 i).:tslhtl (owlf..l /!. (cvN7j 1 -ji~ff.f,

             7Hf ftJ../.Er~s Slltlm~ff&t:J t; 7i1E (ou~/ fA~ /(lf7111W5 /o (Av5E
)/o, ;}o/o ·- cr<-tot&b-          w 1,
                                  .IssuE.> PRESE-tJIE.D

         Rc/fl1oR SEISIiJR.r of 7il£ :J){p1il /)15~~cT
    {o //oN cR.   All OIU>cll. i3J /-{O!VDR.A8i-E .:f'u~~ S':ED i/FJI

       .$VIlE tJl1fiA1fll 1/t:IIJ£/Ij fOP.fll$ ::hlttt~clioiV tJf (tHIIC( ()f ~:tfll:tN'AL ~/'/!Ills
   z~ u~JLitt~z7i:b1 KE?uL117C~)' LL1r5bJtrvE l]{t.r~ :1'.$ tVo1 R&NII£R8) B£-f~~.¥Aif 7C f(E5oL liE 77/E J ss u£",1
  ~' ~IAI/i.b ::I~t~IIIIIIPPl:f.(/11$()# fOp. II WII..I1 of' /IABJ:IIJ (t~~pu;· 1 (rl.tJJ d/11 AfovcmBH.
 lOIJ 'II                                                  I               l
   /4 ~ 014 fuAS'l,fiiNT 7C iJIE ---        /c.fiH (pJ)ff o , {!e:tm:r/1111 f?~~tEJ>I.I~E 1 n~7; 1/,o 7
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       /it[ .:f;,uJ'ft- ~&Jt.fl.Ei) Rllf_!'lo"! 1Jjf£o#1 Kf_.L~%1< '5 M~/1~ (ouN~EL ?: lft:5~c"'liJ
fo 'tHE lfLLEf111£0/.l fR£5E/IIfFp tc /IfF (putJ.7 .:£./'/ ,ft-Lnlc~"J 1/.o 7 /lff/.'Itlf(~oAI1
Sfl1ft,.., , 5.f/YIUL7i/IIE:l;II>Ly1 Kt~yrnoNP DtlE_!!' >_H!.f'-_!'!'D;' (i;l'l pf lbf /lft;,onv11
70 .:Ios£ 1 KPBtl{1i 111f/JQIII1, P.t-/.n7CtJ. H115 1/tJl AJ tc 7Hc. f.,.it.JI)f 1iiz5 w,ra,
 f?£-CEJ.\1/:D fiN)'_fH~/V~ ff..otr\ ·/R:!Pl L (_o~JJ$EL R~J!'10/'IJJ DI-LEo 1 Of< fRorYl /HE {ouR.T
 THtr/ IYJI{, Df.LEoJJ 1/AJ fll.DV~blfJ> /IJs llff.t.J)flll:t 1,

     ffef.AfcR  SEEKs ft, (omp£L 7HE /)ISMfdrovll.1of_711E J~i,f}l JkiMrcf 70 //clti'IJf:.
     AN PtcEJJV,fc,    I7.:rs    ?ktJE
     1)1111' 1JIE tEI!mf of 7TfE ()/WER. 1 .:JvtKjl'nt=NT; p,f DeeRE~ w/IIcl/ 7JIF roull.T{EEI<.5·
,   /o E:viCR(E /J1u5TP£ C!BIA 1 SfEc:z.f.rc 1 l/N1Jm/JI7"o"' s, 11/VD UAI£ 4V.IVot.Ri, /liE
     f!~t>.N' 80UNJ) By 711£ l)tff;E~ oR Ji.ul7tntENTmvs-T/lilliE 711£ /11£1?#/ $ ,f,N.ow
     r=Mclly w/1111 Dw/1Ef ()/l.. oBLI,~lic#,J /1/I.E .Imt~S£j) "f'I:>JV ll.rm .4AIJ) EV/f~ tJ/tiJ£-1?
    (htH1 /YIJE£/ 711£S/MIPAIU)_s S£1 ft>t$ By 711£ hvl? (oMfl~.J
    ol 1liE tJI?f)Y{ 1 By tilE EXfP.tfJ LAAI&JVI'1?E "' l#E /i/fm~ 7HHitfELv.l!.f I'I#P 711~-
     (YltAAILit'1 (/IA'Ntl DtpENIJ upo/11 Clti/UfJ(/17i{JA/ oR 1HlE-AJ'AE'7i1no111 /JT f'vJU~ff
       Hf:AIU"iii'1..S ()/{ ~77-IU/.W:LSt.~ Cxfi*Rff G-kvt:l!.., 7D/ s,w.,ad 637 (7£x, ,,gs).. How-
      ~VfR. 17/E ~&;~ /1££1) #~>I.Be /fJ.f'c w.zr11 sv~c/?/li.!IJVf 'lb&H> /1/I.P SfK.:rkm'T:rcltl.f
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     /o [)ECL111U3 .:c/ tiAiuR, EX /IIR7i: /Yic /J111NL151 5S1 S~ t.v•. ;JJ '111J 1 ·1 ~3/ SEE
    fx /'flfili. (ol£ 77'3 s. W.,. ilJ >?'f (IE-X 11ff-ffl;usTcA!0'fiJ,I)r$tJJ'tg9) nr 6oo1 HN
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    Siw,aJ ~30 1 ~32 (Tex, i~bq); lVIILkEP. Vt 1//I~RI~c/'11 f17 5,w.. ~J ?13 ·vs (f£:.-",l1$o)
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     (1A~71/tt<. 1 w£ 119/?.Ef W:1.1117fiE (o!?.fu5 (1/tafh (ofl4'of /lf'j?f/IL51!ill/ lfji()KPE~
     fRofiloV"'CE/J Mctt11i1E BtWdl ~5 KEAIIJEI(JEP wHen I / :Z.5 tJff$c.InLly /JNNPV/'Ie&-1>
    JjJ 5ucll /1 11?11/11#~1 1'1/IID 15 VI'II1JJ   Mom 1111?/ 7il'11e 1 :r 75 h,fl.mAL EAIJY IJEI#f
     t>NL)' A 111$/III.f~A.IIJL lk7; 7}11: lf'Ebi(;R.. ~/lew~ lii/IT !HE f,vp,r me-/ l?I'E
    .5/hJVPIHI.PJ K&rtt.;:n..P of .IlJ,v ;; ..>r/ fCt?li! 5'?£crkc VAI111Pfllcv?
                                                                                        1           1
    )IN/) 1/,VE./(1/:EVoCI'lL :l'Nfc~mA Jio111 1AI :2'/j (J~PE-!:. 1 llnvo~!1BLF JUDtr-f- >":LD
     Hn~Lf o~PEI{ ~MuL.b .K£ /loNo,eJEJ) fr 7111!' fuLlre5T, JHE RfiJIJ;R.. HA.5
     bHt~u-s/BJ Hf> ~EP-1135 IJ;41D D&nii#J)> 7Ji..c.s tPv~l 70 PKPER. JkrPL {;v,..t>RL
    KAyftloJJJ) Dt-/£o,v    To lieNoR Til£ .JUJ7£.> IJ&>E~.,
                          CLEAR. f117HfJ; !feb,;f hR. ~E5po#JJtiiJiJ
                          NoNE. CompLzltll(£ 7P A :JUoG-(fMIJtR
                           ]:..v V1c/A7icll "I /1 m.l'AI.zSlilfiAL /ICT

RELATo~ ~Hcws/fl£           (DuR.T /iiAT RE.sf~./JtNT ·m111L (bu,vs~L 11A(/J1'Wb Dt-1£oN1
H/15 z..ti!N71o,vA1Ly £i1119£1J .rN IJEIA)' /Ac/f:t:f WHicH /IRE Expt.J 1D 17/E fzLzNf a/ /tr$ W~1tof /IIJIJEIJ5
CoRpti.S 1/,67 /1Pf'/1(191i:olll~

 fiti.Akf!. 1 sHowJ     711E   cou11..1 1J111r J?tsf~NPENTi?llymcNJJ DBEcN, r~.r11L
 (ouNstl 1 NEfllsAl 10 fRoll:.tDE 7iuRl (ou~1ANt> 'To 11.r111 Jl/E /lrff/JIIV.I T"r
 Ill> KAI'owLED7!: of WE &/n/cR 15 IJLL&fll'liON IILLcf£=1) 1/1' l/.r5 W~IT or-
 HABtA5 (o!!.pus 1/. D7 /lpflrcllr:roltl; v.roi.R rr:~ ff D.IR.f:.Lr 1)~/Jf:R.. ~oM 1}11:
 _Ti-tJye: cf /!IF :J:J(Q Ill ;fuD.tCIAL Dtsliucl (IJliRT cf P£~11( (cuN!fl 1i)(lf5 1
  Ho#oP.AfJlf: SZD f/Ml£"

      wilt~&. foRE . F~th1Ist5 (oN>t:REI>, RELikR fRAy$ 1i111T 7/115 1/o!'ldi?API..l-
 (Du~r llfT&P. !c~t-'S1b£R.A1Jcl'l of'" 7HE foRI?tJ:£/Vi RELATeR's tJill~uffL III'I'J.r(llhe/v for.
WP.lT "f /1111Nb/Jfri11J1 G~tWT SA1/J /lppL1o1licA1 IA' 7JIE .zAI"/iiiE$Tc~;Jus-Ti(E-!9/IIIJ
C.oll.>1kvcr sucH (JI?O.ER I oRDl-~ 77/IJ/ 71-IE /i?.JAL (cv#.f£L lf'Ayn'loND DELEoN
/-ltuvt>({ 7111!' ~:LI1L ::[UJ7E.S 1)/?Prlt.. 11-NO 5VPm1 T ilf> ·/lff.rot-tv~ T /15 e>RDt-RED...

                So tnei/CD     AND   fAAY£D   ofi/ 7lii$ OAf   /JI'J(_lL IS I    :!)0/5

                                                                   RY,E(:7f11LLy SwBmi Tf}J>

      I   10.sE NoBf/?.To lflfEDXIIII  rocr .rP, N'o;· 1tos 3'+3h, t?t-Lfl10~< u IJOtwt- nA~b
foP.E:9tfl':jlf!UJ7i>l5 tJili'j1AIIIL A/'J:JP!_IIlfoiV' fD~ WIUT or /f11JNIJ11tnti.J1 Dl> !l.f~BJ
CER71ft tw~r tJNE ·~uc /9NP (o~M£a (o,.oy of .511f1J /IP,PUflflic/V W/15 mn.ri.tJJ Of
UN;t'f¥1J S1i41i.5 trJ/IIL li'tjuLII~ hJAIL1 fi.lli17e /kc-f11:%.D 1 70 /liE t:Llt>!.U~ fiiN.Jil6"

                                            ,.         ,             ,      ,.      , lltJ w, NIJ!fl/11
 /. R£.5fDJIDf:J.if, Rllymcl\11> IJ~k/YII                                             SI1N 19H'!iJI'IID I $.(115

J,   D:~s1tUt.1 /ITlPM~)'     ,    ~             ;
                                                                            "     "'SuSRAI D,         Rtt:D
                                                                                    1o1   w# #u~V/1
                                                                                   SnN AN1D/tJio1 t;xn~
                                                 I''       /   /                 SIJ> N11P../.E
                                                                                 .1Jb :.I'uDICIIIL /)~J7iuc/ (ovRf
                                                                                  lo\   W;   l'lurw1
                                                                                 Sf/Ill ANfO/II~C 1    1i.MJ ;oo;}D 't

                                                                    REspc.TfuLly .Sv/JPJI71i~

                                                                   JOSE tfoll6f1D /YJf.I>.III/1
                                                                    7J)(.:J# /6831.1 3fo
                                                                   DALH111l.T 1/Ntt
                                                                   11'1.>"0 ftrl, '11fJ
                                                                   DllLHIIt{r; Ji.rA$ 1'1022.
.   ,-.   ...,,

                                                 NO. 2010-CR-1086-W1

                  EX PARTE                                    §         IN THE DISTRICT COURT

                                                              §         226TB JUDICIAL DISTRICT

                  JOSE ROBERTO MEDINA                         §         BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS

                                             ORDER DESl:GNATING l:SSUES

                       The court having concluded that controvertea-;-- previously
                  unresolved facts which are material to the legality of Applicant's
                  confinement exist and need to be resolved, there is a necessity for
                  the suspension of the time limitations enunciated in Article 11.07
                  ot the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. See Tex. Code Crim. Proc.

                       Applicant has alleged the following issues which the court
                  finds requires resolution:

                        Ineffective assistance of counsel

                       Findings will be forwarded to the Court 'of Criminal Appeals
                  for its disposition of the matter.

                  SIGNED and ENTERED on _ _ _ _ _....:N=Q=t.VL...~1.-!8L-.·-2Q!L11...1.4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

                                                                        Judicial District Court
                                                                  Bexar County, Texas

                  cc:   JOSE ROBERTO MEDl:NA
                        TDCJ # 1683436
                        Dalhart tJni t
                        11950 FM 998
                        Dalhart TX 79022
                                               NO~        2010-CR-1086-W1

EX PARTE                                                                      §                         IN THE DISTRICT COURT

                                                                              §                         226TR JUDICIAL DISTRICT

                                                                              §                         BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS

        .·. , /         ·~~ER
        ·:·:::.-;.-:::.·.   :
                                 ON APPLI:CAT:IoH
                                              ·:.·.· .. :.·.·.
                                                               FOR POST CONVICTION .WRIT

   ·   ~'l'lle . Court,          in     ne~ding t.~iresolve                                        the issues. contained in an

hereby ORDERS as follows:
                                  -~-----~-.         -~   ..... ----::..·: -···-·   .:--.- ----··---=-----·.-   ·-:=-----.···=---. - ·   .

       1 .. That the Clerk forward a copy of this Order, and the writ
                 applicat:±on and its attachments to Raymond Deleon, 110 w
                 Nueva, San Antonio, TeXas   78204.

       2. That, on or before January 1, 2015, Raymond Deleon file
          with this Court his written affidavit confirming or denying
          the following allegations of ineffective assistance of
          trial counsel raised in Applicant's writ application:

                  (a)           Trial counsel failed to object to the falsified
                                indictment which the prosecuting attorney misled
                                the · Grand Jury into believing that Applicant
                                committed the crime of burglary, and the indictment
                                does not allege any crime of a burglary in any of
                                the counts.   And there was no evidence to link
                                Applicant to entering the home of Brenda Gonzalez,
                                no one person of the State's witnesses could say
                                they had seen Applicant at the · home of Brenda
                                Gonzalez on the night       this  crime occurred.
                                Applicant's attorney should have objected. to_ the

                (b)             There was no DNA evidence to link Applicant and
                                there was no fingerprints of Applicant found, and
                                there was nothing alleged in the indictment saying
                                Applicant took anything from the house.        The
                                assaulted victim said in a written statement that
                                she didn't see who assaulted her.       Applicant's
                                attorney was ineffective for not raising these
                                issues· in his representation of Applicant.

        (c)                     The duty at issue in this claim is that counsel has
                                a duty to make reasonable investigations or to make

'   ......

                                a   reasonable decision    that makes particular
                                investigations unnecessary.    Every defendant is
                                entitled to a trial in which his interests are
                                vigorously and conscientiously advocated by an able
                                lawyer.   Applicant is actually innocent of the
                                crime he's imprisoned for. ·.

                         Please explain all answers fully.

                   3. After you have reviewed the Applicant's writ application
                        and supporting memorandum, please address any other issues
                        raised by Applicant not specifically listed above and of
                        which you have knowledge or information.
                                 ~    ·--
                                        ..------ --- ---------·---,
                                                                    - - - - · '-- ·.---
                                                                           ...                -------

                   4··:--r--s--·there any additional information not present before the
                        court at this time that is relevant to the court's
                        understanding of this matter?         include any such
                        information to clarify this issue.

                  Simultaneously, Raymond Deleon shall send a copy of the
             affidavit to Jose Roberto Medina, Dalhart Unit, 11950 FM 998,
             Dalhart TX 79022.

                  After these matters have occurred, this Court will forward its
             Order including its findings to the Court of Criminal Appeals for
             its disposition of the matter.

             SIGNED and ENTERED on _ _ _ _ _ _._N_0_V_1_8_Z(J-=-(:-~--------

                                                                /7     --:/%
                                                     JUDGE SJ:D HARLE
                                                     226TH Judicial District Court
                                                     Bexar County, Texas

             cc:   JOSE ROBERTO MEDJ:NA
                   TDCJ # !'683436
                   Dalhart Unit
                   119SO·FM 998
                   Dalhart TX 79022
                             CA:Q.~£.:'!\JQ 7: 2~~~~(1086-Wl
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EX pARTE:                                   .. - ''   IF>.;oil   y     IN THE DISTRICT COURT

                                       ~OV 2 ~            Pf.f I: II   226TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT
                                            DEi-~ UT.':·
APPLICANT                                             *                BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS

                        FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS


       Comes now the State of Texas by and through its Criminal District Attorney,
Susan D. Reed, and files this response to the Applicant's'Petition for Writ of Habeas
                                      I. Habeas Writ Filed
       The Applicant Jose Roberto Medina filed this petition for a post-conviction writ
of habeas corpus pursuant to art. 11.07, § 3(a), Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. The
State files this mandatory answer pursuant to art. 11.07 § 3(b).

                                 II. Statement of the Case
       The Applicant was convicted of the offense of Burglary Habitation-Intent to
Commit Felony-Force in Cause No. 2010-CR-1086 and punishment was assessed at .
confinement for 11 years. His petition for a writ of habeas corpus was filed on
November 14, 2014.     ~eState    was served by the District Clerk of Bexar County on
November 14, 2014.

                                ill. State's General Denial
       The State generally and specifically denies each and every allegation of fact made
by the Applicant and demands strict proof of same.
                if;,~m~fOlRE,   PREMISES CONSIDERED, the State would ask that the trial court
                           recommending the relief be denied.
                                                         Respectfully submitted,

                                                         SUSAN D. REED
                                                         Criminal District Attorney
                                                       .---~f:oU!lty, Texas

------- - - - -                                              ::-----=-:-·
                                           . - - - - - - A$sistant C ·
                                                                            //--:-:-=::-:-----:--------- · · · · · - - - · --
                                                                         al District Attorney
                                                         Bexar County, Texas
                                                         Paul Elizondo Tower
                                                         101 W.Nueva
                                                         San Antonio, Texas 78204
                                                         SBN: 24074756
                                                         (210) 335-2414

                                                         Attorneys for the State

                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

                 I, Nathan E. Morey, Assistant Criminal District Attorney, Bexar County, Texas,
           certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing response will be mailed to Jose
           Roberto Medina, Dalhart Unit, 11950 FM 998, Dalhart, Texas 79022, on this the 21st day
           of November 2014.

                                                         NATHAN E. MOREY