Darrian Dewayne Johnson, Jr. v. State

ACCEPTED 12-15-00100-CR TWELFTH COURT OF APPEALS TYLER, TEXAS App ;llate Docket Number: 12.15-00100 4/21/2015 2:44:31 PM CATHY LUSK CLERK App jliate Case Style: Style: JOHNSON, DARRIAN DEWAYNE JR State of Texas FILED IN Com panion Case: 12-15-00099 12th COURT OF APPEALS TYLER, TEXAS 4/21/2015 2:44:31 PM CATHY S. LUSK Ami :nded/corrected statement: [ [ ] Clerk DOCKETING STAIHMENT (Criminal) Appellate Court: 12th Court of Appeals (to be filed in the court of appeals upon perfection of appeal under TRAP 32) h J Appellant n . Appellant Attoniey(s) Firsi Name: Darrian • Lead Attorney M i d die Name: Dewayne First Name: Forrest Last Name: Johnson Middle Name: K Suflf ix: Jr Last Name: Phifer App ellant Incarcerated? ^ Yes • No Suffix: Am<)unt of Bond: $0.00 ^ Appointed Q District/County Attorney Pro Se: O • Retained • Public Defender Firm Name: Law Office of Forrest K . Phifer Address 1: P.O.Box 829 Address 2: City: Rusk State: Texas Zip+4: 75785-0829 Telephone: 903-683-9592 ext. Fax: 903-683-9592 Email: phiferiawoffice@suddenlink.net SBN: 15908570 Add Another Appellant/ Attome>^ Page 1 ot5 DDL Appellee rv. Appellee AttorneyCs) First Name: State of Texas ^ Lead Attorney M i d He Name: First Name: Charles Last Name: Middle Name: J Suff x: Last Name: Breaux App illee Incarcerated? • Yes • No Suffix: Jr. Am( luntofBond: • Appointed ^ District/County Attorney Pro 5e: O • Retained Q Public Defender Firm Name: District Attomey*s Office Address 1: P.O. Box 450 Address 2: 135 S. Main City: REusk State: Texas Zip+4: 75785450 Telephone: 903-683-2573 ext. Fax: 903-683-2309 Email: charlesb@cocherokee.org 1 Add Another Appellee/ SBN: 02936800 Attomey V. Perfection Of Appeal, Judgment And Sentencing Natl ire of Case (Subject matter . ^ . . Was the trial by: • jury or ^ non-jury? r. C Ofrenses against persons (other) ort> pe Oi case). Date notice of appeal filed in trial court: 01/20/2015 Typ e of Judgment: Bench Trial I f mailed to the trial court clerk, also give the date mailed : DBLU 1 trial court imposed or suspended sentence in open court or date trial court entered appealable order: 01/008/2015 Off( nse charged: Abandon.Endanger Child-Criminal Neglect Punishment assessed: two (2) years State Jail w/ 150 days credit Dat( 5 of offense: 07/21/2012 Is the appeal from a pre-trial order? D Yes ^ No Defi jndant's plea: Guilty Does the appeal involve the constitutionality or the validity of a statute, rule or ordinance? I f g i lilty, does defendant have the trial court's certificate to appeal? • Yes I ^ N o ^es D N O V I . Actions Extending Time To Perfect Appeal Mot ion for New Trial: Yes • No I f yes, date filed 04/15/2015 Mot ion in Arrest of Judgment: Q Yes • No I f yes, date filed 0th 3r: ^Yes • No I f yes, date filed Ifot her, please specify: M T A Order issued l/8/12;Order appointirig atty issued 2/12/15, but filed 3/17/15 & served 3/25/15 V I I Indigency Of Party: (Attach flle^tamped copy of motion and affidavit) Mot ion and affidavit filed: K | Y e s Q N O • NA I f yes, date filed: 01/20/2015 Dat 5 of hearing: K NA Dat 5 of order: 02/12/2015 • NA Rul ng on motion: ^ Oatited • Denied • NA If granted or denied, date of ruling: 02/12/2015 Page 2 of 5 V I I I Trial Court And Record Coul t: Seeond Judicial District Court Clerk's Record: Cou ity: Cherokee County Trial Court Clerk: ^ District • County Trial Court Docket Number (Cause no): 19099 Was clerk's record requested? ^ Yes • No Tria Court Judge (who tried or disposed of the case): I f yes, date requested: 04/15/2015 I f no, date it will be requested: First Name: Bascom Were payment arrangements made with clerk? M i d ile Name: W • Yes • No ^ Indigent Last Name: Bentley Suff ix: HL Add ressl: 135 S. Main Add ress 2: City Rusk Stat J: Texas Zip + 4: 75785 Tele phone: 903-683-2236 ext. Fax: 903-683-2238 Ema i l : Rep( jrter's or Recorder's Record: Isth jre a reporter's record? ^ Yes • No Was reporter's record requested? ^ Yes D N O Was the reporter's record electronically recorded? ^ Yes n No Ify« IS, date requested: 04/15/2015 Wer e payment arrangements made with the court reporter/court recorder? [H Yes • No ^ Indigent IS Court Reporter • Court Recorder • Official n Substitute Firs ; Name: Nncy M i d die Name: Last Name: Adams Suf!ix: Add ressl: 135 S. Main Add ress 2: City Rusk Stat B: Texas Zip + 4: 75785 Tele{phone: 903-683-2236 ext. Fax 903-683-2238 Emi dl: Page 3 of 5 IX. List iny pending or past related appeals before this or any other Texas appellate court by court, docket number, and style. Docket Number 12-15-0009 Court 12th Judicial Court of Appeals Style: Johnson, Darrian Dewayne Jr Vs. State of Texas X* Slllgiidtare Sign iture of counsel (or Pro Se Party) Date 04/21/2015 State Bar No: 15908570 Printjed Name: Electronic Signatui e /s/ Forrest K. Phifer Name Forrest K. Phifer (Optional) X I . Certificate of Service The undersigned counsel certifies that this docketing statement has been served on the following lead counsel for all parties to the trial court*s ordelr or judgment as follows on Signature of counsel (or pro se party) Electronic Signature /s/Forrest K. Phifer (Optional) State Bar No 15908570 Persin Served: Certificate of Service Requirements (TRAP 9.5(e)): A certificate of service must be signed by the person who made the service and must state (1) the date and manner of service; (2) the name and address of each person served, and (3) i f the pei-son served is a party's attomey, the name of the party represented by that attomey Page 4 of 5 Please enter the following for each person served: Datd Served: j Manjtier Served Fax FirstI Nam e Charles < Middle Name I Last Name Braux Sufijx: |r.; Law Firm Name District Attotncys Office Addi-essl 135 S. Main Addi-ess2. P.O. Box 450 City Kusk Stati Texas Zip+4.75785 Telephone 903-683-2573 ext. Fax: 9(8 Email: P^eSof 5