Kelley, Myran Andre

Dn Aorll ^,^015. pefepckrt A)yrop Mzy prepaid and i .1 P Mobon /Vunc Pro Tunc'% -the £&% Judicial p*i*+ c^+>F;°LilcrTZl&fe* -TsxJte* &m-* T 7U XL faoraUe Juctge Lena U^o. VekJa*W** Concern/no Xnetf^'ve /U;**»«* o^ Counsel onj^^ ^^ue aT^efflc^ f)s5lsta*ce o+ CjMn RECEIVED IN court of Criminalappeals APR 10 2015 Jvsb # OS -0^ -01438-^ n ^W7a844-WQ V^/r/+/lb. W0^»-7384^/^6; Cause fOo.EQkzJ£m±&a TH ESTffTE OF TEXQS ^±& GW V5 J/u flA/D FOR nF-Fr/uofl'nn-5 /»ot/o/u to £tu7£R /uu/uc proton U ORDER ~rn THE HOftiORflfiLE JUD&EQFSfl/D COURT- '/)nct wouW show the v_ , 4t- // soycs ;« an offender incarcerated £y applfconf cla/no/oo -ne-ttec+.^ nnoLWc/iVe ^W^ <* tllC ^ &-^rVSJSS^ or o^os in ihe esterase o^t^^ ineffective blouse^ ^^^ (Pendant fYlyrcw kiley i* recjp^^arewtcdoranewsentenc/n^ trial J. i V/hen a lawyer bleeps trough sfanificoni portionsissHvcfan co.r-* pr^e ,s PBufd,***? ^^bo-tpl^d-fror, provide C0>-to"y ^se££«" (&Oce k pr£u,W cinder Crcn,c> ^?\Tdtl\TC^l Cons-rrucf/ve <**»« J»3 only ^ *fe c^e^f r /^^ ;rtC0mteW hut inert dwnsHrde* -fat cou»sd was oor^| rW^+atiog^ , rt± all i'/(L1 , „ •„„ +rial < yue-A'., *\ ih ^EBEFOM^^fJ^ -'J^^xe 3-'/f^fto^'Z Court g md nunc pro fan' "^^ above. ffilly Submit fe?. failed*** •;M