John E. Rodarte Sr. Fourth Court Of Appeals
T-B-CJ.* 1263270 300 Dolorosa St-,i!3200
Clements Unit San Antonio,Texas 78205
9601 Spur 591
Amarillo,Texas 79107-9606
December 29,2014
RE: Yet Undocketed Appeal For Cause Rodarte Sr- Vs. Bexar...County, ■■ -,,
Texas,Sheriff Raljjh Lopez,Et Al 2005-CI-18884 en
;: a ■■
Dear Clerk: ,
I am writing ycur office,so that the proper modes of applicable
law dnd court proceedings may occur. I had a hearing under Bill Of
Review on October 20,2014 and was dismissed- My issue here,or issues
are simple,first,a hearing was conducted by judge,when a jury should
have done,conducted the hearing on my concerns not the judge.
To add insult to injury,as caselaw would show,the issue of service
..-as an issue to be determined by a jury Mercedes Benz Corp. Vs-Rhyne
Calctwell Vs.Barnes. A^airwthe case was already placed on the jury
docket ;"ol Se£ti;K.ber 2015, and was dismissed without any agreement
from me to rei/cve the case from jury docket for the hearing on
October 20,2014.
Thiss is co.iipour.6ed by my filing for new trial, which has not been
acknowledged,and appears to me that it is being denied under oper
ation of Jaw- Therefore,! must submit to further delay by going the
appeals route yet again.
I an at my wits end,and feel that I must litigate my civil rights
further in District Court by means of Title 42USC§1983,which would
encompass a few of ray questionable handlec1 cases in Bexar County,
Texas,not because I lost,but because the law was not adhered to
correctly,or only in the favor of those I was against in court.
So to cover myself,I must request the forms,necessary for the
docketing of an appeal in this court for the above styled and
numbered cause of action. The case stated above,should have had its
day in court before a jury.
Another thing,the law library here is severely inadequate and
non-compliant with the law, When it conies to having the same up to
date legal research materials as the state,prosecutors,and 'free-
world ' 1 itigants , thus an unfair advantage on all accountS
kcT^ajrte Sr.
r 1263270 "6
Clements Unit
9601 Spuu 591
I.I I ■ ' ■ I ■ *
Amarillo,Texas 79107-9606
Fourth Court Of Appeals
Cadena-Reeves Justice Center
300 Dolorosa St.,Suite 32CC
in San Antonio,Texas 78205-3037