Booth, Marcus Dwight

CoKJec 5/wf /f ©r /j /Able /Icosfa^ Clerk Cou4 of CnmiAal %£o!s ORIGINAL SufWne Court (bide • Po&oxjWo8-23pg courtofSaLappeals cb^^ll^gl/ /lus-fin IX 7??/1 JAN 232315 JAN 20 2015 /v ~i , Abei Acosta, Clerk Uear C\erK\ sta, Cleric Foelc&ed please +W my Petition ^or Discretionary Mzuieoo-, Please file. WmS "PDA and b/w A \c ike cSerticn o\ /-de Goar/i. l|€GS€ cl^fe-^lcsmyo tAiS letter Onck 0ZTur/\ ft Jo fA-t Or rv\sJ GtMfcss £nou>n he\ou)> X also request ihai \/ou nokfy r^e of ikt Gou/Js culm on rv\\/ rekban. Sincerely) #Z Sancket UruJ- 1... AJO, H-W-oquo-cr (Marcus, D< Gooflv _ v/ THE S/7)7£ OF TEXAS -IdenM/ ^ Parf/eS Ond Gau(\£e\ TnaLCour-f' /)pp&flQA-/-i Honorable /Urn ft Dorr /Ws a U *W^ Judge, 3^6^-3ZJiCia! Dtffncl Ca>rf K.Z SancWez. Unit BOO M Lomine, Sh ZROl 5-tak,3*/l &*d MrfU^Tk, 7970/ £! ft^Tx* 7, Oishcl Attorney 50G Jj Lomine Sf. &/fe 300 /)pfyjUa^< "Trioi1T/3Li r\-eg. 1; &renT" /I. Morgan !9oa U UliViotf MicW Ty 7^0/ U Table o-P Cen-t-eMs & asyfS Parfe 11 r * 4 To&L Of Ca^er^S Hi L i i i Tr\dex of ftuwor\riz£ IJjl OTa-femeAf mzuaca\r\G Ota! AcQumem JL J-f\troducnan 1 ^fa-feme/vf of Case 2. STmemmi <3-P Procedaral fiisroa/ nppervdiX / 111 Brik VSfefe fe Caws Dp? Wo) HS<\ SV U ffl-fti-fr. <. .. / 3 CdcmrSuptv, < ,, , (p IWU v; Skle - 47/ 3uJ 2d 60,621, v ,,, 3 t%A\n^ v Hf4* (S& toll) !3ZS toM all -t-ranspired eA p/\y iml dde uken X fried \-o -fire fA\/ oUdffey, So pv\s/K/ fkinoS' Gr£ DfonG ir\ mv/ case oaf of fkt f\me jl c^as Uind Uh fer )/our jir^e^ (V{arca$ a (W/v #/«?959 LnifociaahoK\ To Tm Womm jumaz of m cou$t cfomw/t MAls: (My^l-P Me appelant P/ladus 0 o fer Ofecrei/cnary $2ii&w /n oa:&fda^ce U)ifo jfe. Texes Mules &ftppellJe Procedures^ in response, h He frhl Ccurk July 1^ HO/1/^ Tockje/we Xcoas ckorced uttif ossaulf on &public Qiruanf cdtte Incarcerated 'a (Adland County "Jail, from tkz u&ry becjinfnG X fold my attorney X old not eomm/f tt\£ assault cod XuKaiJo GO to fr\o\. X•hid tun £2 other people cuL tue/z. \r\ fkt fad u\jf (Ad Grd umessea uUfked happened and uert uiiiMQ fa fill out oackuils ard 4esWy to 6jkaf tUy See/v-> all Ae had to do ucs lock up u^o allojas in tie. ^aL (jjft Mt Hct day Oifd ecdeidtkern, nt did act do //^ he. also did ret subpoena any or my teitwsses -ferny frid, Xcj-osded to go to friol for tht assault charge and plea out h my anaond (haine. of poSSeSSlc/]^ huftktL fi&secukr Sct'd X had to plea cuf ^ c//wy dofijes Ottokc tkiev Gil \e> fad, X told my ofl'emcy X- cjonted to Styectde wy assaultJb/nn My ^Stessicn cWw&\ ke-lcU mtX cad. idly attorney {Jiclated my S/M /t^endweM[ fields by mt adim o\s my keel cd\tocjoM\ aitrnenr Cx PcoceAaCal l\\SreC\ I RU pOffW) fer Appointment o? Ccutfel to my Ccwichm couft Sept. Soft 2. deckued response &*\ id Distnd Carrel Appeds esh'nj U)ky IS my appeal hefty RU LrnWIy &) 'ficjkk dficcuSed , Consfffewl UcJ (Q^l^hd/uJiiryesses <&*£(0 -fykk 0$ accused ^ louC Compulsory pfloc&s £rr otJa/ninQ coifesses onkiS oebilf&s GyQcaiAeM by %\M ph*erdnef\\- is go fiAola/^en-L I&nd £&en tic*/ f> SLi'C fnd tUfd IS Sn&rpemU. in "due. pma?SS daus^Q Ptkc (rfoirhen4\ flmerd^eM Grd IS apdcchk LsUefads (melt CcAsf A^nd 6;/n) iiri+e \i SUe W SU/2J m-m-2* (Tey Cri* fyp filo) Hafdin \1 Sfek m SUlMfate (t\y afemey kneu hpu Z$dtabxttfi^Unj H\'is asscdt ekarne; yet hedJnoteoen fry to prepair tar my defense., kJM uqs kiS pkn &r my defense ojiflout my witnesses? Snddand \J Ulcsknjkn %US LG^UlpoLi $-C£ £csX