Appellate Docket Number: [/('""• " ^Qjf —--- --r.- Appellate Case Style: :1±^^^^J^M12^ Vs. - l&S^^^TPsV^ ItAs. eGMfSHi/ CM A!^CWV-Ari9 AD'P irAC...-. Companion Case No.: Amended/corrected statement: DOCKETING STATEMENT (Civil) Appellate Court: [__- . r \ ' ~~ M Sfot-ffl (to be filed in the court ofappeals upon perfection ofappeal under TRAP 32) I. Appellant !i A|>p{'!I.!iil \U'.r«vMM Sj Person Q Organization (choose one) • Lead Attorney ^ , . ^ . —" '-••.••;•.«-••-•••-• ™ . First Name: • \ ' iik^-'CLSlSisfiii-%-" First Name: [ffc - ' ' H^UQgj Middle Name: :nS': .•;:.Wm7^mw^• -^ ' :'#&, ;„r . _1 | Middle Name: ;''*/:"• ; ;:" "". " "' '" "ZIH Last Name: ialf^llfllllPSff51T;S^ •-'.-'..'" Last Name: Suffix: P Law Firm Name: j P@i^PISI|lllililiir^^lf S5^Sil|fipil|v| Suffix: ProSe: $j Address 1: • ilFfSSSiliiiili ^ #%'• ^«-=f.P'; vi*^Y Address 2: :^3^d"mmm City: "T~^ 1 - • V > State: [Texas: • . Zip+4: -, , , ITT • " ' • - Telephone: Fax: Email: ll^PiiipPiWP^lliMSi SBN: fl»" III. Appellee IV. Appellee Attorney(s) ri Person ^Organization (choose one) ft£| Lead Attorney FirstName: : [T r *: n.C "f' ' FirstName: T^f^^T'v,S" *M£ Oi.f'r-V Middle Name: i3»r«f'33Er'™ Middle Name: [ Last Name: ; f>j '• /' M > yyr^yf1^ Last Name: [ Suffix: | ~~l Suffix: F"!777? Law Firm Name: [Jp."_;pj /VMOmQ. #»fl9~6SSOC IA TE'S ProSe: Q Address 1: QOlH:'.s^I^euirro Jst; Address 2: FILED IN 1ST COURT OF APPEALS City: Z-ffi\)S.T^rq HOUSTON, TEXAS State: Te Zip+4: • JAN 29 2015 Telephone: !7JS51?Hr:5&S «& LZZZi CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE Fax: r^n-S :s*fira! Email: CLERK. sbn: [c;r .._ ."-.; : '. \ .: Page 1 of8 III. Appellee l\. A|>pv'!L\- AU'Tiitww) r~l Person "^Organization (choose one) Lead Attorney First Name: rrre*•*- £t y un>*arwoHo—i FirstName: ] K ] ,, , ' • _'•_•., Vi / Middle Name: iSSSSilP^ Middle Name: Last Name: :T)i^m-oMi Last Name: m Suffix: : is Suffix: ["" '"• Law Firm Name:, J\ D«i*\fVQN9 Al^'O. .(M&9&^ Tt -T Pro Se: Q Address 1: IT5TC , . ' . "STC Address 2: City: fff^JSWT State: '1 .. Zip+4: [:• Telephone: j SKH£l2 Email: FT •>s*|3v sbn: ^^jjgsiso^::.;! III. Appellee IV. Appellee Attorney(s) [~| Person Reorganization (choose one) By Lead Attorney First Name: P3T1 : 1 ;I^v^apS**;^<;||#;S'r'j FirstName: ,Au'T?'"h'ri: :lf"y'r\ 'rVbc'ESSlMCi (H]C, Middle Name: P^^r^PSfri^icSSHE^" ' . . i. J 7?||!l^^|pf35|ijjg||l Middle Name: "SiS^^S •SfiSil 'WSil^tiJIcflliS Last Name- : V>|ftYVY01^9 Last Name: ' ••"•. * , • •. -• ' j !, *i • - Suffix: V •~i Suffix: ' "i Law Firm Nam*-•rcr pmm^o ywo associates: Pro Se: Q Address 1: Address 2: ***.;'iR»?|tf.,•' ' ?V'S iMlffis;;|"''"", » City: ir-"""-'•" ••. "SlSpBpsil P^Mp?w?CI Si£iiS23 State: (Te> '• _ Zip+4: [jlXQJ Li Telephone: [ '\ . >>fl'ext. Fax: gj - ' ••;,_ ij Email: SBN: Page 2 of 8 V.-Perfection Of Appeal And Jurisdiction {74p (xfcAr4C.C V^l I CV Nature ofCase (Subject matter or type ofcase): SO&JtXf ^0__.Mr. Sv"- *>-^~ Address 2: City- State: te " . . 3 Zip+4: [ • _ TZZ2 Telephone: gg •-'•' gft^ ext. Fax: ! L _ >; „",„' Email: Reporter's or Recorder's Record: Is there areporter's record? S3Yes • No Was reporter's record requested? ]^Yes QNo Was there a reporter's record electronically recorded? TO Yes • No If yes, date requested: If no, date it will be requested: 7^1 Were payment arrangements made with the court reporter/court recorder? Q Yes 0 No Kfllndigent Page 4 of8 Court Reporter • Court Recorder ]S Official • Substitute FirstName: XX; Middle Name: F Last Name: ' , T\-. \L !< ^ , " Suffix: Address 1: Address 2: aty: ~ . ; ,zci _i State: ' ; . j Zip + 4: Telephone: : _,__ - i .' - ;_ J3J ext. [_ Fax; §f Email: X. Supersedeas Bond Supersedeas bond filed: • Yes S3 No Ifyes, date filed: Will file: • Yes 0 No ££6 ATTACttE 0 II . . •(. Relief Will you request extraordinary relief (e.g. temporary or ancillary relief) from this Court? • Yes jgf No If yes, briefly state the basis for your request: XII. Alternative Dispute Resolution/Mediation (Complete section if filing in the Hi. 2nd, 4th. 5th. 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th,1ith. 12fh, 13fh. or 14th Court of Appeal) Should this appeal be referred to mediation? i—j Yes raj No Ifno. please specify:[>Tj^^C^S"^tFUAU vt^tAR"7^vftc7rrc. SA*>CW^T~**40 QtjCKfiffigjj^ J^ffi1^ ^ Has the case been through an ADR procedure? QYes $ No If yes, who was the mediator? [ What type of ADR procedure? At what stage did the case go through ADR? • Pre-trial Q Post-Trial • Other If other, please specify ' ; j\j Typeofcase? ? >•'C ' • \ %\ "" :? '• »if •" *. - .-•. 3jC..j L* ' '.'.'•'" .. "II Give a briefdescription of the issue to beraised onappeal, the relief sought, and the applicable standard for review, if known (without prejudice to the rightto raise additional issues or request additional relief): How was the case disposed of? |" Ft NftU"~"3^0'C m"&vT~," '. \ Summary ofrelief granted, including amount ofmoney judgment, and ifany, damages awarded. FTjs) < .• .."«; •'•' .•.. :; - [. Ifmoney judgment, what was the amount? Actual damages: [[ Punitive (or similar) damages: [?>t>t>^• jToJ^Sf^CTirg Page 5 of 8 Attorney's fees (trial): , 5 Ilti^U" Attorney's fees (appellate): | Other: . .-''>_ . ' '-. . • '/-• J Ifother, please specify: f S?W f t ^ ^ W " " Willyou challenge this Court's jurisdiction? • Yes H No List anygeHd1ng>0fpast related appeals before this or anyotherTexas appellate court by court, docket number, andstyle. Docket Number: '"•"jCST- - ' / _T] Trial Court: \ Style: j.". V;, '; i "V, ,<• .' fH r\ y . i -"-''. _ ^ ' ^. '_ _ : '• rxR^SfVtS ••:•"•'; ,','—;../ • ;•';•• ;:,.•""',,.• -...-j. -.. •:• •'• . -•"•' ••.-^tfc Page 6 of 8 XiV. Pro Bono Program: (Complete section if filing in the 1st,3rd, 5th, or 14th Courts of Appeals) The Courts of Appeals listed above, in conjunction with the StateBar of Texas Appellate Section Pro BonoCommittee and localBar Associations, are conducting a program to place a limited number of civil appeals with appellate counsel who will represent the appellant in the appeal before this Court. The Pro Bono Committee is solely responsible for screening and selecting the civil cases for inclusion in the Program based upon a number of discretionary criteria, including the financial means of the appellant or appellee. If a case is selected by the Committee, and can be matched with appellate counsel, that counsel will take over representation of the appellant of appellee without charging legal fees. More information regarding this program canbe found inthePro Bono Program Pamphlet available in paper form at the Clerk's Office or onthe Internet at If your case is selected and matched with a volunteer lawyer, you will receive a letter from the Pro Bono Committee within thirty (3.0) to forty-five (45) days after submitting this Docketing Statement. Note: there is no guarantee that if you submit your case for possible inclusion in the Pro Bono Program, the Pro Bono Committeewill select your case and that pro bono counselcan be found to represent you. Accordingly, you shouldnot forego seekingother counsel to represent you inthis proceeding. Bysigning your name below, you are authorizing the Pro Bono committee totransmit publicly available facts and information aboutyour case, including parties and background, through selected Internet sites and Listserv to its poolof volunteer appellate attorneys. _# Do you want this case tobe considered for inclusion inthe Pfo Bono Program? W Yes • No Doyou authorize theProBono Committee to contact yourtrial counsel of record inthismatter to answer questions thecommittee may have regarding the appeal? • Yes jp. No Please notethatanysuchconvefsations would be maintained as confidential by the Pro Bono Committee andthe information usedsolely for the purposes of considering the ease for inclusion in the Pro Bono Program. Ifyou have notpreviously filed anaffidavit of Indigency and attached a file-stamped copy ofthat affidavit, does your income exceed 200% of the U.S. Department ofHealth and Human Services Federal Poverty Guidelines? • Yes • No These guidelines can be found in the Pro Bono Program Pamphlet as well as onthe internet at Are you willing to disclose your financial circumstances to the Pro Bono Committee? pO Yes \_J No Ifyes, please attach anAffidavit ofIndigency completed and executed bythe appellant orappellee. Sample forms may be found inthe Clerk's Office or on the internet at Your participation inthePro Bono Program may be conditioned upon your execution of an affidavitunder oath as to your financial circumstances. Give a briefdescription of theissues to be raised on appeal, thereliefsought, and the applicable standard of review, if known (without prejudice tothe right to raise additional issues orrequest additional relief; use a separate attachment, if necessary). XV. Signature Signature of counsel (or pro se party) Date: __xi_____I_j ™"*|*P*T™ Printed Name: f?fVr£fc..K..' QC^3Ypf "MfE^m'^J State Bar No.: Electronic Signature: (Optional) Page 7 of 8 X\ I, Certificate of Service The undersigned counsel certifies that this docketing statement has been served on the following lead counsel for all parties to the trial court's order orjudgment asfollows on R ',*' ' • JT] • iPf^l Signatufe of counsel (of pro se party) Electronic Signature (Optional) State Bar No.: Person Served Certificate of Service Requirements (TRAP 9.5(e)): A certificate of service must be signed by the person who made the service and must state: (1) the date and manner of service; (2) the name and address of each person served, and (3) if the person served is a party's attorney, the name ofthe party represented by that attorney Please enter the following for each person served: Date Served: , '• M5T Manner Served; 'Ctj^J'jpt*"?. mfti^~-~~'~ FirstName: Middle Name: Last Name: . ..... ' ~ Suffix: Law Firm Name: S - O•f* n•• ^«" *t-'_:. f;•% V •~.". " Address 1: iKSIO _Zg^____5'l^__LTr " Addfess 2 ^/^WT^WiSW^ City: T- State jTj _ _ J ziP+4: Telephone: :* Fax: _&___: _1 J Email: IfAttorney, Representing Party's Name: 'I : -3 _S8 Page 8 of8
Patrick Olajide Akinwamide v. Transportation Insurance Company, CNA Insurance Company and Automatic Data Processing Inc.
Combined Opinion