Lopez, Michael Omar

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                            NO. 2012-CR-1981-W2

EX PARTE                                  §     IN THE DISTRICT COURT

                                          §     290~ JUDICIAL DISTRICT

MICHAEL OMAR      LOPE~                   §     BEXAR COUNTY, TEXAS


     The Court, in needing to resolve the issues contained in an
application for a writ of habeas corpus, filed on December 18,
2014, pursuant to the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Art. 11.07,
hereby ORDERS as follows:

      1. That the Clerk forward a copy of this Order, and the writ
         application and its       attachments   to Lawrence Eugene
         Greenwood, P.o. :.Sox 593036, sa:n Antoni.o, ·Texas ·7822·9·.

      2. That, on or before February 18, 2015, Lawrence Eugene
         Greenwood file with this Court a written affidavit
         addressing claims raised in Applicant's writ application,
         including answering the following:

         a.    Applicant   claims Counsel was ineffective because
               Counsel failed to·object to the admission of a prior
               extraneous juvenile . offem:;e and £:a;ile,d__ to~ prepare   a
               defense in advance regarding~. "th.e · adiid.. ;:;sion of. the
               offense during the sentencing·· phasE{· before.· the Court;
               and                        ·             ·
         b.    Applicant claim.s that Counsel gave Applicant inaccurate
               information regarding Applicant's eligibility to apply
               for and receive probation.

     Please provide any additional information that may assist the
court in addressing the claims raised in this writ application

     Si:mul taneously, Lawrence Eugene Greenwood shal-l send a copy of
the affidavit to ~chael Oma:i:: Lopez, TDCJ ID: 1822698, Stiles Unit,
3060 EM 3514, Beaumont, Texas 77705.



cc:   Michae~'.
              oina:r::: Lopez
      TDCJ ID: 18.22698
      Stiles Unit
      3060 EM 3514
      Beaumont, Texas 77705
[_'fh;b/! .       7

      ' 13 c' 2 r


                        L   00T

                                             NO. 2012-CR-1981-W2

EX PARTE                                                     §                 IN THE DISTRICT COURT

                                                             §                 290~ JUDICIAL DISTRICT

MICHAEL OMAR LOPEZ                                           §                 BEXAR COuNTY I TEXAS

                                           ORDER DESIGNATING
                                                        .-·  ISSUES

      The Court having concluded that controverted, previously
unresolved facts which are material to the legality of Applicant's
confinement exist and need to be resolved, there is a necessity for
~he suspension of the time limitations enunciated in Article r1. 07
of the·,:. Texas
                   Code of Criminal Procedure. See Tex. Code Crim. Proc.
Aon.   2rf:·,:. 11.07 §_3.(ri.)              (V~r.n0fl-.S1.~""'P·--20l4.)-        . . . --

     Applicant has alleged the following issues which the court
finds require resolution:
       Ineffective Assistance

     Findings will be forwarded to the Court of Criminal Appeals
for its dispqsition of the matter.


                                                                                           , Texas

cc:    ~chael  Omar Lopez
       TDCJ ID: 1822698

       Stiles Unit
       3060 FM 3514
       Beaumont, Texas 77705                                                        .J)

                                                                                r'\ l ChAe/ Dm1'3«-         LoP-e. L
      oLd Address 1'
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