riL^ IN THE GOUfU ^ Ar,rLA>; s Inthe FourthCourt OfAppeals AT SAN ANrONIO, TKXAS Fourth Court Of Appeals District 20I5SEPI5 PMI2:09 San Antonio Texas Bexar County Maryann Castro Ka7Hir.H0TTLF.nLF:f*}< Manuel Castro Re: Court Of Appeals Number: 04-14-00785-CV Trial Court Case 2011 -CI-15957 TO THE JUSTICES OF THE COURT: MOTION FOR ORAL ARGUMENT HERE COMES MARYANN CASTRO APPELLANT THERE HAS BEEN CHANGES IN THE HOME MORTGAGE AND AS TO WHY THE AGREEMENT FOR FINAL DIVORCE SHOULD BE VOIDED AND REWRITTEN. APPELLANT MARYANN CASTRO HAS FILED SUITE AGAINST THE HOME MORTGAGE SERVICER IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS SAN ANTONIO TEXAS. WHEN THE SIGNING TOOK PLACE IN OCT 2013 WHEN APPELLEE MANUEL CASTRO PUT THE HOME MORTGAGE IN BANKRUPTCT AND WHEN IT WAS RELEASED LIFT STAY FILED BY APPELLANT MARYANN CASTRO THE HOME MORTGAGE WAS TRANSFERRED TO A HOME MORTGAGE SERVICER BSI FINANCIAL ALSO KNOWN AS SN SERVICING. ^ THE HOME MORTGAGE WAS BEING OVERCHARGED BY THE SERVICER WHO WAS USING A RIDER RATE AND ALSO WRONGFULLY FORECLOSED ON SEPT 1,2015. APPELLANT MARYANN CASTO HAS FILED A FRAUD AND FALSE STATEMENT AND WRONGFUL FORECLOSURE LAWSUITE AND THE STATUS IS PENDING IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICTOF TEXAS SAN ANTONIO DIVISION. ALSO APPELLANT MARYANN CASTOQ EMPLOYEED SHE IS DISABLED AND HAD MAJOR SURGERY AUG 10, 2015 SHE IS UNABLE TO^ HERSELF AND IS NEEDING SPOUSAL MAINTENCE BEING THE SPOUSE OFAPPELLEE MANUEL CASTRO FOR 29 YEARS SHE IS NEEDING ALIMONY. REITIREMENT JOHNSON CONTROL AND KEOGH APPELLANT MARYANN CASTRO HAS THE RIGHT TO HER SHARE OF THESE TWO MARTIAL ASSETS AND IS NEEDING HER SHARE SHE DID NOT GIVE UP HER :.V:; J'iu IH- i-'i .. « . ; » ' A "U •%\\ V. V. RIGHT TO THE RETIREMENTS THAT ARE PART OF THE MARTIAL ASSETS WITHIN THE MARRIAGE OF MANUEL AND MARYANN CASTRO FOR 29 YEARS MARRIAGE ENDED DUE TO APPELLEE MANUEL CASTRO EXTRA MARTIAL AFFAIR WITH CHRISTINA PACHECO KNOWN AS TINA PACHECO THE NON SPOUSE MISTRESS WHO ATTACKED APPELLANT MARYANN CASTRO WITH FALSE CHARGES THAT WERE DROPPED IN ATASCOSA COURTHOUSE AND APPELLEE MANUEL CASTRO WAS PART OF THE ATTACK TO HARM APPELLANT MARYANN CASTRO. APPELLEE BRIEF IS ALL HERE SAY AND WAS TYPED BY APPELLEE MANUEL CASTROSISTER WHO IS PART OF CONFUCTTO HARM APPELLANT MARYANN CASTRO. APPELLANT MARYANN CASTRO PRAYS FOR JUSTIM g/AK' S MARYANN CASTRO PRO-SE ' / ' O P.O. BOX 495 PLEASANTON TEXAS 78064 830-496-0133 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE SENTTO APPELLEE CERTIFIED 9/14/15 MANUEL CASTRO 624 W.GOODWIN PLEASANTON TEXAS 78064 eKKb'.f Pr IN THE UNITED STATES District COURT For the Western District OF Texas San Antonio Division 11 S OlS 1"I xas $ BV — OW? $ Plaintiff Maryann Castro S s Case no 5;15-CV-00715-DAE vs Defendant SN Servicing MOTION NOT TO DISMISS CASE AGAINST SN SERVICING FOR WRONGFUL FORECLOSURE ON SEPT 1,2015 TO THE HONORABLE Judge of Said Court: HERE COMES PLAINTIFF MARYANN CASTRO AND MANUEL CASTRO WHO WERE WRONFULLY FORECLOSED BY BSI SN SERVICING ON SEPT 1,2015. DEFENDANT SN SERVICING ALSO KNOWN AS BSI FINANCIAL WERE USING LOAN DOCUMENTS DEFEaiVE. 1. RIDER RATE WHICH WAS FALSE THE SUBJECT PROPERTY WAS A FIXED RATE IN 2009 BECAME EFFECTIVE. SEE EXHIBIT A FIXED RATE PLAITIFF MARYANN CASTRO PROVIDED TO THE COURT ON JULY 2015 WHEN SHE FILED SUITE AGAINST SN SERVICING ALSO KNOWN AS BSI FINANCIAL. 2. SN SERVICING PRESENTED TO THE WERSTRN DISTRICT COURT A DEFECTIVE LOAN DOCUMENT SHOWING RIDER RATE FALSELY OVERCHARGED HOMEMORTGAGE ,FEES EVEN FORECLOSED KNOWING THE PLAINTIFF MARYANN CASTRO AND MANUEL AND ARE IN LITIGATION IN COURT.EVEN KNOWING THE DEFECTIVE INSTRUMENT THE RIDER RATE WAS A FRAUD. 3. SN SERVICING ATTORNEY SAMMY HOODA TOOK PART IN MORTGAGE FRAUD,FALSE STATEMENT,WRONGFUL FORECLOSURE KNOWING PLAINTIFF MARYANN CASTRO PRESENTED TO SN SERVICING ATTORNEY AND THE COURT THE TRUE INSTURMENT OF THE HOME MORTGAGE FIXED RATE THAT CHANGED IN 2009 AND PLAINTIFF MARYANN CASTRO SUBMITTED TO THE COURT SHOWING THE MORTGAGE HAD BEEN GETTING PAID IN THE AMOUNT OF OVER 13,000 WHICH WAS PAID TO BSI FINANCIAL KNOWN AS SN SERVICING AND WAS PAID BY THE BANKRUPTCY TRUSTEE AND STILL ATTORNEY SAMMY HOODA SN SERVICING LIED IN COURT SAYING ON AUG 31,2015 NO MORTGAGE PAYMENTS HAVE NOT BEEN PAID SINCE 2011 THAT WAS A LIE AND FALSELY FORECLOSED ON SEPT 1,2015 KNOWING THE HOME 1501 OLIVE WAS IN LITIGATION IN FEDERAL COURT AND IS NOT DISMISSED AND HAD COPY OF FIXED RATE AND STATEMENT OF MORTGAGE PAYMENTS BEING PAID IN THE AMOUNT OF OVER 13,000 HOW IS THAT JUSTICE TO STILL FORECLOSE AS AN OFFICER OF THE COURT ATTORNEY SAMMY HOODA ABUSED PLAINTIFF MARYANN CASTRO BY WRONFULLY FORECLOSING ON SEPT1,2015. THAT IS CRIMINAL FRAUD AND PLAINTIFF MARYANN CASTRO AND MANUEL CASTRO HAVE SUFFERED AND ARE SEEKING DAMAGES DUE TO MORTGAGE FRAUD AND FALSE STATEMENTS AND WRONGFUL FORECLOSURE SUITE. 4. A SUITE FOR WRONGFUL FORECLOSURE 433SW.3D658(TEXAPP-HOUSTON[14™ DISTRia]2014,NOPET), 5. ALL DOCUMENTS LOAN FILED BY BSI FINANCIAL KNOWN AS SN SERVCING WERE DEFECTIVE SINCE WELSS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE TRANSFERRED TO BSI FINANCIAL KNOWN AS SN SERVCING (EG.,THE NOTE AND DEED OF TRUST IS IN THE NAME OF WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE AND MANUEL CASTRO AND MARYANN CASTRO. FRAUD AND FALSE STATEMENT AND WRONGFUL FORECLOSURE WERE COMMITED ON OR ABOUT NOV 2013 AND CONTINUED ON SEPT 1,2015. 6. A NOTICE OF US PENDENS IS A WRITTEN NOTICE THAT A LAWSUITE HAS BEEN FILE CONCERNING REALESTATE, INVOLVING EITHER THE TITTLE TO THE PROPERTY OR A CLAIMED OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN IT.AND PLAINTIFF MARYANN CASTRO AND MANUEL CASTRO WILL FILE IMMEDIATELY DUE TO WRONGFUL FORECLOSURE BY SN SERVICING ALSO KNOWN AS BSI FINANCIAL THERE IS A LAWSUITE THAT HAS BEEN FILED BEGAN IN ATASCOSA COUNTY COURT ON OR ABOUT JULY 23,2015 DUE TO MORTGAGE FRAUD AND FALSE STATEMENT AND IS AaiVE IN FEDERAL COURT SN SERVICING TRANSFERRED LAWSUITE CASE PLAINTIFF MARYANN CASTRO FILED AGAINST SN SERVCING KNOWN AS BSI FINANICAL WHO COLLECTED OVER 13,000 IN MORTGAGE FUNDS FROM THE BANKRUPTCY TRUSTEE AND DID NOT APPLY TO THE PRINCIPLE OF THE HOME MORTGAGE THEY SERVICER WERE OVERCHARGING USING THE DEFECTIVE MORTGAGE INTEREST RATE SHOWING RIDER RATE IN 2006 WAS VALID BUT CHANGED IN 2009 TO A FIXED RATE EVIDENCE HAS BEEN ENTERED IN COURT BSI SN SERVCING COMMITED MORTAGE FRAUD A CRIMINAL CIVIL RICO ACT TO COMMIT MORTGAGE FRAUD BY LYING CHEATING PLAINTIFF MARYANN CASTRO OUT OF HER HOMESTEAD DISABLED HOMESTEAD PLAINTIFF MARYANN CASTRO AND MANUEL CASTRO ARE SEEKING DAMAGES AND TO REMAIN IN THEIR HOME 1501 OLIVE SECURE THE TITLE ON THEIR HOME THAT WAS FALSELY WRONGFULLY FORECLOSED ON SEPT 1,2015. 7. IT IS NOT TO LATE TO FIX THE FRAUD AND FALSE FORECLOSURE THAT BSI ALSO KNOWN AS SN SERVICING COMMITED AGAINST PLAINTIFF MARYANN CASTRO AND MANUEL CASTRO A NOTICE OF PENDING AaiON KNOWN AS US PENDENS WILL BE FILED AGAINST THE TITTLE TO THE SUBJECT PROPERTY 1501 OLIVE AND PLAINTIFF MARYANN CASTRO HAS REQUESTED A TRIAL AGAINST SN SERVICING KNOWN AS BSI FINANCIAL FOR MORTGAGE FRAUD AND FALSE STATEMENT ALSO TO INCLUDE WRONGFUL FORECLOSURE AND FOR PLAINTIFF MARYANN CASTRO TO REMAIN IN HER HOME 1501 OLIVE UNTIL THE CASE IS SETTLED IN COURT WHO HAVE THE EVIDENCE OF FRAUD AND WRONGFUL FORECLOSURE THAT DID AND OCCURRED AND PLAINTIFF MARYANN CASTRO AND MANUEL CASTRO HAVE SUFFERED. 8. CIVIAL RICO ACT OF MORTGAGE FRAUD FALSE STATEMENT AND WRONGFUL FORECLOSURE BY SN SERVCING KNOWN AS BSI FINANCIAL AND PLAINTIFF MARYANN CASTRO AND MANUEL CASTRO HAVE SUFFERED THE EVIDENCE HAS BEEN ENTERED IN COURT. PLAINTIFF MARYANN CASTRO PRAYS FOR JUSTICE MARYANN CASTRO PRO-SE P.O. BOX 495 PLEASANTON TEXAS 78064 PACATTITUDE2014@GMAIL.COM 830-406-0133 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE SENT CERTIFIED 9/14/15 Wells Pargo Kome Mortgage MACX7801-03K 3476 Stateview Boulevard FortW;ill,SC 297H^ November 20, 2009 Manuel G Castro"Jr 1501 Olive St ^ Jourdanton TX 7802G Dear Manuel G Castro J r RE: Loan Number 0150044675 Client 708 This letter will confirm our formal approval of a loan modification/ restructure of your mortgage^loan. To facilitate this transaction, it was mutually agreed that a contribution of $1,491.66 would be required, v;hich will be applied toward the accrued delinquency. Please sign the enclosed loan'modification agreement and return it, along with any payment(s) and/or contribution due as reflected in the terms of this letter. If a Truth in Lending Statement is enclosed with your modification agreement, please sign and return all items and contribution as disclosure of your interest rate being raised through this modification. The terms of your modification/restructure are outlined below; 1 Due date of first payment: 02/01/2010 2 New principal and interest payment amount: $1,562.06 3 Required escrow payment based on previous analysis: $169.74 Estimated new net payment: $1,731.80 5 Modified maturity date: 04^1/2036 6 Interest rate: 6.950% (The interest rate may change or adjust in accordance with the terms of your Note and Security Instrument.) All late charges, NS? fees, and other fees are the responsibility of the borrower. \\ This proposal is valid for five (5) days from the date of this letter. Therefore, it is imperative the modification agreement(s) be executed and returned in the enclosed, self-addressed, prepaid, express mail envelope. Please note, although approved, the normal servicing process will continue uninterruoted, unless advised otherwise. LW179/LD3 \ \ J r Wells Fargo Home Mortgage is a division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. I • ; '•( Wells ?srgo Home Hoi (Wortgage j MACX7801-03K ; 3ni ^3S V ^ j . ; V y 3 4 7 6 Stateview Boulevard t; jf-ftOSsTiKK'A'^ersl^l Fort Mill.SC 29715 LOAN MOD IFI CAT I ON AGREEMENT loan NUMBER: 7080150044575 THIS LOAJ>I MODIFICATION AGREEMENT made on November 20, 2009, by and between MANUEL G CASTRO JR and (the "Borrower (s) ".) and Wells Fargo Bank, N A. (the "Lender") WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Borrower has requested, and Lender has agreed, subject to the following terms and conditions, to a modification in the payment as follows: NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants hereinafter set forth and of other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged by the parties, it is agreed as follows (notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Note and Mortgage dated 03/07/2006): 1. BALANCE. As of November 20, 2009, the amount payable under the Note and Mortgage (the "Unpaid Principal Balance") is U.S. $ 188,776.64. 2. EXTENSION. This agreement hereby modifies the following terms of the Security Instrument described herein above as follows: A. The current contractual due date has been extended from 11-01-07. The first modified contractual due date is due on 02/01/2010. B. The maturity date has been extended from 04-36 (month/year) to 04/01/2036. C. The amount of interest to be capitalized will be U.S. 5 32,221.89. The modified unoaid orincioal balance is U.S. $ 225,970.06. D. The borrower promises to pay the unpaid principal balance plus interest, to the order of the Lender. Interest will be charged on the unpaid principal balance of U.S. $ 225,970.06. The borrower promises to make monthly payments of principal and \ interest of U.S. $ 1,552.06, at a fixed yearly rate of 6.950%, not including any escrow deposit, if applicable. If on the maturity date the borrower still owes amount under the Note and Security Instrument, as amended by this Agreement, borrower will pay these amounts in full on the maturity date. LW175/LDB/?age 1 WellsFargo Home Mortgage is a division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A, Wells Fsrgo Home Mortgage MAC X7801-03K 3475 Stateview Boulevard <;c.*'"s.' ' •;-•: ;*. :-"' i^ySiiW^S-SEh' Fort Mill.SC 29715 Page 2 Loan Number 708/0150044575 Please note that the final paragraph of the modification agreement entitled "CORRECTION AGREEMENT""gives us permission to correct any typographical errors in the modification. If you do not wish to consent to this, but still desire to enter into the modification, you may line through this paragraph. This and any adjustments must be initialed by you next to the change. Please note that it does not permit us to change any material terms such as interest rate, modification balance or monthly payment amount. If we can be of further assistance, please call us at (666) 234-8271, Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 8 PM, Central Time. Sincerely, LaTonya A Patterson Borrower Counseling Services jW179/LDB Wells Fargo Bank, N A informs you that if your loan is currently delinquent or in default, as your loan servicer, we v/ill be attempting to collect a debt, and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. However, if you have received a discharge, and the loan was not reaffirmed in the bankruptcy case. Wells Fargo Bank, N A will only exercise its right as against the property and is not attempting any act to collect the discharge debt from you personally. WellsFargo Home Mortgage is a division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Wells Fargo Home Wiortgaga .»t >•" • MACX7801-03K IM Lrf&rvi 3476 Stateview Boulevard snap Fort Mill, SC 29715 Loan Modification Agreement Page 2 of 2 Loan 7080150044675 3. NOTE AND MORTGAGE. Nothing in this Agreement shall be understood or construed to be a satisfaction or release, in whole or in part of the Borrower's obligations under the Note or Mortgage. Further, except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, the Note and Mortgage will remain unchanged, and Borrower and Lender will be bound by, and shall comply with, all of the terms and provisions thereof, as amended by this A-greement. CORRECTION AGREEMENT. The undersigned borrower(s), for and in __ consideration of the approval, closing and funding of this Modification, hereby grants Wells Fargo Bank, N A, as lender, limited power of attorney to correct and/or initial all typographical or clerical errors discovered in the Modification A.greeraent required to be signed. In the event this limited power of attorney is exercised, the undersigned will be notified and receive a copy of the document executed or initialed on their behalf. This provision may not be used to modify the interest rate, modify the term, modify the outstanding principal balance or modify the^ undersigned's monthly principal and interest payments as modified by th.i "• agreement. Any of these specified changes must be executed directly by the undersigned. This limited power of attorney shall, automatically terminate in 1%^ days from the closing"date of the undersigned's Modification—' (Borrower Initial) / IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as the date f i r s t above written. By signing this agreement I hereby consent to being contacted concernil^ns this loan at any cellular or mobile telephone number I may have.,This includes text messages, at no cost to me, and telephone calls including the use of autom.ated dialing systems o contact my cellular or mobile telephone. Manuel Q Castro Jr /Date Wells Fargo Bank, N A., Officer/Date LW175/LDB/2 Wel's Fargo Home Mortgage is a divisionof Wells Fargo Sank. N.A. When Recorded Msil To: PREPARED BY: FIRST AMERICAN TITLE LATONYA PATTERSON P.O. BOX 27670 WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A, SANTA ANA, CA 92799-7670 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD, MAC# X7801-C3K FORT MILL, SOUTH CAROLINA 29715 Parcel No. 17471 [Space AboveThis Line for Recording Data] Original Recorded Date: MARCH 7,2006 Fannie Mae Loan No. 0150044675 Original Principal Amount: S 191,250.00 Loan No. 7080150044675 LOAN MODIFICATION AGREEMENT (Providing for Fixed Interest Rate) This Loan Modification Agreement ("Agreement"), made this 20TH day of NOVEMBER, 2009 , between MANUEL G. CASTRO JR AND MARY CASTRO, HUSBAND AND WIFE ("Borrower") and WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. ("Lender"), amends and supplements (1) the Mortgage, Deed ofTrust or Security Deed (the "Security Instrument"), and Timely Payment Rewards Rider, ifany, dated MARCH 7,2006 and recorded in Instrument No. 2006-80487 , ofthe Official Records of (Name of Records) ATASCOSA COUNTY, TEXAS , and (2) the Note bearing the same date as, and (County andState, or other jurisdiction) secured by, the Security Instrument, which covers the real and personal property described in the Security Instrument and defined therein as the "Property", located at 1501 OLIVE STREET, JOURDANTON, TEXA,S 78026 (Property Address) LOAN MODlFIC.iTION AGREEMENT -Single Family -Fannie Mae Uniform Instrument Form 3179 l/Ol (rev. 01/09) (po^s I of!) Fini Amtrican Loan Production Services TEXAS First Ajnehcan Real Estate Solutions LLC FALPSft TXFM.3179 Rev. 06-17-09 EXHIBIT B adjustable rate note THIS NOTE CONTAINS PROVISIONS ALLOWING {NTEREST RAjb Mfl"''" •> 0«l« .eLEASAMIQIL- TEXAS- n^l 7IIVF"»^" loimnAHTOH.TT? ^ 1. bORBOWER'S PROMISE TO PAY laiJSO.OO (this amouni is ti;«; N- h.h. ot -k..«. N..=w irjrr/.Si.'S.iSi5t: NO,, lcw .1,. -n... Hoid».- 'is Section 4 of this Note. , , °p',r:2iliT£Soi„"'s • m«.. ,Ki. nic I will oav both before The interest rate required by this Section ' f ' and after any default described in Section 7(B) ofthis Note. 3. PAYMENTS (A) 1willTlmo and Placeand pay principal ot interest Payments by making payments every month^ on I will make my monthly poj-ments on the ^ ^ untiu'have paid all of the ..WAY..1..2aW I ^ under this Note. principal and interest and any other ^ applied to interest ^ftTr'Sar^^r"aRrVTm^^^ I pay those amounts in full on that date, which is called the maturity date. Iwill make my monthly payments at ..W.EU5.fABe.Q.BANK..H .'.".""......or at a .PjQ..BDX .17338.aAtTIMDJSE.ijn. different place ifrequired by the Note Holder. (B) Amount ot My Initial Monthly Payments , „r n e c 149S.67 This Each of my iniual monthly payments will be mthe amotrnt of US. S amount may change. (C) Monthly Payment Changes nri-iciDal of my loan and in changed amount of my monthly payment in accordance with Section 4. INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES (A) Change Dates r - j , APRIL 2008 ami may 2^t^^'r,hTday1ll:;^r;h^m^^Xth^^^^^^^^^ Eac^; date on whi^ my interest rate could change is called a "Change Date." ,k. r... ch.... ",S S."?' the six month London Interbank Offered /."^OR )^ offered rotes for six-month U.S. ^of the?trVbusoe« day of in nc W,l, Street JournU The most the Cten« D^e occurs is called the the month immediately preceding the month in hi . !nh'IT,Jd«fs''no longer available, the Note Holder will choose anew index which is based upon ioSaraWe irf—n The No.'e Holder will give me notice of this choice. (C) Calculation 01Changes interest rate by adding Before each Change Date, the Note ^° ^ %) to the Cuirent Index. ^SeNo;;Holder;:iiithenrou;;d'.hems^^^^ percentage point (0.125%). Subject 10 the limjts ^ted •" S«U.on 4(l.>) oci amount wU! be my new interest rate until the next Change Date. The Note Holder will then ZTat ^hTci^ge Date in full on isTiisrsi calculation will be the new amount ofmy monthly payment. '•"» •» . . e.,™sm S«M EClOSL Bw. OStVO* MULTlStATE ADJUSTMENT (IBTE NOTE •SSMUht.'BORIralw Form 5520 J (AssumotiU HufitiB Ule ol L«n| (First Boslnosi Osy LookbicKl •Slnjlo Fsrrily Frrtdio M« UNIFORM INSTRUMENT TX (^y-hi bi ^ £> 3 pgs LISPEN 165237 FILED IN THE DISTRICT COURT RECEIVED SEP 1 4 2015 81 JUDICIAL DISTRICT CLERK, U.S CT COURT WESTERN ^ " F TEXAS CLERK OF ATASCOSA COUNTY, TEXAS RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: MARYANN CASTRO P.O. BOX 495 PLEASANTON TEXAS 78064 $ s Plaintiff Maryann Castro $ s Case no 5:15-CV-00715-DAE UNTIED STATES DISTRia COURT FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS SAN ANTONIO DIVISION NOTICE OF US PENDENCY OF ACTION VS Defendant. SN Servicing NOTICE OF US PENDENS AND NOTICE OF ACTION PENDING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT PLAINTIFF MARYANN CASTRO HAS FILED THE FOLLWING ACTION AGAINST DEFENDANTS SN SERVICING 1. FILED ON OR ABOUT JULY 23, 2015 BY PLAINTIFFTO REDRESS INJURIES BEING SUFFERED AND TO BE SUFFERED AS A RESULT OF DEFENDANTS CONDUCT. DEFENDANTS HAVE ULAWFULLY TAKEN TITTLE TO PLAINTIFFS PROPERTY. 2. PLAINTIFFS SEEKS TO PROTECT HIS/HER PROPERTY. PLAINTIFF IS OWNER OF PROPERTY KNOWN AS 3. 1501 OLIVE JOURDANTON TEXAS 78026 AND LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS: 4. BEING A 9.45 ACRE TRACT SITUATED IN THE J. POITEVENT SURVEY, ABSTRACT 1239, ATASCOSA COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING THAT SAME 9.45 ACRE TRACT AS CONVEYED BY THOMAS F. PERKS AND LOLA M. PERKS TO MANUEL G. CASTRO AND MARY A. CASTRO RECORDED IN VOLUME 152, PAGE 442, OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF ATASCOSA COUNTY, TEXAS: SAID 9.45 ACRE TRACT SURVEYED BY JEFFREY B. BERGER, R.P.L.S. NO. 5558 ON AUGUST 19, 2005 AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS; more commonly ioiown as, 1501 Olive St., Jourdanton, TX 78026 (hereinafter referred to as "the Property"). RECORDEDAUGUST 19, 2005 MARYANN CASTRO- PRO-SE PLAINTIFF OWNER OF 1501 OLIVE ^iiM|/r JOURDANTON TEXAS 78026 FILEDSEPT 14,2015 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF ACTION INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY MARYANN CASTRO ON THIS DAY OF September 14,2015. An . NOTARY PUBLIC '! '• ANAGAR2A Notary Public. Stole of Texas l My Commission Expires October 07. 2017 CERTIFICATEOFSERVICE 'B'm Pc SENT .IN ( CERTIFIED i i r i u L /SEPT j u r I 14, 2015 NT^I PwLlCLAjax^ Tx CONFORHED COPY OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS Diane Gonzales, County Clerk Atascosa County Texas September 14, 2015 03:40:15 API FEE: $34.00 155237 LISPEN iwufcwr
Mary Ann Castro v. Manuel Castro
Combined Opinion