Blanchard, Thomas Duane

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Q.Q\§>\:v§{) Y»\T THE §C;;-/u€. `UE RE;LH'»'@L DL§O YAL\_§DC~€»D %w\><;~ L:§o ABQUT 'Vo\`)€el':/\f€~ “mé §\/:Ac.;/uc§.. “WE. 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ReuHTO/¢ STFm:/@ Cr-\zusow wild W'AT wc-:LCH HS)0¢\)‘~r \Y\:t\fl>\ w€LCH mm V<)UL)G,- T€$TIFIED ;RELAT@Q_ (A€§Powbeo co':w g p@gj:¢~:¢/g gmsz SUC¢( 93 \€ES.) %0 CA)\) SEQ@CAi TR:QL, cour\)se:L bmi \ :a\)eFFz;cT':'u€i 1101 wm TW:MG» 'T@ ImPEF\C`R "'I“HE *;TA-n;"g w':\/'\\)¢»:$SE§ O/\) Com-'L:_CT:EMG-» 'T€$T;rmc:>,w,{ §§ ~m;ml, Cou/\/§él_ CLF\':LW\‘S 'TW\T ImPEACHiI/\/& TH€ mfng w';:me'$§€$* :§ w /Bm) `TRIF\L S`HZHTE€~LH. 3@\!:£0\);1.“€ ALLOT-’ H'£§ ”IT¢IAL STRF\T§GKI¢£*§ ADE ?X"FICTENT~ ms wm;\< @c~:c@v_r> moves w:<, mQUSB&U~E-z was Mc~:\/c;rl wore ¢1-\ BEFEl\/£'§ TRIAL. g\/g@\ mLTs/\z§rzc~¢-:'@ wm wm PRe:'P/ARED 'NO\L &\){\L:"F‘:€:() ’V@ REFRESENT TH&` RELAT@K f\T T@IN~ "me-; 'IT<¢\NSG,Q:/>TS PRQ\)€ w `T?)P€\" ~ §N\ALT$'%E@@§Q. ALLO\»)€D we S'm'r;: 70 usg W»;~, wage »:TQJOuT Q\)D:L”O Tc> PRQQ€CQTE E\)E'\) `WWUC`H USIN@ zj(e’\):aec. 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E“\)':D§:wc§: w§\S i<§(JT Ir\) wzchH‘S l-’:L.§ cH»B':)\)§T F-'<> A PRI‘\/ATE T¢»C/§T _/g§- Do)\)c on we- Skea:u\)§: mm owes zHc/`\/ H€ wDULr) Hm)§ wm A u:n§§§ 0§ 'F§/\/§§ SWAT§W N@LTS/!BE:QC~€Q :ES N<>T F\ @\)m,:r-':Ee'o W:z:m, AT~V@MEQ( HIS WHC\€ hecon 0?: ~-O~w:ll\c; PR@\)E 114va H-<~: 13 A PL§A ”\Rmzc» mm m'roa/\)e~ff m BEST. TH€Q§ wa; NOTH:NC~ FR:\!O§O\)S :Ew T€&€ C`Ui\i'm§ OF TP&E R§LQTO(L'S SQPQR€S§@ wc¢:§’i'. bomb §TA'V§@ H§ 0:§003;§071-<§ 011/aff w:TH vnQLTS/B&QG€Q‘ ®BV:O\)§LL/ “r?€§ D:;cu_§§:o)\( wm w How T@ SuPPR§;-§; IT 7116 RLJ'LATO(L HHS PR©vé/U 'IHROU@FH C,OK)ILT RéCOU§S mm TRAN§<:Q:-@TS W-A`T HLL @~m\)m>s HMV§ minn A¢\)D R§L:§EF SHDL‘L© 635 &QAMT§D, §me QQM%M RL-:LQ'N:)@ (?33 IL?L:RTIFICPF¢§ 0 I: §§\z\) :x:Cl:;_d ‘m:; :§. 'r@- carrer A Tr<\)§ mo C@§z§c*r dow ©\? TH':_S R§%\)TTA\, wm weang ~z© M>~l*“ TESSICP\ E§C\)E A¢\/D Tee§ <‘,@\)2:\’ C-QQQBIMTOL of W§ ;)7;)/\/0 cs:;~r@§\$ 773 C)w IJ’¢\ML)NL\€ 1515 (90\‘§ - imm CEUIFICATE ©F §§au:c§ O{f `(HFS` QEBUT'//FIL_ OJHS‘ mH`ILEG 70 77_(¢§ HOMOMBLé ABEL ACOSTA/CLg¢/< O‘F mg CQULT op aaIm:Mp/L /JPP€QLS AT .0.0. ’BO\L /230<5’, Cofuiz€ J'#;~r;o/v ,Q-USTM/ 7’536/:;§ 73ch @M FEB@UMU/ lang ;L@\§ J%M@QM ` RSLATOQ_ . ( 1¢4) wyw.¢- Co\mt.:i§w 5 i:'oa amer-uf `i?>"\e R:cei\-ei§i:ie'ré 254 / AT*'/':i¢i" m §vu:'e:‘i' ij patel 8. july sworn 8. plea oli`not guilty 8. State’s opening 12. Mike Welch - BCSO 20. October 12, 201 l , on narcotics surveillance at a home - saw a tow truck at the residence ~ ran a computer check on plates and determined they did not belong to truck ' 22. tc or objection to information supplied about plate on truck - correctly 22. learned plates had been cancelled and new plate was supposed to be on the truck 23. saw Blanchard leave the home, take items from the cab of the truck and place them in the bed of the truck 24. when truck drove away, had nearby patrol vehicle stop the truck because of narcotics suspicion and he know Blanchard had an expired driver’s license 24. following stop, Blanchard Was arrested for expired driver’s license and displaying the wrong license plate on the truck - 26. before he was arrested, asked for consent to search the truck 27. Blanchard consented to a search of the truck before he was arrested 28. never heard consent withdrawn 29. Blanchard was arrested and placed in handcuffs while the search was being conducted 30. found flashlight in tool tray in bed of the truck with no batteries - opened the flashlight , 34. While on surveillance, had seen Blanchard take the flashlight from~the cab of the truck and place it in the tool tray 36. inside flashlight, found syringe and small plastic bag Which appeared to contain methamphetamine , 37. syringe admitted without further objection, and no chain of custody objection 38. no further objection to baggie with meth upon admission, and no chain of custody objection 40. field tested positive for methamphetamine X ` ' l 53. why ask about circumstances of officer previously arresting Blanchard 58. this was not an inventory search or search incident to arrest 59. if consent had been withdrawn, he would have stopped searching l 67. did not test syringe, but it appeared to have been previously used 160. much cross on chain of custody - so What? Did not object at the time the items were admitted based on lack of a chain of custody w"w' ."IB‘.’ w..-....,..~ Clolwi tNTS PT>)Z APDt-'/u ’Bl€ R:…i wcr_z¢/_/ATT;) C><\li@i\ 1 film il 69. Efrain Perez~ DPS chemist 7]. substance recovered from Blanchard’s truck weighed .l 8 grams 72. substance contained methamphetamine including adulterants and dilu'tants 73. no further objection to admission ofmeth, and no chain of custody objection X 89. extensive cross on possibility of contamination in lab 92. Jolin Carlson - BCSO 96. stopped Blanchard’s truck on request of fellow officers 97. determined plates on the truck were not valid 99. following stop, determined he did not have a valid driver’ s license lOl. heard Blanchard tell Welch that he did not mind his truck being searched 102. never heard Blanchard withdraw or revoke consent to search 102. Blanchard was arrested for no valid driver’s license and placed in the patrol vehicle _ 103. while search was proceeding, went to car, opened door and asked Blanchard whether he had given consent to search 103. Blanchard mumbled Don’ t tow my truck, I’m going to lose my truck and then said nothing else ~ covered by motion to suppress? " 103. closed the door to patrol vehicle and walked back to ongoing search 103-104. asked about consent because he thought consent had not been captured on body mike and he Wanted confirmation of the consent from the patrol car recording system 105. video admitted without objection 107. wears body mike which records on car system and car has a mike to pick up sounds Within the car 107. while he was closing door to the car, mike in car recorded Blanchard withdrawing consent to search truck 107. officer did not hear Blanchard withdraw consent 108. in transit to police station Blanchard never said “I didn’ t give you consent to search my vehicle” -covered by motion to suppress? l l6. body mike did not pick up Blanchard withdrawing consent in patrol car l 16 recording from car shows that once the door was closed, Blanchard said “I did not give consent” ll8. as officers were looking in flashlight, Blanchard could be heard on the recording saying “Get out of there.” 119 while being transported Blanchard never said he had not given consent and then told cop they were going to put him away for life 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Ms. Parker, saying that anything that y filed in the Court would just be set aside. They were not going to have a hearing on it. It would not be admissible evidence, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. On the letter she referred to correspondence, which was a motion to dismiss counsel for Earl Gray; and she said that it was correspondence that was filed with the Clerk. And that was filed with the District Clerk. And I was intending to fire Earl Gray, and she was still telling me to contact Earl Gray over these issues. THE COURT: Well, if it hadn't been filed in, and it doesn't have a cause number, I'm not sure l can take it up right now. What do y'all say about that? THE DEFENDANT: It was mailed to the District Clerk on the date of 11/3. They never -- the District Clerk refused to file it, which violates the procedure for the Writ of Habeas Corpus. MR. WA§D: Judge, if you look at th§_ address on it, it does say the District Clerk; but then, the address is to the District Attorney's office. Th§` ‘pistrict Clerk's office apparently routed it up to us. It went into our file and remained there until it was given over to Mr. Maltsberger last week. DENISE C.PHILLIPS, CSR OFFICIAL COURT REPORTER 272ND DISTRICT COURT »'-._,,,. t 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ZVF@D THE couRT; okay. MR. WARD: Late last week, Judge. _THE COURT: what do y'all suggest we do about this? MR. WARD: Well, Judge, I would argue that it's moot at this point, anyway, because we talked to TDCJ. They called us last week and said he was underneath a blue warrant anyway, His blue warrant was lifted on Friday. So, whether or not the Writ was granted or not, he was still on a hold from TDCJ; so, it renders it moot. THE COURT: So, it's moot because his blue warrant's been lifted? MR. WARD: Yes -- well, it hadn't at the time that this had been filed, Judge. It was lifted until Friday. THE DEFENDANT: I object to that, Your Honor. I have the paperwork where the TDCJ was holding me illegally. I pled it in the criminal court of appeals on a habeas corpus, that actually went through the process as it should have by due process; and they ordered TDCJ to lift the hold. They never have -- they held me illegally on that detainer since September. THE COURT: Well, if your hold has been lifted, therels no more issue to consider. THE DEFENDANT: Well, that was on a DENISE C.PHILLIPS, CSR OFFICIAL COURT REPORTER 272ND DISTRICT COURT` '-»-\ ~-» -z~=\ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24- 25 ale 10 different issue. That was to another court. That was inn another county. THE COURT: Well, yeah, but your objective, as I understand it, is to get the hold lifted, right? THE DEFENDANT: No, this is over this pending felony. This habeas corps here is over the pending felony. THE COURT: So, what do you say to that? THE DEFENDANT: That has nothing to do with that. THE COURT: That has nothing to do with the \ lifting of the hold? THE DEFENDANT: NO. MR. WARD: Then he should have filed it, 4 Judge. THE DEFENDANT: I did file it. The Clerk didn't file it. THE COURT: Well, you had it addressed to the D.A.'s office. THE DEFENDANT: That's the address that was given to me by the County Jail, by Officer Shannon to file it with. l THE COURT: Well, what -- what issue is he raising in here, Mr. Ward? MR. WARD: Judge, he's basically saying -- DENISE C.PHILLIPS, CSR OFFICIAL COURT REPORTER 272ND DISTRICT COURT § 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 255 volume 5“ were at the sanctuary, and he showed it to me -~ gave me this copy. We can bring him in if you'd like. Q. Sure. lou mind reading for me the address that you mailed this thing to? A. Sure. MR. MALTSBERGER: Your Honor, object to l testimony outside the scope of the -- outside the -- it's \_/, not admitted into evidence. He's asking him to testify from an item that has not been admitted into evidence. THE COURT: I sustain that objection. 1 Step into the jury room, ladies and gentlemen. (Jury retired.) THE COURT: Tell them to go ahead and take a ten-minute break. All right. What do you want to get in out of that thing? MR. WARD: Well, Judge, he's`testified on the stand just now that he didn't see the test that Welch and Young did. And then, in his motion -- or his Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus -- THE coURT= That he didn't see the test? MR. WARD: That was what he just testified is he didn't see the test that Mike Welch and Terry Young were doing. DENISE C.PHILLIPS, CSR OFFICIAL COURT REPORTER 272ND DISTRICT COURT \/l{ \ }_\ ,.|> 256 l/OLUYY\E § THE COURT: Are you talking about the ampules? THE erNEss: 1 didn't see it performed 1 saw it after the fact when they held it up outside. THE COURT: Okay. Hold on. MR. WARD: And in his Petition for Habeas Corpus, he says that he observed them doing it; and then, he observed them tamper with it and falsify the results. THE COURT: Okay. I want you to -~ MR. WARD: And this has been filed; THE COURT: -- I want you to get him to affirm that he made that statement, and that he sent it. He gave it over. That's his statement. And then, I want you to ask him if he made this statement within the content of that thing, blah, blah, blah, And get him to affirm or deny that. And if he denies it. Then, you can get into evidence the very document itself. Do you have any objection to that procedure? MR. MALTSBERGER: Not to that procedure, Judge. THE COURT: Okay. That's the proper way to do it. MR. WARD: I'm sorry, Judge. I'm a bit confused about how -- I've been doing it differently DENISE C.PHILLIPS, CSR OFFICIAL COURT REPORTER 272ND DISTRICT COURT