ACCEPTED 05-13-00930-CR FIFTH COURT OF APPEALS DALLAS, TEXAS 3/31/2015 9:50:05 AM LISA MATZ SORRELsluDASHENIANTON BRUCE ANTON CLERK BOARD CERTIFIED-CRIMINAL LA\V and CRIMJNAL APPELLATE LAW TEXAS BOARD OF LEGAL SPECIALIZATION Attorneys and Counselors at Law 2311 Cedar Springs Rd. Suite 250 FILED IN Dallas, TX 75201 March 31, 2015 5th COURT OF APPEALS 214.468.8100 DALLAS, TEXAS fax 214.468.8104 www.sualaw,com 3/31/2015 9:50:05 AM Clerk of the Court LISA MATZ Fifth Court of Appeals Clerk George L. Allen, Sr. Courts Bldg. 600 Commerce Street, Suite 200 Dallas, Texas 75202-4658 RE: State of Texas v. Alice Annette Steele Dallas County Case No. F0845120M Court of Appeals No. 05-13-00930-CR Dear Sir or Madam: On March 23, 2015, I mailed Ms. Alice Annette Steele a copy of the Court of Appeals' opinion on the above-referenced case and I advised Ms. Steele of her right to file a prose petition for discretionary review of this court's opinion. I am enclosing a copy of the certified mail receipt from that letter that I sent to Ms. Steele. Please file this letter and the certified mail receipt in the file for Ms. Steele's appeal. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Yours Very Truly, Bruce Anton BA:am Enclosure i:1 4, Restricted Delivery? 3, Service Type ATTN: ASHLEY i/ BRUCE ANTON (Extra Fee) D Yes CERTIFIED I SORRELS, UDASHEN & ANTON 2. Article Number I 2311 CEDAR SPRINGS, SUITE 250 I DALLAS, TEXAS 75201 7111 1532 6510 DODO 0498 I I 111-"'""""-lLl<:i;!'-..L------I llllll IlllHIJlllllllllllllll Ill lllll Ill I 7.111 1532 6510 ODDO 0498 llf-:-J'=-----:""'":'--1.-'---'---'---"~-----1-------------- ) C" Date of Delivery 1. Article Addressed To: l,1-------------1 MS. ALICE ANNETre-STE"ELE I l:t Addressee's Address (lfDifferentFromAddress U$ed bySendel) TDCJ # 01868899 I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------'L-- '';~ _ H0 BB Y_ UN IT I Secondary Address I Suite I Apt. I Floor /Please Print c11~r~y) __ 7 4 _2 FM 712 ~-:- I ";)_:_ MARLIN TX 76661 ·-o-~iiVery··;.;dci·~e-;;~---·-···-·-····-·-·-·--·---·-·-·-···--·-·-·-······-···--·· . .,.,._ ... ~.; • r_>_~-- •. ,· I ; .1,t:_";J,~?. -~':,~ I ·(::-i·iy···-·-····· ---·-·-··-··········----.. .... ". ·siai~ ···z·1p·,;.'-··,tE~de· !=========
Alice Annette Steele v. State
Combined Opinion