PD-0163-15 NO. Patrick Sliaratrd Guillory § Im the 180th Judicial § vs. § District Court of The S t a t e o f Texas Harris County* Texas FILED IN COURT OFCRIMINAL APPEALS Petitioner's Motion to Suspend Copies Pursuant MAY 04 2015 to 9.3(b) Tex. Rule of Appellate Proc. Abei Acosta, Clerk TO THE HONORABLE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS; COMES NOW, Patrick Sharard Guillory, petitioner and moves this court to grant this, his motion, to suspend the copies pursuant to Tex. Rules of Appellate Proc. 9.3(b), and will show the following. Petitioner is incarcerated at the W.G. McConnell Unit in Bee County, Beeville, Texas. He has no adequate remedy to obtain the required copies because the unit Law Library's policy does not allow for copies being made for offenders at this facility. II Therefore, pursuant to TRAP 9.3(b), petitioner requests this Honorable Court to grant this motion for suspension of cop; copies and allow petitioner to move forward in this proceeding. RPrpii/ernu KtUfclVtD IN TflrtcHfcK Afafaftj %A$km< Patrick STiarard Guillory* 3001.1 S. Emily Dr. COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS Beeville, Texas 78102 APR 3 0 2015 AbelAcosta, Clark
Guillory, Patrick Sharard
Combined Opinion