RECEIVED IN IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXA^^RT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS MAY 14 2015 NO. PD-0194-15 Abel Acosta, Clerk William Paul Langrum II THE COURT OF APPEALS petitioner, V. FOR THE FIFTH THE STATE OF TEXAS respondent, DISTRICT OF TEXAS MOTION SUGGESTING EN BANC RECONSIDERATION TO THE HONORABLE JUSTICES OF THE COURT: petitioner, respectfully presents this motion for EN banc reconsideration pur suant to the Texas Rule of Appellate Procedure, Rule. 49.7, and moves this court to grant such motion, and in support of this motion, petitioner presents the following in support thereof: REASONS FOR GRANTING MOTION 1.) The decision of the court in denying petitioner's petition for Discretionary Review was based on a decision that was contrary to simular case's with simular issues. The STARE decisis Rule require like case's to be treated the same, which in the present case that rule was neglected requiring a closer review. 2.) Petitioner further states that such reconsideration for EN banc review would show that the state failed to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt as required by the U.S. Constitution, when it's been decided that, Texas courts are bound by the United States Supreme Court interpretation of the Federal Constitution regard less of the courts own notion, including the STARE decisis doctrine. EX PARTE DANGELO, 339 S.W.3d 143 (Tex.App.Fort Worth.2010) See also, CORONADO V. STATE, 351 S.W.3d 315(fex.Crim.App-2011), IN RE Winship, 397 U.S.358 (1970) CONCLUSION Petitioner asks that the court grant this motion for suggestion for EN banc reconsideration, and allow him the opportunity to further seek relief from being illegally detained on a void conviction. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, William Paul Langrum II, certify that a true copy of this foregoing motion was sent by First Class U.S. Mail, to the Court of Appeals, Dallas. Division. William Paul Langrum II 1884962 - Polunsky Unit 3872 FM 350 South Livingston, TX. 77351 William Langrum II #1884962 3872 FM 350 South Polunsky Unit Livingston, Texas 77351 Court of Criminal Appeals Supreme Court Building P.O. Box 12308 Austin, TX 78711-2308 v^ 78711230808 i|i|||i.i.i|||||i„..|.|j|..i|||,i„i||i,ii.|..i,|iii,|iji|i|