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To: Abel Acosta From: Ricardo Cavazos #1358886
Clerk of the T.C.C.A.
Dear sir, I had sent to this Honorable Court a request for status and
standing as well as a· doclvhich is very improper.
Since I have been deprived of this information, my wri tvri ter, rtr. Lewis,
is · concerned tha.t the · Court has received the entire record, which should
have included the rebuttal to the states preposed finding of fact and con-
clusion of law as \vell as the. two motions req.u~st~ng a subpoena for the entire
District Attorney Records andr a subpoena for th.~)10tes of the assistant District
Attorney that handled this case. · _
I hUY.lbly request that I be provided with the status a:r'fd standing of these
writs of habeas cqrpus 11.07 and a docl