Green, Kenneth Lashawn

PD-0633-15 FltoT flOTlQM FORBTTHKTnuf OPTIME 10 FII F OUT-OF-Tinf PET1FM fflfi DISCRETICrtMRT ftEVJEVI TO 1HE HDM)/WBL£ JUDdESOFT^ COlifil OP CRIMINAL APPEALS: Come5 now >J4flwJlr Green..Pei rVtontr-i and -fiIts "fhis fYlofion -for an 6x+eia£ioYv oQ sityLMdaus mwhich -ta-Ak 61 Petition £>r blscrfcHpflartf Rei/l«u/» la £w2D6. I fW t?>3ajk^:Th_ PefvW has hof ™*sW am. OCW(or\ prfor-to -Hii^reau^sf-. Pa#1 1. IetiticMd request -fcr cm tthniion\i> ha&A uyon 4-lae. -following -Pad's:Pe&tioner was fto±in Cprmed o-f 4^ /Mandate election o-P4ke Court o-f' Cnmmcii Ayp-&*(s Ih hU eaC*L uvrKi MayJC 20/5,-ftieflcM dau of4Ke Courts Mandate occurred on April ^£l/w5 fc/hidi was JLcUus, aPkr, ctae +o a Wie-fcr -k> «. dli^ermi Unit )^(TiiCj)B Sihce J\\ok fi'me P^KVicmtr V\a3 be6A q-|ronp4inj -to aaiA Lea/it ^ejprestnW^on in 4Wis rha-fer. The Court- of CYwtfvd /Ypy<>Ak dtC)4br\ D^nwtfmground On yco $L Afp\Jcavi\rk Ur\± ©f HciDeaS Corpus was deWmtaed'lOtai -fkrein. 4ke Ca\d Court made i-ks Orrkr 4t> cVanf&n Ut[\dr\ Ou.V-of:T^ Pe-h'kon -for Dkcr^bnarcj Review recently... ccka NJp.voa-g:uoT2-oi V\IHEREFOfiLPct/f/oner prciijs 4i\k Coarfjraiar 4Uis motion and exWid tked^zidliYie -fcr-ft/iftj-Jta, ?&-U-Htm -for btscre-tiohay Review in Ca^ /Nfo.r^-_3_S6jj_^/i ^r3>BC)Sg # 7bC^ri3&l>&5 Kerw\eiV\ L. Careen pefrf-ioner, pro se. Texas D^pflr-bn^o^Cn-Ynirial Jus. Gemmf.S Unrf An\ari\lo,TK7VDl ?*?- CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 1 CtrihCy +Vifrf atru^e and tarred com a-f- 4W. aW& and WegoiY\g first/Motion fer Extension of Time-fofi'le, a Pefj4-i'on -for DiicrefiDmg Rev^Mj jhas been -ft)warded Idlj OX mail»pashms prepaid,Acs Vd^4orndU. foir 4*broey, P.O.Box Qf05, Austin,Texas 787U on tV\s lU^L^daj *£ May ,1j0.i5. Pefi+fovx^y^ pro &Lj ift "Hieilkm£iis_ Um-V- o44Vie.TV&KS Qepad-vnent sf Criminal Justice mJlcdkc Cou^Uji IeXai> ven-f^ ft^d declare UhcW fcenaHy of pt(junj 4tati- -+W, (oirjotng sWemmfc. arefrwe^and corrack Exeeu-kA ar\ 4Kis -tU_ _4lViajjr of M,"fic 79107 TbCJIDr*l738feB5 U-em^Yts (Jnrf lU)ISpur 511 Amariilo.T* 71(07 Court of Criminal Appeals P.O. "Box Q3D8 Ca^fo) v5+a. Au-5+fo. 1x707/1-2306 Dear Clerk, J_ ktnnetb Gran am Wvcarterafed at 4^e. Clements Unit* and do mof have access to a photo machine ampler, .^aerem^ Courf fuie lll^f«k,S..-"/4n mmafe £rmfin«d in an rnsffusion, if pfaLeedinj in Forma Pawoens and, noV represewkd h(A bounce///nW file onlu an onainal, Petition amd fnofion*' Thank, uou -for uaur 3lhctrl Vi Ke/me+h (jlkxjus TD£J #l7-36k&5 Clemerrk Unif ?U)I Spur511 Amariil0,Tx7?/D7