OFFICIAL NOTICE FROM COURT OF CRlMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS P. O. BOX 12308, CAPITOL STATION, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711 PEMALTY FoR §§ 3/18/2015 PRl\/ATE USE§ §§ ,_ _ M m c ne LoNGoRiA, TRAvls KYNDALL §§§ct. No§17859"B '(`1)"°"i`/i"7ia- 82§9§6901 The Court has dismissed your\application for writ of habeas corpus Without Written order for non- compliance Wltg§§;§exas Ru|es of Appe||ate Procedure 73.1. Specifically, the applicant has exceeded the two pages allowed for each ground for relief and supporting facts §§ §§ §§ § ©© 265 0006557458 MAR‘lQ 2015 _ Abel Acosta, C|erk TRAV|S KYNlJ_ALL LONGORIA t u.T `Tl §§ ' actual ro SENDER {;z\ llcr iN DALLAS couwn wl zx>zzi::=.):§;'a>'w'qh.£n} .‘¥~_"~_'-