n°i 030-01 This document contains some pages that are of poor quality at the time of imaging. J/hAd 60&M& £cthii (iOt# /71703<. MMlC ujt STUS u*JiT APPtAu erne 30 UQ prv 3S~li/ &£fhjLM6ox a30?f CMlTOL STA770AJ JUNO 12015 AuSTtW, T~£MS 7£7// Abel AccsSa,Clerk Otar Mr, Mo5hf of-H-C opfr\ toaI Of-Hxt. toa.r+ of-appeals: 3, A-Copy of1 *H*c fH0+>/t$, Riexl Cn-H«c. Coarf of- q jp^u; ^J < JT UJQaial li/U. -I-Uc Ceari of- C^V^n*/ ffype^lS ~fv AnJ^t>r -/© -h^Ar^H •7, G>fU^>>^cL £ci*$Us JAM£S tP oUAftd £^.//pu f,0,&/ 71703 (, 5£aricLhv>« uajiT Oe^J (lf-0- t/ftcti cc~