NO.PD-117 2-14 IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS ERIC CHRISTOPHER GONZALEZ, §• m . . „ . .T __. . „T . ^PECESVED SIM Tv it 4- r, • Trial Court No. 20ll-CR-13A5J?A^^" Y.J7.Annr-Ai e Appellant/Pro se, (JOUHT OF CRI1MAL APPEALS <\ ,, * Appeal ease NO.13-13-00427-CR Vs' , FEB 12 2015 THE STATE OF TEXAS/ „ , - „_.,,- , .. jr. Feoruary 9/2015 Appellee. § l Abel Acosta, Clerk MOTION TO SUSPEND TRAP RULE 9-3,UNDERTRAP RULE 2/FOR THE FILING OF MOTION FOR RE-HEARING ON DENIAL OF PETITION FOR DISCRETIONARY REVIEW. TO THE HONORABLE JUDGES OF SAID COURT: COMES NOW/Eric Christopher Gonzalez/in Pro se(and files this motion to suspend TRAP Rule 9.3/under TRAP Rule 2/for the number of copies required for filing Appellant's motion for re-hejaiHr«gKj on denial of petition for discretionary review/andCQUBIGgH^My^re-APPEALS Court: FEB 12 2015 x" Abel Acosta, Clerk Appellant/is incarcerated at the McConnell Unit of TDCJ-ID/and unable to access a copy machine/and has no other means to produce the number of copies necessary for the filing of the motion for re-hearing• PRAYER WHEREFORE/premises being considered/Appellant prays this Court grant the motion to suspend TRAP Rule 9.3/and allow him to proceed with the motion for re-hearing without requiring him to produce the copies. x —• Q- ERIC CHRISTOPHER GONZALES TDCJ-ID #1863150 1 of 2. UNSWORN INMATE DECLARATION 1/ Eric,. Christopher Gonzalez /hereby declare that the foregoing is true and correct/I am an inmate at the McConnell Unit/located in Beeville/Bee County/Texas. ibruary/2015.X Signed this the 9th day of Februaryi C—+ Q- Jr~~~-*—• ERIC CHRISTOPHER GONZALEZ TDCJ-ID #1363150 McConnell Unit 3001 S.Emily Dr. Beeville/Texas 78102 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I/Eric Christopher Gonzalez/hereby certify that a true and corr ect "Carbon Copy"/of the foregoing motion to suspend TRAP 9.3/ under TRAP 2,has been sent via U.S.Mail/to the Cameron County/ District Attorney/Luis V.Saenz/964 East Harrison Street/Browns ville/Texas 78520. Signed this the 9th day of February, ruary, 2015.X **-~ ®~ ' ^^^ ERIC CHRISTOPHER GONZALEZ TDCJ-ID # 1863150 McConnell Unit 3001 S.Emily Dr. Beeville/Texas 78102 2 of 2.
Gonzalez, Eric Christopher A/K/A Eric Christobal Gonzalez
Combined Opinion