King, Jerry Wayne

july 13, 2015 ' %»3/)&'0\ 701 /\bel~ Hcos§a, ClevK a'n Hle; HE'. ' flaumL o§` Crim\'ncx\ prea\s 0$` ,Te)cus P.D.. E)o'x 12308 -' Cap¢'+o\ S+o+\on Hus+in , Tev\_o\s 787)! RECE\\/ED|N ` ' COURT OF CR\M\NALAPPEALS Correspon C]ence Cc)ucjresy ',' WR'SB,?>?Z'()\ JUL 16 2015 ` Dea\~ /V\r. H cash Abemcosm,@kez%< S{r, I$` ed all poss{b\e, cou\A lyou, wou\c\ you p\ease_ c gee +o i+ H\o& eac`h mel every member o_%` H\e Cou\~t 09 C\‘“\m;r\o\ preo\$ 0%` TQXQS receive his or h€,\“ Owl'\` incln'\/'lc\ua\ Copy 0%` Hne, §e‘x\c\oseé covrespov\c§er\ce~.'. floux_ Cooperu+{on in Hm`§ ma~Her wm be grea“¥\j apprecio&rec\.., Wl’+}\ Grec¢)( (l`::mjt\“lrucle‘. ML.%€LL_/FY_WQ%M_X%_ fast l ' Mri:ywj Waj<»@, \A§n% j@‘/1@)0572 CO$`»@;@}A um§+ - wm F/\/l arm Tem\es$€€. CO\O\'\§{)TX. TB‘ZSL{ TDL guy 13, 20|5 Cour)r 09 Criml'r\cxl Appeals’ 09 Texas P.D.P)ox 12303:, Cup|"+o| S+a+l`on Aus+¢'n , Texcxs 787|| RE‘. U’us+¢'ee or Le%a\ Tee\qn'\ea\‘\)r{es', V\IR'93,372»OI To Tf'»e Honomb\e Cc>ur+ 09 Cr;m{\'\o\\ Appea\$ o? Texas'. Naw comes I, The Pe+{)n'oner, unc\ makes H)is egmesj( plea ?or Uus+¢'ee... Achm\ Innoee\'\ee c\oes exsisf u§i_thl'n +his Cause, however, :[ Cor\m£r swain Suppo\~w\§mj doeumen‘}o)r\'on `S'\rom H)e Con§`l`nes o$ 'Pr;€on… L.e%