Febn.uan.v- 9,2015 Sand~ R. Dicken.4on #1483568 ' 'Polun4kv- llnht 3872 F/fJ 350 5 Livin~4ton, Texa4 77351 Dean. Non. Aco4ta: 'Plea4e fin~ encLo4ed Applicant 1 4 Application fon. a Wn.lt of Man 1M damu4; II pp 1 icant n.eque~~ w~t h_ · n.e4pect ~on. .P v-oq tlo' Pfl 1 e 4ai d - :.".!, ~-- • - .•- .... •........ "' ' ,..,, .. • Appnication and 4end him a date 4tamped copv- of the fon.e~oin~ fon. hi4 n.econ.d4 plea4e 5tn.. Thank v-ou fon. con.J.iden.lnfJ mv- n.eque4t. 114 I look fon.wan.d to hean.in~ fn.o~ v-ou 4oon. Sincen.elv- RECE\VED 1N ~COURi OF CRIMINAL APPEALS fEB 12 ZO'S Atoe\ Acosta, Gler!-1. CtUSt No.09666890,I043378D § IN THt COUnT OF § § Cni/IJINAl A??tALS § § SANDY nAY oiCKtnSON § OF AUSTIN, TeXAS ?tTITION FOn A WniT OF /IJANDA/IJUS TO THt HONOnABlt 9UD~t OF SAID COUnT: CO/IJtS NOW, Sand~ na~ Oicken~on, fTDC9-IDJ No.l483568, heneon a~ AppLicant tiLe~ thi~ Wnit of /llandamu~ ?un~uant t~ Ant. 42.03, Sectli.on 2 (a) (I) of th~ Code ~df CniminaL AppeaL~ fquo~in~ ex ?ante /IJichaeL v. Count Yf CniminaL AppeaL~ Yf Texa~, 319 S.W. 3d 695-696 (2010) move~ thi~ count fon a ?etitiicn fon a Wnit Y{ /llan~amu~ fon the nea~Yn~ ~et fonth beLow. The copie~ which ane attached tiJ the back of thi~ motlf.on, an d 1 a~ ~nound~ thenefone wouLd ~how thi~ HononabLe Count a~ foLLow~: STATt/IJcNT OF FACTS I,. On 9anuan~ 17,2008 in cau~e No.09666890, the AppLicant a~need tiJ ~enve a tenm of I 2-~ean~, fon the IJ{fen~e of mundenj TO Bt StnVto CONCUnntNlLY. Stt exhibit A, Attached to ?eti~n. I. 2. On 9anua~v 17,2008 in cau~e numbe~ 10433780, the AppLicant a~~eed to ~e~ve a te~m of 12-vea~~, fo~ the Yffen~e Yf A~~~avated 7?obbe~v, "TO 8C. SC.7?VC.O CONCl17?7?C.NTl!J." SC.C.. C.xhibit 8, Attached to 'PetJ.{tJ.i.on. 3· The C~iminaL Oi~t~ict Cou~t Numbe~ Fou~ awa~ded AppAicant to68- dav~, of jaiL tlime c~edit on cau~e numbe~ 09666890 j. and 437-dav~, of jaiL time c~edit on cau4.e. numbe~ 10433780. SC.C. exhibit A and 8, Attached to 'PetJ.lition. A~~llmC.NT AND Al1TH07?ITIC.S 4. 8ecau~e, the C~iminaL Oi~t~ict Cou~t Numbe~ Fou~ awa~ded Applji.cant 10'68-dav~ of jaiL time c~edit on cau~e numbe~ 09666890, and onLv 437-dav~ of jaiL tlime c~edit on cau4.e numbe~ 10433780, fTOC9-lOJ ~aid that the AppLicant Wlll·di~cha~~e cau~e numbe~ 09666890 on 2-13-2017, and Will di~cha~~e cau~e numbe~ 10433780 on 11-6-2018. SC.C. C.xh ib it C, AFFI OAV IT OF CHA7?lC.!J VAlOC..Z, Attached to 'Pe tlt.tlicn. 5· The AppLicant contend~ that the C~iminaL Oi~t~i~t Cou~t Numbe~ Fou~ vioLated hi~ 8th, and 14th ll.S.C.~~j becau~e, the t~iaL cou~t ~entence him without ··i.t bein~ ~eco~ded. SC.C. C.xhibit 0, Attached to 'Petitlton. 2. 6. Th.e AppLicant contend.t~. that h.e h.a.t~. a due pn.oce.t~..t~. "Leg-itl;_~ate C..xp ec tat ion" th. at th. e .t~.en ten ce h.~ h. ea n.d o n.a LL !J p n.oniJun ced in th.e coun.tn.oom i.t~. th.e .t~.ame Aentence that h.e wiLL be n.equin.ed to .t~.en.ve. SC..C. C..x 'Pan.te f!ladding-, 70 S.W. 3d 131-137 (Tex. Cn.i.m. App. 2002J. 7· Th.e AppLicant contenldA th.a.t th.e tn.iaL coun.t .bn.each.ed h.i.t~. pLea ag-n.eement bv on.den.ing- con.t~.ecutive .t~.entence.t~. in tn.iaL cau.t~.e numben. 09666890, and 10433780. SC..C.. ~n.een v. State, 242 S.W. 3d 215-221 (Tex. App.-Beaumont 2007). 8. Fun.th.en.mon.e, th.e AppLicant contend.t~. that h.e unden..t~.tood that h.e wouLd n.eceive no mon.e than. a combined 12-vean. .t~.entence. SC..C.. ~n.een v. State, 242 S.W. 3d 2.15-22/ (Tex. App.-Beaumont 2007). 9· Becau.t~.e, AppLica~t n.eceived a Long-en. combined .t~.entence than h.e unden..t~.tood h.e wouLd n.eceive, AppLicant an.g-ue.t~. that h.i.t~. g-uiLtv plea.t~. wen.e invoLuntan.v• SC..C.. ~n.een v. State, 242 S.W. 3d 215- 221 (Tex. App.-Beaum~nt 2007). Th.e ~ppLicant" n.e.t~.pectfuLLv on.den. th.e HonYn.abLe Coun.t of Cn.iminaL AppeaL.t~. to i.t~..t~.ue an o~den. to th.e tn.iaL coun.t ~1en.ing- them t~ 3· co~~ect the AppAicant~ p~e-~entence jaiL ~/..me c~edit to make the ~eco~d ~peak the 't~uth,. ~AU~ · WHcJ?lF0.7?l fJ7?lffJI St.S CONSI~il7?llJ, AppL Lean t p ~av with ~e~pect that thi~ HonY4abLe cou•t ~·ant thi4 AppLication and l~4ue a w.tt Yt Mandamu~ di~ec~tn~ the C~lminaL lJL~t~ict Cou~t Numbe~ Fo~~ of Ta••ant Count!!, Texa~ tiJ lxecut e f}ud~ment in thl4 ca4ej and fo~wa'~·d a cop!f of the.. co~~ectllon tiJ CLa~.J.t{ica~ton and 7?eco~d,~ t ex a~ lJepa ~ tment IJf C~ iminaL f}u~ t lee Co~~ec~i.on~ In~ t i tut ion~ lJivl~ion. UNSW07?N lJlClA7?ATION I, San1J!I 7?a!l lJicke~~on, fTlJCf}-llJJ No./483568, am p~e~entL!I inca~ce~at~ at· the ALLen 8. fJoLun~k!l U~it in fJoLk Count!!, Texa~ decla~e unde4. penalt!l of pe~:j.u•~ that the fact~ ~tat ed in thl~ document a~e t~ue and co~~ect tiJ the be~t IJf m!J. kniJwLJd~e. Cl7?7IFICA7l OF Sl7?VICl I, 5 and!! 7?a !I lJ icke ~~IJn, ce ~ t i I!! an IJ ~ i~inaL and one cop!f of AppLication fo~ w~Lt Yr Mandamu~, hM been maiLed fi~~t cLa~~ maiL to CLe~k AbeL Aco~t~, Cou•t of C~imlnaL AppeaL~ Sup~eme Cou~t BLd~, 201 W 14th St, 7?m /06, fJ.O. Box 12308-Au~tln, Texa~ 78711-2308, On Y~ befo~e the 9th da!l of Feb~uanv, 2015. 4. :d~rilr lililcfflrut/N..,.. TOC9-10, #!483568 ! , ALLen B. ~oLun~kv UJit 3872 F/fJ 350 5 Livin~~ton, Texa~ 77351 5· A .. CASE NO. 09666890 THE STATE OF TEXAS § IN THE CRIMINAL DISTRICT VS. COURT NUMBER FOUR SANDY RAY DICKERSON TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS JUDGMENT ON PLEA OF GUILTY OR NOLO CONTENDERE BEFORE COURT WAIVER OF JURY TR1AL Judge Presiding HON. MICHAEL THOMAS Date of Judgment JANUARY 17, 2008 Attorney tor Stale Assistant District District Attorney TIM CURRY Attorney MICHELE HARTMANN DIXIE BERSANO Attorney ior Defendant GREG WESTFALL Ci1arging lnsi.ruiilti1t: lNDiCTlvlE:NT Offense Date Convicted Offense OCTOBER 6, 2002 MURDER 1ST LESSER INCLUDED OFFENSE OF GUILTY COUNT ONE Findings on Deadly Weapon THE COURT AFFIRMA TIYEL Y FINDS THAT THE DEFENDANT USED OR EXHIBITED A DEADLY WEAPON, TO-WIT: AN OBJECT UNKNOWN TO THE GRAND JURY DURING THE COMMISSION OF THE OFFENSE OR DURING THE IMMEDIATE FLIGHT THEREFROM. Terms of Plea Bargain 12 YEARS ID Plea w Enhancement Paragraph(s) NONE Plea to Habitual Paragraph(s) NONE Findings on Enhancement/ Habitual Paragraph(s) NONE Date Sentence Imposed JANUARY 17.2008 Date to Commence : JANUARY 17,2008 Punishment COUNT ONE- TWELVE (12) YEARS Place of Continement INSTITUTIONAL DIVISION OF THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE Time Credited l068 DAYS Court Costs $253.00 Reparation NONE Restitution NONE DEADLY WEAPON FINDING NOTICE - AFFIRMED Multiple Sentences TO BE SERVED CONCURRENTLY WITH SENTENCE(Sl RENDERED IN TARRANT COUNTY On this day, set torth above, this cause came tor trial and came the State of Texas by its above-named attorney, and the Defendant appeared in person and by the above-named attorney for the Defendant, or, where a Defendant is not represented by counsel, that the Defendant knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily waived the right to representation by counsel; and announced ready for trial, the Defendant having been heretofore arraigned, or having waived arraignment in open coun, and having agreed that the testimony may be stipulated in this cause and the Defendant, his counsel, and the State's attorney having agreed in writing in open court to waive a jury in the trial of this cause and to submit this cause to the Court, and the Coun having agreed tO the VOLUME PAGE A OF CASE NO. 09666390 EXHIBIT ~-"--~:.---·- - - - - - - - - - same, the said attorney for the· state read the inotT\Iment charging the offense as shown or the re<~ding of the charging instrument having been waived by the Defendam in open court; the Defendant entered the abov~ shown plea thereto: and it appearing to the ~ ..·... ~. Court th~t the Defendant is mc:mally competent and the plea is free and voluntary. and the Court having duly admonished the Defendant as to the consequtn:es or such plea, including the range of punishment a!!ached to the offense and the fact that any :coommend~tion of tho prosewt!ng aaorney as to punishment is not bind;ng on the Court, yet the Defendant persisted in entering s~ch plea: said plea is by the Co~rt received a.1d now entered of record upon the minutes of the Court, is of the o;Jinion and. so 1inds thtt the said Defendant is guilty of the offense as confessed and set forth above. And when shown above, that the charging ii1strument contains enhancemer.t paragraph(s}, which were not waived. and alleges Defendant to have been convicted previously of any felony or offenses for !he purpose of enhancement of punishmem then the Court asked Defendant if st:ch allcgatio~s were true or false and Defendant a.1swered TT\Ie. Thereupon. !he Court, after having teard all of !he evidence as to such alleged prior convictions, is of the opinion and find& Defendant has been heretofore convicted as alleged in said e•thancement paragraph(s) as may be shown above. IT IS THEREFORE CONSIDERED AND ORDERED by the Court. in the presence of the Defendant, that said judgment be. and the same is hereby in alllhings ap~roved 211d confirmed, and that said Defendar.t is adjudged guilty of !he offense set fonh above, by the Court (a jury having been waived in accordance with law) and that said Dcfcncant be punished in accordance with terms set forth above, and the Defendant is senrenced to a term of imprisonment or fine or both as set forth above, and be wi:h tenr.s set forth above. a.~d !he Defendant is sentenced 10 a tenn of imprisonmem or fine or both as set forth above, ar.d be delive:cd by th~ Sheriff !0 :he Director of lhc·Instirurion~l Division o·- the Texas n~parlrr:tt.t cf Cd::1~.:ci J~:sliO;, or !!!l:c; i't:fSC•; :c~:tliy .:~thori~d ~c r::;ceive ~~c:t ::onvicts f~: th~ punishmcm and ::-.ect:iion may 1~s:ue as m:::essat)'. . A:-,d, if ~hown above th.a:. C·~fcndar.t h~s been Gu:;. .: a..-1~ legafly ,:L;nvict.:d t>r a prior offense by s~owing the COUrt. :-::.:;::: n:::":lbc.r, :.~•d o!{;::::::·~:;i:,:=-aher O.·:it:~ ·i~::o p1.:n;;hrn~;·1~ for such t:~ffr:.ilsc: "-''~ dau: Dcr~.;::;...;-,~·wQ\i set\-;Cnccd fer $,;.;~h vffCr;sc in •:em dance wah such convictioa. then iris further ORDERED AND ADJUDGED thalthe p~nishm~m herein adjudged against the said Delendanr shall begin when :he judgment and sentence in such pri•Jr offense. when shown above, shall have ceased to operate. And til~ said Defer.aanr is remanced to jaii unUI said Sheriff can obey the direction of this judgment. ?mrr5TNGJ0DGE Date Signed : JANUARY 17, 2008 Nor ice of Appeal ML~d~!e Received ..'' VOLUME PAGE B OF CASE NO. 0966689D ~XHIB.I."T CASE NO. 1043378D 'HE STATE OF TEXAS IN THE CRIMINAL DISTRICT .'S. § CO"C'RT Nt;MBER FOCR iA.NDY RAY DICKERSO!\ § TARRA:-.;T COUNTY, TEXAS JUDGMENT ON PLEA OF GUILTY OR NOLO CONTENDERE BEFORE COURT WAIVER OF .JURY TRIAL udgc Pr~siding HOI'. MICHAEL THOMAS Date of Judgment JANUARY 17, 2008 \Hornoy to: State Assis.tam. Disirict )isrricr Auomey TIM CURRY A.tto:ney MICHELE HAR'T\·IANN DIXIE BERSA!';O GREG \VE5T~ALL JOETTA KEENE Charging lnstrumem; l:-iDlCIMENT Convicted Offense )CTOBER 13. 2002 AGGRAVATED ROBBERY WITH A DEADLY WEAPON, TO-WiT: A FiREARM ST ONE Gl)ILTY =:~:di1;gs on Je::.Jiy \Vc::pon THE CO\JRT AFFIRMATIVELY Fll\DS THAT THE DEFENDANT !JSED OR .EXH!3lTED A DE.-\DL Y WEAPON, TO-WIT: A F!REAR1vl DURING THE COMMISSION OF THE OFFENSE OR DURING THE IMMEDIATE FLJGHT THEREFROM. Convicrcd Offense )CTOBER !"3, 2002 AGGRAVATED ROBBERY WITH A DEADLY WEAPON, TO-\ViT: A FIREARM .ST TWO GUILTY ~i!~din£s on )eJd!~7Weapon THE COURT AFFIRMATIVELY FINDS THAT THE DEFENDANT USED OR EXHIBITED A DEADLY WEAPON, TO-WIT; A FIREARM DURING THE COl'viMISSION OF THE OFFENSE OR DCRING THE IMMEDIATE FLIGHT THEREFROM. )ffe~se Date Convicted Ofr'ensc }(TOBER 13. :2002 AGGRAVATED ROEBERY WITH A DEADLY WEAPON, TO-WIT:.:.. FIR EAR'.-! 1ST THREE GUILTY Find:ngs on De:-Jdly \Vt::ipun THE COURT AFHRMATIVEL Y FINDS THAT THE DEFE!':DA:\T CSED OR EXHIBITED A DEADLY \'lEAl'ON, TO-WIT: A FIREARM DURING THE COM~v!ISSION OF THE OFFENSE OR DuRING THE IMMEDIATE FLlGilT THEREFROM. Terms of Plea Bargain 12 YEAR ID Plea to Enhaucerr:em P:u-agraph(s) KONE Plea 10 Habttual Paragraph(s) KONE ----·-------------------------------- Findings on Enhancementi Hzbitual Paragraph(sl NONS .··.. YOLLJME PAGE:\ OF CASE NO. iG43378D TRA~::> N . - ·o -L J'fr...~ t-' ltil!~ ~lillliilllllll~lllil~lllll!l11ililllll!l !1! Ill! 1 EX l-IlB.I T Date Sentence Imposed JANUARY 17, 2008 Date to Commence : JANUARY 17, 2008 Punishment COUNT ONE- TWELVE (12) YEARS Place of Confinement INSTITUTIONAL DIVISION OF THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE Punishment COUNT TWO- TWELVE (12) YEARS Place of Confinement INSTITUTIONAL DIVISION OF THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE Punishment COUNT THREE- TWELVE (12) YEARS Place of Confinement INSTITUTIONAL DIVISION OF THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE Time Credited 437 DAYS Court Costs $253.00 Reparation NONE Restitution NONE Multiple Sentences TO BE SERVED CONCURRENTLY WITH SENTENCE($) RENDERED IN TARRANT COUNTY On this day, set forth above, this cause came for trial and came the State of Texas by its above-named attorney, and the Defendant appeared in person and by the above-named attorney for the Defendant, or, where a Defendant is not represented by counsel, that the Defendant knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily waived the right to representation by counsel; and announced ready for trial, the Defendant having been heretofore arraigned, or having waived arraignment in open court. and having agreed that the testimony may be stipulated in this cause and the Defendant, his counsel, and the State's attorney having agreed in writing in open court to waive a jury in the trial of this cause and to submit this cause to the Court, and the Court having agreed to the same, the said attorney for the State read the instrument charging the offense as shown or the reading of the charging instrument having been waived by the Defendant in open court; the Defendant entered the above shown plea thereto; and it appearing to the Court that the Defendant is mentally competent and the plea is free and voluntary, and the Court having duly admonished the Defendant as to the consequences of such plea, including the range of punishment attached to the offense and the fact that any recommendation of the prosecuting attorney as to punishmem is not binding on the Court, yet the Defendant persisted in entering such plea; said plea is by the Court received and now entered of record upon the minutes of the Court, is of the opinion and so finds that the said Defendant is guilty of the offense as confessed and set forth above. And when shown above, that the charging instrument contains enhancement paragraph(s), which were not waived, and alleges Defendant to have been convicted previously of any felony or offenses for the purpose of enhancement of punishment then the Court asked Defendant if such allegations were true or false and Defendant answered True. Thereupon, the Court, after having heard all of the evidence as to such alleged prior convictions, is of the opinion and finds Defendant has been heretofore convicted as alleged in said enhancement paragraph(s) as may be shown above. IT IS THEREFORE CONSIDERED AND ORDERED by the Court, in the presence of the Defendant, that said judgment be, and the same is hereby in all things approved and confirmed, and that said Defendant is adjudged guilty of the offense set forth above, by the Court (a jury having been waived in accordance with law) and that said Defendant be punished in accordance with terms set forth above, and the Defendant is sentenced to a term of imprisonment or fine or both as set forth above, and be with terms set forth above, and the Defendant is sentenced to a term of imprisonment or fine or both as set forth above, and be delivered by the Sheriff to the Director of the Institutional Division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, or other person legally authorized to receive such convicts for the punishment and execution may issue as necessary. , And, if shown above that Defendant has been duly and legally convicted of a prior offense by showing the court, cause number, and offense together with his punishment for such offense and date Defendant was sentenced for such offense in accordance with such conviction, then it is further ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the punishment herein adjudged against the said Defendant shall begin when the judgment and sentence in such prior offense. when shown above, shall have ceased to operate. And the said Defendant is remanded to jail until said Sheriff can obey the direction of this judgment. PRESIDING JUDGE Date Signed : Jf\NUARY 17,2008 Notice of Appeal Mandate Received VOLUME PAGE B OF CASE NO. 10433780 EXH ( ( No. C-4-009049.,.0966689-A No. C-4-009048-1043378-A AFFIDAVIT OF CHARLEY VALDEZ FILED · 1'HOAfAS A WilDER, DIST. CLERK TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAs JUL 29 2010 "t:e-,~~b~~~-D-E_RJTY ___- STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF WA.LKER BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texa~, on this day personally appeared Charley Valdez, who, after being duly sworn, deposes as follows: "My name is Charley Valdez. I am over twenty-one years of age, of sound mind; capable of making th.is affidavit; and personally acquainted with the facts herein stated. I am employed as Program Supervisor II for the Classification and Records Department ("CRD") of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice-Corrections Institutions Division, and my office is located in Huntsville, Texas. I have reviewed time records kept by the CRD regarding offender Sandy Ray Dickerson, TDCJ # 1483568. CRD maintains these records in the regular course of business of every offender confined; and it was the regular course of business for an employee or representative to TDCJ-CID with knowledge of the act, event, condition, opinion or diagnoses, . recorded to make the record or to transmit information thereof to be reasonably soon thereafter. Based on my review of these records, . the following table contains the current sentence information for Dickerson. EX ~-1- , ~ t+ ~l r . Dickerson, Sandy Ray 'J(J)CJ# 1483568 P~ge2 Aggravated Robbery Tarrant 1043378D 12-years 10-13-2002 1-17-2008 11-6-2006 11-6-2018 W/DW 3-counts 437-days Firearm .(ail credit · 3-counts Murder Tarrant 0966689D 12-years I 0-13-2002 1-17-2008 2-13-2005 ' 2-13-20~7' ·, 1068-days · -. j :ill credit 1. Has the applicant made a claim through the time credit resolution system of the Institutional Division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice? ANS: Pursuant to Texas Government Code§ 501.0081, this office received a time dispute resolution form from Ap!1licant on 3-19-2008, and responded to the Applicant on11-15-2008. This office responded to the Applicantthat there was no error in his current time calculations, and was furtheYadvised thafifhe was dissatisfied with this response that he should contact State Counsel for Offenders for further assistance. \ · ·, 2. What time credit(s), if any, have been applied to the applicant's sentences in these cases? ANS: Criminal District Court Number Four awarded Applicant 437-days of jail credit on cause number 1043378D (3cts.) and 1068-days ofjail credit on cause number 0966689D. 3. What total credits(s) does the applicant currently have toward the completion of his sentences? ANS: Applicant has a total of 3-years, 7-months, and 18-days toward completion of his sentence because cause number 1043378D only allowed 437-days of jail credit, making this the controlling sentence of record. 4. What is the applicant's projected release date? ANS: Applicant has a maximum discharge date of 11-6-2018 due to the fact that he is not eligible for mandatory supervision release because he is serving sentences for offenses, Aggravated Robbery with a 1 Deadly Weapon Firearm (3 counts) and Murder, that are described in Texas Government Code§ 508.149 (a). 5. What is the applicant's maximum discharge date? ANS: Applicant has a maximum discharge date of 11-6-2018. ~X,H \ b \+ Cp·( i ( Dickerson, Sandy Ray TUCJ# 1483568 Page 3 CHARLEY VALDEZ Program Supervisor II Classification and Records Texas Department of Criminal Justice Corrections Institutions Division SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me, the said Notary Public on this the_ 22nd day of July, 2010, to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. Notary Public In and For 'The State ofTexas KIM CH£RR'i, CSR7) R~R OFFICIAL COURT REPORTER . CRIMINAL Dl1STRJCT COURT NO . 4 401l "W.., BELKNAPw STH FLOOR FORTWORTHI) TEXAS 76196 81 7-884~2597 September 3,2013 Mr. Sandy R. Dickerson #01483568 3872 FM 350S Livingston; Texas 77351 In re: Cause No. 1043378D; State vs. Sandy Ray Dickerson Court of Appeals No. 02-13-00079-CV Dear Mr. Dickerson: . This is in response to your letter dated 8/19/13 wherein vou request "a copy of the minutes sentencing and Judgment transcripts." doo8 I was the official court reporter when the above-referenced cause went to trial in January of 1998. I have researched the records, and the. trial that commenced on January 14th, 2008, ended in a plea to~~~-~ Court on January 17, 2008. The voir dire and trial onthe merits were recorded by me, but the plea and sentencing by the Court on January 17th, 2008, was not requested to be recorded by me. Therefore, there is no Reporter's Record regarding your request. If I cari be offurtherassistan.ce; please do not hesitate to contact me. Si~c~~~ ·~CJw Kim Cherry . . ~ Official Court Reporter- CDC4 ·. Tarrant County, Texas cc: Debra Spisak, Second Court of Appeals .0