j ... ' j. July,9, 2015 Court of Criminal Appeals Clerk of Court P.O. Box 12308 Austin, TX 78711 RE: Original Application for Writ of M~ndamus District Clerk, Harris County•; Non-compliance/T.C.C.P. 11.07 Dear Honorable Clerk of Court: P 1 ease ·find e nc l o sed : ( 1 ) 0 r i g in a L Ap p 1 i cation for Writ of Mandamus, and (2) Exhibits "A" through "C". Pleas~ forward the Mandamus with attached exhibits to the Court for considerat·ion and ruLing. Thank you for your kind assist- ance with this matter. Respectfully Submitted, i'flis documant contains some ~ages that are of poor quality at tfi§ lima of imaging. ·· Wayne Scott Unit 6999 Retrieve Rd. Angleton, TX 77515 IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEA(S AUSTIN, TEXAS BOBBY JOHN HENRY TDCJ-ID #1719613 RELATOR v• HARRIS COUNTY DISTRICT CLERK CHRIS DANIEL ..: IN HIS OFFICIAL CAPACITY RESPONDENT CAUSE NOS. 1282632-A & 128263~-A 180th JUDICIA~ COURT OF HARRIS COUNT.Y, TEXAS ORIGINAL APPLI~ATION.FOR WRIT OF MANDAMUS TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: COMES NBW, BOBBY JOHN HENRY, Relator, pro ~e in the above styled and numbered cause(s) of action and files this Original App- lication for Writ of Mandamus, pursuant to Article 11.07 Section 3(c) of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure (T~C.C.P.), and would show the Court the following: I. Bobby John Henry, T0CJ-ID #1719613, is an offender incarcB- rated in the Texas Department of Crim.inal Justice· and is appearing pro se, who can be located ·a.t the Wayne Scott Unit, Brazoria County, Texas 77515. Relator has exhausted his remed~es and has no other adequate remedy at law. The act sought to be compelled is ministerial, not disc~e~ • tionary in nature. T.C.C.P. Art. 11.07, §3(c) requires Respondent -1- to immediately transmit to the Court of Cr~minal Appeals a copy of the a p p 1 i cation for .writ of habeas corpus , 'any answers, f i 1 e d , and a certificate reciting the date upon which that finding was made, if the convicting court decides" that· there. were no issues to be resolved. No copy of the application•for writ of habeas cor-- pus, any answers filed, and a certificate reciting the date upon which that fi~ding was m~de has been transmitted to the Court of \ Criminal Appeals. by Respondent as required by statute. Relator would have received notice~ f~om the Court of Criminal Appeals had Respondent done so. II. Responde.nt, ~hris Daniel~, in his official capacity as Dis- trict Clerk of Harris County, Texas, has a ministerial duty to re- ceive and file all papers in a crim1nal proceeding, and perform all other duties imposed on· the clerk by law pursuant to T.C.C.P. Art. 2.21, and is responsible under T.C.C.P. Art. 11.07, §3(c) to immediately transmit to the Court of Criminal Appeals a copy of the application for writ of habeas corpus, any answers filed, and a certificate reciting the date upon which the· finding was made if the convicting court decides th~~ there are. no issues to be resolved. Chris Daniel~, District Clerk, Harris County, ~ay be served at his place of business at 1201 Franklin St., Houston, Texas 77002. III. VI 0 LA THIN · 0 F ARTICLE 11 ~ 0 7 0 F THE T EX A5 CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE The Res pond e nt v·i o 1 ate d 11 . 0 7 , § 3 ( c ) of the T • C . C . P • by fa i l- ing to provide a copy of the application ·for writ of habeas cor- pus, any answers filed, and a cerificate reciting the date upon· which that fin ding wa·s made to the Court of Criminal Appeals with- in the time prescribed· by law. and· within' a reasonable time from the date on which the documents were required·to be transmitted. Requests for· the transmittal of the application for writ of habeas corpus, and any answers filed, and a certificate rec~ting the date upon hlhich that finding was made were made td Chris -2- Daniel~·, District Clerk, Harris County, in the following ways: letters of inquiry and motions sent to the court between December 26, 2012 and May 05, 2014. (see· Exhibit "A"). The letters of inquiry consisted of r~quests from the Relator for the Clerk of Court to. send information regarding the reasons why i t was tak- ing so long for the ttial court to resolve the designated issues and reasons for the untimely remittance of Relator's 11.07 appli- cation to the Court of Criminal Appeals. The motions submitted by the Relator varied, but all sought to compel the Clerk and the trial court to comp'ly with Art.·11.07, §3(c). Exhibit 11 8 11 , dated June 1s; 2015, is a letter of inquiry to the Clerk of Court and a Notice that Relator would be fi1ing this Mandamus~ This letter ' served as Relator's final attempt at requesting Chris Daniels to comply with Art. 11.07, §3(c) by transmitting to the Court of Cri- minal Appeal~ a copy of the application for writ of habeas corpus, any answers filed, and a certificate reciting the date ·upon which that filing was made. Relator fu~ther requested that any attach- ments filed with or after the filing of the application, and a reason for the untimely delay for the transmission to the Court of Criminal Appeals be sent to the Court as well. To date, the Relator has received·no response from Respondent regarding Re1Btor 1 s request for transmittal of a copy of the appl- ication· for writ of habeas· corpus, any answers filed, and a cert- ificate reciting the date upon which that finding was made to the· Court of Criminal Appeals·. Nor has Relator been notified of any resolutions to the trial court's designated issues. Relator has even sought out infrirmation from the Court of Criminal Appeals. In a response to an inquiry from the Relator, Deputy Clerk Abel Acosta responded the· after searching records he ''found no post conviction writ of habeas corpus under trial court cause numbers 1282632 & 1282633, in the name of Bobby John Henry." (see Exhibit 11 c 11) • As is clear from all of the Relator's motions and letters of inquiries, Relator has repeatedly put Respondent on notice -3- that Relator seeks the res8lving of the designated issues and the transmittal of a copy of the application for wiit of habeas corpus, any answers fiied, and a certificate reciting the date upon which the finding was made to the Court of Criminal Appeals and that s u c h r e c o r d s a r e r e q u i r. e d by t h e Co u r t o f Cr i min a 1 Ap p e a 1 s t o a c t on Relator's writ of habeas corpus. Relator has gone well beyond any requirement or obligatiOn imposed upon him by the T.C.C.P. In contrast to the Relator's efforts, Respondent has wholly failed to comply with the T.C.C.P~ Art·. 11~07, §3(c), is acting in bad faith, and has also failed·to afford Relator the professional and common courtesy of any written response to his correspondence and motions. Article 11.07, §3(c) clearly states that "[i]f the C8nvicting court decides that there are no such issue·s, the clerk shall imm,..: ediate.ly transmit; [emphasis added] to the Court of Criminal. App- eals a copy of the application, any answers fil~d, and a certifi- cate ieciting the date upo~ which th~t finding was made. Failure of the court to act within the allowed 20 day~ shall constitute such a finding." T.C.C.P. Art. 11.07, §3(c). In this particular case, the court did make a finding of fact. However, it has/.> been just over two and a half years since Relator has filed his appli- cation. Ce~tainly enough time h~s passed for allowing the trial court to resolve Relator's issues, and Respondent is well past due in complying with Art. 11.07, §3(c). Respondent is in viola- tion of this procedure, ministeri~l duties~ and thus the laws of the State, IV. REQUEST FOR LIVE EVIDENTIARY HEARING Relator has already submitted a motion for a "Live Evident- iary Hearing" to the trial court on December 26, 2012 (see Exhibit "A" which the court either failed to rule on or the Respondent failed tn provide a copy of said ruling to the Relator. TherBfore, Relator is requesting this Court to.either order the trial court to hold a ~ive Evidentiary He~ring and to finally resolve Relator's designated issues, or to hold its own Live Evidentiary Hearing -4- once the Re~pondent complies with this Court's ruling and sends a copy of the application, any answers filed, and a certificate re- citing the date upon which that finding was made. The necessity for this Live Evidentiary-Hearing is great because the convicting Judge (Marc Brown) is no longar presiding over the 180th District Court. A new Judge, Honorable Judge Hull, is now presiBing in that cou~t. Judge ·Hull is not familiar with the case or the find- ing bf facts that were made by Judge Brown and for this reason will be unable to make a .fair and impartial·decision regarding any resolution of. the previous Judge's finding of facts. PRAYER FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, Relator, Bobby John Henry, prn se, respectfully req~ests a finding that the Respondent did not transmit the documents to the Co8rt of Criminal Appeals with- in a reasonable time after the date they were required to, and. requested to, and that the Relator brought this litigation in good faith and has substantially. prevailed. Relator prays for an ORDER directing the Respondent to transmit a copy of the application for writ of habeas corpus, any answers filed, and a certificate reciting the date upon which that finding was made to the Court of Criminal Appeals as directed in Article 11.07 Section 3(c) of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure and as requested in Relator's motions and letters of inquiry previously sent to Respondent I (Exhibits 11 A11 and 11 B 11 ). Further, Relator prays this Honorable Court to make and ORDER that directs the trial court to hold a Live Evidentiary Hearing if this Court simply orders for the trial court to resolve the findings of facts and designated issues. Or, conversely, Relata~ prays this Court to hold its own ~ive Eviden- tiary Hearing once the Respondent has complied with Article 11 .07, §3(c). -5- UNSWORN DEC~ARATION I, Bobby John Henry, TDCJ-ID #1719613, presen~ly incarcer- ated in the Wayne Scott Unit of the Texas Department of Crimina~ Justice in Brazori~ County, Texas, verify and declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements are true and correct.l EXECUTED on this the 9th day of July, 2015. Respectfully Submitted, ~~~p~ TDCJ-ID #1719613 Wayne Scott Unit 6999 Retrieve Rd.l Angleton, ~X 77515 Relator, pro se CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the above Application for Writ of Mandamus was served orr Chris Daniel~ by placing a copy in the U.S. Mail addressed to: Chris Daniel~, Clerk of Court, 1201 Franklin St., Houston, Texas, 77002 on this the 9th day of July, 2015. c·~~ Relat I -6- IN THE COURT. OF CRIMINA~ APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS BOBBY JOHN HENRY TDCJ,-ID #1719613 RELATOR v. HARRIS COUNTY DISTRICT CLERK CHRIS DAN.I Et.: :,; IN HIS OFFICiA~ CAPACITY RESPONDENT ORDER On this day~ came to be heard the foregoing Realotr's Appl~ c~tion for Writ of Mandamus and it appears to the Court that the same should be: GRANTED IT IS THEREFORE OREDERED THAT the District Clerk shall immed- iatelv transmit to the Court of Criminal Appeals a copy of the application for writ of habeas corpus, anv an·swers filed, and a certificate reciting the date upon whi~h that fin~ing was made. And further, a ~ive Evidentiary Hearing shall be conducted due to \ . the fact that the convicting Judge is no longer present, but that a new Judge is now presiding in the 1BOth District Court. SIGNED on this the day of -------- ' 2 01 5 • P r,e siding Judge -7- EXHIBIT "A II - 18Dth District Court Dockets for Cause Nos. 1282632~A & 1282633-A - Page 1 of!" .. Office of Hanis County District Clerk - Chris Daniel I . HCDistrictclerk.com · The State ofTexas vs. HENRY, BOBBY (SPN: 01964962) 11114/2014 I Cause: 12~26320 10 I A· CD!: 3 Court: 180 . I ,. ACTIVITIES Date Type · Description SNU/~FI ** NqTE: CHECK FOR POSl' CONVICTION WRIT CASES** . ,.l '· ll ,4,· II !09i20 12 WRIT EVENT ORDER DESIGNATING ISSUES F 995 11/09/2012 WRIT EVEN)' ORDER NOT TO FORWARD TO CC 996 I 0122/2012. WRIT EVENT COURT FINDINGS DUE 997 11/26/2012 NEXT WRIT EVENT FIND OF FACT/CdNC OF LAW-D . 997 . . 10/22/2012 WRIT EVENT · D A ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF • 998 '. 11/06/2012 NEXT WRIT EVENT RESPONDENTS ANSWER' DUE 998 I 0/19/2012. WRIT EVENT APPLICATION FOk PCW FILED 999 : l i l ! ·•· 05/05/2014 MOTIONS INTENT FILE MI\NDAMIJS 993 05/05/2014 MOTIONS FILED CFI ISO 01/21/2014 MOTIONS ,TO COMPEL 994 01/21/2014 MOTIONS FILED CFI 180 02/11/2013 MOTIONS INQUIRY ISS RESOLVED 995 02/11(20 13 MOTIONS , FILED CFI 180 01/2212013 .MOTIONS 'JIJDIC NOTICE AD.I FAC . 996 ~ , 0112212013 MOTIONS FILED CFI 180 ), 12/26/2012 MOTIONS LIVE EVIDENT HEARING ,·, 997 I 12/26/2012 MOTIONS FILED CFI 180 11108/2012 MOTIONS CERTifiCATE SERVICE 998 11/08/2012 MOTIONS PILED CFI 180 ' 11/0812012 MOTIONS REQ DES OF ISSUES 11/08/2012 MOTIONS PILED CFI I&0 11/09/2012 ORDER STATE PROP ORD .DES ISSUES 999 i' wo9t2ol2 OFFENSE BURGLARY ()F HAHITATION LEVEL F2 ., '!' : '. I ':: i '' ' 2 http://www.h(xlis.trictclerk.com/edocs/publi~/CaseDet:aiJsP~inting.~lspx?Get=swDM/Mfck ... 11/14/2014 1 ' ' 1 t • ·::. ' Office of Harris County District Clerk - Chris .Daniel Page :1 of 1 ~ . ' . . . .. ' ;\ HCD is trictclcrk.com The State ofTexas i vs: HENRY,'BOBBY (SPN: 01964962) I •' 11114/2014 Cause: 12826330 I 0 i A CDI: 3 Court: 180 · "· ACTIVITIES ' ~ ~ ' SNU/CFI Da~e ·Type Description **NOTE: CHECK FOR PbST CONVICTION WRIT CASES** ll/09/20 12 WRIT EVENT ORDER DESIGNATING ISSUES F 995 ' ! "· 11/09/2012 WRIT EVENT ORDER NOT TO FOR WARD TO CC 996 ' 10/22/2012 WRIT EVENT COURT FINDINGS DUE 997 11/26/2012 NEXT WRI'f EVENT FIND OF FACT/CONC 6ri LA W-D 997 .;, 10/22/2012 · 'WRIT EVENT D A ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF 998 Jl/06/2012 NEXT WRIT EVENT RESPONDENTS ANSWER DUE 998 10/1912012 WRIT EVENT APPLICATION fOlt I'CW FILED ,999 05105f20 14 MOTIONS INTENT FILE MANDAMUS 993 05/05f2014 MOTIONS FILED CFI·ISO l () 1121/2014 MOTIONS TO CO'!V1PEL 994 01/21/2014 MOTIONS FILED CFI 18Q. 02/11/2013 MOTIONS INQUIRY ISS RESOLVED . 995 02111/2013 MOTIONS PILED CFI 180 01/22/2013 MOTIONS .lUDIC NOTICE AIJJ FAC 996 01/22/2013 MOTIONS FILED CFI 180 12/26(2012 MOTIONS LIVE EVIDENT flEA RING 997 12/26,12012 MOTIONS FILED CFI I!HJ 11/08/2012 MOTIONS CERTfFJCATE SERVICE. 998 11/08/2012 MOTIONS FILED CFI 180 · I 1/08/2012 MOTIONS REQ DE:<; OF ISSUES 999 11/08/2012 MOTIONS FILED CFI 180 ll/09i2012 ORDER STATE PRO!' ORD DES ISSUES 999 II /09/2012 . OFFENSE EVAD ARREST/DETENTION W/PREV C LEVEL FS , I . ! ., . '. ·.:.'', 1 http://www.hcdistrictclerk.com/edocs/public/CaseDetailsPrinting.aspx?GeFswDM/Mfck... ll /14/20 i 4 · . 0 ' ... "\ 0 / . J~ lJ{)AiitJ J-lurt-l~ /~Lt;c~fy i.J;5/r;(/ ;~"!;-,~ , .. . £.goY tJls! · / ~lJ)v.5~AI. 7f:it15 ~7JIJ-J.. : ·'' ·. ' ' .. · .. ,,-.· I I: ' _,, :• ' .' '· "J_, h1:te ;M('~~~~ tJ l!~~;ft/ $~ ~ l rt/e /fv~r~ ;:~;J/,c~t;/r/ /..ftl//.r;vy lur 11h~t!f h ./t_:Y !//5d /6 !Je {}:;AA /&1/A. j/tl1.tl- (J trl/'f _sf}p,-pj bv ;/1/i /J'tJ/J fJ_5l;d ('tJZ;,I, -:5J"'dqp tfn;:,U!-1 > ·PrPS/.·2;;~ ~ 7 /J;J/)1 ;JdY/-~_<;_s,~(J/,j !.J· . .~/;/;yy:? £vi/r/{1'Ye LJ;/J f?1y UJ!r/'55 here 64·. !7fur-N~ u~i !1lP . it.JJ;( ;j;lf!. fa .·Jfk/;;d LJJ~· 1tJ~_j1rJ Jf lli/j ~~/#~· Cc;J_\;;J/-d/t;~J ul Me: ihL rillaviiAL. 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Bn:;t1JLI tl4ar#:~y i lt'j~Ar/ If ~ii;.t(5 flrt!?lktsf. rx;MWidJ!Iit(a;il("JJ \. · \ . ·. ~ --· \ '\ '·., f~i~:~>.: . . ·_ .·. . . . :. .", . :. ., •. . . · - .• . · ·.· . _;;_,~~~;J>~~8~J~~ ~ ;}-~; -~~;-~}'}:t~~~~r~.;;t•.·.~·- ;"·:;: ;J 0 ·. ·,.;h~~~::j~t· •,. · •. . I . • . ' .·> <.: . , .<~~:~~!~~ ·. >]]),~ .D~ztld~JL ·. flrner:tJrAt. '-8o_· (j_;)j.l_$1/zld (ir Jf1!/2 ·~:,,- ,.J}i·:;·~~,: · _/J)/;i/e_ ft)ra( C~rfs IL?ld_l/y Wr/ ~"tiL m~y:~~;v t)f~'!Jc£ .· !Uri! (Yote~Ll.Jj ~rc._ AMIIA(f hc~.s !!"'(Y'-s ~~Ais, lktc:- ·;,·;,_ [)re- .t.t&pioA~s- 7ht. L .S. , dk(Tt:wte fldkr-1 .:SWdtAI ,§u~;j;,l& · /l " I -i, I (' J. . ? j. I"7 ._ . . Q . I . /) . . ' ,/ j' I J r' t/ U11ute!l ,J/111(5, ) ~~ u* 5" 51 s«. xi/ /5.C ...Lt 22_ ;, ~, h~ aid d(d£3 2 Lu/J1rt s&~t iJtoc~Ju>&/;;,;;;;x ~;-~Xsl!JCj; ;;;r/iu;;J~ . ()J tJfft,.fr;;~ ::Jtti /(tilrdy t1J?iA;5/ lt,t;&/l/3/rii #c,Aitl/L};;,Jure/;;/tls. ·. 1t?dvLJ! tJJud~ JJ!i/t 176 o#;t; dPi.t.e 6a.J ;1; !J!Oul n;/;f/w ilu, Co!lcird froc.si2)Mf.- 7k kLJd#.tj_ ilJst ~~ -:YJ1il( 1J . . ~~{~~i;1;y~;~~ c'&Jf!f) ;t~~~~~u)~sw15 pdtfoAJ /lor pbsf.{!c!Ud;J (t ~1 Otvd +f1t. Miry r} ()111 {)If!~ f!fl /abib ortit!''. /)Je L0Zt.r I 5JI J !LJt ht£4 PU::f:.ude ;J 'iicf . 'i~ord,,it~ dtl/)y i/J fJJe- od;utlimftoJ .c1 a,rfk5erf:rl f!-~j~ . '. Cfo IutLdtJA! tf'~ (If! dy rr1JI ~d.iX L)e.fI Wor /( a dRr..JttJ.l !) cfa~ 1 ;foCfs5 C/JjAit!liJlJL til i/16 ~dJtd/ ~Atr/ iJ/ :3.~ f2J lasta, !ht Sfh fJJJd 7i)A/d tJ;Lklh, 'bh!tl 1t:/1!1J Viii iloa/;~/e ·· dr~Jy 1if til~ s_,lfJIL C!Jltrls 1or !1 dtlirn1LJ!J~,,; tJl !Jt!Atr fie_ · / ge~ys t1.HJ,e~ Jttc:;.l i 1tth/t;; : Sf fheo dslr1; / Ctl!u l1ozou) 1:/te ·I (Jihy_ tJOJ y.~.~t~1,t/Je. tJ Llb t5rdar<>J fo pxot.eciio ~· . · ·. / ';r~:ir(,J:..i~~!ll;i~?lfJ~M ~h~~~~ ~~tiJ Ot.to# Ip; excusable . r/;;i?y 1i1 pr!Jf!-:!<9"!9 o~ OtfJP{)/ fll!Jj 6tmnr'-< !J ;/i!;, ~;~( . c/a~_fJr!)UiJ /}ut;/t d:,/ot) tc:tr/ Jvz/rJiJjli Jaj~Jc:J ~ dr.j;JJ7;A!t_ . / •i1f "'the.- CfJLLu,-.s.. Jf?Ja],/; ,:JNf !1'7!5-i;e 'lor _5,tl,m;;/i~ .50,;/ !Jlvt!e. ~'yru;rf.5 /s be-co~ !);j J..!ruJNt:£1/J !'ff&t,.f lwfi;;; Li /;ts;.;m h,M ZJAJf fi.sjvv#d . . l55LLe~ ;/; ilt~.;jt .rlo_s, JJ %2£3;(.- d 0w_j /J !J l.:.) 3-;L/ !:t-'-l ;/;;tJ#J~-bd h _)ptc;Jy fit. ~m? ;A; Jvir;J /;; tP-54/rk i2i.~t't/7Aui~vtJ,-.1;Ssues. · //pplt!'ft',,;/ tJvf fJrll'js A lkS ;.£/lt<J6~ L'arl !it!;/ IJdJJJtJJ L (ho1Uicl up 1o ~11.1 [n:J..d {Jan:Jf.fr9Pitlt'.c 1J J!f&l~i.tj f./u(, lh~ctor!J!i? /'OUr f I: iJd!JNt. 1/n~rt.. n'li.J/_<;fr;;·Jti/ duly dt}t/ f!r;o/ue lh;t ;5ste lk I !J;plttC..!I ffltjJ I J'i'tlitbf· F1i/l i/;;JJhCAtfs· afk:t,7rf~ Iho /~ lo tJJI?tlU~ r!tt'JPdfos,_ !ulit:"2-l ~,)j{~,dJ~ -1- / ' /) j ll).f I -~---..- tnf-:hujl.l (~e U;JO /rJ r Dff.,L·.)_) j(J.; dJtlrt~:~ Is It·ftlt \ pti~Jt/5 1u 7tfe.- ft;;dd/Jt- jPfr/io"is. ['ift, hmlu.l1!i, 'I.e£ 'W, \ f ~ I " '"' . {_ I I . . . .,I I I ~ I .¥ ~ jl . I I --~-t) -A .4 . J F! u-u,. ti /ljJrl':xJA 1/!f' /_}tJt5 JVJt nDue.. Jb L!t5J, 11~ :Yt: e 76t- 'rltJI£Jtu9 Cul/tJ~rt/ faftlf:tyJ #!J_-I:it Yfn1e etJtofo!llte C,vd.JSJ(JeS l?!Nto/ >Je.C_;d(JJ !JlJ d/t'l'l /1!./ltL.J· M kllzle · !Jbi /;;1/illt:l si1i . ., ·.. pnSbtJn-s do Mol h!IJ& It tilLldfe exlioard!;.;trf t,,~et/1:; LJhtN · •): ,. · ., . \ i " .: ·.~ . . . . ' ·. >·:ls? . .;·, !~i;,:: '• :::·,_:. ,:~.~F~~\~ State Commission on Judicial Conduct Officers Tom Cunningham, Chair Executive Director Steven L. Seider, Vice Chair Seana Willing Patti H. Johnson, Secretary Members Sid Harle Karry K. Matson Joel P. Baker Edward J. Spillane, III September 27, 2013 Martha M. Hernandez Diane D. Threadgill M. Sue Kurita CONFIDENTIAL David Gaultney Valerie E. Ertz Ricky A. Raven Bobby JohnHenry Wayne Scott Unit 1719613 6999 Retrieve Rd Angleton TX 77515-6618 Re: CJC No. 13-0666-DI Dear Mr. Henry: We are continuing our investigation into the complaint you filed with us on April 9, 2013. We sincerely appreciate your patience in this time-consuming process. We will be presenting this matter to the Commission as soon as we have completed our investigation, and we will notify you of their decision. If you should have any questions in the meantime, however, you may contact our office toll free at (877) 228-5750. Keep in mind the Commission does not have the authority to give legal advice or change the ruling of any court. Also, please understand that the Commission's jurisdiction is limited to the review of allegations of judicial misconduct and does not preclude other remedies that may be available to you. We would appreciate it if you would keep us advised of any new developments you feel would benefit our investigation. Additionally, since it may be necessary to contact you for additional information, please keep us informed of any change to your address and/or telephone number. STATE COMMISSION ON JUDICIAL CONDUCT P 0 Box 12265 (512) 463-5533 Austin TX 7871 i-2265 www.scjc.state.tx.us Toll-free (877) 228-5750 PRELIMINARY STATEMENT On October 22nd, 20~0, applicant was arrested and charged with • • ' ~ ,' I •' ' ' • ' ' ' • ·the offense's of Burglary of ~ Habi.tati.on a.n evading arrest/denten- 1 .• ' I tion. On November 1~th,?Ol0 ~pplicant was indicted on both charges wfth. two ( 2) enhancement paragraph's raising the punishment from 5 to 99 or life, to 25 to 99 or life. After confering with d~fense c'ounsel, I advis~d counsel ~hat I wa·s not guilty o·f these charges. I I advised couns.el th~t ~ ·~eve;r entered .this Habitation. (Defense ,, .counsel ' -. advised me that . . .because·. . . of. my priors . that he would not '. ~ . ""; ' ' ' be. ··.able to d~fend meag~in~t '· . this Bqrgl~ry of a habitation and ., ' ' ,. that my case wa.s a very big ordeal inwhich I would be cha·rged. witt\ more burglari~s whether r·was guilty of them or not, only \ . to force me to ~lead gui~ty, and that there was no y~siable de- fense fox; me. Defense counsel ·advised· me that it .~ouid pe in my best . . interest.·· . ., to act· upbn ~he St~tes off~r and plead guilty to. the indictmentfii and take the 35 years ancl· 20 years •• ~pplic~nt was just taking ~~vantage of what seemed to be a di~counted sen- ·tense in a plea. baFgai~, rather tt\ar. gC}mple o~ ·a far g~eater seht~nce ·if a ~ista~en verdid~ is f~turped. Applicant lqoked f:·-..... at t~e compounding facts ~rid· ~1~me~~~ 1 of. what.wa~ bei~g, ~old to him and accepte~ the advic~ of hi~ ~t~orne~~ A~plican~ } p~~a . ' -~\-. ·. of gtiilty came· from the forces of "fear . : and . uncertainty . of the ,·. ' ·.3r'·· outco~e if he didn't accept the plea offer.~ ~pplicant was influ- enced by fact6rs based on ~pp~icant~s intbility to act for ·himself and disprove an~ case ~hat t~~ S~at~·may bt~ng up againsf him, inability' to,. afford .counsel: th~t· wa,s ,;,illin~ to fight in a trt,al o~ his behalf. Ap~licant o~ qr about Oc~~per 22, 201b was arrested fo~ the alleged offen~e of.B~rglary of a ~abitatiori, which n~ver. occurred and Class (A) mi~demeanor of evading arrest on foot in ,cause # 's 128~632 ~rid 1282633 ~. Three .( 3) .days ~fter appl ~can:ts, . • '• i ' I '• ' • ' ,•' • ' ·.' ' ' J.:~~l ' ., arrest on October 25 2010, . The· alleged' c;:omplainant "LP,c Sc~lumberge. r. . ~ issued a statemen,t to the District Attorney which was ~~tual,ly noted in the [)j.:strict ·.Attorney's file folder number·. ft'l282632; .,.: i•L~c . Schlumberge;:_~: 10-25.~10, ··~o Items taken defendant did no.t actually get ins'ide·\:'the home,, s~}'S defendant was "caught when he was. knocking on the windows"" of complaining witness home. Page 1 of 3 1' f No da~age was done to the home" Applicant was subsequently indicted whic~ reads: On or about October 22, 2010 did then and there know~ngly, with the int·ent ·~to commit Theft "elnter ~' habitat ion owned by Luc Schlumber;ger, a person having a greater right to ........ possess ion of 'the habitat ion than defendant and hereinafter styled The co~plainant, withoui the effective ~onsent of the complainant namely ~it~out cons~nt ~f any kind ••• " The contradictory informa- tion in p~r~graphs one (1) and (2) two above coupled ~ith the ~pplicant's innocence attests to. the'fact that someone 6ommitted aggrav~ted perjury in testifying before the Gra~d Jury int~ntion _., . . .. ally·;:~nd ~no~jngl~. The .prosecutor intentionally and knowingly ~·t:. wi thh_eld exculpatory Brady rna ter.i'al as well as defense attorney for applicant, in direct .contraventi"9~· of the Vernons Armotated Texas C6de of Criminal Procedure, I -, ' • • \ <' Articl~ 2.01 and defens•'c9~nsel f~~led and refused tq con· my will. s9~eone ·iri'~udge Brown's courtroom between his D.A's have committed aggrov•ted ' .· perjury to the Grarid Jury. Judge Brown will "'; not prosecute ··that· fact bu~ . . ··-·h.~~ prosecuted an innocent person . ~· . knowingly . that applic:ant . . ' was 'in:nocent ~ I'm sending ~· two ( 2) exhibit th•t you may come 'to your.owd conclusion. It is very clear what "" has· taken place .~~d I'm a·s~ing that th.is b~ investigat~d and . prosecuted. Also If .you would inake a copy of the two ( 2) exhibits and return them back to me~ I have no. other viable aven~e to receive relief. Judge Marc Brown is too power~ul. and pre~tt~~0~s fo.r my person. without' ·h-elp. from a powerf·u1· ·source. ' ' . :v~ectfully Submi t.ted c t?t~kfdt¥Uff~11J4!4 : -~ . _, " :~ ~ ., Page 3 of 3 CASE LAW ,, In this case· applicant is not dealing with a sta,tut~ry or rule violation in his case, here the ·applicant present~ a _valid claim of "actual innocence", based on evidence that was unavailable to him· at the time he ple~d guilty. Applicant asserts that his claim of actual inno6~nce rest upon his ple~ of "guilty~, and the statem~nt of compl~~~ing witness arid home owner (Luc Schlu~ berger )_, .which shows that the applicant is act.ually innoc:::ent; In · the case before you, the applicant submits that, ba:;;ed upon. the statement of Luc Schlumberger, the applicant is clearly and convincingly innocent of the -charge for which he is being held and convicted for, and that further incarceration based upon a conviction that is not clear and unsupportable beyond a ~e~ sonable -doubt from the record undermines the efficientcy of app.li- ~. cant•s·conviction, as results in a continued due pro~ess violation. The State~,. has an aff irma ti ve duty to disclose favor:_a,ble evidence. under. the due Process Clause, Brady V Maryland 83 S. Ct 1194 (1963) In the instant case, the State knowingly suppressed ~he report of Luc Schlumberger in the District Attorney's files, where the '•' home owner personally gave ~ s~atemertt ~9 the D.A's office·on 10-25-10. only (3) days after the allege~ crime, stating that applica11t never entered into the home arid no damage was done·, and all . ' applicant done was knocked on the window. (D.A notes within his file folder #1282632) T.his WC}S obviously favo+abl.,e, .evidence. Moreover, had this favorable- evidence been put befor• him on discov~ry that he would have i11sisted on going to trial. Conseque~tly, si~ce ~pplic:::ant did not have this evidence in the District Attorney's ~~les he was forced to plead guilty to a crime which the. evidence clearly shows tha,t _.he. is inr1ocent of • The fifth ame.ndment to the JJri:iJ:,e:''\: ·' ~ · .. /J;i?~tjj). Nr: ill,}~;. ·~~ ·• mr- l/!J;f.tfJ%h!;.~;f4;f:cllJf .#l?dtL3 . ///!J_?iiir· 1fjrt':(i L_~(/Jrtkf(hl )1/i'i· di /.it .lJJj#t !x:oft Ia~:/ _~;/' Jty}!ftt \7~(1;. a. /h,; .s1A1!41or/ ~· ll 3-fy&Jr Y>-~t<1+: -~:. ~ ¢nt~7L, ./!~rf~1 •. \tf( fl JrJ&Ytl:/111/f'c d. J~r~~-YNtuce ii:',1JI/id~. {;rrrs(qiltil.-5;~ · . . L h4re 114ttr4lf~ / /S*tLt; 6~Js. lkf htf:. ~~ l(tl!(~id 1r .2~:4 :.fj~tk ·. 1 . 'Jk·~L 1 /;At214~;~m,~ 1/JfJ!J!ll~ t~ lft!J. /r~t:f (P/rUJf/iJ.~fJ/fo/ SJnfht:~ :1, 41rJe fZt!fPf?/ ~t,ny.:~IJ,·:iJ, ,:!ol!t:ftf/t:(fr:!(.~k)tJ.n{u~/4/rt::s 1 IA!f Pr:ll4YJ #:tJ?~~:t ik tlr'it/1~,: ~~~. ~-wvl -d tri~Y~/~J (ff fJt1t/ ft?Jbdwt.; f,u!t 7:!.._;! !J.JI(e, As fJ!M1tfdlt.5 {JAtd-1_ Jl7ot~7J (/uftd (};/ tJJ !5/JtJJ -/_j~ ~Jwzsdl'/'#1 tf7 JJ Jhr/1.5 !Pzm7f tAl -/J(J ();~_\ /J /b;ut ,:fy£ !Jud ;//til;;~ J £e fkrth( G~d);__~~--~------- ~nl C1rdtJ!tJ:~-~-~----~--- / N\~. ~e>~_~i ':fr~~ru_ \-\~wRi ...,..-(:.) ~.'3 - · C .I. 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'_ 7lp -' ·<><:, I ~ :c:l ::~ "v-, ~-2 0. . ~~tE·.~;; ~~~ 1.::) :_:., -;; IJ') '~ ' -s:: ;-.,:,;, 8.\. ·~]\ ·~\ 6 -- t!l I I I , j7l.PJD (IV; . . { I ' . f I I - I .- : ' ' ,;,_~:c :~ -i-~~-rr~-; 'fl rltl ?Cf£ f'IJ_ fr - . 1 -'Ill r~ ;:. . ~:~'~-''"--:~ ,:'';~~');.:·:"- ..:·-,,~,~-· i .. G . I. . I - . . . . . . - ., ;f , . , ·. ;;~"".;: ;'f:<:/~;r-·~~ 11-;/i'7f't rt;,;· t! -e,r-o;cs r~. >~1 ; ~ : you may cause these Writs to become moble and resolve as the -~aw requires. I should not have to file extraodinary releaf to get the Court to adhere to its ministerial duties. My attempt is to preyent extra proceedings by unnecessary Writs that over load the Court docket. Please inform me if you have received said Writs. RECEIVED I"-'- ,.."' '~"~.,.n.J:" CRIMI~ ,, ' i CLERK'S OFFICE !' COURT OF. CRIMINAL APPEALS ' 'I AUSTIN, TEXAS ; : '•· I, ABEL A:cbsTA, Clerk of tl1e Co~rt of Criminal Appeals, ·do hereby : l. certify:that a's part of my dutie~ I have ca~·e and c~stody ofthe:records of ' '' . . • . ••• +' ! the Court. I have searched the ~ecords and have found no post·~onviction ,• : writ 'of habeas corpus under trial court 'cause numbers 1,282632 & 1282633, in the name of Bobby John Henry. WITNESS m~ hand and seal of said cou~t, at my ~ffice in Austin, Texas, : this the 15th day of September, A.D. 2014. Abel Acosta, Clerk 84~ By: - .. . . . . . .· - ·-· .... . . - ..' Deputy Clerk i 1 3 )' :.; ::
Henry, Bobby
Combined Opinion