CSINIB02/CINIB02 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE 01116/15 RB51/ES00018 IN~FORMA-PAUPERIS DATA 08:22:13 TDCJ#: 00633145 SID#: 01490530 LOCATION: ROBERTSON INDIGENT DTE: 06/13/0& NAME: THOMAS,ALLEN GLENN BEGINNING PERIOD: PREVIOUS TDCJ NUMBERS: 00298650 CURRENT BAL: 0.00 TOT HOLD .AMT: 52.2& 3MTH TOT DEP: 6MTH DEP: 6MTH AVG BAL: ·6MTH AVG DEP: MONTH HIGHEST BALANCE TOTAL DEPOSITS MONTH HIGHEST BALANCE TOTAL DEPOSITS PROCESS DATE HOLD AMOUNT HOLD DESCRIPTION NO BANKING ACTIVITY WITHIN THE PAST 6 MONTH PERIOD. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OFJo1'f5 ON THIS THE LJ2 DAY OF.)~ "'-.1.\., j , [f, I CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT IS A TRUE, COMPLETE, AND UNALTERED COPY MADE BY ME OF INFORMATION CONTA~IN Tti~. COMPUTER DATABASE REGARDING THE OFFENDER'S ACCOUNT. NP SIG: ~~ PF1-HELP PF3-END ENTER NEXT TDCJ NUMBER: OR SID NU BER: ·~· SUPREME COORT OF TEXAS 201 w.l4th st.aec»~ 104 P.O.IOX 12248 Austin,Texas 78711 JanUary 19,2015 ILAKE A.HAWJ.'HORNE CLERK: RECEIVED IN SUPREME COURT OF TEXAS RI:CUe NO.l4--1023 JAN 23 2015 RE:Appellate cause NO.COAtll-12-oD312:CV ~~AKE HAWTHORNE, Clerk -----Deputy Trial court caU&e N0.022853 Style:AI.LBN GLENN TfDIAS -. ~- . v. Texas Department of Criminal Justice"oOFPICER . , .MARCUS A.ADAMS,ET.AL~, Dear Clerk, Please be advise and file this PBTITICti POR REVIEW, in the abolle cause number Please stamp and Clate this PETITICti FOR ~lEW', send me back a staq>ecll,dated cOpy· of it,the date it was received anC1 filed by you in your court.Thank-you,sir for yOur time, assistance in this legal matter. sincerely, ALLEN GLENN THatASI633145 French M.Rdbertson Unit 12071 FM 3522 Abi1ene,Texas 79601 f (PFR COVER) .... ... IN THE SUPREME COORT OF '1'EXAS RE:CASE NO.l4~1023 OOAtll-12-oD312-cv APPELLANT -vs- 'l'EXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE-oFFICER MARCUS A.ADAMS ET.AL., APPELLEES PRatt THE 259TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COORT OF JONES COUNTY,TUAS TRIAL COURT CAUSE N0.022853 PETITI~ FOR REVIEW: -I-(PFR) •'· .. • IN THE SUPREME COURT OF TEXAS RE:CA$E N0.14~1023 201 w.14th st.RCX»J 104 P.O.IOX 12248 Austin,Taxas 78711 . . COAI11~12-Q0312~V FlOJ THE ELEVENTH COURT OF APPEALS 100 West Main Street,Suite 300 P.O.IOX 271 EASTLAND, TEXAS 76448 . ~ . ' . TRIAL COURT N0.022853 FRat THE 259TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT . .caJRT OP JONES COON'l'Y, TEXAS P.O.IOX 429 ANSC)N, TEXAS 79501 . . . ~CH>RAILB IROOKS ft ~HAGLER: PETITION !'OR REVIEW FOa VACATING OR cciRR.EcTING THE JtJDGMBNT AND ORDER FRat THE caJRT OF APPBALS-EI.EVBNTif DISTRICT OF TEXAS-AFFIRMED THE ~ OF THE TRIAL COURT TEX.CIV.PRAC•' REM.~E.CHAPTER 1l,VEXATIOUS .LITIGANT,f11.101-Memrandum Opinion by wright,c.J.(Panel cerisists of:wrigbt,c.J.,Wi11son,J.,and lailey,J.) October 9, 2014 -ii-[PFR] It A) TO THE HONORAJLE JUSTICB(S) OF SAID OOURT Comes nw,ALLBN GLENN THOMASiTDCJ-ciDt633145,Pro-Se, ,pgrsuant te Chapter ll,of the TEX.CIV.PRAC .• , REM.CODE.ill.lOl,TEX.R.APP.RULE 47.l,TJ:X.a. ' ' - : . ! ,. APP.RULE 52.9 Petitioner will show this Honorable SUPR!ME COURT OF TEXAS,that the COORT OF APPBALS . FOR THE ELEVEN'l'B DISTRICT OF TEXAS has •BRRORED• ,by AFFIRMING the trial . CCJurts ORl>ER em October 11,2012,Final judgment,Clismissing TfDIAS'S Claims with prejuciice,and pursuant to TEX.CIV.PRAC., REM CODE.fll.lOl Plaintiff asks this Honorable SUPRBME COURT OF TE~As,to be liberally construed: See:HAINES v.KERNER,404 U.S.519,92 S.C.t~594,30,L.E.Cl.2Cl 652(1972); MACLIN v.PAOLSON,627 F.2d 83,86(7th Cir.l980) I. DISCOVERY AND EVIDENTIARY HEARINGS: Petitioner weula respectfully,requests that this GGoCl and Henerable Ceurt would Allew fer Discovery and/~r EviiClentiary hearing to be conducted under TEX.R.APP.P RULE 47 .l,SO(a) ,90(i),TEX.RULES,CIV .PROC.RULES 166(a),l66(c). -iii-(PFR) IDENIW OP PARTIES AND THEIR COONSEL: A) SWLE:AI.I.a GLENN 'l'HOMAS v. Texas DaparU.aent of Ceiminal JuatictM>PFICBR MMCUS A.ADAMS;ET .AL., . . cHAaGING OPFICBR{S): l)Marc:us '. A.Adama: " (2:Jamie M.Pritchard: .,. (3:1rody lack: (4:Diane I.Jarayas:. (S:Molly ' . S.C8dillo;(6:Wealey P.Hedges:(7:Dale M.Daminguez;(8iJ.Med1llen ;(9:John A.~ SI!:RGEN'r( s) ~)Donald R.Davia: (ll:lrandon D•Wheeler CAPTIAN(S) 12)William J.lardin:(l3:Rob~ Hardin 14)Janay a.wtlliw WARDEN(S) 15)Serdor warden BDDXB t.wsULER': (l.6:ASSISTANT(S)JDMY o. IBTCHBR: (17:RIC!SARD G•• 18)NILLIM smtiBN oEFBNDMT( s~caJNSm,: 19)ASSxsTANT OFFICE ~ > i .. ?! . ·~ or THE A'l.'1cium GBNisaM.~ristin A.Coblt-P.O.IOX 12548-Capitol ' ~ '~ . :, . . . : : ' ' ·. :c . •. . • station-Austin,Tuu 7&711 -IV'!'"(PfR) .. - - .; ~.,. •> II. 'l'AILB Oi' caf1'ENTS AND POINTS or ISSUES: . . . C) Index of Autberittes Cited •.• ••• ~ •••• • •. •. •. • • • • •. ·:.· • • .VJ. • • • _• • •.PAGE NUIIIER(S) D)Stateent of case••••••• -••••••••• • •••.• ••••••••••••••••••••• A-J.Q. • •• ~ •. el'stateent of .:Juriadictien •• ~ •••••••••••• •:•••• ~ ••••••••••••• -• • .l.Q, ••• ~ •• ' .. . . . 10-12 f)Is~es Preswented•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••····· g)Statements of facts••••••••••••••••••••••••••··•······~···~··))~).~ ~ .';~ •••• h,)~~ ef the arg\IDellt •••••••••••••.• • ••••• ~ •••••••••••••• ~ •••••• ~ ••••• i)Aa:q11Dent ••••••••••••••••••••• -• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ~ •• ~. ).;>~)..3. •. j)Prayer •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ••••••••• . ~ K)Ar;'JI>endix ••••••••••••••• ~· •••••••••• ~ ~ ~ •• ~ ••• ·•• ~ •••••••••••••••• ~:J-.1. ~ ••• ~ . . . ! l)Necesaary centents,,unless volUudneus or iupractible,tne appendix mtist contain a (A)The judgment er ether appealable order of the trial court fm whicll rel i.e£ in the court ef ai?Peals vas sought: • " • < .i • • • (i)~e jury charge am verdict,if any;or the trial courts findings •£ fact s and conclusi~ of Lav,if any: (C)Tbe opinien ancil judgnlent Gf the COUrt ef ~ls:and ' • • • • • .. • • • • ~ < • ., • ' (D)The text of any rW.e,regulatien,erdi'nacelstatute,eenstitutiGRal . prwis -~ ~ . .· ' or1 which the argument is based(Excluding case law)and the ion,er other law text -.f any c:Gntract er other ca.cument that is central to the argument • .2)0pitienal centents:The appendix _may centain any other it~ pertinent to the iuu es or points presented fer review,including cepies er excerpts of relevant ceurt • pinions,statUtes~censt.itutional pnwisiens,documents en which the suit· vas based, Pleadings and similar material. Items should net be inCJ:uded in the appendix te att 8q)t te aveid the page limts for the petiticm. -V-(PFR] ·- ,.... , t C) IlllDBX OP AU'l'HOIU'l'Y CITED: CASES: fAGB NUMUR(S) !)Leonard v.Abbott,171 s.w.3d 451 at 156-58(Tex.App.-Austin,2005,pet.denied).l1;13; 2o 2)Durm v.Calhoun,299 s.W.3d 360 at 369-70(Tex.App.-Dallas 2009) •••••••• 11 3}Sax v.Votteler,648 S.W.2d 661 at 664(Tex.1983) •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 13 4}NELSON v.KRUSEN,678 S.W.2d 918 at 92l(Tex.l984} ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 14 5)LONE STAR GAS OO.v.RAILROAD COM'N,767 S.W.2d 709 at 710-711(Tex.l989) •••• 15 6)WEST v.ROBINSON,180 S.W.3d 575 at 576-77(Tex.2005) ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 15 7)Walp v.Williams,330 s.W.3d 404 at 407(Tex.App.-FortWorth 2010,no.pet) •••••••• l6 8)SCOTT v.Dep't of Crim.Justice-Institutiomnal Div.2008,Tex.App.LEXIS 894l(Tex.App.-corpus Christi Nov.2008) ••••••••••••••••••••••• l?~!~ .............. l7;18;19 9)Spiller v.Spil1er,21 S.W.3q 451 at 454(Tex.App.-San Antonio 2000,no.pet)· •••••••• 17 10)In re Marriage of Grossnickle,ll5 s.w.3d 238 at 252(Tex.App.-Texarkana 2003,no.pet) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l7 1l)Disher v.Huitt-Zollars,Inc.,l62 S.W.3d 370 at 377(Tex.App.-Dallas 2005,no.pet).l7 12)Nabelek v.Johnson,N0.04-Q3-Q0269-CV,Tex.App.LEXIS 259l,at *9-lO(Tex.App.- San Antonio,Apr.6,2005,pet.denied) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 18;19 13)ALLEN GLENN THOMAS v.TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CEIMINAL JUSTICE-INSTITUTIONAL (Tex.App.-EASTLAND,June 12,2014}(no hearing conducted) •••••••••••••••••••••••••• l9 14)Tuner v.Grant,2011 Tex.App.-LEXIS 9250(Tex.App.-Amari11o,Nov 22,2011) •••••• 20;22 15)Zieba v.Martin,928 s.W.2d 782 at 786(Tex.App.-Houston[14th Dist]1996,no writ)20;22 16)Crawford v.Hope,898 s.w.2d 937 at 940-41(Tex.App.-Amarillo 1995,writ denied)@):@@ •.........•...........•..••....................• ~- .........•..•........•..•..•...•. 20:22 17)Downer v.Aquamarine Operators,Inc.701 S.W.2d 238 at 241-42tTex.l985) ••••••• 20 18)THOMAS v.KNIGHT,52 S.W.3d 292 at 294-95(Tex.App.-corpus CHRISTI,2001) •• 20;23 19)Devo11 v.State,l55 s.W.3d 498 at 502(Tex.App.-San Antonio 2004) •••••• 20;22 ~vi-(fPR] .. -. C) III. INDEX OF AUTHORITY CITED: CASES: PAGE NUMBER( S) 20)IN RE PRUDENTIAL INS.,CO.QF AMERICA,l48 S.W.3d 124 at 135-36(Tex.2004) ••• 21 21)5rown v.McLenna County Children's Protective Sers.,627 s.w.2d 390 at 393(Tex.l982)21 22)Brady v.united States,397 u.S.742,748,90 s.c.t.l463,25 t.E.d.2d 747(1970) •• 21 23)DALLAS MOFNING NEWS v.FIFTH COURT OF APPEALS,842 S.W.2d 655 at 658(Tex.l992).21 24)Walker v.Packer,827 s.W.2d 833 at 840(Tex.l992) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 21;23 i 25)Yarbrough,898 S.W.2d 251 at 253(Tex.l995) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 23 26)Retzlaff v.GOAMERICA COMMUNS Corp.356 S.W.3d 689 at 702,2011 Tex.App. tEXIS 8020(Tax.App.-E1Paso 2011}.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••23 27THOMAS v.SKINNER,54 S.W.3d 845 at 846-47(Tex.App.-corpus Christi 2001) ••••••• 23 28)1arr v.Resolution Trust Corp.,837 s.W.2d 627 at 630-31(Tex.l992) ••••••••••••• 23 -VII- - IV. d)STATEMENT OF THE CASE:The petition must contain a stataaent ef the cue that she uld seldGID exceed one page and sboulcl not discuss the facts.Tbe statement must con tain the Follewing :A cencise description of the nature of the· case( e.g. ,whether it is a suit for damages,en a note, or in trespass te try title:) !)Plaintiff 'lB»>AS'S suit is fer damages under Inmate's Claim fer test er Damage Preperty,'tex.Gov't CODE.• ff24.007;50l.007:Tex.Censt.Art.l,fffff3:3a:8;13;17;19;Unit ed states eonst.l_st:4th;5th;6th:7th:8th;l4th Amend(sh42 u.s.C.fl983;42 u.s.c.ADAf .. . 12131~34(e.g,.,fer injunctive relief) 2)The name of the judge wbe signed the ercier er judgment appealed fraa:if-.rable IRO(J(SH.HAGLBR,The 258'BI JUDICIAL DISTRICT SMALL CLAIMS CGURT OP TEXAS 3)The aesignatien ef the trial court and the county inwhicb it is la<:ateci:JONBS Cewlty,~SE-P.O.IOX 42g.;..ANSC6,TBXAS 79501 4)The dispositien of the cue by the trial court,aismissing Vithprejudlce,u ~ ' . I l '• ~TI~ tiTIGANT,Pr.-;.filing 1 pursuant te Tex.civ.Prac.5 Rem.CODE.Olapter 11.101 '-. ./ S)'l'he parti~ in the court •f A;pMls the Eievmth District •f · Texas,sftt.B:Ati:.BN GI.iNN TH<:IIAS v.TBxAs DUARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICB-E>Pi'ICER MARCUS A.ADAMS.ET.AL 6)'lhe . . district of the coUrt of Appeals is the Eleventh District . ' ef. Texas~P.().. IOX 2 / 71-EASTLAND,TEXAS 76448 7)Tbe names .•f. the justices wbe participated in the decision in the c.urt ef appea ' . . . )-I • • ls;t~e a:uthor ef the o,inieh for the ·c-urt,~ 'the' auther ef any separate opinion, M&iDerandum opinion by wright,·c.J. (Piinel consists •f :llright,c.J., Willsen,J., and lai ley,J.) 8)'l'he citatien fer the Court ef Appealslepinion,if available,or a statement that the opiralen was unpublisbed,and nOntbeiess,·.Ven where a trial cOurt. disndSsal with prejUdice,This court has inspected the recerd in this cause and concludes that the ' . . ' :. . . : re is no errer in the judgment belw.Therefere,in accerdance with tltis c:eurt•s epi nien,the judgmen~ ef thit trial court" i~ in all things affirmed. . . 9)'1'he c.Uspesiti.n ef the case by the court ef APPeals:AFiiRMED,the judgment ef the ' ;> ,. '"" .. . - Trial ceurt order dismissing this suit.11lia court has inspected the record in this .. ; . ' case and concludes that there is nO errer in the jUdgment below.Therefere,in ac:cGr dance with this court •s epinictni the judgment of the trial COUrt is in all things a ffirmed.Ne affirm the OCteber 11,2012 judgment. . 8 (PPR] d) STATEMENT OF CASE:(e.g.,This is a suit for damages) 9n August 31,2012_,'Plaintiff 'lHClQS suit was filed in the 259'1'8 JUDICIAL DISTRICT CXXJRT '?"JONES county,Texas,against seventeea(l7) named TDCJ'S officer•s,official's et.al.,defendant •s~ 11 Plaintiff also filed an declaration of inability to pay the . ' 2 costs,and requested to proceed Informa pauperis 1 I Plaintiff stated a Claim under the United States constitutions,First,Fourth,FIF'l'H slX'l'H,sBVENTH,EIGH'lti,FOUR'l'UN'1'H AMENI»~ENTS,42 u.s.c.§l983,ana under the 'l'BXAS Const ituticms .ARTICLES l,ffiifi3J3a;8;13:17:19fTex.Gov't CODE.if24.007:50l.007,Inmate's Claim For test or Damage Property,by these named TDCJ'S-officer•s,and official's, Conspiring and Retaliating, filing False disciplinary cases em me, 0 Maliciously Prese uting me without 11 Pnable Cause"for these disciplinary proc:eedings,against me becau sa of my serious medical condition,Restrictions of "NO LIP'.l'ING)50 L.s at that time, its now been updated te •NO LIFTING,lO LIS,NO LIFTING AT ALL", 11 NO aENDING AT WAIST, "NO QEPETITIVE USE OF HANDS,and because of an inlarge "Bernia", in my right grein, I have "MCK Pr«>lems,·I wears an 11 MCK aRACEu_, inwhich has cause me te have majer Surgery te my right groin fer these twe "Hernia•, interfering with my serieus medici al cenditien for these two("HERNIA,MCK PRoaLES•] ,denied,delayed my serieus medical care, these acticms constitutes an •siGII'l'H Amendment violatien ef "DELDERATE INDIFF ·· ERENCE• ,under the Unitecl States Cctnstitution,under the "TEXAS Censtitutien Art.l, ffff§f3:3a:8:13:17:19:ccfM.toN LAW OF MALICIOOS Proaecution,by i119roperly making the Plaintiff a subject of a legal preeess te his Gletriment,oue ceurse,aricil Due precess,, . . 3 Equal pretecti4Nl of the law uncier 42 u.s~C.§l983, I te redress the cleprivations " under the •coLOR OF t.AW,FEDERAL ani STATES LAW OF RIGHTS secured by the Censtitutien l)See:Plaintlff's original petiti•n filed August 3l,2012,[CR-~l64] 2)See:Plaintiff's AFFIDA'lT ' . oP INDIGENCY AND uNswoRN OaCLARAfiON[CR~l7l-l73] :! : •. ' . . • .. I . ! . • • 3)See;Plaintiff's eriginal petitien[ca.:.3-l9] 9(PFR) IV. d)Of the United States and th~ States of TEXAS.The trial Court Declarea Plaintiff as A VBXATIOOS LITIGANT" ,specifiea in its ORDER, Plaintiff did not obtain permission from A local Adndnistrative judge with (10)Ten days of the filing Notice that Plaintiff is A vexaticaus Litigant,Therefore,it is oiU>ERED this case is DISMISSED WI'l'B PR&JUDICE, Plaintiff shall take llGthing by this suit,This is a Final ORDER that disposes of this 4 entire case,A11 relief not specifically granted is denied. 1 · v. (e) STATEMENT OF JtJlUSDICTION: The SUPREME COURT 01' TEXAS,must have JURISDICTION over the parties,because this is an . . . Appeal from the decisien from the 259TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COORT OF JONES County,TBXAS, This case is of such i111p0rtance te the jurisprudence Qf the STATE OF TEXAS,that a dire ct "APPEAL" should be allwed.See:RULES OF APPELLATE~ RULES OF SUPREME COURT OF TEXAS,Rules 38.1;47.1;52.9:53.2;53.7(f):55.5:56.l(a):1-6:57.3;57.4;et.seq. . . : : . Plaintiff seeks injuative relief,are authorized IDy sectien 65.001,,et.seq.ef Tex.civ. Prac., Rem.CODE. ,and Declaratory relief,pursuant to section 37 .ool,ET.seq.of TEX.CIV. PRAC., RDI.OODE.;and nerminal cC~~Dpensatory,punitive damages. '. ,.. . ' . . . Plaintiff seeks Discevery,should be conducted under Texas Rules of Civil Procedure(Supp 1980),Rule 166(a),(C),level two(2),three(3)of the Tu.Civ~Prac., Rem.coos:Texas Rules ef Civil Prec.Rules 190.3(b):l90.4(bhRule 306a Hearings. VI. (f)ISSUIS PUSENTEO:The brief must state c:oRcisely ail issuea or (Nints preaentea fer Review.The statement of an issue or r-int will be treated as covering every subsidiary question that f~irly included.If the matter c:oqtlained of eriginated in the trial court., it should have been preserved for appellate review in the trial court and assigned as error in the Court of appeals. . . . . . 4.)See:Plaintiff ORDER[CR-211-212) lO[PFR) VI. (f) ISSUES PRESEN'l'ED OR POINTS FOR REVIEW: PUrsuant to Tex.R.APP;Rt:JLE 47.1 ;TEX.R.APP.RULES 52.9;56.1 QUESTIONS PRESENTED aEFORE THESE JUSTICES OF Tf.fiS SUPREME COURT OF TEXAS:? l )WHETHER THE COURT OF APPEALS ELEVENTH DISTRICT OF TEXAS ERROREDa IN ITS OPINION,, FAIL TO SATISFY lmJUIREMENTS TO ADDRESS EVERY ISSUE RAISED AND NECESSARY TO THE FINAL DISPOSITION OF THE APPEAL? 2)WHETHER THIS STATUTE TEX.CIV .PRAC., REM.CODE.CHAPTER ll.,,,fll.lOl(a),, (2) ,fll.l03(a),~ (e) DECLARING THC.MAS AS AN VEXATIOOS LITIGANT IS UNCOOSTI'l'UTICNAL AS APPLIED.1 VIOLATES THCIIAS . . . RIGHTS TO ACCESS TO THE ~TS UNDER 'THE OPEN COURTS PROVISION,DUB COURSB,DUE PROCESS, QJAL PROTECTION OF THE LAW IN THE TEXAS CONSTITUTION,ARTICLES l,fififi3;3a;8;13;17;l9f '!'Ex.Gov't CODE.ff24.007;50l.007 ,UNBIR UNITED STATES Conatitutions,lst;4th;5th:6th;7th;8t h;l4th Amend[s]? 3)COURT OF APPEALS ELEVENTH DISTRICT OF TEXAs Brrored_,by uphGlding an ~VOID ORDERa,in Declaring the petitioner to &e a vexatious litigan~ and entered a prefiling ORDER in a SMALL CLAIMS COURT,inwhicb it prohtbit petitioner from filing any future litigatioras, withG>ut the permission of th~ lQCal administrative judge,cannot !Place the petitioner und er an different legislature statUte, now prohibited appeals from such an diSIIissal•? 4)COURT OF APPEALS ELEVBNm DIS1RICT OF TEXAS,Errored,t&y holding petitioner dees not cite to and the oourt cannot find any pages in the .appellate recQrds inwhicb the Petitioner raised his challenge to the censtitutiGnality of chapter ll in the trial C.urt. ,Therefore, petitioner has not preserved this issue f(j)r appellate review. See:TEX.R.APP.P.33.l:See:Drum v.Calhoun,299 S.W.3d 360,369~70(Tex.App.-Oallas 2009) pet.aeniaci)(h(l)lciing defendant waived challenge 'to c<:mstitUtionallty of vexatiQUS liti- gant statutes),,this court agreeclf ·with the Austin COURT OF APPEALS,uph~tld the constitut- ionality of chapter ll uncler the epen courts provisien,the equal protection clause,and the rights to due prec:ess.see:Leonard v.Abllott,l7l s.w.3d 451,456-58(Tex.App.-Aus~in, 2005,pet.deniecl). ll(PFR] VI. ,, (f) ISSUES PRESENTED OR POINTS FOR REVIEW: 5)COORT OF APPEALS ELEVEN'l'H DISTRICT OF TEXAS Errored,by concluaing that the petiticmer did not pursue mandamus relief in the ~T OF APPBALS,regarding his contentien the local Administrative judge refuse te rule on his mtion,petitioner did not cemplain IDelov that the lecal administrative judge refuse to rule,, ner did he subsequently request a ruling. The court cann•t concluae on the review of the records that the lecal administrative Judge refuse to rule en the petitiener•s motion seeking the permission to file the suit, Moreover,even if the local adniinistrative jucige had denied petitioner's request fer permission~petitioner could not seek review of the judge's denial ay direct appeal. . ' ' See:Fermer CIV.PRAC., REM~CODE.fll.l02(C),(20ll)(current versioo at CIV.PUC., RBM.CODE. fll.l02(f)(West Supp.2014)( 11 A decision of a local administrative judge denying a litigant permission to file a litigation ••• is not grounds for an appeal,except that the litigant may apply for Writ of mandamus with the court of appeals~) 6)COURT OF APP&Ar.S ELEYmr8 DISTRICT OF TEXAS Errored,.by cencluding that the trial COurt did not abuse its discretion when it ciismissed the petitioner's suit. . . . . . - Petitioner also claim that the trial court erred when it dismissed his claims withprejua- ice,that petitiGner did not raise this issue in the trial court and thus waived this erro r for Appellate reviev.see:TEX.R.APP .• P. 33.l;Leonard,l7l s.w.3d at 46l(holding defendant waived arg\lllent that his suit shoiud not have been dismissed with prejudice when he fail • • • • v to timely file a postjudgment motion to correct judgment).? l2(PFR] VII. (g)STATEMEN'l'S OF FACTS:The brief must state concisely,and without argument the. Facts pertinent to the issues of points presented.In a Civil case,the Court will -- · accept as true the facts stated unless another party contradicts them. The statement IIIUSt tDe sUpported by rec:erds references. TB<»1AS challenges TEX.CIV .PRAC., REM.CODE.Chapter 11 statue on se-Veral constitut ional grounds,and claims that this statute denies him equal protection,due course Due prf)Cess of the laws under the Texas constitutiGns Articles l,flffif3;3a:S:l3: 17:19;United States Constitutions lst:4th:5th;6th;7th:Sth:l4th Amenaments,he also Claims that the statute violates the Articles l,section 3., •.PrQbibition against pu lDlic emoluments,the section 19,due course,due process guarantee,and the section 13 •oPEN COURTS", Prevision. Articles },section 13 provides in part: ALL ceurts shall be open, and every person for an injury dGme him,in his lancil,goeds,person er repu tation,shall have remedy ay due course of law. TEX.COOST.Art.l,§l3:THOMAS argues that this guarantee of a remedy by ciue course of law makes any legislative attE~~D~Pt to Dar Dis CaUSe of action prior to its discever - y,is unconstitutional..The numerous df!Cision of the Supreme Court of Texas,construi ng Article !,section 13 establish that the constitutional guarantee ef a remedy 1ty ' ., ,.· .·· ciue course of law is substanial rights,indepenaent of other constitutional provisi • ~ •• > • 1 ct>ns. I !)Petitioner's reliance on SaX v.Vct>tteler,648 S.N.2d 661 at 664(Tex.l983);TEX.CIV. PRAC., · REM.CODE.Chapter il.,§ll.lQl(a), (2).,§11.102,fll.l03(a), (lt) :Tex.GOv't CODE. fi24.oo7:sOl.007:Tex.censt.Art.l,fUiif3;3a;8;13;17;19;USCA Const.lst;4th;5th;6th: 7th:8th;l4th Amencit{s];(CR-3-l64;174-179;180-18l;l82;18~195;196;197;211~212l . ~ . ' l3[PFR) VI~. . . .. ! : ~ •• .. .. (g)The two due course ef law provisions in the Tex.const.,are no~ cotet'IJU,nous,sepa rate due process and open courts guarantees were includecJ in the seventh and Eleve nth declarations of rights in the first Constitution of Texas as a sovereign rep\JD 2 lic,these separate rights have aeen preserved in every c:enstitutiGn since. I (h)Surnmary of the argument.Tbe brief must CQntain a succ:inct,clear,and accurate statement of the argument made in the IMdy of the brief.This sunmary must not mere ly repeat the issue or points presentee) for review. THC»!AS "'ill show this SUPREME COURT OF TEXAS,the test for an abuse of discretion is rwt whether,inthe opinion of the reviewing cwrt,the facts present an appropriate case for the trial court's actien,eut whether the court acted without reference to any guiding rules and principles.The trial court •s ruling should be reversed only if it was arbitrary or unreasonable.The mere fact that a trial judge may decide a matte r within his discretionary authority in a different manner than an appellate judge i na similar circumstance does not demonstrate that an aGUSe of discretion has QCCUrr ed.Petitioner,pr:oc:eeding pro-se!challenged orders of the 259th judicial District cou rt of Jones County,Texas,which required him to obtain permission under Tex.Civ.trac. ' RDJ.CODE.ANN.fll.lOl(a)from the local administrative judge eefore filing his suit. '" Dismissed with prejudice his claims for Lost or damage property.,denial of access to the courts against appelleee,the Texas Department of criminal Justice and priSf/Xl off icials(TDCJ),where the proper proceciures for invoking Tex.Civ.Prac., Rem.CODE.Ch.ll, were not followed,a trial court abuse its discretion in issuing an order requiring an Inmate to obtain permission under 'l'ex.Civ.Prac., Rem.CODE.ANN.fl1.10l(a)from the local administrative .judge befCi)re filing his suit• ,dismissing his claims against the Texas D~t of Criminal Justice and prison officials for failing te ebtain the permission of the local administrative judge. 2).etitionet•s're11ance em N~ v.KRUSEN,678 s.w.2d 918 at 912('l'ex.l984);'l'EX.~'l'. (1836) ;See:alse 1 G.lraden.The Censtit~ti.on of the S'l'A'l'E OF TEXAS,AN ANNO'l'ATBD and Cus litigant in cause number 022100,also,TDCJ ,fail to timely file a motion to determ ine whether THOMAS was truly a vexatious litigant,,howev~,the TDCJ has not demon strata that the underlying facts in cause number 022100 are substantially similar or arose out of the same occurrence or transaction as the present matter,in fact, as he noted in his handwrtten list of previously-filed lawsuit,THOMAS alleged that in cause number 022100,various TDCJ officer,officials had falsely charged him with a disciplinary case and he suffered emotional and physical injury due to the heigh tened security restrictions he faced as a result of the punishment imposed in the disciplinary proceedings,Maliciously prosecuted him without PProbable causeP, Therefore,because the present case and did not involved an inmate's lost or damage Property claim,cause number 022100 do not involve substantially similar facts or oc Currence. ?)Petitioner's reliance onNabelek v~Johnson,N0.04-03-00269-CV,2005,Tex.App.LBXIS 25 ll,at *9-lO(k.lfp.-san Armlio Jp:.6,a:a;,pet delifd)(man.e~p)(Yacsti.rrJ the trial o:u:ts vecat:ious ax1a:. inanimate suit an3 n:itirg, that sectim U.(ljJ(a)i:equires . that a he1rirg be aniJ:tej to datetmine if a . litigallt is a veethus litigai'E")~~,m ·l'lel:'airg WIB Ep't of cr.im.Just:i.ce-ImtitLtiaal. Di.v.am TeK~.r.oo: s fB41.(TeK~ Ori.st:.i 1'0/.al,.ns) ;Tac..-.UOOS 259l('l'EK.AH>.-&n Ari:Cnio ~.6, am,pet dalim)(nm.cp)(Vacating the trial au:ts vscatiaus lit.igari: cxder:: inanimate's suit em l1:llt:in;J that sed:ialll.<53(a)rfqlires a heaJ:il'g be anlr:tirl to detemri.ne if a litigant is a wratio.s lit:igin11 ) (hM!ver:,l'l) ~ was ~s:ln) ;AIUN .022l.OO-.ll-l2-0012l-<.V('l'eKJ{;:p.-£\Sli.IN),Jme l2,all4)(m heu:irg anll:tm) :'l'EK.ci.v.Pt&c~ REm.am. fll.C5l;fll.053(a) :fll.a;4(1), (2), (3);fll.OOS(a): . ' ·. : iJI.)t¢;fll.ai6;fll.lOl(a),(l),(2);fll.l02;fll.l03(a),(b),(C);fll.l04(a),(9);'l'eK.o:mt.Art.l,fffiff3;l:l;8; 13;17;19:tR'A o:nst.Jst;4th;5th;6th;7th;8th:14th IIDEirD{s];42 U.S.C.f1933;42 U.S.C.AIL§l.2W-34 ;(~219] • . .,\ iJ (i) vm. 3)al.Rr CR AliiDLS ELEViNIH DISlRICr CF 'l1iXAS l!lil:Riil),a'i lJIII:IDitG AN "VOID ClUR" I IN Ji.BIARIN:; 'ltE JIHCli:JO N:R it> 1B A VEm'IQ5 LTliGMir IW ENJBa> A !l&"ll...O ClUR IN ASWL a.AD5 CIJ.Rl',JN Nmll rr !lOni1T ~ Pto1 FJI.IN3H !l1J.tR: Ll.'l'mNS,WI'IJO·Jl' 'lHE ~ CE 'lfE ItlX. ~ JtiX.E,..W C»K7l' HM:E B ~ t:NJR IN WMi&CENI' UGI:SA'll.H.: SIJtlt1I&taf .liRlD1'lB) APPIW.S !10! Sllf AN ~? Petitiata:" ~,ar;guas that the trial,~Jlate o:u:t aD.se its dis::tet:ial,'lhe cg:Je1late au:t reviatS i.asuas cn:et'llin;J ~ Eleven of the Taras Civil Pra.tice an:3 Rsld.es CDE \lOr en ab.ae af dis:xetion atarl:BtO.beca:se a au:t nay dEclare a pa:s:ra a veDCatiQ.S litigant cnly after: 11Bkin:J c:a:tain st:ab.t:czily ~ evi.dn:iaty firr:tin:Js,the Q)ellate au:t cxnside:s the legal am factml a.JfficiEn:.Y of the evid aDa ~ atJj eKp:'EIEIS a:' iaplicit firdin;js of the trial au:t.lut \l'IB:' the . . of di.s::rel:ial i stardm3 the cwenate o:u:t Ellp)].ya,the 1.ega1. an:) facbal snfficiar:y af the evidu:e are B:lt irr3cperDJJt gt'Qids of EIXtC',tu:. relevarE factxrs ftx ~ ~er: the trial au:t ct:u9ED its disx'eticn,if en atuse of dis:xetion is Eh::wuthe cwelJate au:t the1 ci:midem ~the El:'r.U' is tmmless. / 9 An ~e aut reviEWS the djsnjsg] of animate's lawsuit in fcma ~ arD a trial aut is detEE' miiBt:icn that the imate is a varatic:us litigctt t.n3er en atuJe of di.s:reticn .starr:Bta,.Abusa of disa::eticn is deta:mined by Elrillli.nirg 'itletl'lEE' the trial aut acted wit:tD:It refs:ex:e to cny guj.din!J niLes am tzir'dp les.lO/ state,l55 s.w.~ 498 at !D2(TeK.IQ>.-&n Artmio a:x>4hts:n:~ai v..Jt.txJtt,l7l s.w.3d 451 at 4f9('1'6K.~g>~~ AlJ!Jt:inlani,pet.&niEd):Zieba v.Mirtin,928 s.w~ 782 at 7B6(TeK.AR;>.-IbSt:al[l4th Di.st]~,r» writ): ~ v.~q»,898 s.w.a3 9"51 at 9rl>-4i(TeK.~g>..,11.aarillo l9951writ daUEd)(if an atuJe of di.s::rel:ial is Slcwn,the aut then cmsi.del:' 'ibet:her: the emr \aS har:ml.ess);'l'eK.R.APP.P.44.l(a).;Tex.Civ.Pr:cr:., REm.QlE. §11.05l;ill.<53(a) :§ll.re4(1) 1 (2), . (3) ;§ll.aiS(a) :ill.a56;§11.10l.(a)l(l) ,(2);§11.102;§11.103(a)~ (b), (C) :ill. ~ . . l04(a) 1 (b) ;TeK.-181.;182;183-195;196;197;198-210;211-2l2) (i) VIII. 4 )COURT OF APPEALS ELEVENTH DISTRICT OF TEXAS, ERRORED, IIY BaLDING PETITIONER OOES NOT CITE TO AND THE COURT CANNOT FIND ANY PAGES IN THE APPELLATE RECORDS INWHICH TH11 PETITIONER RAISED HIS CHALLENGE TO THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF CHAPTER 11, IN THE TRIAL COURT., THEREFORE, PETITIONER HAS NOT PRESERVED THIS ISSUE FOR APPELLATE REviEW ? Petitioner 'l'HQ1AS,argues that the appellate court is wrong,has not read these records properly1 has abuse its discretion,because A waiver of constitutional rights must be 11 voluntary,knowing,and intelligent,with full awareness of the legal consequences. ; Waivers of constitutional rights not only must be voluntary,but also must be knowing, intelligent acts done with sufficient awareness of the relvant circumstances and like 12 ly comsequences. I The word "adequate",has no comprehensive definition with regard to mandamus and its requirement of no adequate remedy by appeal;the word is simply a proxy for the careful balance of jurisprudential considerations that determine when Appellate courts will use original mandamus proceedings to review the actions of the 13/ lower courts. !!)Petitioner's reliance on IN RE PRUDENTIAL INS.,CO.OF AMERICA,l48 S,W.3d 124 at 135-36,n24,~n25(Tex.2004);Tex.R.APP.P.33.l;Tex.Civ.Prac., Rem.CODE.§ll,judgment was REVERSEO,as a vexatious litigant in cause NO•Appellate NO.ll-12-00121-cv;Tdal court N0.022100:Tex.Const.Art.l,§§§§f3;3a;8;13;17;19;USCA Const.lst;4th;5th;6th;7th;8th;l4t h Amend[s);[CR-18~195iiin his Appellate brief at pages 14-16] (" - . 12)Petitioner•s reliance oniN RE PRUDENTIAL INS.,CO.OF AMERICA,l48 s.w.3d 124 at 135-36,n24,,25(Tex.2004);arown v.McLenna Cotmty Children's Protective Sers.,62;7 S.W.,2d 390.393(Tex.l982);arady v.United States,397 u.s.742,748,9(:) s.c.t.l463,25 L.E.d.2d 747 (1970)fTex.R.APP.P.33.l;Tex.Civ.Prac.i Rem.CODE.§ll, judgment was REYERSEO,asa vexatious litigant in cause No.Appellate NO.ll-12-Q0121-cv;Trial court N0.022100:Tex.Const.Art.l,ffi Uf3;3a;8;13;17:19;USCA Const.lst;4th:5th;6th;7th;8th:l4th Amend[s];[CR-18~195) 13)Petitioner's reliance on IN RE PRUDENTIAL INS.CO.Of AMERCIA,148 S.W.Jd 124 at 135-36 (Tex.2004);DALLAS MORNING NEWS v.FIFTH COURT OF APPEALS,842 S.W.2d 655 at 658(Tex.l992); Walker v.Paciker,827 s.w.2d 833 at 840(Tex.l992):Tex.R.APP.P.52.7;Tex.APP.P.33.l;Tex. Civ.Prac., Rem.COOE.§ll,judgment was REVERSEO,as a vexatious litigant See:I.d 71fapgl ( i) VIII. 5)COURT OF APPEALS ELEVENTH DISTRICT 0F TEXAS ERRORED,&Y CONCLUDING THAT THE PETITIONER DID NOT PURSUE MANDAMUS RELIEF IN THE COURT OF APPEALS,REGARDING HIS CONTENTION THE LOCAL ADMINISTRATIVE JUDGE REF USE TO RULE,NOR DID HE SU&SEQUENTLY REQUEST A RULING THE COURT CANN OT CONCLUDE ON THE REVIEW OF THE RECORDS THAT THE LOCAL ADMINISTRAT IVE JUDGE REFUSE TO RULE ON THE PETITIONER•s MOTION SEEKING THE PER MISSION TO FILE THE SUIT,MOREOVER,EVEN IF THE LOCAL ADMINISTRATIVE JUDGE HAD DENIED PETITIONER'S REQUEST FOR PERMISSION,PETITIONER COO LD NOT SEEK REVIEW OF THE JUDGE'S DENIAL IY DIRECT APPEAL.SEE:FORMER CIV.PRAC., REM.CODE.§ll.l02(C),(20ll)(CURRENT VERSION AT CIV.PRAC., REM.CODE.§ll.l02(f)(WEST SUPP.2014)(A decision of a local administrative judge denying a litigant permission to file a litigation ••• is not grounds for an appeal,except that the litigant may apply for writ of mandamus with the court of appeals")? Petitioner argues,that the records shows that the petitioner filed a Motion,noti ce to the court,asking for permission to the local administrative judge to conti nue to file his litigation under chapter ll.l02,anmandamus to the COURT OF APPEA LS Eleventh District of Texas,on September 20,2012,the judge refuse to make any Finding and conclusion ef facts,the COURT OF APPEALS,acknowledges it in its apin ion.The appellate reviews issues concerning Chapter Eleventh of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code under an abuse of discretion standard.aecause a court may--declare a person a vexatious litigant only after making certain statutorily prescribed evidentiary finds, the appellate court considers the legal and factual sufficiency of the evidence supporting any express or implicit findings of the trial court.aut under the abuse of ·discretion standal!d the appellate court emplo ys,the legal and factual sufficiency of the evidence are not independent grounds of error_,but relevant facters for determining whether the trial court abuse its discretion.If an abuse of discretion is shown,the appellate court then considers whether the error is harmless.l4; l4).Petitioner's reliance on Tuner v.Grant,20ll Tex.App.LEXIS 9250(Tex.App.-Amari llo,Nov.22,20ll);Devoll v.state,l55 s.w.3d 498 at 502(Tex.App.-san Antonio 2004) Leonard v.Abbott,l7l s.w.3d 451 at 459(Tex.App.-Austin,2005,pet.denied);Zieba v. Martin,928 S.W.2d 782 at 786(Tex.App.-Houston(l4th Dist]l996,no.writ);Crawford v Hope,898 S.W.2d 937 at 940-4l(Tex.App.-Amarillo l995,writ denied);Tex.R.APP.P.44 .l(a);Tex.Civ.Prac., Rem.Code§ll.05l:ill.l01;§11.053(a);(CR-183-l95;2ll-212] . 22[PFR] (i) VIII. 6)COURT OF APPEALS ELEVENTH DISTRICT OF TEXAS ERRORED BY CONCLUDING THAT THE TRIAL COURT DID NOT AaUSE ITS DISCRETION WHEN IT DISMISSED THE PETITIONER 1 S SUIT. PETITIONER ALSO CLAIM THAT THE TRIAL COURT ERRED WHEN IT DISMISSED HIS CLAIMS WITH PREJUDICE,THAT PETITIONER DID NOT RAISE THIS ISSUE IN THE TRIAL COURT AND THUS WAI YEO THIS ERROR FOR APPELLATE REVIEW.SEE:TEX.R.APP.P.33.1;LEONARD,171 S.W.3d AT 461 (holding defendant waived argument that his suit should not have been dismissed wi th prejudice when he fail to timely a postjudgment motion to correct judgment)? Petitioner argues that the statutes were very clear,because TDCJ,its employee's did not file a motion under§l1.051,the court did not hold a hearing on this motion,they are not entitle to a dismissal with prejudice under Tex.civ.Prac., Rem OODE.§l1.051 §11.053(a),§ll.054(1),(2),(3),§11.101,§11.102,§11.103,§11.104,A clear failure by the Trial Court to analyze or apply the law correctly is an "abuse of discretion" •15I The statute requires the court to dismiss as to a moving defendant,moving defendant means a defendant who moves for an order,under Tex.C~y.Prac., Rem.CODE.§11.051,to determining that a plaintiff is a vexatious litigant and requesting security. 161 Dismissal of a suit with prejudice constitutes an adjudicati~n on the merits and ope rates as if the case had been fully tried and decided,therefore,orders dismissing a case with prejudice have full res judicata and collateral estoppel effect,barring the subsequent__ relitigation of the same cause Gf action or issues between the same · 17 parties. 1 15)PetitiGner•s reliance on Walker v.Packer,827 S.W.2d 833 . at 840(Tex.1992);Yarbrough . 898 S.W.2d 251 at 253(Tex.l995):Tex.Gov 1 t CODE.§§24.007:501.007;Tex.Civ.Prac., Rem. CODE.§ll.051;§11.053(a);11.054U),(2),(3),§11.101(a),(2);§11.102(a),(b);§ll.l03,§ll. _,. 104;Tex.OOnst.Art.l,§f§§§i3;3a;8;13;17;19;USCA Const.lst;4th;5th;6th;7th;8th;14th Ame nd{s];[CR-183-195;211-212] 16)Petitioner reliance on Retzlaff v.GOAMERICA COMMONS Corp.356 s.w.3d 689 at 702, 2011 Tex.App.-LEXIS 8020(Tex App.ElPaso 201l);Tex.Gov't CODE.§§24.007;501.007;Tex.Civ Prac., Rem.OODE.§11.051(a);§11.053(a);ll.054(1),(2),(3),fl1.056;§11.101(a),(2);§11. 102(a),(b);§ll.l03;§11.104;Tex.Const.Art.l,§§§f§§3;3a;8:13;17;19;USCA const.lst;4th;5 th;6th;7th;8th;l4th Amend(s]:[CR-183-195;211-212] 17)Petitioner•s reliance on THOMAS v.KWIGHT,52 s.w.3d 292 at 295(Tex.App.-corpus Chri sti 2001) ;'l'BC&\S v.SKINNER,54 s.w.3d 845 at 846-47(Tex.App.-corpus Christi 2001) ;Barr v.Resolution •rrust Corp. ,837 S.W.2d 627 at 63Q-3l(Tex.l992) ;Tex.Gov't OODE.§§24.007; 501.007;Tex.civ.Prac., Rem.OODE.§ll.05l(a);fl1.053(a);§ll.054(1),(2),(3),§11.056;§11. 10l(a),(2);§11.102(a),(b);§ll.l03;§11.104;Tex.Const.Art.l,§§§§§§3;3a;8;13;17;19; (CR-183-:-195;211-212) ... 231PFR1·. '. (j) PRAYER AND CONCLUSION: The brief must contain a short conclusion that clearly states the nature of the relief sought: WHEREFORE,PREMISS,CONSIDERED,Plaintiff ALLEN GLENN THOMAS,TDCJ-ciDI633145,respectfully Prays that this SUPREME COURT OF TEXAS,"Grants his brief for PETITION FOR REVIEW,rever se the judgment of the ELEVENTH COURT OF AP.PEALS,THE TRIAL COURT 259TH JUDICIAL DIST.OF JONES County,Texas,that AFFIRMED under Tex.Civ.Prac.ii Rem.CODE.Chapter ll,§ll.l0l(a),(2 aecause this judgment is "VOID",in violation of the statute,tha constitution,that the Petitioner was not ever declared a vexatious litigant.See:ALLEN GLENN THOMAS v.Texas Department of Criminal Justice-Institutional Division et.al.,Style:RE Appellate case number ll-12-Q0121-cv;Trial Court case N0.022100;SUPREME COURT RE:CASE NO.l4-Q515, *Memorandum opinion by Wright,c.J.,(Panel consists of:wright,c.J.,Willson,J.,and Bailey J.);Tex.Const.Art.l,§§§§§§3;3~8;13;17;19;USCA Const.lst:4th:5th;6th;7th;8th;l4th AMEND MENTS,Grant all relief,motions filed,the petition for temporary restraining order and A tranfer,parpetual/permanent injuction,any other futher relief as this court deems just,and proper. SIGNED ON THIS THE.__.;;;l.;;.6t;;.;h.;;....._ _day of._ _.;..Ja;;;;n.;:,;;;ua;;;;;;;:...ry'-----__;2011 Respectfully Submitted, ALLEN GLENN THG1AS,Pro-Se TDCJ-ciDI633145 French M.Robartson Unit 12071 FM 3522- Abilene,Texas 79601-8799 Phone N0(325)548-9035 24(PFR] (K) APPENDIX IN CIVIL CASE: .. \ !)Necessary contents.Unless voluminous or impracticable the appendix must contain a copy of: . . (A)The trial court •s judgment or other appealable order from rel1ef 1s sought; (I)The jury charge and verdict,if any,or the trial court's findings of facts and COnclusions of law,if any;and (C)The text of any rule,regulation,ordinance,statute constitutional provisions,or other law(excluding case law)on which the argument is based,and the text of any contrac t or other documents that is centrial to the argument; (2)0PTIONAL OONTENTS:The appendix may contain any other items pertinent to the issue or points presented for review,including copies or excerpts of relevant court opinion laws documents on which the suit was based,pleading,excerpts from the reporter's records,and similar material.Items should not be included in the appendix to attempt to avoid the page limits for the brief. (A)Copy of Docket sheet from trial court,CAPTION from the 259th District Court of Jones County,Texaa; (a)COURT OF APPEALS ELEVENTH DISTRICT OF TEXAS OPINION,dated OCTOBER 9,2014 (C) Copy of camendar of 2009,2010,for ninety-days period to file motion,hearing (D)Copy of COURT OF APPEALS ELEVENTH DISTRICT OF TEXAS OPINION,in cause NO.ll-12- 00121-cv ,the supreme already have copy attached to my notice of appeal,mandate from that court. (E)Copyies of filing of mandamus petitions in trial court N0.022853,supreme court No.ll-0033;NO.ll-0335 (F)Copy of Tex.Civ.Prac.& Rem.CODE.Chapter ll,statute 25[PFR) I 022853 ALLEN GLENN THOMAS #633145 vs. TDCJ, ET AL COURT OF APPEALS NO. 11-12-00312-CV VOLUME I CAPTION ................................................................................................................. 1 DOCKET SHEET .................................................................................................... 2 PLAINTIFF'S ORIGINAL PETITION FILED 08/31/2012 ................................................................................................... 3-164 MOTION AFFIDAVIT RELATING TO PREVIOUS LAW SUITS FILED FILED 08/31/2012 ................................................................................................. 165-170 APPLICATION TO PROCEED IN FORMA PAUPERIS FILED 08/31/2012 .......................... :...................................................................... 171-173 NOTICE TO THE COURT THAT PLAINTIFF IS A VEXATIOUS LITIGANT FILED 09/12/2012 ................................................................................................ 174-179 ORDER DISMISSING CASE WITH PREJUDieE FILED 09/14/2012 ............................................................................................... 180-181 . ORDER FOR STAY OF PROCEEDINGS FILED 09/14/2012 ................................................................................................ 182 NOTICE TO THE COURT PERMISSION TO LOCAL ADMINISTRATIVE JUDGE TO CONTINUE TO FILE HIS LITIGATION UNDER CH. 11.102 FILED 09/27/2012 ............................................................................................... 183-195 ORDER FOR STAY OF PROCEEDINGS FILED 10/01/20 12 ................................................................................................ 196 -----------~-- I .I ORDER TO WITHDRAW FILED 10/01/2012 ............................................................. , .............................. I97 NOTICE OF APPEAL AND AFFIDAVIT OF INDIGENCE FILED I O/I1 /20 I2 ............................................................................................ 198-210 ORDER DISMISSING WITH PREJUDICE FILED 10/11/20I2 ............................................................................................ 21I-2I2 MOTION FOR APPELLATE RECORDS, CLERK'S RECORDS PURSUANT TO RULES OF APPELLATE PROCEDURE FILED 10/23/20 I2 ........................................................................................... 213-215 . MOTION PURSUANT TO RULES OF APPELLATE PROCEDURE RULE 26.I, A REQUEST FOR FINDINGS OFFACTS AND CONCLUSION OF LAW FOR FRIVOLOUS, VEXATIOUS LITIGANT FILED 10/23/20 I2 ........................................................................................... 2I6-21 7 ORDER DENYING REQUEST FOR FINDINGS OFFACTS AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW FILED I 0/30/2012 ........................................................................................... 2I8 CLERK'S CERTIFICATE ............................ ,........ ,~ ...................................... 2I9 I CAPTION STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF JONES § THE 259rn DISTRICT COURT OF JONES COUNTY, TEXAS, THE HONORABLE BROOKS HAGLER, JUDGE PRESIDING, THE FOLLOWING PROCEEDINGS WERE HELD AND THE FOLLOWING INSTRUMENTS AN1) OTHER PAPERS WERE FILED IN THIS CAUSE, TO WIT: COURT CAUSE NO. DLL'653 "lien ~ fen n5homas :it ~33 11../5 VS. . ~bt:51 e:l 0x/ r '"' CIVIL DOCKET 371 ltFAF GA.\PIItr.!'l. 1..,C. me No. of Cu~ NAA1F: OF I'ARTII::.S ATTORNEYS Kind of Action and Party Dem.:.uuling, {)2..4~5.3 ~Ckw -l'l~c::--Duok- ~ Vol. I Pii~C Pltf. \"5, ... /,_$ '.lt/D (n()~ j~.....,;.t;~ --1::JJ/J~- _c; ====~=f=~-:!:::==::r=====:= I I s;, ;z t--· . 1- .• Q& I . _0;~.1£ of Ord~r' ~ • v ORJ..>E RS Of COL' RT MIN"t:T'E -- BOO --I\ ~I ·n~ IJJW VoL I Pare . .. . . . . . .. . . ( S/. /j!(f)l)_ftion is granted, before the 10th day after the date the ' moving . .defendant ....... '., . receives written notice that the Plaintiff h as furnished the required security. (b)On the filing of a motion under section 11.051 on or after t he date the trials starts,the litigation is stayed for a period t he court determines. §11.053.Hearing. (a)On receipt of a motion under section 11.051,the Court shall, After notice to all parties,conduct a hearing to determine whether to grant the motion. (b)The court may consider any evidence material to the ground of the motion,including; (!)Written or oral evidence;and (2)evidence presented by witnesses or by affidavit. §11.054. Criter~a for Finding Plaintiff a vexatious Litigant A co urt may find a plaintiff a vexatious litigant if the defendant sh ows that there is not a reasonable probability that the Plaintiff will prevail in the litigation against the defendant and that; (l)the plaintiff,in the seven-year period immediately preceding the date the defendant makes the motion under section 11.051,has commence~d,proseeuted,or maintained in propria persona at least f ive litigations other than 'in a small claims court that have been; (A)Finally determined adversely to the plaintiff; (B)Permitted to remain pending at least two years without having been brought to trial or hearing;or (C)determined by a trial or Appellate Court to be frivolous or groundless under State or ~eral law or rules of procedure; e.g.,~APPENDIX D" 16. • • §11.054 (2)After a litigation has been finally determined against the Pl aintiff,the plaintiff repeatedly relitigates or attempts to relit igate,inpropria persona,eioher; (A)the validity of the determination against the same defendant as to whom the litigattion was finally determined;or (B)the cause of action,Clai~,controversy,or any of the issues of fact or law determined or concluded by the final determination ag ainst the same defendant as to whom the litigation was finally de termined;or (3)the plaintiff has·previously been declared to be a vexatious litigant by a State or federal Court in an action or proceeding b ased on the same or substantially similar facts,transitions,or oc curence. §ll~OSS.security. (a)A Court shall order the plaintiff to furnish security for the benefit of the moving defendant if the coutt,after hearing the ev idence on the rnotion,determines that the Plaintiff is a vexatious litigant, (b)The Court in its discretion shall determine the date by which the security must be furnished. (C)The Court shall provide that the security is an undertaking-by the plaintiff to assure payment to the moving defendant of the mo ving defendant's reasonable expenses in curred in or inconnection with a litigation commenced,caused to be cbmm~~ced,maintained~or caused to be maintained by the plaintiff,including costs and atto rney's fees. e.g.,"APPENDIX D" 17. ''·~· § 11 · 056. Dismissal for Fai 1 ure toFur"nish security. The court shall dismiss a litigation as to a moving defendant if A plaintiff ordered to furnish security does not furnish the secu rity within the time set by the order. §ll.057.Dismissal on the Merits. If the litigation is dismissed on its merits,the moving defendant has recouse to the security furnished by the Plaintiff in an amou nt determined by the court. [Section 11.058 to 11.100 reserved for expansion] SUBCHAPTER C.PROHIBITING FILING OF NEW LITIGATION. §ll.lOl.Prefiling order;contempt. (a)A Court may,on its own motion or the motion of any party,ent er an order prohibiting a person from filing,inpropria persona,a New litigation in a court in this State if the court finds,after Notice and hearing as provided by subchapter B'that; (l)the person is a vexatious litigant;and (2)the local administrative judge of the court inwhich the pers on intends to file the litigation has not granted permission to t he person under section 11.102 to file the litigation. ~ (b)A person who disobeys an order under subsection(a)is subject to contempt of court. §11.102-Permission by Local Administrative Judge. (a)A local administrative judge may grant permission to a person found to be a vexatious litigant under section 11.101 to file a 1 itigation only if it appears to the jud~e that the litigation; (l)has merit;and (2)has not been filed for the purpose of harassment or delay. (b)The local administrative judge may condition permission on the e.g.,"APPE-N-Q.IX D" 18. • .. . §11.102 furnishing of sectirity for benefit of the defendant as pro~ided in Subchapter B! §11.103. Duties of Clerk;Mistaken filing (a)A Clerk of a court may not file a litigation presented by a Vexatious litigant subject to a prefiling order under section 11. 101 unless the litigant obtain an order from the local administra tive judge permitting the filing. (b)If the clerk mistakenly files a litigatiori without an order from the local administrative judge,any party may file with the c lerk and serve on the plaintiff and the other parties to the suit a notice stating that the plaintiff is a vexatious litigant subje ct to a prefiling order under section ll.lOl.on the filing of the -f-1)'/ notice, the court shall immediately~ litigation and shall disrni ss the litigation unless the Plaintiff,not later that the lOth day After the date the notice is filed,obtains an order from the local administrative judge under section 11.102 permitting the filing of the litigation. (C}If the local administrative judge issues an order permitting t he Filing of the litigation under subsection(b),the litigation re mains stayed and the defendant need not plead until the lOth day After the date the defendant is served with a copy of the order. §ll.l04.Notice to office of Court Administration of List. (a}A Clerk of court shall provide the office of Court Adrninistr ' ation of the Texas Judicial system a copy of any prefiling order issued under section 11.101. (b)The office of Court Administration of the Texas Judicial syst ern shall maintain a list of vexatious litigants subject to pre fi ling orders under section 11.101 and shall annually send the list to the clerks of the Courts of this State. e.g.,"APPENDIX D" 1 Q - (K) APPENDIX IN CIVIL CASES: TEXAS CONSTITUTIONS BILL OF RIGHTS ARTICLES 1: ,.· 1,§3 EQUAL RIGHTS: ····~.. -. sec.3.All free men,when they from a social compact,have equal rights,and no ~n,or set of men,is entitle to exclusive separate emoluments,or privieges,but in consider- ation of public services. §3a.EQUALITY UNDER THE LAW: sec.3a.Equality under the law shall not be denied or abrigad because of sex,race,color, creed,or national origin.This amendment is self-operative. §8 FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND PRESS, LIIEL: §S.Freedom of speech and press,libel every person shall be at liberty to speak write or publish his opinions on any subject,being responsible for the abuse of that privilege, and no law shall ever be passed curtalling the liberty of speech or the press.In prose- cutions for publication of papers,investigation the conduct of officers or men in publi c capacity,or when the matter published is proper for public information,the truth thereof may be given in evidence.And in all indictments for libels,the jury shall have the right to determine the law and the facts,under direction of the Court,as either case. §13 EXCESSIVE BAIL OR FINES,CRUEL AND UNUSAL PUNISHMENT,BY DUE COURSE OF LAW: sec.l3.Excessive bail shall not be required,nor excessive fines imposed,nor cruel or unusal punishment inflicted.All Courts shall be open,and every person for an injury, done him,in his lands,goods,person or reputation,shall have remedy by due course of law. §17. Taking Inverse Condemnation: sec~17.No person's property shall be taken,damage or destroyed for use or applied to public use without adequater compensation being made,unless by the consent of such person,and when taken,except for use of the state,such compensation shall be first made, or secured by a deposit of money •••• §19. Deprivation of Life. Liberty, ect,due course of law: sec.l9.No citizen of this state shall be deprived of life,liberty,property,privilegea o r immunities,or in any manner disfranchised,except by due course of the law of the land 26[PFR] (K) APPENDIX IN CIVIL CASES: UNITED STATES CONSTITUTIONS:AMENDMENTS: AMENDMENT 1[1791] congress shall make no law respecting an establishment or religion,or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,or abridging the freedom of speech,or the press,or the right of the people peacably to assemble,and to petition the Government for redress of grievances AMENDMENT IV[l791] The right of the people to be secure in their person,houses,papers,and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures,shall not be violated,no warrants shall issue,but upon probable cause,supported by oath or affirmation,and particularly describing the place to be searched,and the person or thing to be seized. AMENDMENT V[l791] No person shall be held to answer for a capitol,or otherwise infamous crime,unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury,except in cases arising in the land or naval forces,or in the Militia when in actual service in time of War or public danger,nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb;nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself,nor be deprived of life,liberty,or property,without due process of law,nor shall private property be taken for public use,without just compensation. AMENDMENT VI[l791] In all criminal prosecutions,the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public Trial,by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed,which district shall have been previously ascertain by law,and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation,to be confronted with the witnesses against him,to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor,and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense. AMENDMENT VII[l791] In Suits at common law,where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars,the right of trial by jury shall be preserved,and no fact tried by jury,shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States than accordinghto the rules of the common Law. 27(PFR] ... ' ~ (K) APPENDIX IN CIVIL CASES: AMENDMENT VIII (1791] Excessive bail shall not be required,nor excessive fines imposad,nor cruel and unusal punishment inflicted. AMENDMENT XIV [1868] Section l.All parson born or naturalized in the United States,and Subject to the Jurisdiction thareof,are citizens of the United States and of the States wherein they reside.No State shall make or enforce any law which abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States,nor shall any State deprive any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. .. (K) VERIFICATION BY UNSWORN DECLARATION: !,ALLEN GLENN THOMAS,TDCJ-CIDt633145,being currently incarcerated within the French M.Robertson Unit of TDCJ-ciD'S system in JONES County,TEXAS,I,do hereby and verify and declares under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing motion/statement made are both true and correct,as well as offered in GOOD FAITH. [Civ.Prac.& Rem.CODE.§l32.001 et.seq.,/28 u,s.c.§l746] SIGNED AND DECLARED ON THIS THE_ _--.16.._t....h___day of January 2015 Respectfully Submitted, ALLEN GLENN THOMAS,Pro-Se TDCJ-ciDI633145 French M.Robertson Unit 12071 FM 3522 Abilene,Texas 79601-8799 Phone N0.(325)548-9035 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE: !,ALLEN GLENN THOMAS,TDCJ-ciDi633145,I,do hereby,certify that a true and correct copy of this motion/statement made herein are both true and correctly filed TO CLERK SLAKE A.HAWTHORNE:SUPREME COURT OF TEXAS-201 W.l4th St.ROOM 104-P.O.IOX 12248- Austin,Texas 787ll,via by U.S.Mail. SIGNED AND CERTIFIED ON THIS THE 16th day of_J.._a.._n.._u.._a....ry._____--~2015 Respectfully Submitted, ALLEN GLENN THOMAS,Pro-Se fDCJ-ciDi633145 French M.Robertson Unit 12071 FM 3522 Abilene,Texas 79601-8799 Phone N0.(325)548-9035 28(PFR] ..: ,'> Post Office Box 12248 Austin, Texas 78711-2248 ~~.._~POs~ ':) Q<" e ~,t ,....;. a:= VI;:>"·~::."""~ RL1IZT..:t=Ui'-"" ~-~ J:...:::r.oAUI::'"~.Q:;~_._;!;,:3' z £,;' ~AE!'illliif""~ I . ,... ..,flEc:~-..c.a.. ~~.;;.No-:a~"9(1-1::::·033S.,...., ..,.""...;~~-- . ·. P.·-. . w ~DA'l'E':'·; 5'1'16/ 2 o11 ~·'-'· -.cOArf:"''11-·to~o.0288~.CVi!:l!,;:t.:;; STYLE: ALLEN GLENW THOMAS'.... . 02 1M • 00080005'28 $ 00.29° { v. 'I'E?.nAS. ,.DEPARTMENT OF CR!lll . . . :•~A~ ~IJ?.tvl MAY1'3 2(•11 ZIP CODE 7 8 701 I l I .Tc.•day tht: supt:eme cout:t ..of. Texas gt:anted the Hwtion fc.•t: ( t .,.. j ..exten::sion of t~e-tofile_,petition~:fo~;·;review under TEx. R. APP. P. 5;3 ~.1:(f) in.;t.he(aboy.e-~,ef.erem.ced.. case~- The petition for review is ,:'.·:! ··; • :. _;.,'>.' ·, :. ·l . '.'· . ·, ·.. : . ·. · j .. due .. to bt:. filed no .later.. than.. June 15, 2011. ....... : 7& '-1-C., g " II MAIL TO: ,. MR. ALLEN GLENN THot-1AS .... ·-##633145· FRENCH M ROBERTSON UNIT ..... ':.-1 .. 12071 FM 3522 , -. I ABILENE TX 79601 ; l \' JJ,,,J),J; ,,JJ,,/J,,,,,,JII ,,J,J,,,Jl,I.,J.l,,J,l,,l,l.,,li ,,1 .I
Allen Glenn Thomas v. Texas Department of Criminal Justice Officer Marcus A. Adams
Combined Opinion