Kimble, Robert Joe

Court: Court of Appeals of Texas
Date filed: 2015-08-18
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Combined Opinion
                        N0>QS-H-oot7a.'i-Ct    •       RECEIVEC
   n rl P\ N t\ L                                    C0URT 0F CRIMiNAL APPEALS
   UK itin                  ,rwr//£                       AUG182015
                                                      Abel Acosta, Clerk
                         AUSTIN, TEXAS
                                                          FILED IN
                     KObEkTIOE /3)^ -*1<

Lane v* State, 151S,U3dot• irt(Jex.Crin.App,W>H)-             a

Rivera w State, X7I S,£J,3d 361,306, at307l7exJoO,X008)       X

Turner v. State,£>6H SdJtXd ot )                             &<
Tex, Penal Code Ann, 1,67(a) (17)         .                   ^
Tex,Penal Code Ann* /tO7C*)07)(3H),             —             %
              STATEMENT OF THE CASE

A grand jury Indicted Appellant For aggravated assault
001tin a deadly CJeapanXCR: %), The indictment alle-g&d
that Appellant1 and iAe complaining ojltness had ex
dating relationship, (CRf.%}>7he Ind/cArvtenA alleged
one. prior felony conviction as on &nAance*yient*Cctf:3%'> £/<%-:&), The- court- found tAe enkancemenE
pargaroph Erue. Qnd assessed punishn hereinafter
 called complalnat, by STRIKING C0r1ELhIK\(\TCdlTH A
HAND A TlZEE 8lV\l\ICH AMD A PIPE, and said defendant
did use and exhibit a deadly oseaponj io-cj/i '* a band,
a tree (branch j and pipe >during the commission of
the assault*

              Reason for Granting KevlecJ

Petitioner / request f>r revlecJ under Tex.R,App*Pr
Rulle &>&,31 In reference Ab ,'

(AhuJkether a cootrt of appeals decision conflicts
a)1th another court of appeals decision on the. sarno

(ChCohethcr a court of appeals has decided on
Important question of State or federal \(\io in a ajay
that Conflicts cJ/'tb Abe. applicable decisions of the-
court of Criminal Appeal's or +t,e Supreme Court of
the, UnlAed SiatesJ

CFlL)Pie-Hi£r a Court of appeal's has so far deported
•rromi the accepted Qnd usual course of judicial
proceedings j Or so far sanctioned suchi a departure
by a Jocjer court j as A> call for Qn exercise of the.
court of Cri/ninaA Appeal's pooer of supervision.
            GROUND FOX flEVXED NUMBER 0N£

 The court of Appeals erred in holding that rational
jurors could ha ve concluded PetlAionerj hand ojo s
used us deadly cjeapon i and AAe courA of Appeals
conclude AAe evidence supports a finding AAaA
PetlAionerj use of Als Aond in this case cjasfcapable
of CQuslnq serious bodily Injury,
                    ' kftthL(f\ILNT°

Th& Court of Appeals failed A& prove beyond a reason
able doubt tkaf Petitioner used or exhibited a deadly
OJeaporx during the. alleged assaultJ/Moug tAt sAaAe
SnAroduced evidence AAaf a AandjAree branch j or pipe
could kypotheticed he a deadly uJeapon, It did not
fneet lis burden of pros/Inq AAaA Petitioner i/setcl any
of ttiese objects in a('inanner capable"of causetn^
Serious bodily Injury or death.
                                  The. deadly coeapon
alteration cjas an essential element of Ike, aqqravaied
assault charge,Serious bodily injury is defined as
bodily Injury that creafes a substantial risK of
death or tkat causes deatk >Serious permanent
disfigurement, or protracted loss or Impair/riant of
the function of any bodily Member or oryandex,Penal
Code Ann. ho? (o.)(h&). The Court of Appeals failure to
prove the deadly cJeapon element beyond a 'Seaso
nable, doubt In Akls case renders iU evidence
insufficient Ao support PetiA/ener's convicAAon.

           GROUND FOR REUEOd AlUMbtt TOO
The Court of Appeals erred In koldina that evidence
Supports a finding tkat petitioner, use of a branch
or pipe in AAls case could haue caused Serious bodily
Injury *and ikaA the evidence ajas sufficient.
aJ&sleyj testified titat Petitioner tfait her coltA his Aond
and tkat he "way haut used a tree branch or pipe fc
hit her arm.Neither a handi nor a free hrancA* nor a*
pipe is a flrearmTTfierefore >these. objecAs are not
deadly aJeapons per se , Tex.Pencil Code kOt7(U)0'7),
FurAkerrnere j these lAe/ris are not manifestly designed,
made, i or adapted for purpose of InfliefIna death &r
Serious bodily byury tConsequently / /Ae. Court of
Appeals ojos obllqated to prove that PeAAAlonen, used
these object in a manner"Capable of causing serious
bodily Injury or death according to the fact or AAls
Cast.lht Court of Appeals Cdkolly failed Ao meet lAk
burden , VT,C.A> Penal Code , hOT (ai)GtiCMd.
The Court of Appeals erred In revleojing and
examining only ajkaf aJas said ai trial Ay AAe
complaintnq colAness.

The Court of Appeals, Mnccjs of no otAen medical
Areatnnen f for Cdes/ey j oiker- than the parannedlc
report compieAed nineAy nninuAes after AAt, alleged
offense,Xt coou/d be clearly ajrong and manifestly
Unjust Ao conclude serious bodily injury resulted
from this tact alone under" a factual scuffleleney
reviecu,1 there is no evidence that HJes/ey^ souqht
or recelued any additional tmedlcal treatment for
her injuries /Therefore , the finding J> of a deadly
coeapon cannot rest on proof AAaA Lesleyj actually
suffered any Serious bodily Injury from AAe
alleged assault. SBC. Johnston V, STATEl /IS S,aj.3d7£h
763j ot 7&H. (TeyL-App* ZU03),
                          The Court of Appeals failed to
produce sufflc evidence In this case about the
Inherent nature or deadly capabitltly of AAe weapon
used Ao assault Desley*&TE>Rivera v. £TATErXl7l
S*CJ< *d 301j30&j at SOT, CTexJpp, Wos), The photographs
of LOe&iey >injuries reflect surface skin Injuries. .The,
 Scratch on /desley
a reasonable Anferehce that Petitioner j used any
of these objects in a manner capable, of dousing
deaik or serious bodily injury.
                               udes/ey-i as/o stated to
officer Tbvar» -tkat -ike only ojeapan used coas
Petitioner's ?hands !(RR3) l&l ).Tn officer Tovarj report
there cuas^no'1 reference to ex tree branch nor pipe*
 (/?R3j 10.1).Officer Tovarj testified thai cohen ke met
Coiik uJesley* AAat nlcfht> S>ht could not tell him hoU)
iAe morACs on her arm AiappendXRR^J 119 )>AIthocACfk
uJe&ley, refused transport ro AAe hospifoi 6uAthe Aesiimony of a nurse j
paramedic , and Acoo police officer's as cJeli as
tkrouaU the victim's hospital records sko^u AAe Acts,
and proof that 'Ms,Lane f actually uJent Ao AAe
hospitalj but In Petitioner's, case j there Is no proof
or medical records shousinQ AAoA uJesAeyjever
Dentjjusi her testimony that she &ienA* There Is 'no
Medical report ^sboLolng that TJesley^ suffered froM
her Ihjuriiojs life *ske, Aesiifi^d Ao in Atrial/Ms. Land
. CJCXS examlnd at the hospital as ojefl by the paramedics
  and hone, suffered Trow nauseajvotnltlng,
 dizziness j on of a   concussion to the brain f
       Linlife Uesley i Ais, Lane i actually coeni to the
hospital the day of AAe assaultJlic evidence Is Aegal
and factuu/y Insufficient to support ike conviction,
because the Appeal's court failed Ao prc?ve beyond
a reasonable douAA AhaA PeAiAlonerj used or exhibited
a deadly cseapon.
                     Ike State , and AAe Court of Appeal's
must provid tie trier of fact cjlih some evidence >
nornnally through expert testimony, that the ueapon
CO as ''used' or Intended to be used In suck a coay ihai
it coas ''capable"of causing death or seriouse bodily
injury. Tex, PenalCode Ann, k07 (a) Or) &*/).
                                         din ddan z Ig >CJounds
Inflicted on the Injured party are factors to be
considered In determining cohether o oJeapon Is a
deadly cseaponf'SEEA Danzig v. State ,SV6 S
30 fdfex.CrlmJpp, 1977), Ordinarily use merely of hands,
fist or olker Member's of He, body oJl/A not constitute on
aggravated assaultJSEE'i Turner v. Siotej ££Lf SdJr**1at
90, (Te K, Crlm Jpp M 83X
           Petitioner , coouid life, to otfeynpte to explain
hou* Desley 
could not have been beaten cjilk a pipe or tree branck,
because if this Court cooald please examen the.
photograph's of Liesley's injury on her armytkls Court
colli see that ike Icjo Marf* are scratch's* the maet&
 Icjo nnarfs Ore also Identical In shape and siz.ei
there Is no bruising shots In% that Ike marfs ojas
caused by betrig beaten, odes leyj Aofd half of the
truth to officer Tovar, about coho/happend AAiof
night Xt coould he. hard Ao heat somane, and Ieve,
identical marAls only centimeter's apart fram
Ike olker one* The hoo marks on Des/eyss arm
 are curved at the end, a tree brunch nor a pipe
coould hai/e A, testified that she sacj Ah& pipe
 being used on her *(l?P3;2J?)l7hese arejust three of
 the different inconsistent circumstanes of fetlt/oner

                 • PKMEK •

prays Ahat AA?Is Court grant Als PeAAtAori-for
DlscreAAonary AfeuAeod, and reverse AAls cause
and enter an order of acquittal.

                        Respectfully Submitted
                       ^"ffjaotiA /foe /cf/n/AJ-
                        Robert doe Afimble.
                        pro sefPetitioner,

                        McConnet! Unit
                            30OI SXnnlty driuc
                            l&eevillejTx 72/0 Z-


I certify that a true and' corre>cf copy off the
above foregoing Petition Az>r Discretionary
feviecjj has Aeen torcjarded by d,S, Ula!I,postage
prepaid, first class / Ac? AAe Attorney for AAie
?fde fCralgDoJKlns , at Dallas CountyDistrict
Attorney's office, FranKCrooj/ey CourtBuilding)
133 A/, Riverfront3J\/dXBd?j Dallas ,7x9T5X07*1311,
and Ao the ssfaife ProsecuAAng AtfoheA/',Pd,8oxlZ.H
osi Austin iTx 7%7ll on Anls fhe^-JA^^day of
    &      ,2/3   ISs-.
                                  fobeet Joe Kimble
                                 Petitionerj Pro se
Xj #oherAJo~eA