vm-is N0>QS-H-oot7a.'i-Ct • RECEIVEC n rl P\ N t\ L C0URT 0F CRIMiNAL APPEALS UK itin ,rwr//£ AUG182015 COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS Abel Acosta, Clerk AUSTIN, TEXAS FILED IN KObEkTIOE /3)^ -*1< Lane v* State, 151S,U3dot• irt(Jex.Crin.App,W>H)- a Rivera w State, X7I S,£J,3d 361,306, at307l7exJoO,X008) X Turner v. State,£>6H SdJtXd ot ) &< Tex, Penal Code Ann, 1,67(a) (17) . ^ V,TiC- Tex,Penal Code Ann* /tO7C*)07)(3H), — % STATEMENT OF THE CASE A grand jury Indicted Appellant For aggravated assault 001tin a deadly CJeapanXCR: %), The indictment alle-g&d that Appellant1 and iAe complaining ojltness had ex dating relationship, (CRf.%}>7he Ind/cArvtenA alleged one. prior felony conviction as on &nAance*yient*Cctf:3%'> £/<%-:&), The- court- found tAe enkancemenE pargaroph Erue. Qnd assessed punishn hereinafter called complalnat, by STRIKING C0r1ELhIK\(\TCdlTH A HAND A TlZEE 8lV\l\ICH AMD A PIPE, and said defendant did use and exhibit a deadly oseaponj io-cj/i '* a band, a tree (branch j and pipe >during the commission of the assault* Z. Reason for Granting KevlecJ Petitioner / request f>r revlecJ under Tex.R,App*Pr Rulle &>&,31 In reference Ab ,' (AhuJkether a cootrt of appeals decision conflicts a)1th another court of appeals decision on the. sarno Issue; (ChCohethcr a court of appeals has decided on Important question of State or federal \(\io in a ajay that Conflicts cJ/'tb Abe. applicable decisions of the- court of Criminal Appeal's or +t,e Supreme Court of the, UnlAed SiatesJ CFlL)Pie-Hi£r a Court of appeal's has so far deported •rromi the accepted Qnd usual course of judicial proceedings j Or so far sanctioned suchi a departure by a Jocjer court j as A> call for Qn exercise of the. court of Cri/ninaA Appeal's pooer of supervision. GROUND FOX flEVXED NUMBER 0N£ The court of Appeals erred in holding that rational jurors could ha ve concluded PetlAionerj hand ojo s used us deadly cjeapon i and AAe courA of Appeals conclude AAe evidence supports a finding AAaA PetlAionerj use of Als Aond in this case cjasfcapable of CQuslnq serious bodily Injury, ' kftthL(f\ILNT° Th& Court of Appeals failed A& prove beyond a reason able doubt tkaf Petitioner used or exhibited a deadly OJeaporx during the. alleged assaultJ/Moug tAt sAaAe SnAroduced evidence AAaf a AandjAree branch j or pipe could kypotheticed he a deadly uJeapon, It did not fneet lis burden of pros/Inq AAaA Petitioner i/setcl any of ttiese objects in a('inanner capable"of causetn^ Serious bodily Injury or death. The. deadly coeapon alteration cjas an essential element of Ike, aqqravaied assault charge,Serious bodily injury is defined as bodily Injury that creafes a substantial risK of death or tkat causes deatk >Serious permanent disfigurement, or protracted loss or Impair/riant of the function of any bodily Member or oryandex,Penal Code Ann. ho? (o.)(h&). The Court of Appeals failure to prove the deadly cJeapon element beyond a 'Seaso nable, doubt In Akls case renders iU evidence insufficient Ao support PetiA/ener's convicAAon. GROUND FOR REUEOd AlUMbtt TOO The Court of Appeals erred In koldina that evidence Supports a finding tkat petitioner, use of a branch or pipe in AAls case could haue caused Serious bodily Injury *and ikaA the evidence ajas sufficient. 'ARGUMENT* aJ&sleyj testified titat Petitioner tfait her coltA his Aond and tkat he "way haut used a tree branch or pipe fc hit her arm.Neither a handi nor a free hrancA* nor a* pipe is a flrearmTTfierefore >these. objecAs are not deadly aJeapons per se , Tex.Pencil Code kOt7(U)0'7), FurAkerrnere j these lAe/ris are not manifestly designed, made, i or adapted for purpose of InfliefIna death &r Serious bodily byury tConsequently / /Ae. Court of Appeals ojos obllqated to prove that PeAAAlonen, used these object in a manner"Capable of causing serious bodily Injury or death according to the fact or AAls Cast.lht Court of Appeals Cdkolly failed Ao meet lAk burden , VT,C.A> Penal Code , hOT (ai)GtiCMd. 6. GROUND FOR KEVIEO) NUMBER THREE The Court of Appeals erred In revleojing and examining only ajkaf aJas said ai trial Ay AAe complaintnq colAness. >ARG(JMEMT< The Court of Appeals, Mnccjs of no otAen medical Areatnnen f for Cdes/ey j oiker- than the parannedlc report compieAed nineAy nninuAes after AAt, alleged offense,Xt coou/d be clearly ajrong and manifestly Unjust Ao conclude serious bodily injury resulted from this tact alone under" a factual scuffleleney reviecu,1 there is no evidence that HJes/ey^ souqht or recelued any additional tmedlcal treatment for her injuries /Therefore , the finding J> of a deadly coeapon cannot rest on proof AAaA Lesleyj actually suffered any Serious bodily Injury from AAe alleged assault. SBC. Johnston V, STATEl /IS S,aj.3d7£h 763j ot 7&H. (TeyL-App* ZU03), The Court of Appeals failed to produce sufflc evidence In this case about the Inherent nature or deadly capabitltly of AAe weapon used Ao assault Desley*&TE>Rivera v. £TATErXl7l S*CJ< *d 301j30&j at SOT, CTexJpp, Wos), The photographs of LOe&iey >injuries reflect surface skin Injuries. .The, Scratch on /desley a reasonable Anferehce that Petitioner j used any of these objects in a manner capable, of dousing deaik or serious bodily injury. udes/ey-i as/o stated to officer Tbvar» -tkat -ike only ojeapan used coas Petitioner's ?hands !(RR3) l&l ).Tn officer Tovarj report there cuas^no'1 reference to ex tree branch nor pipe* (/?R3j 10.1).Officer Tovarj testified thai cohen ke met Coiik uJesley* AAat nlcfht> S>ht could not tell him hoU) iAe morACs on her arm AiappendXRR^J 119 )>AIthocACfk uJe&ley, refused transport ro AAe hospifoi 6uAthe Aesiimony of a nurse j paramedic , and Acoo police officer's as cJeli as tkrouaU the victim's hospital records sko^u AAe Acts, and proof that 'Ms,Lane f actually uJent Ao AAe hospitalj but In Petitioner's, case j there Is no proof or medical records shousinQ AAoA uJesAeyjever Dentjjusi her testimony that she &ienA* There Is 'no Medical report ^sboLolng that TJesley^ suffered froM her Ihjuriiojs life *ske, Aesiifi^d Ao in Atrial/Ms. Land . CJCXS examlnd at the hospital as ojefl by the paramedics and nur.se/Atsj hone, suffered Trow nauseajvotnltlng, dizziness j on of a concussion to the brain f Linlife Uesley i Ais, Lane i actually coeni to the hospital the day of AAe assaultJlic evidence Is Aegal and factuu/y Insufficient to support ike conviction, because the Appeal's court failed Ao prc?ve beyond a reasonable douAA AhaA PeAiAlonerj used or exhibited a deadly cseapon. Ike State , and AAe Court of Appeal's must provid tie trier of fact cjlih some evidence > nornnally through expert testimony, that the ueapon CO as ''used' or Intended to be used In suck a coay ihai it coas ''capable"of causing death or seriouse bodily injury. Tex, PenalCode Ann, k07 (a) Or) &*/). din ddan z Ig >CJounds Inflicted on the Injured party are factors to be considered In determining cohether o oJeapon Is a deadly cseaponf'SEEA Danzig v. State ,SV6 S 30 fdfex.CrlmJpp, 1977), Ordinarily use merely of hands, fist or olker Member's of He, body oJl/A not constitute on aggravated assaultJSEE'i Turner v. Siotej ££Lf SdJr**1at 90, (Te K, Crlm Jpp M 83X Petitioner , coouid life, to otfeynpte to explain hou* Desley could not have been beaten cjilk a pipe or tree branck, because if this Court cooald please examen the. photograph's of Liesley's injury on her armytkls Court colli see that ike Icjo Marf* are scratch's* the maet& 9. Icjo nnarfs Ore also Identical In shape and siz.ei there Is no bruising shots In% that Ike marfs ojas caused by betrig beaten, odes leyj Aofd half of the truth to officer Tovar, about coho/happend AAiof night Xt coould he. hard Ao heat somane, and Ieve, identical marAls only centimeter's apart fram Ike olker one* The hoo marks on Des/eyss arm are curved at the end, a tree brunch nor a pipe coould hai/e A, testified that she sacj Ah& pipe being used on her *(l?P3;2J?)l7hese arejust three of the different inconsistent circumstanes of fetlt/oner case, 10* • PKMEK • LdHEfEFDfE, fAEAIJSES CONSIDERED, Petitioner* prays Ahat AA?Is Court grant Als PeAAtAori-for DlscreAAonary AfeuAeod, and reverse AAls cause and enter an order of acquittal. Respectfully Submitted ^"ffjaotiA /foe /cf/n/AJ- Robert doe Afimble. pro sefPetitioner, McConnet! Unit 30OI SXnnlty driuc l&eevillejTx 72/0 Z- u SERTIFICA TEOrSEMJCE I certify that a true and' corre>cf copy off the above foregoing Petition Az>r Discretionary feviecjj has Aeen torcjarded by d,S, Ula!I,postage prepaid, first class / Ac? AAe Attorney for AAie ?fde fCralgDoJKlns , at Dallas CountyDistrict Attorney's office, FranKCrooj/ey CourtBuilding) 133 A/, Riverfront3J\/dXBd?j Dallas ,7x9T5X07*1311, and Ao the ssfaife ProsecuAAng AtfoheA/',Pd,8oxlZ.H osi Austin iTx 7%7ll on Anls fhe^-JA^^day of & ,2/3 ISs-. fobeet Joe Kimble Petitionerj Pro se Xj #oherAJo~eA
Kimble, Robert Joe
Combined Opinion