Lewis, Cedrick Bernard


Auqusf <«>? 2015                            REC'D IN COURT OF APPEALS
                                             12th Court o? Ajgpeals District

Twelfth Courf^f Appeals
1517 Wesf Front Sfv^ef, Suite 35^                  TYLER TEXAS
                                              CATHY S.LUSK,CLEHK
Ty lev, Texas 75" 702^
                                                                    RECEIVED IN
Re; FDR EVtensu>trv,appeaUt 12-14-00201-CR C0URT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS
  TW«4 *t 31189 ; C*aiscv>»+\ortary RevwtW (pdr\
 Teday AucjusV tfc92o1S X recewed a letter fh>*\ my attorney
 PKlfp C WeUMer 6oo M. fallaniPaleshne, Te*Gs7$£of
 dat«4 Aucjusf 4? 2o\5"$ f<^*^j iv>e "tmt v^y ^pps^| was afc fife a josfojyiAy
 PDR i* mv^ cctse, because of "the !«•+£ r»<7tice from ^Y^Horr^ey,

 X Cedwcfe B«mav-c| Uwis , recast*} ^row\ ^e Tv^iftK
 Court aP Appeals *r> e>cre^-twA <»f -thirty (3o)days -ft> draft
 aAnrecfiy to a o+herw/ise^t^^fy »^cmr>er;
 Respect*»\d pursuant to 1«ica2» &*le  tfce tweAPfk Gsvurt <;£ Appeals.
                                                       rn,,DT FILED /A/

 GeduHek ^>e*-r«^ Uw(S it \