Williams, Darian C. AKA Darian Colay Williams

f TDCJ Offender Details _ l ‘ Page 1 of 2 "Z‘E?¢C.'i Home o New Offender Search TEXA.S. DEEARTME,NT O.E C.RlNl,lNAL JUS.T|C.E_ ,0ffender lnformation Details S|D Number: 04332469 TDCJ Number: 00918661 Name: W|LL|AI\/|S,DAR|AN C. Race: B Gender: l\ll DOB: ` 1972-01-22 Maximum Sentence Date: ' 2028-12-04 Current Faci|ity: TELFORD Projected Re|ease Date: 2028-12\-04 Paro|e E|igibi|ity Date: 2013-12-04 Offender Visitation E|igible: Y_l_i_§ ` /nformation provided is updated once daily dun`ng Weekdays and multiple times per day on visitation days. Be`cause this information is subject to change, family members and friends are encouraged to call the unit prior to traveling for a visit. SPEC|AL lNFORMATlON FOR SCHEDULED RELEASE: scheduled Re|ease Date: Offender is not scheduled for release at this time. scheduled Re|ease Type: Wi|| be determined When release date is scheduled ' Sehedu|ed Re|ease Loeati°m Wi|| be determined When release date is scheduled Parole Review information , 7 Offense History: Offense Sentence Case Sentence (YY-MM- Date Offense Date No. DD) County - http ://offender.tdcj .texas.gov/OffenderSearch/offenderDetail.action?Sid=043 32469 8/26/2015