Florence, Thomas Wayne

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111 1114 14411461451111114141 111144~1144 ~ IA.LLOCK 1311“11 401 1 10@4301044£351443)/11061419111 ; ,;f<<'% '>11114141411'1-€1~3'4111141<14 3111~1§ '1 344 @1€141<114 311111/ ?1€1;11141611411/ <1111 [ ' ` 1 ’ §§ 35@1115 144411141/114 146617114 414141\1”@4 1114 J1411/’ 1116101‘21 461110151419411/1141111 41:33141:113 1\1111 1444445564 566141§056 164@414) d ` . =#1' 1 y .( `}EW<€(_§{£L ii 3 j]\_}’) leo L.GCWL&\T_'j_<€Y 51 fin emia,)"I-$§:z"zI/,’ lio~“t g ' y . 1 _- _ 4 FiLEo GREGG (_70(.\¢1`[\/l T _. ' ' NO. 40,789-B-H-2 EX PARTE § IN THE 124TH DISTRI ' § z § rN AND F -e » § ' - BRYAN WILLIAMS § GREGG CoUNTY, TEXAS STATE’S. RESPONSE To PETITIoNER’S APPLICATION FoR WRIT oF HABEAS CORPUS TO THE- HONORABLE IUDGE OF SAID COURT: THE STATE OF TEXAS, opposes Petitioner’s Writ' ofHabeas Corpu`s. I. HISTORY OF THE CASE The applicant,"'Bryan Williams, is confined in TDC_J-lD because of his . conviction and sentence in Gregg County cause number 40,789`-'B. Williarns Was charged With the felony offense of possession of a controlled'substance (Count I) and unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon (Count ll). (Appendix A: ` Indictment). Aiter being admonished that he could face consecutive sentences if he. -/" yvent to trial on both counts separately, he elected'severance of the two counts and jury trials on bothj 3 RR 5-7. The jury found him guilty _of possession of a controlled substance and sentenced him to 75 years. (Application, ‘Appendix G: Judgment~¥- Cou_nt I)'. Aiter a jury was seated and testimony had begun on Count H, he pleaded guilty and Was sentenced by the judge to 5 years, to run consecutively to the 75-year `/l 40 sentence (Application Appendix H: Judgment-Count Il). was sentenced by the judge to five years in prison to run consecutively to the 75-year' sentence. ]d. He is confined at the Allred Unit as TDCJ inmate number 1784621. H. APPLICANT’S ALLEGATIONS Williams claims that the municipal court judge and trial court judge lacked ' 1 jurisdiction, both personal and subject-matter jurisdiction over him due to a void search warrant affidavit {` * ‘ lII. NECESSITY FOR AN EVI])ENTIARY HEARING AND EXFANSION OF THE RECORD. The record needs no expansion Williams need not be returned 'to Gregg County for a hearing.` _ IV. ARGUMENT ANDAUTHORITIES. _ ( ‘ l) This is a subsequent writ application, not subject to any exception. This is a`subsequent request for a Writ of Habeas Corpus. While there are exceptions for subsequent writs applications, applicant has failed to alleged that his request falls within one_of those exceptions He alleges that his claims of subject_ v jig - 1 T\vee<)@71> See tFe"‘/X'§ST@§€%I@»QT ` " ` Application Memorandum at 2. The two statutes Williams alleges were not followed do not refer to search warrant affidavits They refer to charging instruments for misdemeanor offenses called complaints Williams’ Exhibits A (l) and A (2) are, collectively, the affidavit ' sworn to by Officer Middlebrool