COUR':I' OF' APPEALS DATE. ABLE ACOSTA,CLERK 8-9-15 P.O. BOX 12308 CAPITOL STATION AUS'I'IN /l'EXAS 78711 RE: CAUSE STYLE: NEiiV EVIDENCE DEAR MR.ACOSTA, My name is BOBBY OXFORD SR,TDCJ no. l656735,BOYD UNIT,200 spur ll3,TEAGUE, TEXAS 75860. I have resently filed a motion to RECONSIDER and a brief with some NEW .EVIDENCE. I have JUSt recieved more NEW EVIDENCE about the attorney tnat I had,JOHN S.YOUNG. I am enclosing this as NEW EVIDENCE. Ishould tell you that I had filed with the STATE COMMISSION,ORGANIZED CRIMINAL .ACTIVITY against the JUDGE BEN WOODWARD,ATTORNEY JOHN S. YOUNG, PROSECUTOR GEORGE McCREA and CITY OFFICIALS. 'l'he state Commission has taken this case.· The case no. is CJC.No. 15-0958- DI. I did send them some of the evidence. As you will see JOHN YOUNG is/ was capeable of perJury and forgary. I do believe this is more proof that MR.YOUNG was only doing cases for money and NOT looking out for his clients wellbeing. see GREEN v. STATE 667 sw 2d 528 ("assistance of counsel" means rendering the effective assistance by an attorney who is concerned over the welfare of his client and NOT JUS1' HIS POCKETBOOK. U.S. C. A. CONST. AMEND. 5, 6. This is NEW· EVIDENCE that was sent to me 8-6-15 ..• "By CHELSEA REINHARD / march 26,2015 5:00 pm a SAN ANGELO bail bondsman and a HIGH-POWER defense attorney have both been indicted on multiple felonies that center on the WILL of an alleged pedophile that died of natural causes last year. P.l of 2 ·, YOUNG,SULLIVAN"S defense attorney in a pending case against the deceased for child pornography and online solicitation of a minor, has also been indicted as a CO-DEFENDANT in the case. He has been charged with one count of FORGERY, one count of 'I'HEF'f OF PROPER'l'Y GREATER 'I'HAN OR EQUAL TO $ 200.000, one count of AGGRAVATED PERJURY, and FIRST-DEGREE.MISAPPLICATION BY A FIDUCIARY. 'fhe aggregate sum of money on Sullivan's domestic bank accounts, as reported by YOUNG, is $ 4,442,022.48. Sullivan had well over $ 1 million in real estate as well, and several bank accounts overseas with over $ 200.000 1.n total. ·rhe case against ZAPATA and YOUNG is being prosecuted by CLIFF HERBURG of the ATTORNEY GENERAL's office." I do believe that this is a positive show that MR.YOUNG will go to the extream to do what ever he wishes. Will you please take this into consideration,being I have put in everything I have filed that JOHN YOUNG was involved in.perJury and organized criminal activity? 'fHANK YOU FOR YOUR 'l'IME AND PROM'I' CONFERMATION 'rHA'f YOU HAVE PRESEN'l'ED MY MO'l'ION F'OR RECONSIDERATION,BRIEF AND THIS NEw EVIDENCE. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby have sent this enstrament by u.s.mail postage paid to the above on this 9th day of ALJGUS'I', 2015. BOBBY OXFORD SR. TDCJ uo.l656735 BOYD UNI'r 200 spur 113 TEAGUE,TEXAS 75860 DEFENDAN'r EX PARTE P.2 of 2
Oxford, Bobby Edward
Combined Opinion