Gold, Cameron Laquincy v. State

NO. /4-/*/Pf?/¥-CR IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN ' Appellant, v. THE STATE OF TEXAS, Appellee No. /^-/4^/^-CR In the Court of Appeals for the J U•• II. The /<$•& Court ofAppeals affirmed Appellant's conviction on ~7~2/-/S', in the case styled /^u^v,of.O^/CyMy. The State of Texas, in Cause Number f 9 (til06 III. The deadline for filing the Petition for Discretionary Review (PDR) is IV. This is Appellant's first request for an extension of time. V. Appellant's request for an extension of time is based on the following facts: 2/(? Lj/y}it <_S rur/--e*> pros€59 nf ^,Vl,;^j #W l~D<~k (3>oio/J due, ^q firinu&( sKakc/oi^rt Q-kc$ C6M.<±(p to ffff iotAp LaiaI Library +o get f>i~oppr }nifa<-r»-± WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, Appellant prays that the Court grant an extension of 1,0 days until ^-^o-iS , to file Appellant's PDR. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Texas that the foregoing statements are true and correct. Respectfully submitted, Appellant, Pro Se T^/?Z//nrtWnnN ei IUN*'*