. C?~~///S~i `DU C\.M\LO§ CM»&, 1 'wz,@@»/M mcwo 5 01 wm M¢ @_/>~, 0§QV\€ML~ AW( :`@Q£IW\S : \C”F{£/ Ow§d(\j , TDCJ Number l 5 z {Qg@~ (/ arn presently incarcerated at the Mark W. Stiles Unit of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice in Jefferson County, Texas declare under penalty of perjury that the above is true and COI’I`€Ct. ...1» ` Signedonthe 22£ 5 dayof _A'\A_?MS`{ ,20 15 . /f/:/@`f § ééd¥\/ Printed Name \lM/tcli@,. Signature Unswom Dec|aration sic Ari\izmizc Qa\s\i>l laid le §u§pl 510. C\l\(\€v\-¥COUR:T O_F CRIMINAL AP.PEALS OF TEX'AS APPL]CA'I`] O_N FQR A_ WRIT ()_F HABEAS CORPUS SEEKIN._G RELIEF FROM¢ EINAL FELQNY CONVlCTI_ON U'NDER CODE -OF CRIMINAL RROCEDURE, ARTICLE~>I 1.07" ~….._.l.il~§iiztcrms `Y'ou must use the complete form_', which begins on the following page, to file an application for a writ of habeas corpus seeking relief from a final felony conviction under Article 1;1 07 of the Code of. Criminal Proccdure ('l`his:: form ls not for dcath~ penalty cascs, probated sentences wh1ch. have not been rcvoked, 1 ;,or misdemeanors )_ The district clerk of t_b'e county 111 which you were convicted will make this form available to you, on request,. without charge apply to`;youl.'_lf any pages;are missing-from the form\',` or if the:q¢ucstions.have.:hcen.. reh u'mb,ered*or fomitted,;yoi`lr entirc,applica,tion may be dismissed §`S lnfo__n--.compliant, . You must make a separate application on a separate form for each judgment of court on the same day, you must make a separate application for each one-.- .Answer every item that applies to yoil on the form D_o not attach any additional pages for any item. Yoi'i_;'mu,st“i_nc_iude"»<_ ,®,a\~A\ Co\ I\; _El`feccive: 'Janilarv 1»`?~01'4" 1 ;Rev. .o..i~/ii 4/1“14- (5) (6)` CZ) (8), '(9_1 . (:10) wére`yv_n representedby@-._counsel?l If':_y.es,111wvi`de»thevaftoi*ney»'»s,;ii;\me: C/l elm€. \M » Clax>\w€ \\ `What~ was»'the_. d,a§"f€_..that 'the judgmentj Was. euf.el_'.¢d`»? 5~ 9~- 07 F.o~e"'what, offense;.were;youl convicted 1111¢1 .whar~'was' che-»'.s'e‘men“cei’~ § A'§‘jvww§\)\)@€i no jury jury for guilt and punishmeut f`_`] jury for guilt, judge for punlshment Rey, 0117'1"4_/'144 1111 <112;), 1131 ('14); 'Didl you tés'i:`ify:.~at irial?" .I'f'.yes=,;at~ wha't'p`has`e df:thélztrial“did:_yo_'i'l`;testlfy" anr OL(\)Q\ \Co'o\b\ `€_ md you applesl.from chelj_udgmen*¢,,of,'c'onvietion;?' fit yes §§ 1111 'If_ you did appeal,» answer the»_fo.llowing questions:, (A) What.com“of“appeals;did;:you;ap'p;eaito.? N / °A‘ ~ ~ (B) What wa"s the:case number»? ~- /\Y l\ mr l 1 , (C')» Wer,e you repre§ented'by ¢Qunsel§'on_.app€a:l? I'f-f yca provideft§ie-:at,toimey'sf name: /\j (`0\' '(I).)'l Whai,‘was‘the:,d`ecis`ion and,the;date of't“l`le.d‘ec,"i"sion)‘§`- v , 7‘/_/ /4 :- ’D_i,ii you file»'a<.pet_ifion for discretionary review:in;the Cou,:t'~oflcriminal Apip'éa"llsi’._i 53 yes § 1111 'If. you didiéfilé'a pétition for discietionafy~\"éyi'ew', »aiis`wér flie"_=foliowing quesii‘ons: '(A)" Wb_at<‘was.ih,e»»¢ase;number€?l 1 /\j !,. \AF, (B) Wh'a,tl;w,a.s, the-"deci`sion' andlth,é~daite ofot,h'e:_d`e'¢i`s,ion? Af / IA\" Have§yoq. previous1y»:med .;lm.. application fo'r'-~a. weitz-111 habea§; coepus un'de¢~.lArti'cle 1107 of fhc"l`exas'€ode~of: C`r.im_in'al Pr¢cedure"chal,lenging this canvi`c:ribz:? ,?>]lllyes. ' E_JL 1111 lf"you :~answe"l""ed yé§, »’an§w`e'i'?`tlie'»foliowihg questionst (A) What» was'the Cour`t”of»lCrizminal'Ap~peal§,"wrii'number? L;'S: _~ 03 HEQ~~O, Revi. ,01/`1~4/1~4_ (15) (1‘6) -(B) ywhatwas'»"the.’11¢¢¢1§1011 aniline-dareof»théld¢cision?.. \`<3 ' O@ Q\BSW\~*S<+~Q} w l+l\<>v¢i 2 z mullen carch- (.C.) ,Please-idé,ntify~th¢ reason that fhe»curr'e_nt claims:“werc nof'ipres`en'te;d and could 'not"'hav,e.be,en presented on your previous;a_pplication. ' T\\,\C ch_r'l\k\' C;\o}iy§§ h Co\».\¢§ 1\6¥.\0%_ t`o\t§€.& h UMC€- r)§v_ *\<\15& \\u\n\_rcnco<§¢t\o\e c\e\c\\rft moment \1>`( -l/\rgc NS'M\ S\>&e><:~o< Dr¢}r. QM,& @§< Nuton§oc\ie§ Qa~n`v"t Do you currently have any petition o'r appeal pending 111 any other state or federal court? . U" iyes; §no If`y`ou .éns`wered“yes, please~provi`de»"the;ngme ol"thef court3-and the;-`eas‘e’,nnrnliéc; If you are presenting a claim for tir`n'é cred1t have you exhausted your administrative remedies by presenting your claim t`o the time credit resolution system of the Texas Depar.tm`ent- of Crinlinal Justice? ('I`his requirement applies to any final felony conviction, including state jail felonies) l:} yes §§ `n'o~ If you answered yes, answer the following questions: (A)' What date didly'o`u present’the claim.?.- _ /\/ 'AA (B)‘ Did you_’rec'eive'ajj.'decision.and_,;'if `ye's;;fwih`atl was the date.5111110@.71113 513€~\ 60101"5< <>16\¢\`1€¢5 166 0166@1§_<, 56 (001636§ 3>_$3 1\6<53(6~313\9 1165 §1151\`1\°1 501 55\>01\051\» 11>161<105~55 1166 3>01¢36 511 601111~ 1351 61 551)\,;\\(_ Q\S`o ‘5'10`~4 5/\~15 661 1\613_1‘656\6/\/5-/ 0\~1\`155<{5 01 c\>\%¢»§\\`\ MUL?O<\. ;§6§5<\‘) .1 1 Reiv. 01'/14%14, 'Rev. 011/111'-4/1,4" GROUNDTWO _ ` r\\)\.€ r\><~OC€S__§ _ . ,v i , ..... , FACTS SUPPORTING GROUND TWO ._:.§._§_c_»§ §O\~ @\\0§1& 46 \v§ 4\<>§3§ 919 o< 61qu 111 t?ere»@/<\, 1‘1\1\<_}€,§§11\¢<\0§191§(\/ Proq.e{§d\€) `/ \\Q\o§ ,\),1 N\_1 _§\~-:<»\ co§c.\< 00 \_0~\§~0`¢ T\\Q .§v;@\ :QMJ_>¢ ¢Jso 511 1\1§ §QMA 01 c<>\>1 §§ 11\¢ 1>¢51-1;01\11:@11&\. \11\§\ il co<\\¢§c,§eé m\ SQPO o§\§e)cr\e>f,» /\kcz \§0>\\1& b\\§@(‘<\w §\r\o ¢MP\WCQ (,¢‘§='\'\r_\ 1\1\1 1‘<\9§111)\¢§&1>1\5 111 ,<;m\\eo§§ WC'S-Slw<é; Y)Nr§@n `.(5) £1111_1£¢§5 u§<\v@( {<\»»4;v §w,§ 11\ ¢“e<;@w\\>w ,&0\9~-1//1: ./7\5€1/ v§§<§v\\ax \0\§.3 ~_\\\om _`f l \~%?1£€,2¢\§'=§§1\)€, ` N\_v: Q(Arc€a; z 13!\0<\ §o<~® `W\L \1°1‘1\ Q\'\Ov\€_ CQ§\ Q_\__\ J\'\/\t /\§\ Com§@l,/ \}\\\\\< \ \L\r\_\{: mw% h\ AA /S€~o\ R’e`V~.». Oj 1~/ 1».4/-114 Re"v. 01/-14‘/1..4: :GRoUNI)‘ 'r-HREE :; . \\\\fo~\¥& \\(\A §C/&(N\Qx\\’ /-t‘~{> ¢\c\)\`)c/&UY\€JVL FACTS SUPPORTING GR@UND THREE I\\<>§< o<\\\& wake -\'\¢\e @< »°;\\cu\ \\A¢c,§a\\e,n¥ \!\\m\ co grew 0<»\\¥\?0‘\` a~-Am\\%\,guwx>m_ Qb\\hg_\a f. ._ »»~\~_P\~a ><<;<,,\ QM>_¢___C\&;Y$:<§§;> \§\ \,_>¢~\M;,\ sw M+ cw®\\d§\ __ w*<\.\ `Y»¢L¢\z Cx>w\><\ <>\,\v (0§6_ M._ch.erlm Avc¥;c\i § \D~.C>\ d § vad\§ c¢j.vmu\\~, ww~\clzc 9~¢€§¢:1\¥@¢1 (,¢‘3<\\»<\ i<\.~,L\w;&sM_w¥<, o§/Luwwo\__) (le .QN€.(S) §\__wv> Qw~\m A¢§L_Q§-_m coww\_<;sav\@<@ {»b~e aFQ€/\c€: .(<~_\__ §w "V\(\¢_§/& /¢¢\>\>M~L : ‘\wue _¢)ew\§\\ .FHM» flo;]z>l“/ n§ `\"‘§CS" \§ _ wm some Im_<\e ,9_~€>0‘1 §;,.,,.L_WP I\v¢. Me:» Q-~\ _ ` 1"0' R¢i\'z: ~0,1`./1471`1€4_:» ll Re"v~».l ()\~'1:1114/»1 4 GROUN'D F_OUR:- SQ_§.\~§<)(T c§\ )\\ `5 c_m§§§ CX( ;FACTS SUYPORTING GROU\ID FOUR `{\\§ _Qvo_e§§u§¥o< §e>( +`\\~§ S§§§§ o§ T`§`Lw; \ +’\~e .\‘A_S+\\ `D\`§X- o§ /\`>_»:¢¥M»e< ; cwa #Mww<\»r u§¥l, \;§J .\§é;\ §§de § wv€@§v@\`\§»§'~¥¢\\°& M§`- /\'\'~\f\c §§ §w_¢ o~cc>\miz, o§r§ o<\\"\ O§\\ow~§c§ § Co<§e §§ 1\@_\§§§`~(4,»| .. Q)C w w §Mc\~;m\ @§_:\\§AHNW+- 12_ Reiv. 01./;1`4/1*4: 13 Rev.d~(§l"/’;l¢$[ \1=4 ‘GROUNI):: '.\\_\_c~£as<><\ Q§\€ C\Q\O~“F _/1\\`¥ 0 ¢L L') C_ 'FAC'I`S SUPPORTING GROUND _ ~\§§ \-»\5""\ ©\§§ §M§,,§ N~O§A(,@\§@g Caq\§r \e §§390§61\»\§ §§ ng-\~¢\ mc§ag_@§\a§\§ al@_lw/ -*<\\,,§§ \\a_:g___§r§ue,r\§§& \N\§ §r¢~v\ (>M\P.l\¢ ._\\;. w.`{'b\ €Qi‘+ff¥ Ys.§_\@> §§ .SF»\§ _\Q‘§Ol "Y\§`v.°§*.\$w\f\§§§>m§,@l; 01ng §b€_l§_o.\§§~j _Qv\,)l I'rra\)§vs`.'{>l§ _»§§§@~r; `(` \\a~e <\a§ __X>-§§ar\ ¢§\>\_e § § r><»a§OlT u§_..M, \\/\,/§ O§.?Q.-§.\l\e _`\<\`§§<§r , §§ 'be_ §Q§_ §w-\ §§ca,cc§r,/ a§\~bz><\ w\\tc,\!.\_ \\{\§§§¢~O_\§§ o§\ N\\{ ._ \l.d>§§\~\j__ MWS§` 14 Rev§ '0.‘1"/:`12£/ 1141 '1`5§ WHEREFGRE=APPI;IVCANT PRAYS THATTHECOURT 'GRANJ§:,)$_PPLI_CANT 3 'RELIEF» .To wHI'CHiHE'MAY'BE ENT.-.ITLED`:IN THI_S `PROC`EEDING; vE_`_RI;FICAIIoN This application must be verified or it Wil1b'e dismissed for non-compliance F'or. verifeanon purposes, an app1ieant 13 a person1 f l1ng the application on his or her own behalf A petitioner 1'_3 a_;.pe153_c;)n filing the application on behalf of an apphcant for example an applicant 325 attorney An tnmate is a person who 13111 custody Th_e inmate applicant must sign either the “O__a`th Bcfore 21 Notary Public”~ before a notary public or the “_lnrriate 3 D'eelarat`ion” without a notary public If the wmata 13 represented by a licensed attorney, the attorney may sign the “Oath Before a Notary Public as petitioner and then complete “Petitloner 3 lnformatlon ” _A_ non-inmate applicant mu3t sign th`e “Oathi Before a` vNotary 'P`tibli'c” before a notary public unies_s he 13 represented by a; licensed attomey, iri which e__a__3e. the attorney may 31`g11 the verification as petitioner A non~inmate non- -attorney petitioner rnu31 sign the “Oath Before a Notary Public”` before a notary public and must also complete “Petitioner s information ” An inmate petlttoner ’r`nust sign either the “Oa_th_ Bef_o_r,e a Notary P_`ub_he” before a notary public oi`: the ‘~"Inmate? 3 Declaranon” without a notary public and 1111131:3130 complete the appropnate “Petmoner 3 ~Information ” OATH vB}EZ]§`()'RE- A. .NQ'I`A€RY FUB§I,,jI§/C_ STA-'I?E OF TEXA_S COUNTY. oF_ ,being duly sworn, under oath sa_tys;~v “I am the applicant / petitioner (circle one) m this actlon and know the contents of the above application for a W`rit of habeas corpus a_nd_, accordmg to my belief`, the facts stated 111 the application are true ” z`Sigriartt`rt=.~» Qf`Appii'cant `/'Petiti"<)iner-i(jc'i`réle 611¢-)* suesei§nzr~:‘n-AND sworn roanoke 113 mrs pay on _ _,201. `Sig_nature 'ofiNOtaryP§l,lll?"l_ie 116 ae§i.._01”/11'4:11;4 PETIJ?IONnkts','INFoHMATIDNY' Pei:-`itioner"s'printed name;; State bar nli'tjr_iber, Jif'anplieahfe: Ad¢lre§$,; Telephone: 5 ,,,,,, 5 Ea;<:: IN MYA§'ITE?S§ DECLARATION 14 _, ,, _ … . . , at`n'theapplicant_;/-'_p'etitionerj §eir¢le bne) and bein_g"'pr;ese_nt}y:iincarcerated 1115 7 5 ,;declai~‘éunder penalty or perjury thitt,`faccording to rny beliei`, the facts:.staietil in the above applie§t_tiop are true an§i;eoxirectj. ‘Si'gn_ed~on'§ 5, 1_,<;20\` 'S'.ignarurei011315;51'1&3111~/:15€11itohé'rf(¢ir¢leone)' 137 z R'ev. 0\1/1"<'1'/`!1~4`~`; t "Petitioner’$.,printed namer » féx: ~ PETITIONER?S INF_()RMA.'I?-I()Ni Add:;e"ss:' T<->jl'ephone: Sigtle`d 611 ,,_ 20; 181 :,Signaru,x:e o"f‘l€fefiri,bn¢r 'Rev,.:ol;_/MMA`
Gibson, Tracy Ray
Combined Opinion