ACCEPTED 05-15-00709-CR FIFTH COURT OF APPEALS DALLAS, TEXAS 6/10/2015 7:50:27 AM LISA MATZ CLERK Appellate Docket Number: 05-15-00709-CR FILED IN Appellate Case Style: Michael Dwayne Thompson v. State of5th Texas COURT OF APPEALS DALLAS, TEXAS Trial Cause Number: F-1460066-M 6/10/2015 7:50:27 AM LISA MATZ Clerk Companion Cases: Amended/corrected statement: ☐ DOCKETING STATEMENT CRIMINAL Appellate Court: 5th Court of Appeals of Dallas Texas (to be filed in the court of appeals upon perfection of appeal under TRAP 32) I. Appellant II. Appellant Attorney (s) First Name: Michael Lead Attorney: Valencia Bush Middle Name: Dwayne ⊠Appointed ☐ District Attorney ☐ Retained ☐ Public Defender Last Name: Thompson Suffix: Address: Valencia Bush Attorney 10000 N. Central Epwy. #400 Appellant Incarcerated? Yes Dallas, Texas 75231 Amount of Bond: Telephone: 214 631-3435 Fax: 1 866 275-2570 Pro Se: Email: SBN: 18692100 III. Perfection of Appeal, Judgement and Sentencing Nature of Case: Criminal Was trial by jury ☐ jury or ⊠ non jury Type of Judgment: Guilty Date Notice of Appeal given: 5-28-15 Date of Sentence: 5-28-2015 Punishment Assessed: Date of Offense: 11-08-2014 10 years TDCJ Offense Charged: Brg Vehicle/2 Priors Is appeal from pre-trial Order? ◻Yes Defendant’s Plea: NOT GUILTY ⊠ No If guilty, does defendant have the trial court’s certificate to appeal? Does the appeal involve the constitutionality or ⊠ Yes ☐ No the validity of a statute, Motion New Trial Filed: Yes Date: 5-28-15 rule or ordinance. ☐ Yes ⊠ No IV. Actions Extending Time to Perfect Appeal V. Indigency of Party Motion and affidavit filed ⊠ Yes ☐ No ☐ NA Date of Hearing: 5-28-15 ◻ NA Date of Order: 5-28-15 ☐ NA Ruling on Motion: ⊠ Granted ☐ Denied Date of ruling: 5/28/15 VI. Trial Court and Record Court: Criminal District Court No. 194 Clerks Record: Requested County: Dallas Trial Court Clerk ⊠District ☐County Trial Docket Cause No: F14-60066-M Clerk’s Record Requested? ⊠ Yes ☐No Trial Court Judge (who disposed of case): Payment Arrangements made? ◻Yes ◻No ⊠ Indigent Presiding Judge: Earnest White Address: 133 North Riverfront Blvd Dallas, Texas 75207 Phone: 214 653-3600 Reporter’s or Recorder’s Record Is there a reporter’s record? ⊠ Yes ☐ No Was the reporter’s record requested ⊠ Yes ◻ No Was the reporter’s record electronically recorded? ⊠ Yes ◻No If yes date requested or to be requested: 06/04/15 Were payment arrangements made with the court reporter ☐Yes ☐ No ⊠ Indigent Court Reporter(s) ⊠ Official ☐Substitute Name: Belinda Baraka Address: 133 North Riverfront Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75207 Phone: 214 653-3600 Email: VII. Related Matters List any pending or past related appeals before this or any other Texas appellate court by court, docket number, and style. Docket Number: Court: Style: v. State of Texas VIII. Signature ___________________________ Valencia Bush Attorney at Law 10000 North Central Expwy. Ste. 400 Dallas, Texas 75231 SBN: 18692100 Ph: 214-631-3435 Fax: 1 866 275 2570 IX. Certificate of Service Certificate of Service The undersigned counsel hereby certifies that on June 10, 2015 a copy of the above Docketing Statement was served by E-file to the 5th Court of Appeals at Dallas County, 500 Commerce, Dallas Texas 75207, and the Appellate Division of the District Attorney’s Office. 133 North Riverfront Blvd., Dallas, Texas 75207. !
Michael Dewayne Thompson v. State
Combined Opinion