ACCEPTED 01-14-00685-CR FIRST COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON,TEXAS 8/31/2015 12:00:00 AM CHRISTOPHER PRINE CLERK No. In the Court of Criminal Appeals RECEIVED IN At Austin 1st COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 8/31/2015 10:22:00 AM CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE No. 01-14-00685-CR Clerk In the Court of Appeals for the First District of Texas at Houston No. 1408986 In the 262nd District Court RECEIVED IN Harris County, Texas OF CRIMINAL Al FILED IN SEP 0 4 2015 COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS SEP 14 2015 KANAVIUS DORSEY Appellant Abel Acosta, Clerk V. THE STATE OF TEXAS Appellee APPELLANT'S MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME WITHIN WHICH TO FILE PETITION FOR DISCRETIONARY REVIEW TO THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS: APPELLANT, pursuant to Tex. R. App. P. 68.2(c) moves for an extension of time within which to file its petition for discretionary review. In support ofits motion, appellant submits the following: 1. Appellant was charged with die felony offense of aggravated robbery. 2. A jury convicted appellant of the charged offense and, in accordance with an agreement with the State, the court sentenced appellant to 20 years confinement in the Institutional Division of the Texas Department of Criminal justice on July 31, 2014. 3. A unanimous panel of the First Court of Appeals rendered judgment in an unpublished opinion on July 30, 2015, affirming appellant's conviction and sentence. 4. Appellant's petition for discretionary review is due August 31 2015. 5. Appellant seeks an extension, in accordance with TEX. R. APP. P. 68.2(c), until October 1, 2015, to file its petition for discretionary review. This is appellant's first request for an extension. 5. The following reasons are provided as good cause for granting the extension: a. OnAugust 2, 2015, counsel for appellant sent correspondence, certified/return receipt requested, informing appellant of the affirmation of his conviction and his right to file a pro se PDR (AppendixA). b. On August 28, 2015, appellant's counsel learned that the letter had been rejected and returned to counsel. c. Out of an abundance of caution, appellant is resending the letter from August 2, 2015, and wants to ensure that appellant has sufficient time to file a PDR should he choose to do so. 9. Appellant's petition is not for purposes of delay, but so that justice may be done. WHEREFORE, the Appellant prays that this Court will grant the requested extension until October 1, 2015. Respectfully submitted, /s/Mandy Miller Attorney for appellant 2910 Commercial Center Blvd., Ste. 103-201 Katy, TX 77494 SBN 24055561 PHONE (832) 900-9884 FAX (877) 904-6846 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Pursuant to Tex. R. App. P. 9.5, this certifies that on the 30th day of August, 2015, acopy of the foregoing was delivered to the following persons through electronic mail: Kimberly Aperauch Stelter Harris County District Attorney Stelter Kimberlvfa> Lisa McMinn State Prosecuting Attorney H_sa.mcminn@,spa.snitp t-v m /s/Mandy Miller Appendix A - ,1, : . v « V \. i *t -, * ?>\S~-r *• *** *J * 1 *!T^ •-* 3* *^ Ok aW1 A .Cv* CV^ «Al> jfi- • « v* ^^-™ 'V" fete. & ->. f 1 =- wtr* fc'< *. . 1 — H ^4^ _«^t 1*:>,V-f,^ j,,|'""> i 1 3'- s?~nA**iC\4*»:v ;-" >"* ,1 ) 'i Mandy Miller Mandy Miller Legal, PLLC 2910 Commercial Center Blvd., Suite 103-201 Katy, TX 77494 (832) 900-9884 August 2, 2015 Mr. Kanavius Dorsey (TDCJ# 01922478) c/o Gib Lewis Unit 777 FM 3497 Woodville, TX 75990 RE: Kanavius Dorsey v. The State ofTexas, Cause No. 01-14-00685-CR. Mr. Dorsey, The court of appeals has issued its opinion in your case affirming the judgment of the trial court. Acopy is enclosed for your review. Based upon mv review of the court's opinion and the current state of the law, I do not believe that petitioning the Court of Criminal Appeals, pursuant to Rule 68 of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure is warranted. Ifyou disagree, you may file apro se petition for discretionary review (PDR) with the Court ofCriminal Appeals, pursuant to Rule 68, Texas Rules of Appelate Procedure. APDR is different from the briefI filed on your behalf. The goal with aPDR is to convince the Court ofCriminal Appeals that the lower appellate court, not the trial court, was wrong in its opinion. You may not use the PDR to raise issues not brought out at tnal or appeal. 6 You have 30 days from the order affirming your conviction to file the petition You may also be entitled to one 30 day extension. I have enclosed an extension for your convenience. If no petition is filed, once the time for filing of such has passed, the court of appeals wdl issue amandate. The issuance of amandate will make your conviction final and enable you to seek habeas relief. Both case law and the Code ofCriminal Procedure require that aconviction in acase where the death penalty was not assessed be "final" before awrit of habeas corpus can be heard. Should you chose to file awrit, and ifyou so request, the trial court may appoint an attorney other than myself to assist you in the writ proceeding. You will have to petition the court for the appointment of counsel. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, VfULM Mandy Miller Enclosures
Dorsey, Kanavius v. State
Combined Opinion