Romero, Angel

Court: Court of Appeals of Texas
Date filed: 2015-09-18
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Combined Opinion
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                                               •CASE No. 20lOOD01732
                                                            INCIDENT NO./TRN: 9051726775
                                                                                                   couNT I
                                                                                                                     £XHIBJT ...4

  THE STATE OF TEXAS                                                                      §- , /   IN THE 384™ DISTRICT COURT
  ~                                                                                       §
  Ro:p1ero, Angel                                                                         §        EL PASO COUNTY, TEXAS
  STATE ID No.: TX04600797                                                                §

                                                                                        Date Judgment
  Judge Presiding:          HoN.   PATRICK GARCIA                                       Entered:               11/24/10
                                                                                        Attorney for
  Attorney for State:       KYLE MYERS                                                · Defendant:            ANDREW STEED
  Offense for which Defendant Convicted:
  Charging Instrument:                                                                Statute for Offense:
  INDICTMENT                                                                          20.04 PC
  Date of Offense:
  Degree of Offense:                                                                  Plea to Offense:               Findings on Deadly Weapon:
  1st   Degree Felony                                                                 GUILTY                         N/A
  Terms of Plea Bargain:
  Plea to l•t Enhancement                                                         Plea to znd Enhancement/Habitual
  Paragraph:                               N/A                                    Paragraph;·                              N/A
  Findings on l•t Enhancement                                                   . Findings on znd    , , "---
  Paragraph:                               N/A          •   : ••••   '\'    J     EnhancementJHabitual.Paragl-aph:         N/A
  Date Sentence Imposed:         11/24/10                                        Date Sentence to Commence:     11i24/10
  Punishment and Place
  of Confinement:
                                 'IWENTY (20) YEARS INSTITUTIONAL DIVISION,''TDCJ
                                   THIS SENTENCE SHALL RUN                        CONCURRENTLY WITH II,IV,V & VI.
                                                                                     0 N/A.
  Fine:                                    Court Costs:         Restitution Payable to:
  N/A                                      $231.00              0 VICTIM (see below) 0 AGENCY/AGENT (see below)
  Sex Offender Registration Requirements do. not apply to the Defendant. TEX. CODE CruM. PROC. chapter 62
  The age of the victim at the time of the offense was N/A.
                  If Defendant is to serve sentence in TDCJ. enter incarceration periods in chronological order.
  Time            From 02/23/10 to 11/24/10
  Credited:        · If Defendant is to serve sentence in county jail or is given credit toward fine and costs. enter days credited below.
                    N/A DAYS            NOTES: N/A
  All pertinent information, names and assessments indicated above are incorporated into the language orthe judgment below by reference.
           This cause was called for trial in El Paso County, Texas. The State appeared by her District Attorney.
           Counsel/Waiver of Counsel (select one)
  121 Defendant appeared in person with Counsel.
  0 Defendant knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily waived the right to representation by counsel in writing in open court.
            Both parties announced ready for trial. Defendant waived the right of trial by jury and entered the plea indicated above.
  The Court then admonished Defendant as required by law. It the Court that Defendant was menially competent to
  stand trial, made the plea freely and voluntarily, and was aware of the consequences of this plea. The Court rec~ived the plea and
·...;._ ...                                                    ·.

                                   •                                                 •       £'iJ-Jrl37 r         . .4
entered it of record. Having heard the evidence submitted, the Court found Defendant guilty ofthe offense indicated above. In the
presence of Defendant, the Court pronounced sentence against Defendant.
         The Court FINDS Defendant committed the above offense and ORDERS, ADJUDGES AND DECREES that Defendant is
GUILTY of the above offense. The Court FINDS the Presentence Investigation, if so ordered, was done according to the applicable
provisions ofTEX. CODE CRIM. PROC. art. 42.12 § 9.
         The Court ORDERS Defendant punished as indicated above. The Court ORDERS Defendant to pay all fines, court costs, and
restitution as indicated above.
          Punishment Options (select one)
~ Confinement in State Jail or Institutional Division. The Court ORDERS the authorized agent of the State of Texas or the
Sheriff of this County to take, safely convey, and deliver Defendant to the Director, Institutional Division, TDCJ. The Court
ORDERS Defendant to be confined for the period and in the manner indicated above. The Court ORDERS Defendant remanded to the
custody of the Sheriffofthis county until the Sheriff can obey the directions of this sentence. The Court ORDERS that upon release
from confinement, Defendant proceed immediately to the Institutional Division, TDCJ. Once there, the Court ORDERS Defendant
to pay, or make arrangements to pay, any remaining unpaid fines, court costs, and restitution as ordered by the Court above.
0 County Jail-Confinement I Confinement in Lieu of Payment. The Court ORDERS Defendant immediately committed to
the custody of the Sheriff of El Paso County, Texas on the date the sentence is to commence. Defendant shall be confined in the El
Paso County Detention Facility for the period indicated above. The Court ORDERS that upon release from confinement, Defendant
shall proceed immediately to the El Paso County Detention Facility. Once there, the Court ORDERS Defendant to pay, or make
arrangements to pay, any remaining unpaid fines, court costs, and restitution as ordered by the Court above.
0 Fine Only Payment. The punishment assessed against Defendant is for a FINE ONLY. The Court ORDERS Defendant to proceed
immediately to the Office of the El Paso County Collections Department. Once there, the Court ORDERS Defendant to pay or
make arrangements to pay all fines and court costs as ordered by the Court in this cause.
          Execution I Suspension of Sentence (select one)
~ The Court ORDERS Defendant's sentence EXECUTED.
0 The Court ORDERS Defendant's sentence of confinement SUSPENDED. The Court ORDERS Defendant placed on community
supervision for the adjudged period (above) so long as Defendant abides by and does not violate the terms and conditions of
community supervision. The order setting forth the terms and conditions of community supervision is incorporated into this
judgment by reference.
          The Court ORDERS that Defendant is given credit noted above on this sentence for the time spent incarcerated.
                            Furthermore, the following special findings or orders applv:
                                                DISMISSED COUNT III ONLY

Signed and entered on

                                                                    Jt/DGE PRESIDING

                                                                    STATE ATTORNEY

                                                                    DEFENSE ATTORNEY

Right Thumbprint
                                                                    Clerk: Brenda Pasillas
                                                                . ..
                                                                 ~   '

                                             CASE No. 20100D01732                         COUNT II   OF VI
                                                       INCIDENT NO./TRN: 9051726775

THE STATE OF TExAs                                                            §           IN THE 384TH DISTRICT COURT
v.                                                                            §
Romero, Angel                                                                 §           EL PASO COUNTY, TEXAS
STATE lD No.: TX04600797                                                      §

Judge Presiding:                PATRICK GARCIA                                 Date Judgment
                                                                               Entered:                 11/24/10
Attorney for State:      KYLE MYERS                                            Attorney for
                                                                               Defendant:              ANDREW STEED
Offense for which Defendant Convicted:
Charging Instrument:                                                         Statute for Offense:
INDICTMENT                                                                   22.011(a)(l) PC
Date of Offense:
Degree of Offense:                                                           Plea to Offense:                    Findings on Deadly Weapon:
2nd Degree Felony                                                            GUILTY                              NIA
Terms of Plea Bargain:
Plea to l•t Enhancement                                                  Plea to 2nd Enhancement/Habitual
Paragraph:                              NIA                              Paragraph:                                   NIA
Findings on t•t Enhancement                                              Findings on 2nd
Paragraph:                              N/A                              EnhancementtHabitual Paragraph:              N/A
Date Sentence Imposed:        11/24/10                                   Date Sentence to Commence:      11/24/10
Punishment and Place
of Confinement:
                              TWENTY (20) YEARS INSTITUTIONAL DIVISION, TDCJ
                           THIS SENTENCE SHALL RUN              CONCURRENTLY WITH COUNT I,IV,V & VI.
Fine:                                   Court Costs:         Restitution Payable to:
N/A                           $231.00       $N/A             D VICTIM (see below) D AGENCY/AGENT (see below)
Sex Offender Registration Requirements apply to the Defendant. TEX. CODE CRIM. PROC. chapter 62
The age of the victim at the time of the offense was N/A.
                If Defendant is to serve sentence in TDCJ. enter incarceration periods in chronological order.

Time            From 02/23110 to 11/24/10
Credited:        If Defendant is to serve sentence in county jail or is given credit toward fine and costs. enter days credited below.
                 N/A DAYS            NOTES: N/A
All pertinent information, names and assessments indicated above are incorporated into the language of the judgment below by reference.

         This cause was called for trial in El Paso County, Texas. The State appeared by her District Attorney.
         Counsel/Waiver of Counsel (select one)
~ Defendant appeared in person with Counsel.
D Defendant knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily waived the right to representation by counsel in writing in open court.
          Both parties announced ready for trial. Defendant waived the right of trial by jury and entered the plea indicated above.
The Court then admonished Defendant as required by law. It appeared to the Court that Defendant was mentally competent to
stand trial, made the plea freely and voluntarily, and was aware of the consequences of this plea. The Court received the plea and
                                                      •   "   •   c   ••   ,,r .... ,
                                                                                        ~   ...   '
                                                                                                       .i.,. -':·

                                    •                                                                               -   EXJlJBJr. J3
entere~ it of record. Having heard the evidence submitted, the Court found Defendant guilty of the offense indicated above. In the
presence of Defendant, the Court pronounced sentence against Defendant.
         The Court FINDS Defendant committed the above offense and ORDERS, ADJUDGES AND DECREES that Defendant is
GUlL TY of the above offense. The Court FINDS the Presentence Investigation, if so ordered, was done according to the applicable
provisions of TEX. CODE CRIM. PRoc. art. 42.12 § 9.
         The Court ORDERS Defendant punished as indicated above. The Court ORDERS Defendant to pay all fines, court costs, and
restitution as indicated above.
         Punishment Options (select one)
~ Confinement in State Jail or Institutional Division. The Court ORDERS the authorized agent of the State ofTexas·or:the
Sheriff of this County to take, safely convey, and deliver Defendant to the Director, Institutional Division, TDCJ. The Court
ORDERS Defendant to be confined for the period and in the manner indicated above. The Court ORDERS Defendant remanded to the
custody of the Sheriff of this county until the Sheriff can obey the directions of this sentence. The Court ORDERS that upon release
from confinement, Defendant proceed immediately to the Institutional Division, TDCJ. Once there, the Court ORDERS Defendant
to pay, or make arrangements to pay, any remaining unpaid fines, court costs, and restitution as ordered by the Court above.
0 County Jail-Confinement I Confinement in Lieu of Payment. The Court ORDERS Defendant immediately committed to
the custody of the Sheriff ofEl Paso County, Texas on the date the sentence is to commence. Defendant shall be confined in the El
Paso County Detention Facility for the period indicated above. The Court ORDERS that upon release from confinement, Defendant
shall proceed immediately to the El Paso County Detention Facility. Once there, the Court ORDERS Defendant to pay, or make
arrangements to pay, any remaining unpaid fines, court costs, and restitution as ordered by the Court above.
0 Fine Only Payment. The punishment assessed against Defendant is for a FINE ONLY. The Court ORDERS Defendant to proceed
immediately to the Office of the El Paso County Collections Department. Once there, the Court ORDERS Defendant to pay or
make arrangements to pay all fines and court costs as ordered by the Court in this cause.
         Execution I Suspension of Sentence (select one)
~ The Court ORDERS Defendant's sentence EXECUTED.
0 The Court ORDERS Defendant's sentence of confinement SUSPENDED. The Court ORDERS Defendant placed on community
supervision for the adjudged period (above) so long as Defendant abides by and does not violate the terms and conditions of
community supervision. The order setting forth the terms and conditions of community supervision is incorporated into this
judgment by reference.
         The Court ORDERS that Defendant is given credit noted above on this sentence for the time spent incarcerated.
                            Furthermore. the following special findings or orders apply:

                                                     DISMISSED COUNT III

                                   d ·~0 lt'(J
S~gned    and entered on _ __._/_ _...:./_ __

                                                                                   STATE ATTORNEY

                                                                                   DEFENSE ATTORNEY

Right Thumbprint
                                                                                  Clerk: Brenda Pasillas
                                           •  CASE NO. 20100D01732
                                                        INCIDENT NO./TRN: 9051726775
                                                                                        COUNT IV
                                                                                                     .£XI-JIJ31T. t

THE STATE OF TExAs                                                           §            IN THE 384TH DISTRICT COURT
v.                                                                           §
Romero, Angel                                                                §            EL PASO COUNTY, TEXAS
STATE ID No.: TX04600797                                                     §

                                                                             Date Judgment
Judge Presiding:          Ho~. PATRICK GARCIA                                Entered:                     11/24/10
                                                                             Attorney for
Attorney for State:       KYLE MYERS                                         Defendant:                  ANDREW STEE:d
Offense for which Defendant Convicted:
Charging Instrument:                                                       Statute for Offense:
INDICTMENT                                                                 22.02(a)(2) PC
Date of Offense:
Degree of Offense:                                                         Plea to Offense:                        Findings on Deadly Weapon:
2nd Degree Felony                                                          GUILTY                                  N/A
Terms of Plea Bargain:
Plea to 1st Enhancement                                              Plea to 2nd Enhancement/Habitual
Paragraph:                                N/A                        Paragraph:                                         NIA
Findings on l•t Enhancement                                          Findings on ~d
Paragraph:                               N/A                         Enhancement/Habitual Paragraph:                    N/A
Date Sentence Imposed:         11/24/10                              Date Sentence to Commence:            11/24/10
Punishment and Place
of Confinement:
                               TWENTY (20) YEARS INSTITUTIONAL DIVISION, TDCJ
                                  THIS SENTENCE SHALL RUN              CONCURRENTLY WITH I,II,V & VI.
Fine:                                     Court Costs:        Restitution:
                                                             Restitution Payable to:
N/A                                       $231.00.           0 VICTIM (see below) 0 AGENCY/AGENT (see below)
Sex Offender Registration Requirements do not apply to the Defendant. TEX. CODE CruM. PROC. chapter 62
The age of the victim at the time ofthe offense was N/A.
                If Defendant is to serve sentence in TDCJ. enter incarceration periods in chronological order.
Time               From 02/23/10 to 11/24110
Credited:          If Defendant is to serve sentence in county jail or is given credit toward fine and costs, enter days credited below.
                   N/A DAYS            NOTES: N/A
All pertinent information, names and assessments indicated above are incorporated into the language of the judgment below by reference.
         This cause was called for trial in El Paso County, Texas. The State appeared by her District Attorney.
         Counsel/Waiver of Counsel (select one)
~ Defendant appeared in person with Counsel.
D Defendant knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily waived the right to representation by counsel in writing in open court.
          Both parties announced ready for trial. Defendant waived the right of trial by jury and entered the plea indicated above.
The Court then admonished Defendant as required by law. It appeared to the Court that Defendant was mentally competent to
stand trial, made the plea freely and voluntarily, and was aware of the consequences of this plea. The Court received the plea and·
IQ ~~.._,.,.,----..-...--~·.:_             _,;;,:,,;..,_;,~··..:......::.-·::.:_··:.s·>·•':...:..::··. '·.
                                                                                                         .f•, :.:

      e.                                               •
      entered it of record. Having heard the evidence submitted, the Court found Defendant guilty of the offense indicated above. In the
      presence of Defendant, the Court pronounced sentence against Defendant.
               The Court FINDS Defendant committed the above offense and ORDERS, ADJUDGES AND DECREES that Defendant is
      GUILTY of the above offense. The Court FINDS the Presentence Investigation, if so ordered, was done according to the applicable
      provisions of TEX. CODE CRIM. PROC. art. 42.12 § 9.
               The Court ORDERS Defendant punished as indicated above. The Court ORDERS Defendant to pay all fines, court costs, and
      restitution as indicated above.
               Punishment Options (select one)
      ~ Confinement in State Jail or Institutional Division. The Court ORDERS the authorized agent of the State ofTexas or the
      Sheriff of this County to take, safely convey, and deliver Defendant to the Director, Institutional Division, TDCJ. The CoUrt
      ORDERS Defendant to be confined for the period and in the manner indicated above. The Court ORDERS Defendant remanded to the
      custody of the Sheriff of this county until the Sheriff can obey the directions of this sentence. The Court ORDERS that upon release
      from confinement, Defendant proceed immediately to the Institutional Division, TDCJ. Once there, the Court ORDERS Defendant
      to pay, or make arrangements to pay, any remaining unpaid fines, court costs, and restitution as ordered by the Court above.
      0 County Jail-Confinement I Confinement in Lieu of Payment. The Court ORDERS Defendant immediately committed to
      the custody of the Sheriff ofEl Paso County, Texas on the date the sentence is to commence. Defendant shall be confined in the El
      Paso County Detention Facility for the period indicated above. The Court ORDERS that upon release from confinement, Defendant
      shall proceed immediately to the El Paso County Detention Facility. Once there, the Court ORDERS Defendant to pay, or make
      arrangements to pay, any remaining unpaid fines, court costs, and restitution as ordered by the Court above.
      0 Fine Only Payment. The punishment assessed against Defendant is for a FINE ONLY. The Court ORDERS Defendant to proceed
      immediately to the Office of the El Paso County Collections Department. Once there, the Court ORDERS Defendant to pay or
      make arrangements to pay all fines and court costs as ordered by the Court in this cause.
               Execution I Suspension of Sentence (select one)
      ~ The Court ORDERS Defendant's sentence EXECUTED.
      0 The Court ORDERS Defendant's sentence of confinement SUSPENDED. The Court ORDERS Defendant placed on community
      supervision for the adjudged period (above) so long as Defendant abides by and does not violate the terms and conditions of
      community supervision. The order setting forth the terms and conditions of community supervision is incorporated into this
      judgment by reference.
               The Court ORDERS that Defendant is given credit noted above on this sentence for the time spent incarcerated.
                                      Furthermore. the following special findings or orders apply:

                                                                                               DISMISSED COUNT III

       Signed and entered on ..~-f,_{_,__/"'""'~'-"r/~1___.,)_4..;_/ d
                                                                                                                    X    flf!IL(
                                                                                                                    JUDGE PRESIDING

                                                                                                                    STATE ATTORNEY

                                                                                                                    DEFENSE ATTORNEY

       Right Thumbprint
                                                                                                                    Clerk: Brenda Pasillas
 ....,    "'

         e                                        •  CASE NO. 20100D01732
                                                                INCIDENT NO./TRN: 9051726775
                                                                                                            e ~xi-JlEJT.

         THE STATE OF TExAS                                                         §            IN THE 384TH DISTRICT COURT
         v.                                                                         §
         Romero, Angel                                                              §            EL PASO COUNTY, TExAs
                                                                                    §                                                      -~--
         STATE lD No.: TX04600797                                                   §

                                                                                    Date Judgment
         Judge Presiding:         HoN.   PATRICK GARCIA                             Entered:                     11/24/10
                                                                                    Attorney for
         Attorney for State:      KYLE MYERS                                        Defendant:                  ANDREW STEED
         Offense for which Defendant Convicted:
         Charging Instrument:                                                     Statute for Offense:
         INDICTMENT                                                               22.01(b)(2)(B) PC
         Date of Offense:
         Degree of Offense:                                                       Plea to Offense:                         Findings on Deadly Weapon:
         3rd Degree Felony                                                        GUILTY                                   N/A
         Terms of Plea Bargain:
         Plea to l 8t Enhancement                                           Plea to 2nd Enhancement/Habitual
         Paragraph:                            .N/A                         Paragraph:                                         N/A
         Findings on 1st Enhancement                                        Findings on 2Jid
         Paragraph:                             NIA                         EnhancementJHabitual Paragraph:                    N/A
         Date Sentence Imposed:        11/24/10                             Date Sentence to Commence:            11/24110
         Punishment and Place
         of Confinement:              TWENTY (20) YEARS EL PASO COUNTY DETENTION FACILITY
                                         THIS SENTENCE SHALL RUN             CONCURRENTLY WITH I,II,IV & VI.
         Fine:                                   Court Costs:        Restitution:          Restitution Payable to:
         N/A                                    . $231.00
                                                     $NIA             0VICTIM (see below) D AGENCY/AGENT (see below)
         Sex Offender Registration Requirements do not apply to the Defendant. TEX. CODE CRIM. PROC. chapter 62
         The age of the victim at the time of the offense was      N/A.
                          If Defendant is to serve sentence in TDCJ. enter incarceration periods in chronological order.
                          From 02123/10 to 11/24/10
         Credited:        If Defendant is to serve sentence in county jail or is given credit toward fine and costs, enter davs credited below.
                          N/ADAYS            NOTES: N/A
         All pertinent information, names and assessments indicated above are incorporated into the language of the judgment below by reference.
                  This cause was called for trial in El Paso County, Texas. The State appeared by her District Attorney.
                  Counsel/Waiver of Counsel (select one)
         f2l Defendant appeared in person with Counsel.
         D Defendant knowingly, intelligently, and vol~tarily waived the right to representation by counsel in writing in open court.
                   Both parties announced ready for trial. Defendant waived the right of trial by jury and entered the plea indicated above.
         The Court then admonished Defendant as required by law. It appeared to the Court that Defendant was mentally competent to
         stand trial, made the plea freely and voluntarily, and was aware of the consequences of this plea. The Court received the plea and
entered it of record. Having heard the evidence submitted, the Court found Defendant guilty of the offense indicated above. In the
presence ofDefendant, the Cburtpronounced sentence against Defendant.
          The Court FINDS Defendant committed the above offense and ORDERS, ADJUDGES AND DECREES that Defendant is
GUILTY of the above offensJ. The Court FINDS the Presentence Investigatioh; if so ordered, was done according to the applicable
provisions of TEX. CODE CJUM!. PROC. art. 42.12 § 9.
          The Court ORDERS Defendant punished as indicated above. The Court ORDERS Defendant to pay all fines, court costs, and
restitution as indicated abovk.
          Punishment OptiJns (select one)
l2$l Confinement in State ~ail or Institutional Division. The Court ORDERS the authorized agent of the State of Texas or the
 Sheriff of this County to take, safely convey, and deliver Defendant to the Director, Institutional Division, TDCJ. The Court
 ORDERS Defendant to be corifined for the period and in the manner indicated above. The Court ORDERS Defendant remanded to the
 custody of the Sheriff of this/county until the Sheriff can obey the directions of this sentence. The Court ORDERS that upon release
 from confinement, Defendant proceed immediately to the Institutional Division, TDCJ. Once there, the Court ORDERS Defendant
to pay, or make arrangemerits to pay, any remaining unpaid fines, court costs, and restitution as ordered by the Court above.
 0 County Jail-Confine~ent I Confinement in Lieu of Payment. The Court ORDERS Defendant immediately committed to
the custody of the Sheriff of,El Paso County, Texas on the date the sentence is to commence. Defendant shall be confined in the El
 Paso County Detention Facility for the period indicated above. The Court ORDERS that upon release from confinement, Defendant
 shall proceed immediately 11> the El Paso County Detention Facility. Once there, the Court ORDERS Defendant to pay, or make
arrangements to pay, any rJmaining unpaid fines, court costs, and restitution as ordered by the Court above.
 0 Fine Only Payment. The punishment assessed against Defendant is for a FINE ONLY. The Court ORDERS Defendant to proceed
immediately to the Office of the El Paso County Collections Department. Once there, the Court ORDERS Defendant to pay or
make arrangements to pay hll fines and court costs as ordered by the Court in this cause.
          Execution I Susp~nsion of Sentence (select one)
~ The Court ORDERS Def~ndant's sentence EXECUTED.
 0 The Court ORDERS Def~ndant's sentence of confinement SUSPENDED. The Court ORDERS Defendant placed on community
 supervision for the adjudgea period (above) so long as Defendant abides by and does not violate the terms and conditions of
community supervision. Tlie order setting forth the terms and conditions of community supervision is incorporated into this
judgment by reference.        /                                                            ·
          The Court ORDERS that Defendant is given credit noted above on this sentence for the time spent incarcerated.
                             Furthermore, the following special findings or orders apply:
                                                 DISMISSED COUNT III ONLY

Signed and entered on           (f t-'5 d      I ){)( d

                                                                   JUDGE PRESIDING

                                                                    STATE ATTORNEY

                                                                   DEFENSE ATTORNEY

Right Thumbprint
                                                                   Clerk: Brenda Pasillas
                                                •CASE No. 2(HOOD01732
                                                            INCIDENT NO./TRN: 9051726775
                                                                                            CouNTVI OFVI
                                                                                                          .£Xfll81T. £

     THE STATE OF TExAs                                                         §            IN THE 384TH DISTRICT COURT
     v.                                                                         §
     Romero, Angel                                                              §            EL PASO COUNTY, TExAs
     STATE ID No.: TX04600797                                                   §

                                                                                Date Judgment
     Judge Presiding:         HON.   PATRICK GARCIA                             Entered:                     11/24/10
                                                                                Attorney for
     Attorney for State:      KYLE MYERS                                        Defendant:                  ANDREW STEED
     Offense for which Defendant Convicted:
     Charging Instrument:                                                     Statute for Offense:
     INDICTMENT                                                               22.01(b)(2)(A) PC
     Date of Offense:
     Degree of Offense:                                                       Plea to Offense:                         Findings on Deadly Weapon:
     3rd Degree Felony                                                        GUILTY                                   N/A
     Terms of Plea Bamain:
     Plea to l•t Enhancement                                             Plea to 2nd EnhancementJHabitual
     Paragraph:              TRUE                                        Paragraph:                                        N/A
     Findings on l•t Enhancement                                         Findings on 2nd
     Paragraph:                             TRUE                         EnhancementJHabitual Paragraph:                   N/A
     Date Sentence Imposed:.       11124110                             Date Sentence to Commence:            11/24/10
     Punishment and Place
     of Confinement:
                                  TWENTY (20) YEARS INSTITUTIONAL DIVISION, TDCJ
                                     THIS SENTENCE SHALL RUN              CONCURRENTLy WITH I,II,IV & v.
     Fine:                                   Court Costs:        Restitution:
                                                                   Restitution Payable to:
     N/A                                     $231.00               0VICTIM (see below) 0 AGENCY/AGENT (see below)
     .Sex Offender Registration Requirements do not apply to the Defendant. TEX. CODE CRIM. PROC. chapter 62
     The age of the victim at the time of the offense was N/A.
                      If Defendant is to serve sentence in TDCJ. enter incarceration periods in chronological order;
                      From 02/23/10 to 11/24/10
     Credited:        If Defendant is to serve sentence in countv jail or is given credit toward fine and costs, enter days credited below.
                      N/A DAYS           NOTES: N/A
~·   All pertinent information, names and assessments indicated above are incorporated into the language of the judgment below by reference.
              This cause was called for trial in El Paso County, Texas. The State appeared by her District Attorney.
              Counsel/Waiver of Counsel (select one)
     1:81 Defendant appeared in person with Counsel.
     0 Defendant knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily waived the right to representation by counsel in writing in open court.
               Both parties announced ready for trial. Defendant waived the right of trial by jury and entered the plea indicated above.
     The Court then admonished Defendant as required by law. It appeared to the Court that Defendant was mentally competent to
     stand trial, made the plea freely and voluntarily, and was aware of the consequences of this plea. The Court received the plea and
~-                                                         . :.) -:   \;~   ~   '1-. .   j    ,.

                                                                                             -.1   'f-1·:·.
 i.! ~-.     •

       6)            . .                     •                                                                                  -EXf/IL$1 T. £
       entered it of record. Having heard the evidence submitted, the Court found Defendant guilty of the offense indicated above. In the
       presence of Defendant, the Court pronounced sentence against Defendant.
                The Court FINDS Defendant committed the above offense and ORDERS, ADJUDGES AND DECREES that Defendant is
       GUILTY of_ the above offense. The Court FINDS the Presentence Investigation, if so ordered, was done according to the applicable
       provisions of TEX. CODE CRIM. PROC. art. 42.12 § 9.
                The Court ORDERS Defendant punished as indicated above. The Court ORDERS Defendant to pay all fines, court costs, and
       restitution as indicated above.
                Punishment Options (select one)
       f2l Confinement in State Jail or Institutional Division. The Court ORDERS the authorized agent of the State of Texas or the
       Sheriff of this County to take, safely convey, and deliver Defendant to the Director, Institutional Division, TDCJ. The Court
       ORDERS Defendant to be confined for the period and in the manner indicated above. The Court ORDERS Defendant remanded to the
       custody of the Sheriff of this county until the Sheriff can obey the directions of this sentence. The Court ORDERS that upon release
       from confinement, Defendant proceed immediately to the Institutional Division, TDCJ. Once there, the Court ORDERS Defendant
       to pay, or make arrangements to pay, any remaining unpaid fines, court costs, and restitution as ordered by the Court above.
       0 County Jail-Confinement I Confinement in Lieu of Payment. The Court ORDERS Defendant immediately committed to
       the custody of the SheriffofEl Paso County, Texas on the date the sentence is to commence. Defendant shall be confined in the El
       Paso County Detention Facility for the period indicated above. The Court ORDERS that upon release from confinement, Defendant
       shall proceed immediately to the El Paso County Detention Facility. Once there, the Court ORDERS Defendant to pay, or make
       arrangements to pay, any remaining unpaid fines, court costs, and restitution as ordered by the Court above.
       0 Fine Only Payment. The punishment assessed against Defendant is for a FINE ONLY. The Court ORDERS Defendant to proceed
       immediately to the Office of the El Paso County Collections Department. Once there, the Court ORDERS Defendant to pay or
       make arrangements to pay all fines and court costs as ordered by the Court in this cause.
                Execution I Suspension of Sentence (select one)
       f2l The Court ORDERS Defendant's sentence EXECUTED.                                                                           ,
       0 The Court ORDERS Defendant's sentence of confinement SUSPENDED. The Court ORDERS Defendant placed on community
       supervision for the adjudged period (above) so long as Defendant abides by and does not violate the terms and conditions of
       community supervision. The order setting forth the terms and conditions of community supervision is incorporated into this
       judgment by reference.
                The Court ORDERS that Defendant is given credit noted above on this sentence for the time spent incarcerated.
                                   Furthermore. the following special findings or orders apply:

                                                                DISMISSED COUNT III

           Signed and entered on         (   I   Ja   I   J.-il l t.1

                                                                                                              JUDGE PRESIDING

                                                                                                              STATE ATTORNEY

                                                                                                              DEFENSE ATTORNEY

           Right Thumbprint
                                                                                                              Clerk: Brenda Pasillas
....   '
                                                                                      ~(/Jx~~t Z:. i F

                                              Effects ori Citizenship

                   If you are not a citizen of the United States, by pleading guilty or nolo contendere to
           this offense you may be deported, excluded from future admission into the United States, or
           denied naturalization under Federal Law.

                                               Range of Punishment

                  You are pleading guilty to the offense of
                      A~n:-u,'--ka "-..:C>N~~~"'~l Sec"" A~.,\\-, .A~c. ~c..""~
                      Ag~::\\t ~:"~~~j.\~                     \Tiobu      b~     St   cs2. 0
                  (1)    This offense is a \ C      /'"L''~ /
                                                          3 ....2_ DEGREE FELONY punishable by
           confinement in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Institutional Division, for a term of
           not more than qq /'2.0/byears or less than 5' l 2... years and a fine not to exceed TEN
           THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1 0,000.00).

                  (2)    This offense is a State Jail Felony punishable by confinement in a State Jail for
           a term of not more than two years or less than 180 days and a fine not to exceed TEN
           THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1 0,000.00).

                   (3) This offense is a Class _ _ _ Misdemeanor punishable by confinement in jail
           for a term not to exceed                and/or a fine not to exceed $         or both
           such fine and confinement.

                                        Recommendation for Punishment

                  Any recommendation made to the Court with respect to punishment, no matter who
           makes it, is not binding on the Court. You may be sentenced to any amount of punishment
           described above as long as it falls within the range of punishment for the offense with which
           you have been charged.

                  If you have entered into a plea agreement with the attorney representing the State of
           Texas, and the Court elects -not to follow that agreement by sentencing you in excess of that
           agreement, you will be permitted to withdraw your plea of guilty.

                 If, ·however, the punishment assessed by the Court in this case does not exceed the
           punishment recommended by the attorney representing the State of Texas, and agreed to by
           you, the defendant, and your attorney, you must obtain permission from the Court before you
           may prosecute an appeal on any matter in this case, excepting matters raised by written
           motion filed and heard prior to trial.

                  I, the undersigned defendRnt, acknowledge I

                                                                                  EXHIBIT IF
                                                                                   State's Exhibit No. 1
                             Plea Agreement and Consent to Waiver

        NOW COMES the State of Texas, by and through her District Attorney for the 34th
Judicial District, and files this consent and approval to the defendant having entered a plea in
the above entitled and numbered cause. The State further joins in the defendant's stipulation
that the State will make an oral stipulation ofthe evidence in this case.

       The State would further represent to the Court that a plea agreement has been entered
into with the defendant with respect to the recommended punishment to be assessed upon the
defendant's plea of guilty.


                                                                   Se..""'~"'~         \-o
         The State would recommend that the defendant be

          If the above State's Recommendation to the Court is for the Defendant to be incarcerated in
 Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Institutional Division, it is understood by this Defendant that
 this recommendation does NOT include any recommendation that this Defendant be placed in the
 State Boot Camp Program under Art. 42.12, Sec 8 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure and does
 NOT include any recommendation by the State that the Defendant be granted community supervision
 after a period of incarceration under this Court's continuing jurisdiction as granted in Art. 42.12, Sec.
 6 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure ("Shock Probation")

            If the above State's Recommendation to the Court is for the Defendant to serve a period of
. time on community supervision, this period oftime is to be served on standard community supervision
  ("straight probation") and NOT deferred adjudication community supervision UNLESS specifically
  state in the above State's Recommendation to the Court.

        Additionally, the State would recommend that the defe_!lgant be fined in the amount of
 -------:--:-:------'K{"""-'L._ _ _ _ _ dollars ($         .J2f            .      ), said fine to
 be paid in installments throughout the term of Community Supervision as a condition of the
 probated sentence, if any.

         The State would request the Court to order the defendant to reimburse El Paso County
 in the amount of                                        dollars ($                       for
 compensation paid to appointed counsel assigned to represent the defendant as authorized by
 Article 42.12 § ll(a)(8) ofthe Texas Code of Criminal Procedure.

         The State would request the Court to order the defendant to reimburse the Texas
 Department     of    Public      Safety     crime _;ratory         in     the    amount      of
               ~                  dollars ($                         ) for the costs incurred in
 connection with the analysis, storage and disposal of the materials seized in connection with
 this offense as authorized by Article 42.12 § ll(a) (21) of the Texas Code of Criminal
  /            -IlL.            •
                                                                .   .        . .

                                                                                                  . '

                                                      [] lN l'HE COUNTY CRIMINAL COURT AT LAW NO. _ _
                                                                                   I     \•   •
                                                                                                            ~ .   - •1
                                                                                                                         EXHIBIT. 6

                                                      0 IN THE COUNTY COU_RT AT LAW NO._ _

                                          OF EL PASO COUNTY, TEXAS

                                                         :.. __\f\_.rv-.,_               f\...                    ________NO. 2..0\CDI)C) 113 L
                                                               ~: V      '             V ....____                               C.ou"'--\-   3
 Kcw. ue, AN r. e. L                                                                                                            ~'~·
                                          MOTJ')l\1 TO PT~MISS
              NOW, comes the State of Texas by and through her Assistant District Attorney and moves the
      Court to dismiss the above entitled and numbered cause in which the above referenced Defendant is
      charged with the offense of Of\.\c..J"'\ foshulo"' er.C e....                    for the reason that:
                             C.<>"' \ro \\cC) Sv\,~~c...""f:D{{ } c
A~\ ~vt1e.r..                           *
                        RIGHT TO APPEAL

I, Patrick M. Garcia, judge of the trial court, certify this criminal case:

[]is not a plea-bargain case, and the defendant has the right to appeal. [or]

 [ ] is a plea-bargain case, but matters were raised by written motion filed and
 ruled on before trial and not withdrawn or waived, and the defendant has the
 right of appeal. [or]

 ( ] is a plea-bargain case, but the trial court has given permission to appeal,
 and the defendant has the right of appeal. [or]

 k    the defendant has waived the right of appeaL

 The defendant was also admonished, on this the date of sentencing, on the
 record of his/her right to appeal

  Signed o this the     i-t-1 day oW~                                     20 {   ~             .

  Patrick M. Garcia,
  Judge, 384th District Court
                                                     EXHI oJT )-/

          Acknowledgement of court's certification of defendant's
                            right of appeal

I have received a copy of this certification. I have also been informed of my
rights concerning any appeal of this criminal case, including any right to file
a prose petition for discretionary review pursuant to Rule 68 of the Texas
Rules of Appellate Procedure. I have been admonished that my attorney
must mail a copy of the court of appeals' judgment and opinion to my last
known address and that I have only 30 days in which to file a prose petition
for discretionary review to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.
(Tex.R.App.P.68.2) I acknowledge that, if I wish to appeal this case and ifi
 am entitled to do so, it is my duty to inform my appellate attorney, by
 written communication, of any change in the address at which I am currently
 living or any change in my current prison unit. I understand that, because of
 appellate deadlines, if I fail to timely infonn my appellate attorney of any
 change in my address, I may lose the opportunity to file a prose se petition
 for dis etionary review.
}                          (
 De end~
 Attorney for the Defendant
 Mailing Address ofDefense Counsel:
    ~C> ~ Sq,_A~t~., ('o/ )fe .. )6 (
    ~( r~ro r   /)(    ?-~"for

    State BarNo.:Lc.[o<)f( ~
    Telephone No.: rY6 _ f/g- f-
    Fax No.:s-  Cf6 - f ft

                            •                                         .e £Xi-llnl r-                     :r

                                     COURT OF APPEALS
                                  EIGHTH DISTRICT OF TEXAS
                                       EL PASO, TEXAS

 ANGEL ROMERO,                                                    No. 08-10-00357-CR
                   Appellant,                                       Appeal from the
 V.                                                                384th District Court
 THE STATE OF TEXAS,                                            ofEl Paso County, Texas
                   Appellee.                                      (TC# 20 I OODO 1732)

                                   MEMORANDUM OPINION

       Appellant, Angel Romero, attempts to appeal several convictions. Because the trial court's

certification of his right to appeal shows that Appellant waived the right to appeal, we will dismiss.


       Appellant was indicted for one count of aggravated kidnaping, one count of aggravated

assault, one count of sexual assault, two counts of assault against a family member, and one count

of possession of cocaine.      He filed a· motion for a psychiatric examination to determine his

competency to stand trial and a motion to suppress his oral and written statements. The trial judge

found tha,t Appellant was competent to stand trial and denied the motion to suppress.

       Thereafter, Appellant and the State entered into a plea agreement, whereby Appellant would

plead guilty to all of the charges except for possession of cocaine and the State would recommend

that he be sentenced to a total of twenty years in prison. The written plea agreement did not include
                           •                                            •
a blanket waiver of Appellant's right to appeaL Instead, it stated that if the punishment assessed by

the court did not exceed the punishment recommended by the State, the Appellant would have to

obtain the court's permissionto "prosecute an appeal on any matter in this case, excepting matters

.raised by written motion filed and heard prior to trial."

        At the plea hearing, an assistant district attorney appeared for the State and. two assistant

public defenders appeared for Appellant. The trial judge advised Appellant that he would allow

Appellant to withdraw the guilty plea if he sentenced him to more than twenty years in prison. The

following colloquy then occurred:

        THE COURT: But ifl follow these plea agreements, all of them, and I give you20
        years on each count, running concurrent ... you are going to need my permission to
        file an appeal to a higher court, and you're not going to get it. And ifl don't give you
        permission to file an appeal, nobody is going to listen to your complaints.

                Do you understand that?

        THE DEFENDANT: I understand.

        THECOURT: You filed a motion to suppress and I denied that motiori to suppress
        ~... Infollow this plea agreement, you are not going to be able to appeal that issue
        ciili~                                                              .  .

                Do yoti understand that?

      · THE DEFENDANT: ·Yes, sir.

        THE COURT: It's done and you're going to go do your 20 years, You're not going·
        to be able to complain about anything that .occurred in these cases that you feel that
        you·havea rightto.complain about.

                Do you understand that?

        THE DEFENDANT: Yes, sir.

        THE COURT: And I'm going to ask you, do you-- ifl follow these plea agreements, .
        do you give up your rights ·to appeal?

          THE DEFENDANT: (Inaudible.)
                                                                            •    EXHIISIT             .T

          THE COURT: I can't hear you, man.

          THE DEFENDANT: I do, Your Honor.

          THE COURT: I'm going to show you what has been marked as State's 1, whichis
          the Court's notice to defendant of his rights, written admonishments, waiver of
          rights, judicial confession and plea agreement wherein all your rights are explained
          to you, the rights I have gone over with you here on the record. Everything that I've
          been explaining to you here are [sic] contained in this document.

                 When you sign this document, you're waiving. your rights and, as you are in
         front of me right now, you are waiving your
                   .                                - rights in return for this plea of guilty, in
      .- return for me finding you guilty of these charges and giving you the 20-year sentence.

                 Do you understand that?

          THE DEFENDANT: Yes, sir.

None of the attorneys objected to the Court's statements or noted that the plea agreement did not

include a waiver of Appellant's right to appeal rulings on pretrial motions. At t~e conclusion of the

hearing, the judge accepted Appellant's pleas, found him guilty, and sentenced him to twenty years

in prison. The judge then signed a certification of Appellant's right to appeal, reflecting that

Appellant had "waived the right of appeal."

          Appellant filed a pro se document requesting
                                                  .    "assistance & counsel to properly prepare an
                                                         ~                                       ·,

appeal."     In this document, Appellant asserted his innocence and claimed that counsel was

ineffective. We asked counsel to submit letter briefs regarding Appellant's waiver of his appeal

rights.    In its brief, the public defender's office concluded that Appellant appeared to have

voluntarily, knowingly, and intelligently waived his right to appeal. The district attorney's office


                             •               DISCUSSION

         A plea agreement is a contract between the state and the defendant. Moore v. State, 295

 S.W.3d 329, 331 (Tex. Crim. App. 2009). Such an agreement may contain a wide variety of

 stipulations, including a stipulation that the defendant waives the right to appeal. See id at 331-32;

 Ex parte Delaney, 207 S.W.3d 794, 798 (Tex. Crim. App. 2006). The only proper role for a trial

 judge in the plea-bargaining process is to inform the defendant whether he will follow or reject the

 parties' agreement. Moore, 295 S.W.3d at 332. "Because a plea-bargain agreement is solely

· between the state and the defendant, only the state and the defendant may alter the terms of the

 agreement; the trial court commits error if it unilaterally adds un-negotiated terms to a plea-bargain

 agreement." {d

         A trial court must enter a "certification of the defendant's right of appeal" whenever it enters .
    .-                              .
a judgment of conviction.       TEX. R. APP. P. 25.2(a)(2). "The appeal must be dismissed if a

 certification that shows the defendant has the right of appeal has not been made part of the record

 . . . . " TEX. R. APP. P. 25.2(d). Generally, a plea-bargaining defendant who is sentenced in

 conformity with the plea agreement may appeal "matters that were raised by written motion filed-and

 ruled on before trial" and matters that the trial court granted permission to appeal. TEX. R APP. P.


         In this case, the plea agreem_ent did not include a waiver of the r·ight to appeal. It included

 the language of Rule 25 .2( a)(2); demonstrating that Appellant had a limited right to appeal the denial

 ofhis pretrial motions. Accordingly, the judge's initial comments in the above colloquy misstated

 the tetrns of the agreement and the applicable law.

         After making the initial comments, the judge asked Appellant, "[I]f I follow these plea


                                                                                           .EXHJ~JT I
         agreements, doyou give up your rights to appeal?" This could be construed as a unilateral addition

         of an unnegotiated term to the plea agreement. However, a defendant must object when a judge

         .injects himself into the plea-bargaining process or else the error is not preserved. see Moore, 295

         S.W.3d at 333. Appellant's attorneys did not object to the judge's remarks.

                 A defendant may waive the right to appeal without a plea bargain if he knows what his
                                                                    '                                      '

         sentence will be or if the State gave some other consideration for the waiver. See Ex parte .

         Broadway, 301 S.W.3d 694,698-99 (Tex. Crim. App. 2009); Ex parte Delaney, 207 S.W ..3d at 798.

         In this case, Appellant answered affirmatively when the judge asked whether he would give up the

         right to appeal if the judge sentenced him to twenty years in prison. The judge subsequently assessed

         a twenty-year sentence. Accordingly, there is nothing on the face of the record to demonstrate that

         Appellant's waiver was invalid, and Appellant's court-appointed counsel has' not argued that the

         waiver was involuntary. Under these circumstances, we must dismiss the appeal on the basis of the

         trial court's certification that Appellant waived his right to appeal. 1


                .For the reasons stated above, the appeal is dismissed.

                                                                                               , Justice
         February 23, 2011

         Before Chew, C.J., McClure, and Rivera, JJ.
         (Do Not Publish)

                                 '                              .
                   Nothing stated herein precludes Appellant from seeking collateral relief.
                                               '                                      .
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A dmvn ts. Amt't? f n11$lta' Me ~~ t~ ltJ~ 1-v ~t' A II~ r fl1 #.#I-
Ae tt;.., 1d (}f) f' K~()t.A./1 n ~· { "i ~ n d Jn I-I II Is~ n tltl rt? t:l<'e. ~-.!1·
In.(; I fflt d d!tl ~IV N /o J1w1 ~ l.Vt /Jt~ tt,sh f ~ ifJ'I'fP /.hl$
                                         p. (.j .
                                         ~XHJBJr ,::;-
                                                                                                                                                . ..   .~· ·'   ..

               .sl,f r p/t $~{()f./ /!ftJlrc\Aj /)~ ~~                        ti..A.A :; .. 2   /-,    ~-   C.v u I d..   n   f)      ~-
               tl s c l.r f (..    fltc c;) n s t
                                 i )")                          n c ~ ::.; /J f' tr{ ~ ICI ,.., a· f}, 1-
                                                                       {j;J..t.   p                                                        I)

              rlett~/(.)IJ h~~erlun file tria/ Cuv,ls I!Yfl(6n~J;;.,vv
              () I flte p& ~t.. ~sr~~nv;t? i- ~rul ~ptfJ(;~~ AI~ («-..t.._,.
              T /1 e It { (! . :'~ J<. '$ w () J 1/ I' 1£' ()          r
                                                              fli e .,. Ish ; lv a fl f? f' () I ;,1.$
              fl/ VI,\> II lz> ~ (J p / t ! S I~ IN V tl /J d .

                    Novrml:J:tN.. 2l/, ZOIO 1n t~r..R_AIO • .ZOI&OOl7BZ.
           +he te{et k,e jJlc-d J·u,IA.r h ~he ~1/ow,ns u{;t;nsl's :


                                                                                      ~e- (€>u~ t:.srPtp~nt~n r-
        $~f!.    7fo~po ('~,rs. R~ "'~' d p, I' -¥ (i3-zs)_, If R. PP s (i-zsJ
        /(R. ~~ ~.{l-2f)J R./2 PP 7, (!-Its,), &l~.; Stt! (cXIIIIiiT~- 6J

         In ~e put,... I.JAK"'S Juc!se 6aR~~~ s1 0 ;;~ c?
       f~ fr,~ I Covl' h. CPrh~-~-llv~ (/ ,r c/o~/J.11 ~n k RtcA r
       fu ~I'P~:~l,,t:";,d('~~/qd rAv ~ -f pf /lpfl-1 o It And        1h    e-lite l1 ve (y {l,nc t.Mcll'd #,~ f
 f.h e ': r -e {t:. .Ju /2 t: tPIJ~ ~, t' cl .,tu A'A y (! {/t; tu, ~~ rt t, t'il(lwJ 1-?;ly

~nd tn kl/,ynll'1 W~uiJT ..rz) 1 (CL>uAJ1" %) ~TJc! Ctf!JvAJT :z:T) s., e (~etrs
         fiJ BJ CJ D t~nc! €) J f/1e ConSfS$1..:># ~--f),,_; fl&w.
         &..5 r f -t m "n 1- w ;..s fh A 1- ,'he. P'""! P c...u f tvA! /A.J ov lc{ •·
         c/1 ~m1 ss 1 (C(!)uN r. DI). jJI)S. e! () ~ &ca tne . S e e.
   {§Xf11&1P 6)                 1
                                     a/S:; 5~e
                                      9{-t poJe/-tr~ /(~tJPrc{ fJjJ 'I. Q1-2S)
         ll£~ PI! .5 0-ZS) 1 R. I( PP u {I- Z5J, R. ~ PP 7 (j -if.)},
          TAe frtA I Lour f fltrn tmpvi(t! A.: {Jvnl!hli1rJ?#- t~f'
         fwr(J *t (;z.o) y~a!C~ r,tJ, cr ()J\1 /?)/ UJ~.wTS. ~ RviU .·
          Corfc,vr,tJn f. s._,e R./2 PP 2¢ (!-t$),

             It? ~ f (eCA.- IJ~ r a 1 n fp_s,-t_                             ~    c/ R /Jt1 t/11t1 ,l   WhV fl/ ~fie.~~
                                             0                       1
                                                                         ,                                                    .·

         gu., lly       tJ/t Nolo ~nlfndlre ':?-~ &.pp~ttl o~Jiy(l). Mus~                                                     -
rrl_ It 1--1~ I'S htj /.J.J 12rl HIV m I) :IJ t.:) N .-4./o d e n t! fd u(I tf 0 AI /; f.J(u; e·
fr I &I I DI( (2) w !l11 fJ r-t ml ~ !0/J 0 flze / 1-r/6 I t e jJV/J/...:hmt'n I-

       I' t cum m r n (lt' d !Jlf +It (. ;?I' o~ feu .,1v R ~ 11 cl ~ 5 r ~f' d lv
       OLf Me dtJ/Jnc/pn f rtt:. R. AP/1. f1 2S. z. (L)(ZJV1)(8),

           AJJ PST"-t:P 11?('YJ.;. fA.~ -f rf.'~-u ( ~-~ In A r/P;; ;1 cl" n l·s
     pLR tt J, "5 gu1 I~ 1-o one t), Iii ltJ--l 1 n t ')( e h a n5 t' ~1!.
     dt~mt!:.S~ I vf t1nvlAf1t!. t'/Je~ PJf. tl (t;,,llj! e~~s~'n)
     IS ~ ;jJLet:..- /$42Jllln untlr4r £ule 25. 2.. (tt) r.aJ.
     51e      Ktane.d,          1(. -~     tt.  ~   rr ~':11 . ~.4 J:~t!S(Ttx t'rlm
   .,,. /1-fp 2.ooc; J.     · /JN IA..jr'f!Jt'J7lef1f ~ cl1~m 1 ss t:.. p~11cl, r-JS · -
      lh () ~ '2-t.. · .P f(Pc It Vf ('f_ f.J u Is. A t e~ fJ CJ JJ pJ u n 1:: J, mP~''f
       ~ f hte. n? f.-'ll n., um S-tn 4nt e 4~t fA e t'A11 Kf--e :hJe: 1-
      1 ~ nof d1~m1! i-(J d $./J t: ~b.,ilJ.~~t:i, /l;:.,_!il"4ek... l.l1.. S:lAt#ti -
 .. J;1Qz·a ... 1 f1/.~ (tl' Y. trIm /!tJ{J -· ZOO$) ·

  .      WA.Pn rft f. j}f'U$/J~ f,l)N cftSml ~.S ~ c{ (~vnr Z!Z)
   fJv~S.P~~~o~ CJf Coct.Jn~. -s.~e (/!XHICtr 6) 1nPxrh6ng~
 ~12 fh e lottt. 51.1 tl 4.., {J!.P ~ on -fhe It! mti tmn J
  Cov nls 1 --t h 1 ~· (';,a -r; -e. $~ 12541n {JtiA t ~ c! & C~t p uN -
 ~nl ~Amt'n f. ttl fA.e                  nz               p. Kln1Urh :r,/7 l..tnt e.     -~ r< ~~~ ' ·.
  ~ J r ~ t d ~.A {JV IV !'At:t r9 ~ .s. -1-A~ .,l w~rY!! /J tJ -J. dt t; n11! ~ t d.
 i:(.~ 0 I;? t.rL'f=~ . ,~- 2: f(Z ... ]'!.S:f4l $..tJ,L. _'5 _/;,__J; yz 6 T7 d f), IS W A .S     .
  lA n ~ ~ s. h u w ~ J l~j ~ n ~ ~ r ~ "m ~/? ~ u n . flu n 1:; An7 "f n f-. _
 sf e_ .s1J fl,rJ ~-f'; ~ .t~~£ .~J4t.dcl;.M,a;~ JJ.(,$        I

                                              .          -

       (C'tJuJJr I) P, c zz, 01 (b)(z.J{BJ s~e &1(#J{Jrr D)
- tJ n d (couJJr J!I) P. C z z. o I (b)(2.)(1J Sf I!- (e~llllT €}
                                            'JJ, B .
t   •..   •   '• ~- ~   •


                                                                        EXHIEJT          I   J                                         '·'"

                            -1-he n{ lA .fv R                    &- .~ 1'.0
                                                          :4.> ~ j?Lm I.:ShFnt>::f II(}.
                                                                              d                    e                  ns
                        vr1 c/J R t\. 3 r t1 cliJ5, e -f /). lc n  ~ n (' e IN~' y t 4 il / ' r); e i' I 0;, 1-                               i

          fv               l 'ts 111 & f ffl' l-1ve. Sl!e !~-12l&Ct..a.·: ..._.Ti:lt:~?l1,lL..~
                            .?. {'(J.fl.f
       ~~$-.~w 2.i:l. ~<.e.9s. 'it() (rri" f'~1m A(Jp 1'177)} OIJ.tlt:lf
              .                 . .   .         .. _,.   .   '      '                                             .        .

      :·[J,_~;I.t;..QtJ'(: 4al. ti..W:~d. .Z.i~ L."Zfilp-*: 9.7 &-t~ tr1m Ap /J ·
       2oou). TAe .s-1(4 rt>cc!Jmm·fn cl4 t-Jo1J f-ha f- one Jl,t>
       fi1e SIX C!..ovnk .IJ-e dt~mt~S~fi IA(}OH r-!(t;4l'IS jJIR(A., .
     o f' ~ u 1/ ~ on -fJre r ~rn t11 n ~~~ 5 hv e. to u n -is ~ n cl th P --1-
      fJV~ n1 1:.1Jmtn f he Po. ~s tsse d l'f 2 o l(~t/fl<$ oN ~II Cvut? ~
      funrJJr7$ f!.uNw-rr-tt? 1-- /~ !NV& lid, /~~c{ttf on fl1 e
      In' I, a_ l CA~ 12tjt &A1J;~ Jn )'rite .:::~ k ~vic! /1()f pJ;t;r" !t'n1
       It'S fJ~ r 1- tJ I flut pJtl'~ ~sr-!emP/J f .· o~o~ CtPun ~ E ~11 d 7t:J;.
     $!?4tJll4ltl; fi~~.S~:~e,..l(~ ~lAJ..~4..:..lil:tl1, .e.ll.J ...~l!n/d.t,;, .(.· ~t~./~
     2.rJJZ :£141i!?:¢ . .f~#j3.fvlr."···dl1.-hn' flll(lln!l& ··-#J;s I'A~.f' fttvm
     £.X/IaClt! /Jra4 d.tP~-.~l ;;.'itv&d. IR~.£ {TrX t'r;m ArtJ iZoo ltt P. it , /~1v e~ "v 7'"'1 ~ n d . .  ,
   1(1 k J;, 0 fn .f.. J,, d5 -t hd 11 c ~~ mv ~ .J- p~r~Rn1 IJ;:.t · ·
    m 1 ni~ ltr 1A I 0 u .~ · u n elf; r ::{-h, .Jv .Jr.; 11If l ilhW 6 n c! ...·.
   {1 r r t d .f. M e d -tC! c !;v e 1 fr 1~ I Cu v r 1-s ~ r h flt ~ /e. · \.
  vI d~4nc/t~. n ~ !2t$;h). ~ ~ v'l1~~ I, Tl'x . R. A flll. fJ
 3 t/. 5   {C)          I n   d .1/ l/. 1/ (~}        (I) {Z.) •

                                                   P. 10

                                             EXFliBIT .         v
                                               Issue       1110,    Z ·

               The S -lti n c! ~" ! v (' /?~ v; ~ w UJ )J en ~ t1tfll7 ~" I I bi;? r
        ~fli-PI?tls -fA~I h1s p/~c.... w~~ nul- KJvvwJr>St.'t
       ~ n d f/u Zu n -ft; 11 I clly
       IJf [)JstrthuJ.J t~nc! ~~ :s:ui>J-r41'.J 1-u ~r/tchoN hy
        fJxkA-orcl,nt:rr'f w12,-1 Caaf20. v. .. Gdllcta. EJl/li sw
       ?dl Le (.a 7 fr t ;< I C, ~ 2.),

              Sf e (eX /!I /31 T           F)     w rlt f./.1 J11 fJ ( t' A    ~J   1   ,4   ~ m t? n r
    S-f I h n J £ 12/A -1-h c L;;, 5u ~ s e ;n Tt' Y ,A?. /lf/P. jJ 2.5, z ~J fzJ
   (A) , .4 m v -IJ u h/ ~ Su;:; p '-~' $ !; tN ,, .:; ;;It cl oN /1 fJ'' I 3'0
    2 0 I 0 S .,t> t (EX ;-IJ13 rr J) ,e PJ r' ,~ c/; ;/ 5 I.P /a k I' .s 0 /?. a I
    S~ ltn7fr? h h pull~ e } ~n c! w tftt. /z.,ptfil d );It rAe k1a I
   Covr .)- 011/ Ot lv I; f> e 2.!/l~ n d 2. q I;, 2 0/0, Ju clg c Gal!(' 14.
   d.PnJt-! flle n/oh(PJJ. Olv .Aiuv~mht,e /rOJ 2o1tJ. t!JRrJJrtk,, Lr
   fh e I f ( v lv ~ d,u !d 6f/tJ)-tJ a / ore; 11? ~ /lt'!P~ MA I /Je l'tfJSr'f Ju~ rtJh f lv Cp?rJ71' c, I fAc !?1vhvJv . ···1-u
   .s'u f?fJ I' e s s    I Is Gl n c! --1 ~ T"f!)l t cl e (',e Jl7} j/1ud.. M·r.

  2&, 13 (eJ, t-)L( If'{~~~ w~4~ m;s.liJd Cof1t'I.Pnlf7.5''tlte
pLc ~ C.J I f t m (Jf/ f /t n c! c, r (J (; I' c, IJ I~ I a f.,J v n c! ,J It T I' y
((_ . A/r fJ . fJ 2 5 , 2 (~ J cz J ( 11) ~ 7), e 1 t ( ~ ~ e w " ( 11 o +
tA IN a , -e fJ ( fA. e Cv n .5 '(J f.:}..v 117 e tl s fu 171 ?it /(, e tJ n Ink,;' 111f' d
df e 1 1. ro N ~ 1/v J ' v e._ /, ' s. r 1sh .f A.; t~ fJ r ;;~ I A 1 r. m u /) u r"
/-u 51.4 t' Jl f'e s· 5 .

     Jvc!5e 6aRriA._ ~~ /Jd1nvn(~ hmf'l'7 I                        ,/!uAIS      ~k&/ (}{·
                                        ?.   12

                           E·XHIBrr. J

    ld 5 . v. /2o b I n \ 0 N !. 8
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                                                                                                           51 (e - .SI. 8
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                                                                                                                          {51·ft ('   I;

    I q lj 1 ) ( 1-/v IrJ r\s .). 7A ':;·
                                1                                wur
                                                        I A A s Sl--H /J d fA tJ 1- ?'-
    c/(' ;; f} d ti n 1-s IN~ ' 1/ I' r<. {J                    r
                                                  A(J r /?IS IJ J lv a p / (l 0 I d (.> ~ pI? t/ ~.j                1

  vnd I J;1)JJt>d ftf.XvJrCS f};e SlJ-Prl& I 4/~n hu/y tJ f
  f), e !) 1 sfr 1 c f L1u' -1             8 e1 ry 9 ED r 2 d ~ ?- 9 7 c; J 1 J 1 .r
                                               J •

   lA (Ju N ..;.;, e Dl ~1-r I t .f' f 1-o In ~ur e rhp I- -IJJ e
  d.,a ~1'1 clern l- ~ !lv u nr/.4i_s h nels Atr Ris /; f lv crtP~v I
  t n c! .;..-:)? ( f!v r> ~ e t.N ~tJ cv ¥1 .s v !' w 4 'v 1 n J f h" ~ ~s IJ .,L),

          13tt Jt J u n         fJJe £r wr d          tP ~e) f-A e r-,o(~ ~,.. s
                                                                      1r         -f);; .r
 ,w tflv t £.. b f hIS /" 1$';7 -l lv tou 1- ~r s. .J- t- / tnon'.:. J, ;n S h 1n1 R ~ ~~~ l(tf' d
 h&; /rr2htle            2LP.I3 (~) {j).                          t;vt. ~1/f.S.h;n -fh;.t. 5 rvvnd
))u   I    I 1- t!v~ ..t. 170 f /fl:)v.J((_                      1-lvfr 5tf I 6                       r
                                                                                          '1-J,e ~T'(/11' nul--/
 10 t 1 0 ,(J   v / o v ·r hu / dJ l7 S                         I;, v .J t' {) ;J rP I Ia a f.. tv ) I) h t ·
 (>12~m;-f·J.ed.._ lu ~·'Jruuc.vl-e. ?n 4poJ-fttl &n. P. // !1??11/.-.tPe.s
r It I J I c! In A)s. h (I ~ f 5 ~ e ,-u htt n j(r (.. ~ }p k .S9 f .5'.~.
 2- d /J_J s) g l? (Tt)f f'r Iff? ~'}I/) / c;go) /~,)( tv rl e !'I' I,...-,
f>ru c /h?T 2 & . /.l (tJ.

          ,Ju d :J -t    6 It r2 1.       I c.._ I .S           5 h Jv fv R 1 fy                      f2U>Lw l r (Jd by
                                 EX/-118/T ..T

            T!Yy ;2, APP. jJ L/L/, tj ffo) (/} {2.) 1-/) CoRfJ~C f· -lA e_
           lr1 t:. I Ct:> v r 1-.s . r h ft ~ h v 1..1 P f' c/f1 { ; n cl1/t n ~~ Jl'cf /1 -f
         fo Af tP t" I v r; d tf1/ r -£ 12m AJ s m; o '~ k r 1 .t:. I dt/ ~

         un c!.1r T~x ;P, ~PfJ. f1 z. 5. z (~J {2) (AJ on c!{eJ
         If n d A!2tJ n f Me I(I' It:- ,-{, e 1-h.e 11sIJ f lv ~ f' fJ -~C1 J
  .·    ·./; / ~ 17/0 /i tJ IJ h ~ fJ (/~It'S S W 1/ )J .;.;, e tJ ifJifJO I/? J- /'Y'P/1 f- .
         ()( Cuvn$t'/ Tf'/ turle (,;17>_ (Jrvc ~r 2&.o¥.

           I A e Cut../,- f o f !r 1 nun~ I /lf71I t p1. I:; /{ v /e r! / n
 · /)£ tt r r; 1/. .$/:rJ /e 1.5(( . -fiA 1 ;:ld !te lQ _,. (IPll/ (f/ Y t'r 'n·-, /Jf' p
   2 v o 5 ) ( 1-lu l I 1 n 5 .; w e ~ ] r "' e 12 tA I ,a s. '-/ l/, 3 ~ n c!

    '-1 tl. lf {AJ f 1 sA 1 n ~· v u R. v / t:. d pf; n l ~v N tJ ,C
 "dPtcfJVC            IJ       /AJhJt'h hr·u~d-llr r,Aqn !pl'fl.ns··

   S"o rYl f .i1J /'' S ~.S. S ' n t7 ~ I J ;(: (A vi' I -lu l r! J n J J, L;v •I? ,;
   ~ ,,t Lu ! !!. -1-A ~ 1- ~ n ?. r 1J .; /!11 )"'( Cvu,) /J ~.l. ff, e_ ·
  t IJ, !1 ly /v t x11 Jru n I! tt CtJ r h ;fc lA A o v fi, c! P!Jc h v r n ,o t.s
 6 n c!. tA S e_ /2v /1 .s. 3 7, I ?1 n d 5 l./, .:; rI! J lv o h h )11 ~ J'lu.fA f/'
  CP ( -h        t. hv "" UA~ n ~I/ -f r t{ r tfl I' u fl r I t:... 1-e ). t\ l .s 0
              II(!                                                                   5.1' e

  I 5 Y. Skl! 3d (!f . . (P (;> ( 1-lr:J lc!;n 5 .I 1 f 1-h -f c {J;J-tllv lc . .
 Cvu-r I rAvv$1~ lv /'yt: n" 1"e te (!_pr h /?r~ l?vN 4fk£
 f-l~e      rft..urd t-:.        t'le! I I ,LAp~ -1-Ae.          ?I   /.;1/J~ ~ ·&_;rn;J'7t't~e
 1-), e CPr h !'ct-. .Jv l._j       /lP       f)J c · ~~w rd ~AI rl   1   n -f}Ja f ;n ~ hnt e
 1\ c!u)~        fu dv So)~

       Ih ..J-), e f112estJ ;11 tK. <;. .e 1 fA e !2P t!..o r d t&v Fly -G~t) ws
1-A e rtLv lvte 111 )he_ !Itt 1./lf!-ltrec) 1n f.o t'L ({'he:rR']f' 4~1?$4//1)
l/v ))! t h P f ( Pc f I v e ( '1 /}I~ r .;; d ~ ('A{ p eon Me n1 f.J 111 u /7'7    p(

                                                    p. It/ .
                             EX/f!BIT I T

              It n tt e.
           5fl n           t12i Ae r -,o m a , n n S L!.o u n 1-s . Lc~l n n t cfw
     V: ~.J-?t i e -2: 9 ?.q $W s  ~ R P. PfJ. 7 (i 5 - 25)
   -fh 1~/\ a51 t ~mfn ,l w ~-~ -1 ru4re t! 1 n ~ ptct{J 12 lv ..,lh e
    S1-z, 4 1 row m m f' n cl & h v N oN tP u n 1 s h m <"' f o /' 2 tJ
    Cj fJ V~ 12 5 !2u nn 1/1 S tl>n eu rrt" f tJ AI t1 J) C-ov n 1-s
    w h Jt h Pxt--~fJ clfJ d l-he 10 lf !JIA ,e t't:t 17 o AJ ~v r; 1-s 2
    and .JZI. s~e ,e J?. PtJ 12 (3--25J) R!?. flP 130~ zsJ.
   RIJ. pp ll/ {I._ Z.5) ) 1212 fJ fl Is (!--- (JJ)                      I

            T/1 e 1 fLtJ lv I!~ w p 1·v f 1" o /' fAe             1 IJ/?l         lv   ~ r f"~dt I
  5f' t     lZR, PJl 15 ((3- 2 5J ) I? 12 PP /{p {1-11)) w tf~~··_ntP 1:
  -~rn- IJicle ·v:l)c.6&l-p'Lk:Ltr;.YF~"'u~~. ~0..£J-'Jc~,£"'i;;:r~_ll(5 ,fc/.l-:~- .- _:···---~ .........
   :) fJ   R   EX/?a . i../t ..../)f(A1Jftt/.._ .. lJ?7 5W.J_.4_ t_ (_ff                        .

     7 h f 14t-v rd ('4e,~ ;e L'-f SAvw s -f'h e {JCtk (7 SIll' J?'lt' r7 i-
 d' d f) u 1- J f) r lu cl e /L. w ~ I 1/ f R () r f), e ,. J' )1 ,L lv c (? j? I
                                                                     I                      .(J (;

 If In r I.Md! c! -f)?e L, ns u. ~ s e tJ ( ' !lv le 2.S 2. (&J{z)_           I

 d.Pn1un.5kc. -hns +!Jc rttt/1 -4->r< Avr! t; !JrnJitd R,$1J 1-
/u ~ r 0' {J 61 I fh-e· df 117 a I (J AJ$ tfJr e In I I //JtJ ?v!J $
 s~ I {t¥1-JJIS rr F) ' Jv1(/s (! 6dRt'll\. "S /J dm~n !{. AmtJn f
m I ~·~'hill Le-d iA f kr ms ()I IJJ e f?!t 11.., t1 s f~{J/71~/? f F n d
 ~ (JfJ!' t.~ bi-R ( aiw u n d-tr 12u lt.. 2 5. z. rA) tzJ {A)
 5.,tJf 12/l. PtJ ;s- ij3- 2sJ. l~c ~~~~ ~ 2 ~v lc! nv ;·m~~ etJ
on Jh.,(Ji(tntd d-,~~,~~o.AJ lu tvtt'l.v< /J'~ ~'5/J f ftC) ttpp~ttl
h 1 ~ /llu -hu JJ .Jo ~v OJ tP ~"'~ $ s . 1-h £ 1- 1 r fJ em f /) r- 70 vv ~ 'v e.
1-A" f. r' 5 JJ f- w ~ ~ t> v f m ~ d e I rrec .;.                            1   Is   dl' "'IvA/_
                               () R. ~ I I vre ' fu ~ t ,J.. I

                         lly J C.Ovr /-5. 5"/>uu /d ;n /-lr [Iff f- "- S h /.v ?l'e
               {iJ..fJ nPFc.
             1n {,Jh,;.. of 1-Js. pt~Jrl !~nsu.~se , !Sv'-fl<'n 11
             5h l..e ~ IB sw zd 78Z., 78.5 frix !'r1m AfluJ lctvl)
           / n fh 1..1 t « ~ t -f)} -e. 2 {JI-e ~ n d ;1)(.) JV-1, 1 n Jtu I e l.; l./, l/
            @.._) 0) (2) fU, r e ff? p .)J tl n c! lA}? c! ,lfl rlr'e 177 /41'? c!p lv 12'1
            {""5 Ut45t- {) -fAf 12ule Jud;~. Ga£~lt:;_ }J4._t; tL
             /nlnt~ft(ttll Ou-ftt fu Gt21lfl' f                                        me       dP~cflve
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