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If. /s ~v~ -lo ~ccomor4/e 111e. wt'(/ 4 {e-t/ l'ed4r.y.qc,'t,f ~ /s rc r;{,;v'tf /ko:''&!4/ /_Mtf"lyE;&41 ~1'/'JC"I'r. /trN /-1 ~i~rYdh 5;fq,vceJ' qre:._ ;vo/ L!J jY'Of/t'cleJ/I'or /v lk CONdi!Pt.~$ ?'{ /h y ~e (e.qJe , X tJf/t11 ~!Vd t:u/11. 1 /m;ner!t:de !/' 11/d'./'y r/1',/z/ 4-J fc /11)1 _qf~J. VERIFICATION OF UNSWORN DECLARATION "My name is ·r (First) (Middle) (Last) My date of birth is 0 7 /~ /4h/ , and my inmate identifying number, if any, is # ~(Jtf/ /~ I am presently incarcerated in ~dt: :. . .!._.:._l. . : :(/;:. . c~'- - -!.4,=rp- -"=c(: :_ _a_.:._o_v. .:_IV.: . ._v{_, LY __ t1_t17_'/_ru_/t_l_'d_jl/_ (Corrections unit name) In /itd/t?;Jcl' /ft{//1J(/cl, (City) . (C-ounty) (State) ?11od-~ (Zip Code) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in /Ill~Alo! County, State of --::-- 7 e e4fl 'on the of J~th 6-er , :J..o t:.'L: I(Month) (Year) &A/Ldr&&~ Declarant" .......,~tJ Je:_~ *Under both federal law (28 USC ss1746) and state law (Art.132.001, Texas C.P.R.C.), inmates incarcerated in Texas may use an unsworn declaration under penalty of perjury in place of a written declaration sworn before a notary public. ---------------------------CERTIRCATE-OrSERWcE-------------------------- TfiisiSlo certify that a copy of the above-entitled and numbered motion has been served on the - - - - · - - - D i s t r i c t Attorney of #~lld- .. County, Texas, by delivery of a true copy -----------~o~nthe ~~---d~a-y----------------------------------------- -----------o~f~t7~$i~-,------;Zv7j= b~ ~q~~~------------------- 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAUSE NO. CR-42737 /ij I t:; I! '· •- I uf(' ') u M '\.7 (_ i) r p'lr'J I 4; 25 THE STATE OF TEXAS * IN THE DISTRICT COURTRos.s BUSH. DISTRICT Cl ~~iH * 1'1/DLAND COWITY. TEi,\s v. * 441ST JUDICIAL DISTRIC'I3y 'r::~ ~,, * -:-----------Li:.I"Ut: CURTIS WAYNE TEER *MIDLAND COUNTY, TEXAS MOTION TO SET BOND CONDITIONS WHILE CASE IS PENDING APPEAL COMES NOW the State of Texas by and through her District Attorney and requests this Court to set bond for the Defendant while his case is pending the outcome of the appeal. The State would show as follows: 1. The Defendant was convicted by a jury of two counts of Failure to Comply with Sex Offender Registration in violation of the Te:l_{as Code of Criminal Procedure Article 62.102(b)(2) on or about June 16, 2015. 2. The jury trial court assessed the Defendant's punishment at four (4) years confinement in the Institutional Division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, to be served concurrently. The Judgments of Conviction were entered on the 16th day of June, 2015. 3. Attorney for the Defendant filed a Notice of Appeal on June 18, 2015. 4. Defendant/Appellant filed a Motion for Bail Pending Appeal on or about August 18, 2015. 5. The State requests the Court to set terms and conditions of bond while the case is pending appeal to assure the Defendant/Appellant's appearance should the judgment of the trial court be affirmed. 6. The State requests the trial court to include the following conditions of appellate bond: ..,._""!~:.-..~·-7- . a. Set bail at no less th/(; $50,000 through Midland County \_ ' I' , '*'. . ./'/' ·x~"~ , ., .. ./ Pretrial Bonding; b. c. r:.· Defendant/Appellant shall wear a GPS monitor at all times; ::~~\<•i.~·:..,·•/ Defendant/Appellant shall pay, $330 }for the first month's ·,~~"':'~ monitor in advance and regular fee for the GPS monitor; d. Defendant/Appellant shall abide all conditions of the Final (f Protective Order in cause number FM58485, rendered on February 5, 2015, in County Court at Law No. 2 of Midland County, Texas, including but not limited to no contact to the Applicant, Paula Neal. e. The Defendant/Appellant shall comply with all requirements of the Judgment in cause number 7:14-CR-005-01 in the United States District Court of the Western District of Texas, pronounced and entered on August 14, 2014. Specifically, Defendant/Appellant shall comply with all requirements and conditions of Supervised Release. f. All other conditions of bond ,as normally applicable to persons who wear a GPS monitor and conditions of bond for persons through Midland County Pretrial Bonding. Wherefore, premises considered, The State prays the Court grant this motion to set terms and conditions of bond pending the disposition of the Defendant/Appellant's appeal. Respectfully submitted, ~A~JkJ ca';rn D. Thurmond Assistant District Attorney Midland County, Texas 500 North Loraine, Suite 200 Midland, Texas 79701 (432) 688-4411; FAX (432) 688~4938 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Carolyn D. Thurmond, do hereby certify that on the 26th day of August 2015, I . sent a true and correct copy of the foregoing document by hand delivery or United States mail to the Defendant/Appellant Curtis Wayne Teer Midland County Detention Center #304112 ,. ' -, CAUSE NO. CR-42737 FILED 2015 AUG 31 AM 10: SG THE STATE OF TEXAS * IN THE DISTRICT COURTt~1BLBX~~·cDISTRICT CLERK * OUNTY. TEXAS V. * 441ST JUDICIAL DISTRIC1BY~-----------DEPUTY * CURTIS WAYNE TEER * MIDLAND COUNTY, TEXAS STATE'S MOTION TO RECONSIDER BOND CONDITIONS WHILE CASE IS PENDING APPEAL COMES NOW the State of Texas by and through her District Attorney and requests this Court to reconsider the terms and conditions of bail set for the Defendant while his case is pending the outcome of the appeal. The State would show as follows: Proceedings 1. The Defendant was convicted by a jury of two counts of Failure to Comply with Sex Offender Registration in violation of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Article 62.102(b)(2) on or about June 16, 2015. The jury assessed the Defendant's v punishment at four (4) years confinement in the Institutional Division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, to be served concurrently. 3. Attorney for the ·r· Defendant filed a Notice of Appeal on June 18, 2015. 2. Defendant/Appellant filed a Motion fo~ Bail Penning Appeal on or about August 18, 2015. The State filed a Motion to Set Bond Conditions Pending Appeal on August 26, 2015. Bond Conditions 3. Hearing on said motions was held on Friday, August 28, 2015, in which this court set the following conditions of bail: a) Bond set at $20,000 and Defendant/Appellant will bond out through Midland County Pretrial Services. Defendant/Appellant shall pay the bond fee in three installments of $200 each 30, 60, 90 days after ' J release. b) Defendant/Appellant shall abide by a_!!_~m!$9~-?~tilf&J SU:Rervised release in cause number 7:14-CR-005-01 in the United ~~ States District Court of the Western District of Texas, pronounced and entered on August 14, 2014. c) Defendant/Appellant shall abide all conditions of the Final nc;a:w::: Protective '~== ... ~~- ~"'in cause number FM58485, rendered on February 5, 2015, in County Court at Law No. 2 of Midland County, Texas, including but not limited to no contact to the Applicant, Paula Neal. d) Defendant/Appellant shall reside at the federal half-way facility, ;~~~:it!liZt:e!!:~ Dismas, for so long as required according to the terms federal supervised release. least fourteen (14) days in advance or as soon as he is given notice of his discharge, whichever is earlier, of his discharge from Dismas. f) Defendant/Appellant shalt execute .. all releases _ ·-~ §O Midland County Pretrial Services may confer with U.S. Probation and personnel at 2 -....... ------~------ ·-·-·-- .... -·--·------.--..-...-. -.....-..... . ..._ ___ ;-' Dismas about his status and compliance with terms and condition of supervised release and Dismas facility rules. g) Defendant/Appellant shall report in person one time per week to ... n·an-....,.e""'-i=i'\!L~~~ Midland County Pretrial Services. ~NJf~~>IIOtt•~~~lo h) Abide by all conditions of Midland County Pretrial Services. . ' Information learned after the hearing 4. Mter the hearing on August 28, 2015, Priscilla Bonilla learned the following in the course of reviewing ascertaining Defendant/Appellant's suitability for bail through Midland County Pretrial Services: a) U.S. Probation Officer Keith Thompson informed Priscilla Bonilla that Dismas is full and a bed for Defendant/Appellant will not be available until October 2015. b) Defendant/Appellant indicated his permanent residence is 3004 Mark =-- m :za a wsa -=Lane, Midland, Texas. Defendant/Appellant intends to reside until he may enroll in Dismas. I ~ th~rs... c) 3004 Mark Lane, Midland, Texas is across the street from the residence of Paula Neal, 4510 LaSalle Circle, Midland, Texas. The ~p ZLHJIAU ''! residences are 161 feet apart from one another. d) Defendant/Appellant .·JVill be in .. tau... . violation of the Final Protective Order ~4W!U'IIJ~J!:Di8P4ta:::t~~n::tlllllliC UA'G';~iii·_\o¥(!'• which specifically prohibits Defendant/Appellant from "Going to or near, or within 200 yards of the residence of the Applicant ... or household ofPAULANEAL located at 4510 LASALLE CIRCLE, 3 '· ,•- •~ ~~-'-"~ "'.-...'",,... ·---.~· _ _,.........,.......,__., • ._..,.___ , - _ _ _ _ _ .,..,..,.•• _ _.....,,_. _ _. ""'"-··• •"""•'•~·"•-~ ' ._...., __._,.._ ,,_.,._ __ .,_,.,. __ , __ ,._,~__.,., -··- •' .,.,~.,_u. •--:- Midland, Midland County, Texas 79707 ." (Final Protective Order, page 3, State's Exhibit #2 admitted at hearing on August 28, 2015). Request for reconsideration of bail conditions ·. ~¥-~t.~L!)Jf ·14--.. ti.~.··J .... ... "~!if'~";::l!j~~·~Ji!lt~"" 5. The State requests the Court to reconsider the terms and conditions of bond while the case is pending . appeal to assure the'Defendant/Appellant's Jlt#lu:a.s.:aewi'Wl u.,...- rt"c»o:: ........,....,.q 1 =-~ .~ppearanc~ should the judgment of the trial court be affirmed and to 2!sure sgf!Sr of the community:. .. "'''~-~ 44 . . £~101.:• 6. The State requests the trial court to include the following conditions of appellate bond: a) Defendant/Appellant shall wear a..~.~\]}$~~"monitor at all times; ' b) Defendant/Appellant shall pay,~;3:;?6ifor the first month's monitor in advance and regular fee for the GPS monitor; c) Defendant/Appellant shall obtain housing that meets with the with, all requirements and conditions of Supervised Release and the Final Protective Order. d) All other conditions of bond as normally applicable to persons who wear a GPS monitor and conditions of bond for persons through Midland County Pretrial Services. e) If Defendant/Appellant cannot meet theseiadtliiti1>ilr~l~conditions ·&RO:P' ,. «r.,. ... of bond, then he shall continue to be incarcerated in' the Midland 4 r County Detention Center until a bed space is available for him at Dismas. f) Any other terms and conditions as ordered by the court. Wherefore, premises considered, The State prays the Court grant this motion to set terms and conditions of bond pending the disposition of the Defendant/Appellant's appeal. Respectfully submitted, Assistant District Attorney Midland County, Texas 500 North Loraine, Suite 200 Midland, Texas 79701 (432) 688-4411; FAX (432) 688-4938 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Carolyn D. Thurmond, do hereby certify that on the 31st day of August 2015, I sent a true and correct copy of the foregoing document by hand delivery or United States mail to the Defendant/Appellant Curtis Wayne Teer Midland County Detention Center #304112 ~:n,LaJ Carolyn . Thurmond r 5 \ . uL. E.D . F ~ CAUSE NO. CR-42737 2015SEP-I PH 3:51 THE STATE OF TEXAS * IN THE DISTR~~~ trt9f1.~'!'nncT CLERK * t"iiDLAHD COllilTY. TEXAS V. * 441ST JUDICIAL DISTRICT * DY--·····---DC:?UTY CURTIS WAYNE TEER * MIDLAND COUNTY, TE4AS ORDER AMENDING CONDITIONS OF BOND PENDING TRIAL ON THIS DAY came on for consideration the State's Motion to Reconsider Bond Conditions while Case is Pending Appeal in the above entitled and numbered cause wherein the said Defendant/Appellant was convicted of two counts of Failure to Register as a Sex Offender, an offense under article 62.102(b)(2) of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, and having considered the same, the Court is of the opinion that the release of the Defendant/Appellant on bail should be subject to the following additional conditions. IT IS ORDERED the Defendant/Appellant shall be released upon add~tional conditions of bond as follows: 1. Bond set at $20,000 and Defendant/Appellant through Midland County Pretrial Services. Defendant/Appellant shall pay the bond fee in three ·installments of $200.00 each no later than the 30th day, 60th day, and 90th day after his release from the Midland County Detention Center. 2. Defendant/Appellant shall abide by all conditions of his federal Supervised Release as set forth·in the Judgment in cause number 7:14- CR-005-01 in the United States District Court of the Western District. of Texas, pronounced and entered on August 14, 2014. 3. Defendant/Appellant shall abide all terms and conditions as set forth in the Final Protective Order in cause number FM58485, rendered on February 5, 2015, in County Court at Law No. 2 of Midland County, Texas, including but not limited to no contact with the Applicant, Paula Neal. 4. Defendant/Appellant shall submit to Electronic Monitoring Supervision (GPS) through the Midland County Pretrial Office. · a. Defendant/Appellant and is admonished to remain at his designated address at all times except for the following: (1) fire or medical emergency, (2) to attend Court or visit with his attorney, (3) to seek and attend employment, (4) to visit with Midland County Pretrial Services officer or Federal Probation Officer, and (5) any other meeting in connection with fulfilling the requirements of the Final Protective Order in FM58485 or Supervised Release in in cause number 7:14-CR-005-01, with prior approval of the Midland County Pretrial Services supervising officer. b. Defendant/Appellant shall wear the electronic monitoring device (GPS) at all times and shall not remove it from his/her person without approval from the Court. 2 c. Defendant/Appellant shall post $330 with Midland County Pretrial prior to his release for 30 days of electronic monitoring serv1ces. d. Thereafter, Defendant/Appellant will continue to pay $11.00 per day or $330 per month as long as his appellate case remains pending or until further order of the Court. 5. Defendant/Appellant shall report in person, one time per week to Midland County Pretrial Services, and at all other times as directed by his supervising officer at Midland County Pretrial Services. 6. Abide by all terms and conditions of Midland County Pretrial Services. 7. Defendant/Appellant shall designate his residence and place(s) of ~ employment to the Midland County Pretrial Services office and not change his or her designated residence without the prior permission of said office; Defendant/Appellant shall designate Defendant/Appellant the new residence and any change in the Defendant/Appellant's place (s) of Employment to the Midland County Pretrial Services Office within two days of any Change. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED any residence and/or place of employment of the Defendant/Appellant is subject to approval by Midland County Pretrial Services. 8. Defendant/Appellant shall reside at the federal half-way facility, Dismas, once a bed becomes available and he is admitted into the 3 fcH.:jlity~ for so long as required :H.:cording to the terms federi:ll supeyvised release. H> .Defendant/Appellant shall iwti(y l'viidl:md.County Pretrial Servi'G85 at . 1) days in adv::lnee or as soon as he is least fourteen (1 . gi\ 811 notice of 1 1 his discharge, - whichever . is earl.ier, of his cliseharge from Dismas. lO.Dc~fenclant/AppeUnnt shnll execute all releases so i:Vlicll'and Ctiunty Pretrial Services may ccinf'er with U.S. Probation and personnel at Dismns about his status and compliance with terms and conclitiOI).SOf supervised release and Disnws facility rules . .IT IS ORDERED the De!'endant:/Appelbi1l: shall ~·emain in custody \vith the Miclh1nd Cuunty Sheriffs Ol'ficc until all eonclitio.ns of bond ;ue met or unless i:it:henvise· ordered by the Court. Signed the _L day of~(':.-:.._.-_· _ _ _ _ _ _ , 20].;'5. !J ... j ,(~ /)/1\_J-f---·· f L-- [tltinJ ~Lt~UtLLLf;_d_!i~tk--·_ JU:O.GE .?RE.:: .DING x~: ~- T~tJ\JVVV\UV\·u\, K.. PCA....i\l~I(5(JV\.- ~. W. ~ ~-u· LjtJ .IV\~ :J~ ~%~rV:-h~/ A6{·ilMUI:IbiMJ.. (VI LP'T 4
Teer, Curtis
Combined Opinion