ACCEPTED 12-15-00216-CV TWELFTH COURT OF APPEALS TYLER, TEXAS 9/3/2015 2:56:56 PM Pam Estes CLERK NO. ________________________ FILED IN 12th COURT OF APPEALS IN THE TYLER, TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS 9/3/2015 2:56:56 PM FOR THE PAM ESTES TWELFTH DISTRICT OF TEXAS Clerk IN RE THOMAS LYTLE AND ELLEN LYTLE, Relators, v. THE HONORABLE TERESA DRUM, JUDGE PRESIDING 294TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF VAN ZANDT COUNTY, TEXAS, Respondent, Real Parties in Interest: David C. Petruska Sandra L. Petruska Helmuth K. Gutzke and Zackiann Gutzke, Defendants. APPENDIX TO PETITION FOR WRIT OF MANDAMUS PART ONE Barbara L. Emerson, Esq. Texas State Bar No. 06599400 BELLINGER & SUBERG, LLP ORAL ARGUMENT REQUESTED 10,000 N. Central Expy., Suite 900 Dallas, TX 75231 214.954.9540 – Telephone 214.954.9541 – Facsimile TO THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS: Pursuant to Tex. R. App. p. 52.3(f) attached hereto as an appendix to Relators Thomas Lytle and Ellen Lytle’s Petition for Writ of Mandamus are true and correct copies of the following: TAB 1. Certified Copy of Order Staying Proceedings signed 001 August 21, 2015 TAB 2. Certified Copy of Defendant David C. Petruska’s 002 Motion to Stay All Proceedings With Legal Authorities in Support, filed August 4, 2015 TAB 3. Certified Copy of Plaintiffs' Opposition to Defendant 017 David C. Petruska's Motion to Stay All Proceedings, filed August 14, 2015 TAB 4. Certified Copy of Plaintiffs' First Amended Petition, 023 filed February 12, 2015 TAB 5. Relevant Caselaw cited in Relators’ Petition for Writ of 029 Mandamus with Excerpts Highlighted U.S. v. Little Al, 712 F.2d 133, 136 (5th Cir. 1983) 029 Alcala v. Texas Webb County, 625 F.Supp.2d 391, 034 397 (S.D.Tex. 2009) In re Charles D. Messervey Trust, No. 04-00-00700- 053 CV, 2001 WL 55642 (Tex. App.—San Antonio Jan. 24, 2001) (orig. proceeding) In re Gore, 251 S.W.3d 696, 699 (Tex. App.—San 057 Antonio 2007) (orig. proceeding) Gebhardt v. Gallardo, 891 S.W.2d 327, 331 (Tex. 063 App.—San Antonio 1995) ! l tol 0' &. If '" V 1 J1 1 V t .J _,, 1111 From: unknown Page: 212 Date: 8/211201510:42:15 AM CAUSE N0.14-00172 THOMAS LYTLE & ELLEN LYTLE § IN THE DISTRICT COURT § v. § 294th JUDICIAL DISTRICT § DAVID C. PETRUSKA, ET. AL. § VANZANDT COUNTY, TEXAS ORDER STAYING PROCEEDINGS NOW on ~-:~o1Pt$ · the application for Stay of Proceedings filed in this matter on August 4, 2015 comes on for hearing. The Court having examined the application, the evidence and counsels' argument, is of the opinion that the Motion should, in all things be granted. THE COURT FINDS that the defendant, David C. Petruska, is the subject of a Felony Indictment currently pending In the District Court of Van Zandt County, Texas and such indictment contains factual allegations substantially similar to the allegations contained in the instant matter. THE COURT FURTHER FINDS that to continue these proceedings in this case would create an impermissible jeopardy to the Defendant and would have the potential to cause the Defendant to be forced to either forego his constitutional right against self-incrimination or be forced to waive his constitutional right and suffer the consequences, If any, of such waiver. THE COURT FURTHER FINDS that it is inappropriate in the Instant case to force the . Defendant to choose between the assertion of or a waiver of his constitutional rights at this . stage of this litigation. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED AND RENDERED that this proceeding is hereby stayed for a period ending the earlier of six-months from the date of the Order, or the completion of the trial level proceedings In the Van Zandt criminal action. In the event that the criminal matter is not resolved within the six-month stay, the Defendant, David C. Petruska, has the right to again move this Court for an additional stay and the Plaintiffs have the right to oppose such stay should the Plaintiffs choose to make such opposition. Signed this ~I day of August, 2015. ORDeR STAYING PROCEEDINGS - page 1 TAB 1 APPENDIX 1 Filed 8/4/2015 10:45:22 AM Karen L. Wilson District Clerk Van ZanGilblal~i~ K"mber1y Knowles NO. 14-00172 THOMAS LYTLE AND ELLEN § IN Tiffi DIS'IRICT CO"QRT LY1LE, § § I ! v. § ! l I § DAVID C. PETRUSKA, SANDRA L. § 294th JUDICIAL DISTRICT PETRUSKA, CO:MPASS BANK, § HELMUTII K. GUTZKE, and § ZACKIANN GUTZKE § VANZANDT COUNTY TEXAS PEFENDANT DAVID C. PETRUSKA'S MOTION TO STAY ALL PROCEEDINGS WITH LEGAL AUTHORITIES IN SUPPORT TO THE COURT COMES NOW, David C. Petruska, Defendant herein, by and through his att~mey of record, Michael Pezzulli, and respectfully moves this Honorable Court for an Order staying all discovery proceedings, on the following grounds and reasons: FACTUAL BACKGROUND Plaintiff's First Amended Petition seeks to inject state law claims of threat of bodily injury. Specifically, Plaintiff claims that "Petruska has taken actions to assert his rights to the easement, including coming onto Plaintiffs' property and threatening Plaintiff Thomas Lytle with an assault rifle, and continuing to assert an easement existed in his pleadings before this court. Motion to Stay APPENDIX 2 TAB 2 In essence, Plaintiff's suit papers mirrors the indictment that Plaintiff obtained against the Defendant in Van Zandt County, Texas on April 21 , 2014. Specifically, the indictment1 alleges that the Defendant, David Petruska, on or about February 15, 2014, did intentionally or knowingly threaten Tom Lytle with imminent bodily injury and did there use or exhibit a deadly weapon, to wit: a firearm, during the commission of said assault and said firearm in the manner and means of use could have caused serious bodily injury or death to Tom Lytle.2 SUMMARY OF THE ARGUMENT This requested stay involves weighing Mr. Petruska's fundamental constitutional right to a fair trial in this civil threat of bodily injury case against a claim that somehow the Plaintiff will be injured if he cannot maintain a parallel prosecution of the identical claims. Discovery will obviously seek to elicit evidence from the defendant that he engaged in the identical alleged illegal activity that is the subject of the State Indictment. The civil proceeding, if not deferred, will undermine Defendants' Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination, expand rights of discovery beyond the limits of Texas Rule of Criminal Procedure and expose the basis of the defense to the prosecution in advance of a criminal trial. A delay of this civil proceeding will not seriously jeopardize the public interest. 1 A true and correct copy of the indictment is attached hereto as Exhibit 1. 2 Plaintiffs First Amended Complaint at Page 4, Paragraph 23. Motion to Stay APPENDIX 3 LEGAL ARGUMENT A. When the court forces Relator to choose between waiving his Fifth Amendment right or suffering an adverse inference in this civil case. an abuse of discretion occurs. Should this Court force the Defendant to answer civil discovery and forego his constitutional right against self-incrimination while the option to stay the civil proceedings is available, such order would be an abuse of discretion. In Wehling v. Columbia Broadcasting System, Wehling invoked his Fifth Amendment right to silence in the civil case while there was a competing grand jury proceeding, and the district court ordered Wehling to answer the discovery requests or suffer dismissal of his civil case. 608 F.2d 1084, 1086 (5th Cir. 1979), on reh'g, 611 F.2d 1026 (1980). Subsequently, the district court dismissed his case and refused to g'rant a stay of civil discovery. /d. at 1086. On appeal and under an abuse of discretion standard of review, the Wehling court reversed the dismissal · of Wehling's civil suit holding the district court's dismissal was "constitutionally impermissible," for the U.S. Supreme Court has "disapproved of procedures l I ; which require a party to surrender one constitutional right in order to assert I 1. ,. ' . I - another." 608 F.2d at 1088 (noting that dismissal of the civil case is inappropriat$f'- ! !-,···. where other, less burdensome remedies [such as a stay of civil discovery] Motion to Stay APPENDIX 4 available) (citing Simmons v. United States. 390 U.S. 377. 394 (1968)). Therefore, when a court forces the Defendant to answer civil discovery and forego his constitutional right to silence while the option to stay the civil proceedings is available and the Defendant is under criminal indictment for the same events, the refusal to stay the civil case is an abuse of discretion. B. If ordered to give a civil deposition, Defendant will be unable to adequately defend himself in both cases, thus violating his constitutionaf·rights to due process and against self-incrimination. Absent the requested stay, the Defendant will be unable to answer any questions of substance in his civil deposition; therefore, he will be unable to make his defense to the accusations asserted by the Plaintiff, Tom Lytle. This outcome is an unconstitutional denial of David Petruska's right to due process in this case. A fundamental precept of our judicial system is equal treatment under the law and hamstringing David Petruska by the tactic of insisting on a premature deposition to force assertion of the Fifth Amendment violates that premise. Once a deposition occurs in this context, the harm is done, and the bell cannot be unrung. This trial court should stay the civil case when, as here, such a stay is necessary to avoid "substantial and irreparable prejudice." United States v. Little AI. 712 F.2d 133. 136 (5th Cir. 1983) (citing SEC v. First Fin. Group of Tex.. Inc.. 659 F.2d 660.668 (5th Cir. 1981)). In this case, Defendanfs exposure to an adverse inference from the invocation of the Fifth Amendment would similarly result i~~}l "'.'~.~~~')' ('~~ ~·-· APPENDIX-/ t· •.. 10 ... -~~' J ' 7'/"'t. ' ~/ Afl v"' · .. •• ••~!';~:· .. ~ ~"Ol20 CauseNo. C/(tt{~ 00/85 1l ,. '--' ..... I . ·• ., ...•;- (• . C:Ourt: 294111 Judicial District Court of VanZandt County, Texas '. !: .n?.,. TheStal¢ofTexas Vs. DAVID CHARLES PETRUSKA Cha~e: PC 5eetfon 22.02-Aggravatcd Assault with a DeadJy Weapbn Degree: Second De.gree Fl!lony • · -~ ••·• • • '• ·• • • • • ••-• a" • ·• a • .• • •• • • • • • • a il• a ..A • • • a •• • ·· ·~ -• • ·• • ·• ·• ·• ·• • • • • a ·• • ·• • ·• ·• • • • • • • • • • • .-.· lN THE NAl\lfE AND BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: THE GR.A!~D JURY,_ for the County of V~n landt, Stare of Texas. duly selected impan~led, swam, charged.' and organized as such at lhe JANUARY Term A.D~ 2014 of the 2941• Jvdicial District Co\111 for said County, upori their oaths present ip and to said court at said term that DAVID CHARLES PETRL'SKA herei11after st)iled Defendant, on or about Fl!BR.UARY ts11i, 2014, and before the presentrnent of this indictment,Jn the County and Smte aforesaid. did then ·aQ(i th~ intentiol'\ally or knowingly threaten TOM LTILE. with imminent bodliy injucy by POIN'fiNO.A FIREARM AT HIM AND THREATENINO TO KILL HIM~ and did and there use or exhibit a deadly weapon. to wit A FIREARM, during the commission of the said assault and said FlRtARM .in the manner and means of use could have caused. serious ·bodily ilijuryor d~ to TOM LYTLE; Against the peace and dignity of the State. APPENDIX 15 i·. T B :Z STAT B 0 F T B% AS CU4-00185 PRECEPT TO SBRVJ!: DIDJ:CTMEHT TO THE SHERIFF OF VAN ZANDT COONTY I SAID STATE I GREETING: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to serve DAVJ:D Clt\lJI.BS PB'l'lilUSKA 1 DOB: 5/11/1945 the defendant in Cause No. Ckl4-00185, wherein The State of Texas is pla.intiff, and DAv.tD CHARLBS Pll'l'Rt1SltA , is defendant, in person, with the accompanying certified copy of the original Bill of Lndictment now on tile in 294th District Court, van Zandt County, Canton, Texas. HEREIN FAIL NOT, but of this Writ make due return as the law directs. Issued and given under my hand and seal of Office, this the 21st Of April I 2014. S H E R X F F' S RETURN came to band on the _2='...,.C~ day ot _ ___.4u,:.«::-.:../.:../______, 2o.l!:f_, by delivering to the within named in my custody, in person, a certified copy of the indictment mentioned within, and delivered to me with this writ, on the 1.( day of --'~J,i'l'(';FII..:I:..r.•t_ _ _ __ ,,_ Returned on the ---~~~-- day of , - - - • 20..1!L. -_.64~•1UC.:a~:J._· L , R-4'{. Sheriff, _.-;V.c~.W~DL..4o!,..>!C.IIII#.J..,-,;;.L._·- - - - county, Texas • BY_ ~:#=-:'fn:;.r....l----- ___,_/tuc:u;Jw.,_.· APPENDIX 16 Filed 8/14/2015 6:41:45 PM Karen L. Wilson District Clerk Van Zan
in Re: Thomas Lytle and Ellen Lytle
Combined Opinion