October 6, 2015 *>T\\Ttof rex he? "F180M ftPP£AL MO? lO-lM-ooaAo-CR. and »0'iM-O0al^-Cic FROM C0LJ6E MO.6 atc'365 and <3to(cl3 WJD, .;;,.-••„ ;-.:JiLS M0TI0M FOR. RFH5'dElw6 Fo£ ^FTlTlOM QCT FOR. XiE6CR£T\0MfiZ'i Zc\i\E\ti To THfc Hon/OSR&LF 3UD6E; of' Scud coaet, Laxt of Cn^Wl^^, tonnes noto Darrick E&uxird £o6S; petitioner, herein and respectfullij £l«s 4Ki-> Mot'.on For Rph^nn^ -for Petition Foe DceerefciOrwi) ftbjieui and in Support of «vWi a Motion, prb-t'iooer ^hxco -Vhe court the &l\ou>pWoncrl.ode> torw'iefed im 4bc a~)84h District court o^ cOall^r county t#xq5> of 4V>t offcn^e of Q^ravakcl EoWbenj (_X3l) iM oax. mo? '0-N-oo5ao-ce. And io-w-oo£#- vfe. Qarnch Eduaar^ Ro-bS* Th<- petitioner 0pp«»led 4o|4he T*n4h Court of AflKcrfs, 4he a^e ^as ft^wa on fynH,'&>'£>. The oouef of aWiudl Aftx&b re-Cu^ed ftfitiW> M -I- m.. Petitioner r^p^ctfuili} mca/c5 4Wia court to r«v/]cio hit? PetiTiom Foe D2F!>CKETi(Xmeij (eTVitW, issues presented an& rdbutfed but-be. 'oTpvTF. Xn itf> Be^j Dxia<2)|O0j The 7en4h Court of Appeal* Tin. tOhen k~-extol uairirn the e>pcofic6 of 4bc ctatur) U*>) ta^ct 9*t\ fiontr respectful Ia r^ac^t +Ki ^ tmr f "to con^i <\er 4be, loll pu3-« n^: In ihc oboi/e. trfj-Ued cm^eh; ftti+ioner entered open pWa6 of auilV, Ice: +u>b coun-t'b of A^rcv/^ed pokbery (^ T-eX„ piM, Cccb, Plnn ^ ^.Q3~Y Trial court found hi.^ AUitttt, and Qdaed a dtacllu ujetfpon-^todim and ^ntenced him to ttoo |i&. oentenc£6. ""rial CLOMff eer-ti^d pchhvnu'b n^h-t to Appeal mboth cae> vA>erc tMid to be. -£ri^.jeuS; wot because petitioner had -irudc^ ff(U«l^5 \ if? inaccurate,, and Should be rev/i^uoed j a6 Arhc Oi'stncf court urh£\td pefitiona'6 r\a\fr to Appeal ( '5ec E)frt->B(T5 ^and^Y mL. fi^l Question one, in cndirvxi Mifion o^ked] T6 a Jiittj p^a (oPen Plea) rendered invalid a>he 4he tried coaet ^^6 to no\d a heannn or oralla odwonish 4be Petitioner on 4-Ke, Consetfueneef) of hi 5 p\ea? -\2- ttcoffa reflect 4h<3t no hearing u>Q6 held on mau^, ^olM, or 4WF4be petitioner ioa6 orailu rtdnoonfobed bu fhe court", ftppV» cable, uatot Dae Ccure>cc£ lai© and Due, Prcce-exf) under tao4>> Teya6 and United 6tabr.6 constitution require, oral admonishment. Lincoln \/. State; 3d£> syl-'cld t*3& (T^xae. CnW App.) Othe Applicable, La.u> ccncemiri4 Auiiftj plea.6' tl loo felony caeca 4u'»|4a plea w/vaed be, ouppor-hd h^ 6uf£icienf egnknce to establish 4be elements of 4tie_ offence. (Tex. Code. Criivn. Prce Art:, \,\tide. #P "frvaS) ^61 5,V|3d q (^ooq) 3} Fadure, to introduce tv/iience of axx\\\ on p^ of aailtu^ u>We, a defendant enters o plea of1 ^u'dtu to +hc fr\a\ Courtij th< Estate iS bound to introduce evidence 6hou3*ina sach respect") 44ne, defendant- \s en-V'd\ed to o, nea> tr\aL ^P'vfaj v- State (cn.App.lAqo^) iMDT^X'CnM. |ol, \43 5.W, ad 31>U. Tn regainna stafe 4o inVoduce, evi derse-c ohpu^in^ de^endatyt^ cujuVt, Ve^oiature in-tented -ttad no ptc6on could be. cor>vic-tecl On b\5 auilta p\e& toHVxout evidence ban* \r\troduce.d t>u££icvenrt -to -shoLO <*u\rh cra*)&rd V* 6ta4:£ (TeX. trim. flppt 66M, £16 5.W. Ad ^M^) ( LtL. ftpp, KB5), m\ AcOnv/'ictitfln or\ a fluiita, pl^a 4-WM- \^> entered solelu AS a result- of faultUj \e uohem a Ae£endan-t i^> con vk^cc\ despite 4be lack of evidence on a €5Sentiai element c4 ihc Cr'i^e e -3" l5) fto to ^ueoton +1003 ftas 4be Court of ftppals erred in -finding no arguable issuer for Appeal ? Clfaudble frow\ the record are three issues 4bat ^erc refused bu Appellate counsel due to a belie-r -that Ckfifioner had voawith hi^> ri^hV to Appeal. Roco«v/«r Trial court certified Petitionee^ ti^hV to Appeal \n bo4h etse-oj Cs?e^xWl61T I, and 3^. issue \: The euiaence-ooas \(ofb\& 'inou$?ieienti to support: Afttioner's conviction •for AAyai/ated PobbeaA. issue A" The evidence u>as k^allu insu-f&'cienf to support the eapon -^loAinj. issue2>°. f\ppe\\ant jjxs denied Wis 6on5titutinrY\l ri^hti to rcasonablu elective assistance of counsel e) fts to ^uesiion three, j tas -Vbe Appellate court -erred \i\ findina no Ardtwble 'issue ^r appeal On 4t>e k^xl S>uffieienca of evidence issues ? 165UC 1 . Fads'. The on\u evidence st Petitionere> connection to the robbery of the Riles coft6 fhdt Petitioner-bid laujor nnd 6cott ahouti the insurance, payments ?icti^ Bike had gotten and on a sepenate acca^'ion> pointed put- uohere £ile£> hi/ed (£p(e iSq-^o) -t|- tOhile the. prosecutor claimed 4Wxt another £amil^ member \denV^i"ed Petitioner (^iceic^J, -l-here u>as no evidence to -Support that elcurA, kte\4her fitness "to the evend supported -rhat Ve^moncj (aR^aMj &%-M), AppViea^icn'. Theresas no evidence that Petitioner personally participated m tibe offense/5.Ric.SiM,^--^. The- ^toiemen4€? of the prosecutor that Petitioner iA>as'iden4'it?ied are clearly not e/icknce, and \s leaalla iinSufticieTvr 4t> Support Petitioner's conviction -for a&\ca\la\:&l IZobbeaj, ve Coopzr i/. tAakc) 5oo s.W-^d ^51, 1><4I (Tex- CniA* Ap/>* Mis), issuer: tohen a de&ndant$ liability is based on the conduct of anofher u)ho used a3r fxhibiW a (tetfdloj uieapw/ -Ihc evidence *v\ust obo^o ^he de|endan"f uoas avoare 4ha+ <\ de^diu .weapon ooould be used in e0rnm\^6\on of the offense, t^oorlle, v/- Sttfde, ll 6-W. 3d, 363, £35 (TeX. CrirvA* f\pp. aooo) -} Torres \l. State, £33 6/W.3d aie, 30-31 £t^X . App.- " ttousdon Q^tpBT7\ ^cai, mo Pet). Petitioner is entitled to ctialknae 4he -sufftcienaj of Vk, evidence s>upporti'ra 4he_ deadU uo«*pon findim because the voa a dea^la uocapon ^ould be used or -exhibited* is^uE 3: V^Aiortr iX)as denied h\s oonstitutlonal naht to ^ effective assistance of coun6cl^ Applicable Uavo; -5- Acriminal de-tendan-f is ent'ii|ed to the reasonable) effective ass'i-sWi^e of counsel at ail critical staAC.6 of a criminal proceeding Gideon \l, uOdmuori^ht) $1& U.S. 335, 345 (l%3)} Stnctland v/, u)o6bin^ton> %\c U6. kbft, 1^06) »OM 6.6t. 3tf>5£, ** bu a perponderance of the counsel'5 representation fell bejcctf an objective standard of pro&ssicral Ex parte Lane, 303 S-W-3dloa, 10b (lex, C/im. ftpp, £OCtf) Such a clan* rwust be affirmatively supported bu, the record.- ^acb5on v/. state, 0.13 S.W-2d isq, 435 Cl>x. Cri having pre dated a ^usfc result, E~X parte Chandler, !&£ 'SVl.^d 360, 2>35 (jex. frin . App, A006) Pretrial iMUfSTicwnojU: The court o£ cnwina/ flfpt^h hfr held thtct defense counsel rviaot /we o £tVm command of the 4acte> o-f the case a^ uoell nf> jov/ernin^ la*) before he can renrjer rea^cmblu effect'/ve assistance of counsel. Ex parte, toe! born, 166 'o.Yj.M ^|, 345 (TrX- CnnA. App, |4)) Counsel bad not ^poben 4o "Sohnson about the case £AWo) >(^RW). The record 5boto5 Via\ counsel d'\d not hive a command of tbe rclevaoT lai/^ ^ A3 -explained in Petitioner's f.'rot "Usue, fhe kae> no evidence he did anq of the ae4e uUhich -see-ticn l.dk(a) at the penal £ode u^ould i^p06e. chvYiinal liability on the Petitioner, kifteierrl- Per-formance of CoanscioP* i, Xt *>3ae> di-ftcW perfr/rrance to permit petitioner \o pletfd au'iHu u)hen the evidence ioas lenallu msu-ficfent to support tbe conviction, a. X U)as also dificient performance 4-d have petitioner okn a u)aiv-er to appeal the ^uticienca of the evidence. 3. if voa& di-d'atn-/- performance h ptrrn'ft pt4iilontr h ^'ipukfa he usee/ a ctajo% uoeapon. Triad Performance* doun^el'e) performance ^oas difio'ent in that he failed \v object to clearly objectionable and prejudicial ^ue^tions, Although fhere voat> no evidence 4hcd an^ uoifness t^a^ petitioner ad- the robbenA, defense cowxi did n^t object u3her> prosecutor ddiwed idilnesss identified petitioner at the &^o0in^ on'^ because \Wct uoaf) nt? evidence support}ha (yr\u of-those '^hx&rr\tnbbe -1- Trial Counsel udo& ditielent in -(ailing to object to ten tJ\r. Tho^Aae? ion hi±> Option of proper puni^hnatirrx X&t SS), 'Such evidence is improper and objecticnable, rla^ef) \j. state; "161 6.W. Ad iq3, 1% ("[ex. App.~ Corpus cKristi ) peti r?£'d). Prejudice: AelaiM o-£ ineffe+ive, ass\S"We c& coon^l u}i||=|gj^ ibupport reversal on appeal because this record aKirmatvveloj t>hou05 that bit -for trial counsel's unprovisional error, there is a reasonable probabilily that the result of 4he proceedings cA^oald have been different, ^ncblandj mrto i\6, cA ^Mj Ex parte MWUr^ 33d 5.W. 3d (plO. Afr'ial court hae> uoide discretion in (imposing an ahprodak^ sentence, •^actson v/. -State, bdo S.W. ad 804, &|M (7f>, C>i n*. App, ^6^) Gienera^Oj &*> lona, as a SentenCE- \o LcMhindhe rm^c of punrsKment and Ms a factual basis in the record, H *>\{\ not be disturbed on appeal * KtiuCL v/, Sfork, 4s#e 6l*j 535 (T-rvCriw>. ftpp, \0C]%\ The record 'sboxcys the 4ha1 ~Sui -for appeal c\re ^ho^on, Petitioner respect-Gxlla as tbe^aoae -b remand -fcr appaintsd couns6 Certi-Picate- OP 6ervie^- This \s -\o Certi4^A fhatontbis daOy Sep{err\be£ d$, 9^0\6 a true cind correct oofty of 4he above, and Sxraf)\n<^ documen-): coa.6 ^Served ondhe cierW.) (\be\ ftcost:c\} rt^ the docirt OF Ooa«v\\n\|\L (\PP3\Ud OP Tcx'AS at P.O. fooy ia3o© Capitol 'cMicn, Austin jT?xct5 nglll Ckrntnte> Unit 1li0l'M5fuirZft\ flrmrillo, V&5 P\easc -finA enclosed Exhibits one cine) -two \t ^tit/oners f iejht to Appca Xtems nice) and Glfcti-tW bU Debrief; -trial Cou£X. M EKtiM £ O CAUSE NO. 26383 THE STATE OF TEXAS § IN THE DISTRICT COURT VS. § WALKER COUNTY, TEXAS' DARRICK EDWARD ROSS § 278TH DISTRICT COURT TRIAL COURT'S CERTIFICATION OF DEFENDANT'S RIGHT OF APPEAL I, judge of the trial court, certify this criminal case: Qf _iT isnot a plea-bargain case, and the defendant has the right ofappeal, or isa plea-bargain case, but matters were raised by written motion filed and ruled on before thetrial and not withdrawn orwaived, and the defendant has the right ofappeal, [or] _ is a plea-bargain case, but the trial court has given permission to appeal, and the defendant has the right of appeal, [or] is a plea-bargain case, and the defendant has not right ofappeal, [or] xiant has waived the right to appeal. . MW^7, DatTSigned d-Q/4 , / . Ihave received a copy ofthis certification. Ihave also been informed ofmy rights concerning any appeal ofthis criminal case, including any right tofile a pro se petition for discretionary review pursuant torule 68 ofthe Texas Rules ofAppellate Procedure. I have been admonished that my attorney must mail a copy ofthe court ofappeals' judgment and opinion tomy last known address and that I have only 30days inwhich tofile a pro sepetition fordiscretionary review intheCourt ofCriminal Appeals. TEX.R.App.P.68.2 I acknowledge that, ifIwish toappeal this case and if I am entitled to do so,it is my duty to inform my appellate attorney, by written communication, ofanychange inthe address at which I am currently living orany change in my current prison unit. I understand that, because ofappellate deadlines, ifIfail totimely inform my appellate attorney ofany change in my address, I may lose the opportunity to file a prose petition for discretionary i Defendant Defe1T3a*ifs Counsel MailingAddress: State^r ofTexas ID#: 2*035 HI if Mailing Address: Telephonenumber: ' Telephone & FaxNumber;,, "A defendant in a. criminal case has therightof appeal undertheserules. The trial court shallenter a certification ofthe defendant's right to appeal in every case in which itenters ajudgment ofguilt orother appealable order. In a plea bargain;case ~ this is, a case inwhich defendant's plea was guilty or nolo contendere and the punishment did notexceed the punishment recommended by the prosecutor and agreed to by thedefendant- a defendant may appeal only: (A) those matters that were raised bywritten motion filed and ruled on before trial, or (B) after getting the trial Court'spermissionto appeal." TEXAS RULE OF APPELLATE PROCEDURE 25.2(a)(2). -., —,- rlLcD u a lO-DAY OF. Wv^m. ROBYN FLOWERS DJstrict Cle Walkar County By4L 88 Deputy r Exhibit <£>- / CAUSE NO. 26619 THE STATE OF TEXAS § IN THE DISTRICT COURT VS. § WALKERCOUNTY, TEXAS DARRICK EDWARD ROSS § 278TH DISTRICT COURT . TRIAL COURT'S CERTIFICATION OF DEFENDANT'S RIGHT OF APPEAL tfjudge ofthe trial court, certify this criminal case: is not a plea-bargain case, and the defendant has the right ofappeal, or £ ~S rt-£ ?^ 2=> o 8 CP O3 ^ 7T> 9 o *> =, 0> co g j r» <* r UN S
Ross, Darrick Edward
Combined Opinion