Joshua Paul Calhoun v. State

ACCEPTED 12-15-00081-CR TWELFTH COURT OF APPEALS TYLER, TEXAS 9/1/2015 2:40:33 PM CATHY LUSK CLERK CO URT OF AI'I'EALS NO. 12- IS-OOOIII ·CR TR IAl. cou ln CA US E NO . A-21.464 FILED IN 12th COURT OF APPEALS JOS II UA PA UL CALI IO UN. APPELLA1'oT • TYLER, IN Til E 12l'f1 TEXAS CO URT 9/1/2015 2:40:33 PM PAM ESTES VS. TilE STATE OF TEXAS. • OF AI'I'EAl..s Clerk APPELLEE • S M.ITII CO UNTY. n : XAS TO THE IIONORAULE J UDGE O F SAl!) CO URT: CO:\IES NOW, ~he APPELLEE. State of Texas, by and through her Distric~ AHorney, Nancy Ru nlaC, and files this Motion for EJ from the curren, due date of Septemhe r J. 20 15 10 file its brief "'ith the Court. 3. Appe llee n!queSt ~ an utcnsion of time for ~ he follo"""8 reasons: a. UI1Oc"igncd was ill an AggmYaled Sc;o;ual As~u h of a Chi ld jury trial August 17.20 15 in The State ofTcus y lao Rae Roberson Cau'C No. A-20.346. b. Additionally, undersigned eQUn!;C1 i, prepari ng another appellate bnef due September 21. 2015. lbe Sflll(! £1f T(!,I'lU " . [h"",}' R" .}' L"st. No. 12- 13-00255 and No. 12-1 4-0039. These are appeals from a con" iclion amI a life !oemencc for Aggravated Sexual Assaul1 ofa Child. 4. This is the Ii",t MOI ion for Extension of Time requested by Appellee. 5. The unders igned is not seeking thi S ut('"nsion for the PIlrpo~s of delay, WHEREFOR E. Appellee reqllc.~I.\ that the Coon gr,mtthi s MOI ion and eJl.ternlthe deadline for filing its brief for 90 days to December 3. 201 5. Respectfu lly. -r7-L Nancy RUlllar Ass istant District Auomey 109 W. Cor.icana Athen ,. Tex as 75751 Bar. No. 24O-W654 Phone: 903-675 -6 100 Fall : 903-675-6196 CERTIFI CATE 01'- SERVICE I, Nancy Rumar. do cenlfy that a true and correct copy of the foregoing MOl ion wa.~ faxed to Dc fcndallt ·$ Allorne)'.Leshe Di ~on .at II J:l""'r'- the IL~ day of Septe mbcr. 2015. Signed this tile 'I }' day of Septe mber 201 5. STAn; OF TEXAS •, COUNTY OF II ENDEKSON AF FII)A\'TT Berorc me. the undersigned notary. on thb day. personally appeared Nancy Rumar, a perMln whose identity is known to me. After 1 adnllnistcrcd an oath to IIer. upon his oath. she said: " My name is Nancy Rurnar. I am capable of making thl ~ affldavi t_ The: fach .~tated in Ihis affidavit are within my personal knowledge and are true. I am tile anomey for the Slate of Te~!IS VS. Joshua I'aul Calhoun in Coun of Appeal s Cause No_ 12- 15..{)()()8I -CR. I ha\'e read the foregoing MOIion 10 Extend Time 10 Fi le Appelh:c's Brief and;1 is true and correct."' N:mcy Rumar I >· Subscribed and S\\'om 10 before me tllis ___,-__ dayof September 2015.