Mozee, Stanley Orson

9/1/2015 .,.w-`,'_. OFFlClALNOiT_!ICE~?FR@M C®URT OF CRlMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS :~,w¢'» ~1» OFFl(l?/O-\&,Oj§lz. OB'Y`(W\P!I@L ZTA,TION Al§TlN_i,TE§YS 7§71'1308TAGE>>>P1TNEY90WES sTATE or r w"’ 55:'5""'-'-"'dc "¢>- H:= ,:,== f"»- .'"I.t. 'F'°;"l"'.'."‘. Hz‘gd"~ ISG" ' a d ;_ /::: F>Er\iALva";lic?Lj1 wl . - . *’-§%- -. ga pR|V %`~`»¢ -\ s '“ -* , "-' zlP 7870 5 0001401623$EP 10 2015 M_O_ZEE, STANLEY ORSON Tr. §Ct. NQM di %6 31 -R(A) WR-82,467-01 _ 'On this day, this Court has grant%d them tri ;al,c cc`)'”#rts request for an extension of time " to file the supplemental record. The"’ supple me ntal record is due in this Court on ` Saturday, §Ctober 31, 2015 "‘"<'L‘»x_>zz.¢‘ Abel Acosta, C|erk sTANLEY oRsoN MOZEE §§ ='/D(l¢ __, .. ___v_ RETURN TO SENDER NOT IN DALLAS COUNTY JAIL__,