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I _\t-EA~~s_ct-J~_IDE::.~-~-~-c.L&.ro~l-~-b~~?1>_~__a:,\"'fi!X~~. \l£:.ffif;..::____ _tst.E:,;S_A\J~~D~~~~~~_scr~~~~-~~~e..A~~~~~R.. _ _ -~~\_J,A.\::>G£.._~_A.\JLNG~~~~t:l_'fA~~\lS::)~~\ . . . ' S.v.);(b . ' ~ql..~.kL&\L.i:J:~~.h~_\C(\.b)_ ~c::e.a...._QQc.Q~R..4{U.U...mS\'A.~,3D_'_~_A~c~-~ffi.U..~_w~J~Q Uk~~\\;\~~~--- --~CJ,.£ Deniso~ Tx. 75021-1275 Phone:903-624-9220 Fax:903-463-4012 State Bar No. 24026524 Attorney for Applicant CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This is to ce¢fy that on 2?- ). 2009, a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing document was served on the District Attorney's Office, Grayson County, Texas by hand delivery. · ~ /1, ~ CarlN. White --'' Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus.rtf 1 ·' I 6. The judge assessed punishment pursuant to a jury trial conviction. 7. Applicant was convicted of the offense of Indecency With a Child by contact in cause no. 48429 and Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child in cause no. 48428. 8. Applicant was found guilty of the offense by jury. 9. Jury trial was held. 10. Applicant did testify at the guilt-innocence phase of the jury trial. 11. Applicant did testify at the punishment phase of the jury trial. 12. Applicant did appeal the judgment of conviction. 13. District Court decision upheld at appellate level. 14. No previous application for writ of habeas corpus has been filed in this matter. 15. Applicant has filed no prior applications for writ of habeas corpus. 16. No petition or appeal attacking the judgment of conviction is pending in any court, state or federal. 17. Applicant is not presenting a claim for time credit. 18. Applicant is being unlawfully confined for the following reasons: a Defendant was denied his constitutional rights to present a defense in this matter b. Applicant was denied effective assistance of counsel. c. Applicant received an unjust and incorrect sentence. d. There was insufficient evidence to support 3: judgment of conviction against Applicant for felony Aggravated Sexual Assault of Child and Indecency With Child by contact. 19. A brief summary of the facts supporting Applicant's grounds for relief are as follows: Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus.rtf 2 Defendant's wife Stephanie Mask was threatened by Assistant District Attorney, Jodie Brown that if she testified on behalf of her husband, Billy Don Mask she would be prosecuted for Felony Child Endangerment (see Affidavit of Stephanie Mask attached as Exhibit 1 and incorporated by reference). Stephanie Mask at all times was willing and desired to testify on her husband's behalf. Stephanie Mask had information and evidence of defendant's innocence, as she was the person that the alleged victim Jenny Clark recanted her story to, informing Stephanie Mask that the alleged sexual abuse did not occl.Jr. Defendant, Billy Don Mask informed his attorney Jim Dunn that he wanted his wife to testify for him during the guilt-innocence portion of the trial but was told by Jim Dunn that she should not be called as a witness for his defense. The United States Constitution guarantees a defendant the right to call witnesses in their defense. The intimidation by ADA Jodie Brown and the ineffective representation by Jim Dunn deprived Billy Don Mask of his right to a fair trial. Thereby, violating the guaranteed rights provided by the United States Constitution. Although retained, attorney Jim Dunn did not effectively represent the interest of Billy Don Mask. Jim Dunn refused at the insistence of Billy Don Mask to call Stephanie Mask, the wife of Billy Don Mask to testify on his behalf, depriving both Billy Don Mask and the jury of vital testimony and evidence concerning the recantation of Jenny Clark's initial statements of sexual abuse. This testimony would have provided essential evidence of defendant's innocence. WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, Applicant prays that the Court grant and issue a Writ of Habeas Corpus to the Sheriff of Grayson County, Texas, directing and commanding production of Applicant before this court instanter, or at such time and place to be designated by this Court, then and there to show cause, if any there be, why Applicant should not Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus.rtt· 3 ' .. · be discharged :from such illegal restraint. Applicant further requests this Court, after receiving evidence, to grant Applicant any relief to which he may be entitled. Respectfully submitted, sy:_U_~--"--/Z'---r..:......:;_w...;._;:;_:U::;._;:____ Carl N. White P.O. Box 1275 Denison. Tx. 75021-1275 Phone:903-624-9220 Fax:903-463-4012 State Bar No. 24026524 Attorney for Applicant CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This is to certify that on 'S dL i ~~ , 2009, a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing document was served on the District Attorney's Office, Grayson County, Texas by hand delivery. Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus.rtf 4 AFFIDAVIT THE STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF GRAYSON § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Carl N. White, who being by me du1y sworn, upon oath deposes and says, "I am Carl N. White, the attomey'for Defendant in this cause; I have read the above and after extensive investigation it is my belief that it is true and correct." Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME on . . ._.L.)'--'u. =-'-'1Li~_,..3~1_ _, 2009, to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. 0 , ..::-·;··!:·*·l.i.""i!rll:"t:l'~'tlW*WW\~· PATR!ClP, LEE TROTI : 'k Pmuci (J .;h Notary Public, State of Texas ~~ ;'!ni::iry Public : :ST/\'ir~: OF TEY.AS i ·;'~X':. ~;::p. 09-14-2011 ! · .. ,_ ·- ·.· ~·,!rj:-P;-;.to"kl!r*****lttf ·Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus.rtf 5 l • ' ORDER OF SETTING On 200__, came on to be heard the Application of for a Writ of Habeas Corpus, and it appearing to the Court that said is entitled to a hearing on said Application, it is THEREFORE ORDERED that the Clerk of this Court issue a Writ of Habeas Corpus directed to the Sheriff of Grayson County, Texas, and commanding the Sheriff of Grayson County to have and produce the person of Billy Don Mask before me in the courtroom of the 59th District Court, on , 200_, at __ o'clock, then and there to show cause why the said Billy don Mask should not be released from custody. Signed on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ JUDGE PRESIDING Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus.rtf 6 ,. , ~ ~ > • CAUSE NO. 48428 CAUSE NO. 48429 THE STATE OF UXAS § IN THE DISTRICT COURT § vs. § 59m JUDICIAL DISTRICT § BILLY DON MASK § GRAYSON COUNTY, TEXAS WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS TO THE SHERIFF OF GRAYSON COUNTY, TEXAS: GREETINGS: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to produce before me at the Grayson County Courthouse, 59th District Court In the County of Grayson, State of Texas on the _ _ _ _ _ _ day of _ _ ____.___ _ _~ 20_, at _ _ _ _ o'clock ___M., the person of Billy Don Mask, whom it is alleged you illegally restrain of his liberty, when and .···· where you will show why you hold the said Billy don Mask, in custody, or restrain him of his liberty:, HEREIN FAIL NOT, and return make hereof. Signed on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ JUDGE PRESIDING Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus.rtf 8 r, \ '• ··- ·~ • '. i • AFFADAVIT STATE OF TEXAS )[ COUNTY OF DALLAS )[ Presented before me this day and swearing that she is Stephanie Ann Mask, that she is over the age of 21 years and that she is competent to make the following statement: "I Stephanie Ann Mask am now and have been married to Billy Don Mask for the past 13 years. During the jury trial of Billy Don Mask in Grayson County, Texas I was ·prohibited from testifying on my husband's behalf. Assistant District Attorney Jodie Brown verbally threatened me with criminal prosecution if I testified on behalf of my husband. I was also discouraged from testifying by Jim Dunn my husband's attorney, even though Billy Don wanted me to testify for him. Not only did Mr. Dunn discourage me and my husband about me testifying, he refused to call me as a witness in my husband's defense even though my husband insisted. Although I had pertinent. information concerning my daughter's recantation of the alleged incident that led to the criminal charges. I also had personal knowledge that the testimony that my daughter gave during the trial was both incorrect and incomplete. I was denied the opportunity to testify even at the insistence of Billy Don Mask. It is my belief that my husband's constitutional rights have been violated by the State of Texas, the District Attorney's Office of Grayson County, Texas and Attorney Jim Dunn. !~ \\ ''2 . .c:-'~ I · ·1// ~u,, r· ~ 1 i'if4vwLJ~' r, Signed on . 1_2 ,2009 SUBSCRIB~D AND SWORN TO before me on this t · -~(/ day of June, 2009. My commission expires -'L=-=t'---'-)f-/-"-02-'-1-....J.--f./-=0=--"-(1+-7_ _ __ SUSANA P. REYNA - I , J MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AugUSt 27, 2009
Mask, Billy Don
Combined Opinion