PD-1213-15 CASE No. 14-14-005 30 CR TRIAL COURT No. CR 300078 CHRISTOPHER WESLEY PARKS, Petitioner IN THE COURT OF vs. CRIMINAL APPEALS THE STATE OF TEXAS, Respondent AUSTIN, TEXAS. MOTION TO SUSPEND TEXAS RULES OF APPELLATE PROCEDURE 9.3 TO: THE HONORABLE JUSTICES OF SAID COURT: Comes Now, Christopher Wesley Parks, petitioner, pro-se, and files his motion requesting the Court of Criminal Appeals to suspend the rule 9.3 Number of Copies, and allow him to submit with his petition for discretionary review FILED IN the original and a carbon copy of the same. He shows tl^lg^ui0p^Bij^f^Mow:i'rig>| ^ Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure 9.3 Number of Copies. — Abel Acosia, Clerk A party must file the original and 11 copies of any document addressed to either the Supreme Court or the Court of Criminal Appeals. ****** The petitioner Christopher W. Parks is a incarcerated prisoner that does not have access to a copy machine, and he request that the Court of Criminal suspend the rule 9.3 of the Rules of Appellate Procedure and allow him to sub mit his original, and one-carbon copy of his petition for discretionary review. PRAYER The petitioner prays that the Honorable Court will grant his motion, and suspend the rule 9.3 for 11-copies, and allow him to sumit his original and a carbon copy of his petition for post discretionary review. M^L 2015. .JSSS^ SE? (1 of 2) RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED &u£>£Lj>« CHRISTOPHER WESLEY PARKS #1933982 WYNNE UNIT 810 FM 2821 HUNTSVILLE, TEXAS. 77349. INMATES DECLARATION I, Christopher Wesley Parks, Id. #1933982, swear under the penalty of perjury that the forgoing information is true, and correct.. A^uS{ 36) : 2015. ^ CHRISTOPHER WESLEY PARKS (2 of 2)
Parks, Christopher Wesley
Combined Opinion