OFFICIAL NOTICE FROM COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS P.O. BOX 12308, CAPITOL STATION, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711 OmCIAL BUSINESS.^ ^ra,;»uMvj» J* % STATE ©F TEXAS* cp< 5? «^* ' ^Sas^nDfy^Bs^^B WTNEV BOWES PENALTY FOR./v-""*rf A"** JO, 0 2 1M 1/28/2015 '^•-^•-^-'J^ PRIVATE USE t||} ™ ^LEDFROM^PCg^^v-X;,% 0004279596 JAN 29 2015 -/i GONZALES, JOHN EDWARD^FTr/C^No;95962TOT This is to advise that the Court has'denied without written order the application for writ of habeas corpus on the findings: of the trial-court without a hearing. i-^5V>* Abel Acosta, Clerk JOHN EDWARD GONZALES kTDC #1241742