£2,^7-03,02,oi March 13, 2015 Abel Acosta, Clerk Court of Criminal Appeals Supreme Court Building P.O. Box 12308, Capital Station Austin, TX 78711 Re: Motion For Rehearing COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS Ex parte Hansley WR-82,887-03 19 2015 Dear Clerk: Please find enclosed for filing the originaTL'""an"d one un bound copy of my pro se MOTION FOR REHEARING/REINSTATEMENT FROM THE DISMISSAL OF APPLICATION'FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS. Please indicate the date of filing on the enclosed copy of this cover letter and return the same to me in the postage paid envelope provided for your use. Respectfully, ^ti^U^'^W^ Michael S. nsley Hansley [/ Clements Unit - 1815497 9601 Spur 591 Amarillo, TX 79107-9606 cc . file encls. March 13, 2015 Abel Acosts, Clerk Court of Criminal Appeals Supreme Court Building P.O. Box 12308, Capital Station Austin, TX 78711 Re: Motion For Rehearing Ex parte Hansley WR-82,887-03 Dear Clerk: Please find enclosed for filing the original and one un bound copy Of my pro se MOTION FOR REHEARING/REINSTATEMENT FROM THE DISMISSAL OF APPLICATION FOR WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS. Please indicate the date of filing on the enclosed copy of this cover letter and return the same to me in the postage paid envelope provided for your use- Respectfully, Michael S. Hansley Clements Unit - 18.15497 9601 Spur 591 Amarillo, TX 79107-9606 cc. file ends. NO: WR-82,887-03 IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS MICHAEL SHAYNE HANSLEY, Petitioner, v. MOTION DENIED I THE STATE OF TEXAS,