/" ’ ,., v ' Date: /[»/% " ' ,. Z'©/\/ From: lvan Jose Manzano #1426493 Estelle Unit, 264 FM 3478 fn o 5"|()'0/ Huntsville, Tx., 77320-3322 To: Clerk, Texas Criminal Court of Appeals - P.O. Box., 12308 CAPITOL STATION, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711 Re: About being convicted without prosecution, without jurisdic" tion, without indictement by a Grand Jury even when one is in the records; about 80 constitutional violations, Judicial Abuse, Prosecutorial misconduct, Denial of Coun€ Mel Human Right violations, Ex Post Facto Laws (nine that applied to my case )including but not limited Carmel V. Texas, Calder v. yBull -- -§_,Q/"§>'/"AC o P/I el flicm M`J W@a’@ /woj 9 § Clerk, The case that applied to my claim is, IVAN JOSE MANZANO V. THE STATE OF TEXAS, arising from trial CT No. 200§-876-C2A, and Writ No. WR-71,370-01. l will request from you that as soon you may recive this leter, to present it to the court judges pursuant a fast solution to a case where the amount of violations is so high that l truly believe there is not any similar case in the history of the United States in records nowhere. lf possible, at the time you may receive this leter, could you ask the 54th Court of McLennan County for a copy of the following documents: a) A_copy of the Grand Jury in the case The State of Texas-v. Ivan Jose Manzano. in the case No. 2003-876»€. b b) A copy of ORDER AMENDING THE INDICTEMENT that is filed in the l court books on VOLUME 290, PAGE 624 Signed by Honorable Judge George Allen pursuant the above mentioned case. c)`A copy of RESPONSE AND MOTIONS OF THE STATE OOF TEXAS UPON DEFENDANT'S MOTION FOR DNA TESTING signed by District Attorney John W. Segrest that was filed in the records on April 2009, Page 1 of ‘"'C/ PLTC l will like to request at this time, and pursuant to present la whole lot.of evidence that never was in the court, that an evi- denciary hearing to be Granted to me where_the main issue will be the presentation to the court of all the required evidence that not just will support my case, but will support my innocence claim based in the caselaw HERRERA V. COLLINS, and the fact, where even when according to records biological material was available to be collected, (BLood and Fluid) it never was so by the State. - Clerk, besides all of the above, will you please, when in receiving this leter, can send to me back a card telling me that is in your hands? Respectfully submitted by: . /. lva Je e/Manzano #1426493 Take a look into a white card that was sent to me from this court on June 05, 2009 where the note included would talk about: "On this day, the supplemental Clerk Records, in response to the remand order issued by this court3 has been received and presented to the Court." l never received any notice about the said remand Té/'/= 7b T/$@ ju@@qu mar wimf/D @g»c€@¢c@ ,,g. Mv€ w<`@aoce pmi/05 /0 //}€,,_ /'AQJ/FrC,AF'/b:) o/»"' / 927 S.w. 2d 787) and RINEY V. STATE, 28 S.W. 3d 5613 565-66(Tex. Crim. App. 2000) "Article of Criminal Procedure allowing amendment of indictement does not abrogate the constitutional and statutory requirement that a felony offense be prosecuted by indictement; thus, if state cannot or does not amend charging instrument .after exception to its form or substance is sustained, THE.PROSECUTION lS EFFECTI VELY TERMINATED. ln the instant case, and according to evidence that is at Mr, Manzano's hands, but not in the reocrds, the prosecution was, ef~ fectively terminated one week before trial starte. Still, he was tried and convicted on that ilegally modified-indictement. To make an even broad statement about the said no prosecution condition, l will ask the court to request the following document from the 54th Court of McLennan County. Ask them for the original Grand Jury documents. Never was one. Thus, never was prosecution in the first instance. Therefore, in the basis of the above and 80 Grouns of appeal that could support his innocence, Manzano §§é§§ to this court that the relief he is entitled in this proceeding to be GRANTED to him. c'est pire qu'un crimej c'est une faute Page 9 of CV G1 2003~876:TEIF