^he3V*tero*r ^eXArS "Sxas I^V)E \T^BS^G«ff \_£>€^\i^ U)KlWl MA fiPfe^sd^o ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ 4Stuuuhioe* houston, texas WR^7~2015- H^ok\ W fyfe&wA c£ Ifote: (teMisy bfe^uW -CHRISfTOPHER-ArPRlNE JV^ kA *&W^^ j^to&a\A&^^ __ \&V5l£_( „\b t$feAeQS )&&5ofr Q^siLcfeod^ON)VcA Met(fofcjp) \]^\ A^AbulA fee 4lfrJkl\ WyU HqWA\ (Of€(tfae\pA»^g: \ldv(fec\^L^^eiQ $gflE5 c£ VgWi fe?cVjA ydu^ W\\A^S\e^Xu)^^ died.(b&^cg ^doAtri °v ^BEi )- JjL*fytibOw\ ^jySk iMMu CEwV^feL W mfe^L Texas Department of Criminal Justice OFFICE USE ONLY Grievance #: ^gA^^^vpA d£j£ ^\V^JfV^j r-^r>_)AA^VN 5fi gs^wyiuA(^5Z^-\Offflk Uwl WyNc^A^T^FflfW. toaSSS^^S^^ WM^^^fc fo VW*W-vs*A f_M( ythrtkfoft. ^k^f^^K^N^ \ti fcAfcL... ...., -... -v. : ..,. ........ : ...... .., ....... ............... 'yfegXKn 1-127 front (Revised 11-2010) YOUR SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED ON BACK OF THIS FORM (OVER) Appendix F OFFICE USE ONLY Texas Department of Criminal Justice Grievance #: UGI Reed Date: STEP 2 OFFENDER HQ Reed Date:. GRIEVANCE FORM Date Due: Offender Name:. TDCJ#JMM. Grievance Code:. Unit: %MftJDV\^V Housing Assignment: C-~ \ 'b —?J~> -"f? Investigator DD#:. Unit where incident occurred: KlfvLlX Un> yr Extension Date: _ You must attach the completed Step 1 Grievance that has been signed by the Warden for your Step 2 appeal to be accepted. You may not appeal to Step 2 witha Step 1 that has been returnedunprocessed. Give reason for appeal (Be Specific). / am dissatisfiedwith the response at Step 1 because... hwujfyiNia?vSfovKr) ifo; finduj u^fvrS V-^ toy fauoWinN^ fag^l") f)&»&p feea>Qh\ VrA»v\ HnW^v\ ^VM.S^Aq^ yA Kn^S ft t^xvWs I \l —W » * V A ' U -^>irf iu£ 2=—I »i -T ^ r i W » V ~ rVrthlHftU dRaotee, fen^ey ^ Kct g& %,T[fcAft W^\'W\rAetfM CStsL)))z.$m fete frftrS. M\1S5J ^ ^far, j^^ifXJuh^ Mfiuhcij) £^^^^£ JSKfe XQlfji ^^ ^ IMI' ^ / "VWYi^y N 1-1 v^, ^ »n 1 j_g - _ _ # 1-128 Front (Revised 11-2010) YOUR SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED ON BACK OF THIS FORM (OVER) Appendix G Wfemlfo iPAifefei »w ,%#*****;*», Rawest*****5 . . 02-.APR 2015 -PW SI: ^'""^— jFiflST La' ' 1 i HCUSU. •3^\^omk1 S"Vc5 \WrO K) jTJL 77D0 V CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE CLERK. ..;#». *:'••%.• ? i'00220&&93 fli|.|-|ll>il*j».||i|j'l>j|f|ll(l'J||l|J|jllf|||'|'I"|||l|i>lli'l ,j£ Offender Signature : VO Date: Crtfo^flUS Grievance Response: Signature Authority: Returned because: *Resubmit this form when corrections are made. OFFICE USE ONLY Initial Submission CGO Initials:. LJ 1. Grievable time period has expired. DateUGIRecd: LJ 2. Illegible/Incomprehensible.* Date CGO Reed: (check one) Screened Improperly Submitted LJ 3. Originals not submitted. * Comments: LJ 4. Inappropriate/Excessive attachments.* Date Returned to Offender LJ 5. Malicious use of vulgar, indecent, or physically threatening language. 2"1 Submission CGO Initials: DateUGIRecd: LJ 6. Inappropriate.* Date CGO Reed: (checkone) Screened Improperly Submitted Comments: CGO Staff Signature: Date Returned to Offender: 3d1 Submission CGO Initials: DateUGIRecd: Date CGO Reed: (checkone) Screened Improperly Submitted Comments: Date Returned to Offender: 1-128 Back (Revised 11-2010) Appendix G 8fo frM B AvW? kg ft Action Requested to resolve your Complaint, ^n^^rtp^'o ^YxV^rto Offender Signature: YO-MXK ggjnjg^ Grievance Response: Signature Authority: , Date: If you are dissatisfied with the Step 1 response,you may submit a Step 2 (1-128) to the Unit GrievanceInvestigator within 15 days from the date of the Step 1 response. State the reason for appeal on the Step 2 Form. ———^————n-nmw——~ '• a—— —^— ~~^——^—i ^ ^—f^—— ^gsa=ganHHHHHHHHHzHHHHHHHHBBaeaBsjBgs=^= Returned because: *Resubmit this form when the corrections are made. [~11. Grievable time period has expired. I~l 2. Submission in excess of 1 every7 days. * OFFICE USE ONLY Initial Submission UGI Initials: Q 3. Originals not submitted. * Grievance #: . I 14. Inappropriate/Excessive attachments, * Screening Criteria Used: _ |~1 5. No documented attemptat informal resolution. * Date Reed from Offender: n 6. No requested reliefis stated. * Date Returned to Offender: n 7. Malicious use of vulgar, indecent, or physically threatening language. * l^SHbjnissifia UGI Initials:. T~l 8. The issue presented is not grievable. Grievance #: . - f~l 9. Redundant, Referto grievance # Screening Criteria Used: l~l 10. Illegible/Incomprehensible. * Date Reed from Offender: C] 11. Inappropriate. * Date Returned to Offender: UGI Printed Name/Signature: - S^ubmission UGI Initials:. Grievance #: Application of the screening criteria for this grievance is not expected to adversely Screening Criteria Used: Affect the offender's health. Date Reed from Offender: _ Medical Signature Authority: Date Returned to Offender: 1-127 Back (Revised 11-2010) Appendix F
Weylin Alford v. State
Combined Opinion