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J Ptq.y tt-,..>t+"'"~ tnJ' Crl~ lvz) f+ .P fQa Is 9 ""or. "\. +s q_ b o ""1!1- or pf l 1< cvf i" " a 1. c1 . tl ~:.-v e.-u e. Cl '\ Cl II) e "" """ cis ,[) - ' -.o c- r o ~ Cf "' ¥ o · ,. -:".:~:,; :;__:·:L:·!.-·:· . . :: ~·:·, ~ . ' :. ; ·:. . ......... '··-:-.:~.-~:;;·: ...\ _: . . ,:.;.~::-:...::~ : ,1,.. , ......... . •... ·.·;·;. :__ :.?':··... · .... ::.::··· =:. . !·· '· .·•·~~JRIINI k>'aiot~'~.~~.;~.ti.;• ·t·f: ·· :.... 1tieoc.111111ilsfc~.·~or·.Uid . . . that Lamar~~ r .· . dki.tliiift . . . ...:.·~\~~./~)~~ .·... :;.· . ...., -- .., ...~,, ' w~bi~IJMMrl ·~ . --~-~-~-.t~.- t· ••. . f:·. ·· ... : ~· :;{.·. :q_., i!-: COUNTU · I.., . . . . <. · . ~ ;'). ·i· . v . ~ --~: ArHm•II;S.iJNid.~..-llltot ~:r ~·P.: • ·li:lM~ L-1( J:r~·s~··? · c-:t . . ·· _ .. · . :.;· "J •• '.•, ·-·.:·: ~: ' . i ' II, ; . 1- ' : .. ~ :, .. -::: :... .· .. : ./. ... {. .•.. ·>/:~;r;_;,~~:,:i·::. :··~-'-= ~ . ; ;_, ·..·.\.; \! ~....·_. )(< ..•. · .. I. .t·)··r·. . . ·-··->to 0""• . ._., :::.:::... , Cauu No. THE STATE OF TEXAS IN.THE 299th Judicial District vs. COURT ! ~._ .. ~:;· f\>'') (.J. /~ Travis COUNTY, TEXAS MOTION TO DISMISS TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: NOW COMES the State of Texas by and through her Atto~ney, and respectfully requests the Court to dis-· miss the above entitled and numbered criminal action Jn which the defendant is charged with the offense of ----------~~~\-~.+·:~~-:~;_._.t~-_r___:~·~)____;~}-~-~~~~--/~A~.,~J~l~r_-______________________________ ,forther~n: . ; ·.. ! c:::J The evidence is insufficient ; c:J The defendant was convicted in another cue; c::J The. complaining witness has requested dismissal; I...,.(_ I The case has been refiled: · c:J The defendant .Is. unapprehended i CJ The defendant is deceased: c::::J The defendant has been granted immunity in light of his testimony; c:::::J Other ; and for cause would show the Courc the following: l 1 WHEREFORE, it is prayed that the above entitled and numbered cause be dismissed. Respectfully submitted ,·; !, /< _..;1..:..'/___________________.;._ _ _ Attorney . ORDER ~ ~ r~1 The .foregoing motion havinl' been presented to me on this the . day of \' / .. /\,.... •/ A.D. 20_)_{.., and the same having been considered, it Ia, thel"efore, ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that said above entitled nnd numbel'ed cause be and the aame ia hereby dismiaaed• .J;·~~:i:: :.~!.: .~.·~~~::~~2._~:~. ~- ('; i .Judp of t h e - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - : . ' : !t. \ ' I ;,I i I; Court o f - - - - - - - - - - - - County, Texas ..___ ... Original-White; Defendant's Copy-Yellow; State'!J Copy-Pink
Lovett, Lamar
Combined Opinion