Medrano, Abel

Abel Medrano #1743611 Dalhart Unit TDCJ 11950 FM 998 Dalhart, Texas 79022 April 13, 2015 Abel Acosta Clerk of Criminal Appeals P.O. Box 12308 Austin, Texas ,78711-2308 RE: WR-82,939-01 Sub: Letter of Advisory Dear Clerk: Enclosed please find Applicant's Letter of Advi~ory to be filed in above number cause. Please file date stamp and bring to the attention of the Court. Please file date stamp the enclosed copy of this letterhead and return in the provided self addressed stamped envelope. Thank you for your assistance on this matter. Sincerely, __ ___. . _... .--• -·- . RECE~VED IN COURT Of CRIMINAl APPEALS Abel Medrano APR 20 2015 Abel Acosta, Clerk AB/ cc: FILE Copy to district Attorny Enclosure: Self addressed stamped envelope Abel Medrano #1743611 Dalhart Unit TDCJ 11950 FM 998 Dalhart, Texas 79022 April 13, 2015 Abel Acosta Clerk of Criminal Appeals P.O. Box 12308 Austin, .Texas 78711-2308 RE: WR-82,939-01 Sub: Letter of Advisory Dear Clerk: Enclosed please find Applicant's Letter of Advisory to be filed in above number cause. Please file date stamp and bring to the attentlon of the Court. Please file date stamp the enclosed copy of this letterhead and return in the provided self addressed stamped envelope. Thank you for your assistance on this matter. Sincerely~ Abe:l Mearano AB/ cc: FILE Copy to district Attorny ·Enclosure: Self addressed stamped envelope CAUSE NO. .WR-81939-01 ' IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS EX PARTE § ORIGINATING IN THE 27th § DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR ABEL MEDRANO § Lampasas County, Texas LETTER OF ADVISORY TO THE HONORABLE JUSTICES OF THE TEXAS COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS: COMES NOW, Abel Medrano, .TDCJ-ID #1743611, Applicant prose in the above captioned cause and files this Letter of Advisory to inform this Court that on April 10, 2015, Applicant. received the district clerk's letter stating that a copy of the State's Answer to Applicant's Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus, §11.07, was purportedly sent on February 27, 2015. To date, Applicant hasn't received said copy. Applicant contends that the ~DCJ Mail room logs will not reflect that any legal materials was received by the mail room staff of the Dalhart Unit around that time frame. Only by Court order will the necessary records be released proving Ap- plicant's assertion that he has never received or had an opportu- nity and afforded due process to refute the State's contentions in its Answer .. Applicant requests this Court order the records be released. This Letter of Advisory and request within, is not made for the purpose of delay but, so that justice is served. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Abel Medrano - page l of l -