Menniefee, Kevin

1\&E..L Ac...osT A. ~le.«..K
S.ld:JI?.E.ME ~ouR'\: S(d.G_,
2.o l \Al t 41-h      s;r. fZ M   ,_ lf>1a
At~...::.:nrJ 1 T~~s /CO/ 11-2.~os                                      RECE\\fEO \N
                                                                       COUR1' Of CR\M\NAl AtlPEALS
                                                                                   MAR, 2 5 ~~15 1l> (;S
                                                                        · . A~ Acosta, Clerk

     .I.   A..(Y)   ·me:   .Pe."TlTt\l ,J~ ti\J TMfs ~NfRove.r<.s'/.    w UERE                TH~      Dt-sfR1c::.:r
C..lER.K. fZhol'id~ "-v..G,h€'1 REf-V\5.£ To f'RocES.$, rue. rf'Js:fRUIYlEr-llS ~
\NA:s. ~RwARcl \o HE.~ aF=,e1 c.E. LlfE" TE.. 'kA.cs{tTu Tl a('! AR.T1 ~te: c/;
~E<:..\ ~ Aw-GJ AR'\\c.\E$. l\,os J·l.o8 J ~s8ntial if the counsel is to be effective in his ro1e of advocate for
i£ cuunsel !s reputation for: vet:ac.i.ty is suspect, he will lack. the confidence of the cour<:
when ii: i.3 needead most to .se:r:ve his client.· Applice:un: contends L:hat his         ~:>!counsel   failed
his legal duties to :cepcesent his          cas~     in a couct of law.


    Appellant was not fully informed of his legal rights when he was interr
-ogated by the Forney Police Department. In which he did stta.te that he was
present at the scene of the crime. There was no evidence sh6~ing thai the
appellant engaged in an affirmative act of committing the alleged robbery
or hinding the apprehension of John Mitchell. The complaint written by
officer Shane Prewitt did not al.lege that the appellant robbed anyone.
The trial court lack jurisdiction over the                         subject~matter.     Officer Shane
Prewitt, complaint was based upon an unfounded theory of the States pro-
secutor, and the appellant's presence at the scene of the crime did not
include a culpable menti'll state or states of the offense.
·Appellant request the deposition of written question's of his trial attorn
-ey Dennis Patman Jones and John Mitchell to show that the trial. court did
not have jurisdiction over the appellant or over the case at bar.

                                   RELIEF REQUESTED

    In this writ of habeas cor.;.pus, appellant seeks to resolve the dispute·
of a legal question of law in cause no.               28736-86 (Trial)), which trans1
pired during his pretrail and jury trial proceedings. Appellant request
a written deposition from his trial attDrney Dennis Patman Jones to reJolv
the disputed legal questions of law as the questions are a result of hJs
professional     judg~ent   and reasonableness.                                              I
                                 UNSWORN D.EI:: LARATION

    I, Kevin Menniefee,      #1727174, am presently incarcerated in the               ~~B~   Ellis
Unit, in Walker County,       Texas.   I declare under penalty of perjury that the
facts stated in this document are true and correct.


                                                              Kevln Sharon~
                                                              $1727174 PRO-SE

                                CERTIFICATION OF SERVICE

    I,Ke~in    Menniefee,   #1727174, certify that I sent a copy of his "Appli-
cation for a writ of habeas corpus purstlant to the Texas Code of Criminal
Procedure,     articl~s   11.01; 11.02;   1~.04;      11.05; 11 .. 08; 11.23; 11.42; and
11.43, through the U.S. Postal Serv&ce, to

Rhonda Hughey
District Clerk
County Courthouse
100 W. Mulberry
Kaufman, Texas 75142
                                                           RES~~. SUBM~TTED                      .

                                                 5.        Kevin Menniefee,
                                                           O.B. Ellis Unit
C. C.. FILED                                               1697 FM 980
                                                            Huntsville, Texas 77340
     FebrHn.ry       ,.2.015

     Kevin Sharone Menniefee
     TDCJ"-ID NO. 1727174
     O.B. Ellis
     1697 FM 980
     Huntsville, '!.'exa.s 77340

     'Ihe Honorable Presiding Judge
     The Distcict Court
     County Cou:cthouse
     100 w. Mulbercy
     Kaufman, Texas 75142


     RE; S. J.Vienniefee VS. 'I'he State of '.I'exo.s
         'J:r. ial Cour.'t No ..,#28736-86 Count 1
         REQuEST E'OR     LiliAL    REPRE.SENTAIIOl-J
     Your Honor,

           I, Kevin 1-lenniefee, the uud::csi9ned, her;:by ce:ctify under penalty cf perjury tf1at the
     followif19 facts at'e true and cor·rect to the best o:C my abl.lity.

     l. I dill the appellant       ln   the above - named' and desire the assistance of counsel in
     this proceedings.

     2. App2llant repr,es.:nt to the cou:ct. that his request:. for.· de:position by written question(s)
     a.::·e es.sential to the incet·est oi justice in this, ar1d failure to consicec appclla;rt; s
     l..~equest will re.:;ult in a substantial mlscC:t:t:Tiage of justice~

     3. Appellant represent to the court th.:J.t it i.s beneficial for the court to appoint an
     private investigator to obtain the facts in support of the deposition.

     4. Appellant represent to the court that the is.suGs raised in his writ of habeas corpus
     will detemtine the trial coucts jurisdiction and the subn}ec:t-matte:c that the :1ppellant
     believes are meritorious.

     5. J.l.ppellanl: repr:esent to the couct th~at w·ithcut the courts rendition of judgmentt appe·~
     l~ant will suffe:c o. :.:..·emedy a-c law and- access· to the court's.

     6. Appella:nt represent to the c:ou1·t that i1e is witilouc mo11ey or means witil which to employ
     an attorney, .::..nd S;) he is unable financially to retain co . msel [oc hiii1self.

        'I'het-efcre, Appellant pr·ay that the cou:t:'t p:.:..-ovide counsel in his behalf.
                                             CAUSE   NO.

              .l\'iENNIBFEE                                         IN THE DISTRICT COURT
vs.                                                                 o6ti1 JUDICIAL DISTHIC'l'

DENNIS FA'.i'f·1AN .:.iON83                                  §      KAUFMAl\l COUNTY, 'l'EXAS


TO: Dennis Patman Jones
      Attorney at Law
      201 W. tv:ulber:cy
      Kaufmant, Texas 75142
      ·: 972 ) 962-8800
      ~972)    962-3733
       State    B~r No. 10369880

1. Please take notice that, undc:.:- Texas Code of Criminal P:cocedur:e, A:t:ticlGs §§ 39.02;
39.03; 39.04; at'.d 39 .04, the fcrrnalities arG gov·e:r·ri by th·c 'I'exas F~ule c~ Cilzil Procedure
200.4; Kevin l",enniefee, ;.,ill take the d:aposi tion by wri tt:an que::rtim:. 's of Dennis f'.=i;::nan
Jones, on
                                                      at the county courthouse, 100       v;.   11ulber-ry, Kauima;,,
'l'cxas 751:42.

2.    'The dcpositicra -lrlill co:ntir1ue ·from day ·to da), u11til       ccnpleted~

3. 'l'hc ~ion        ~o.·ill   be taken by the Distirct Judge, at thG cour:.ty courthouse:, i:1
Kaufman, Texas.

                                                  CERTIFICA~'E   OF SERVICE

      This is to certify.thai: on the file Jate a i:cue and <.:otTect copy of the aoove and
fo:cagoing document was set·ved on the District cle:ck Rhonda hughey, county cou:cthouse,
100   w.   11ulbe:ct:y, Kauntan, 'rexas 75142.

                                                                    Kev·in s. 1\ienn.:t:efee #..L727174
                                                                    Appeacing P;t:o-Se
                                                                    o.s. Ellis Unit
                                                                    169'7 FM 980
C.C. FiLED                                                          Huntsville, 'I'exas 7'7340
                                                     CAUSE NO.

KEVIN SHARONE MENNIEFEE                                             §           IN THE DISTRICT COURT

vs.                                                                 §           86th       JUDICIAL DISTRICT
            ../ ~   ' ..J •

DENNIS PATMAN JONES                                                 §           KACFi''L\::'l   COUNTY, TEXAS

                                                 DEPOS::i.'I'ION BY WRITTEN QUESTION(S)

1..·   Please state you:c full name, occupc.ti0n, and official title.


2. A1·e you ti1e .::ustoaian of rEcords fo.c the                        titl~   cause no. Kevin !1enniefee vs Th2 State
of Texas 28/36-86 1


3.     What v:ere the charges against Kevin                    Mennief~e        ?


4. Did you represent Kevin Mermiefee in a jur-y trial on Ncvemb•?.::- l5,20J.D                                  thu:c November 18
2010i in cause no. 28736-86 ?

       Did                    :cep:cesent Kevin M·znniefee .u.    both chc.rges ?


6.     ~\'Thy       did Keuill'n r'iE.:rmiefee have separate trial 1 s onrl:t.hE!S·e two charges ?

7.     At lvhat f.'Oint did the State of Texas amended Kevin Menniefee 1 s inai::::trnent to add
another: ..::r:iminal charge ?         give the C:ute.


8.   Did you file a !LiOtion to       "ELEC~"   on your cli·ctme
episode.· ")  Dces the misjoinder occur and constitute· fundamental (:!rror· ?


12. Mr.     Jon.:~s,   in you!:" professional opinion should a motion to dismiss::·: the indictment
been filed ?


13. Was there a motion in limine filed in your client Menniefee;s behalf ?


14.• JVJr. Jones, m.o you object to your client fvlenniefee' s amended indictment ?
If so, give a date '?

15. tVJr. Jones, in your professional opinion, were the charges separate and distinct
offenss:s ? 1


16. Mr. Jones, in your professionai ·opinion, ·was your client fvlenniefee in formed of
the nature and cause cf the accusation agains·i: him ?


17. i"lr. Jones, did the comp.La~nt a.L.Lege that your client r1enniefee engaged in an
affinnative act that: promoted the canmisaion of either- of the two offense's that he
has been convicted of ':


18. Mr. Jones, did the grana Jury assest whether there was probable cause to believe
that your client i•ienniefee committed both these charges ?


19. ivl:c. Jones, did you make any objections to the complaint or the indictment before
the date the trial coirunenced ?

20. Mr. J·ones, in your professional opinion, is your .;lient fvJenniefee guilty of the
charges that he mas been charged with ?

                                          CAUSE NO.

• ·} t
         Petitioner.   ··                              §
                                                       §      OF KAUFMAN COUNTY, TEXAS
                                                       §      86th JUDICIAL DISTRICT

                                      NOTICE TO DEPONENT OF HEARING ON

           TO: Dennis Patman Jones, 201 w. l\1ulberry, Kaufman, Texas 75142.

           Petitioner, Kevin Menniefee, has filed the attached petition asking the court for per-
         mission to take your deposition on written questions to investigate a potential claim
         by petitioner, and the court will consider the motion on this
         AT this time                                                  ---------------------------

                                                                  RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED

                                           CERTIFICATION OF SERVICE

            I, Kevin Menniefee, #1727174, certiff that I sent a copy of his Verified petition to
         take deposition to investigate potential claim, through U.S. Postal service, to the depose
         Dennis Patman Jones, .201 W. Mulberry, Kaurnan, Texas 75142. Phone no. (962) 962-8800
         on February   ;2_\..(   , 2015.


                                                                   O.B. Ellis
                                                                   1697 FM 980
         C. C. FILED                                               Huntsville, TeXflS 77340
                                                                    Appearing Pro-~~-
                                  CAUSE NO.


vs.                                           §      86th JUDICIAL DISTRICT

DENNIS PATMAN JONES,                          §      KAUFMAN COUNTY, TEXAS


     Petitioner, Kevin Menniefee, asks the court for permission to take a deposition on
writen questions of Dennis Parman Jones, to investigate a potential claim by petitioner
as allowed by Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 202.

1. Petitioner, Kevin Menniefee, is a State prisoner confined to the Texas Department of
Criminal Justice, at the O.B. Ellis Unit, in Walker County, Texas.


2. Dennis Patman Jones, is the trial attorney that repersented the petitioner in his
jury trial, in the 86th Judicial District Court, Kaufman County, Texas.

3. Petitioner, seeks to depose Dennis Jones to investigate a potential claim by petitioner
arising out of Mr.Jones representation during petitioner's pre-trial proceedings and jury
trial from Novemeber 1,2010 through November 18,2010.

4.    This petition is filed in the 86th Judicial District Court, Kaufman County, Texas,
where Dennis Jones practice law as an attorney.     s-~e   Tex.R.Civ.P. 202.2(b)(2).

                                      REQUEST TO DEPOSE

5. Petitioner, asks the court to issue an order authroizing him to depose Dennis Jones,
 who resides at 201 w. Mulberry, Kaufman, Texas 75142, and whose telephone number is
 (972) 962-8800; 1972) 962-3733. State Bar no. 10869880.

6. Petitioner expects to elicit the following testimony from Dennis Jones, what was his
trial strategy when he did not allow the accomplice witness John Michell to testify in
the petitioner's behalf, and his involvement in robbing the victim? Why, din't Mr.jones
interview John Mitchell before trial to obtain an affidavit ? And "WHY" didn't Mr.Jones,
interview any of the State's witnesses and obtaim an affidavit from them ~s· to the wit-
nesses facts as to what they saw ?

7. Petitioner needs to depose Dennis Jones because he d~d not investigate the facts and
petitioner's innocence that was clearly presented at his jury trail.


8. After service of the petition and notice, Rule 202.3(a) requires the court to hold
a hearing on the petition.

9. At the hearing, the petitioner will show that the likely benefits of allowing the dep
-osition to investigate a potential claim outweighs the burden or expense of the procedur
see Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 202.4(a).


10. For these reasons, petitioner asks the court to set this petition for hearing and,
after the hearing, order··the deposition of Oennis Patman Jones.

                                                     RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED



STATE OF TEXAS           §

COUNTY OF   WAL~ER       §

     Before me, the undersigned notary, on this day, personally appeared Kevin Menniefee,
a person whose identity is known to me. After I administered an oath to him, upon his oath,
he said he read the    "Verified petition to take deposition to investigate potential claim"
AND that the facts stated in it are within his personal knowledge and are true and correct.

                                                              ,Kevin Sharone Me    efee 31727174
                                                               Appearing Pro-Se.

                                     UNSWORN DECLARATION

    I, Kevin Menniefee, 1727174, am presently incarcerated in the O.B. Ellis Unit, in
Walker County, Texas. I declare under penalty of perjury that the facts stinted in this
document are true and correct.

EXECUTED ON February 24,2015.
                                                        /S/    ~             ~.(-----
                                                           . Kevin Menniefee     #1~4    pro-se

                                   CERTIFICATION OF SERVICE

   I, Kevin Menniefee, #1727174, certify that I sent a copy of his Verified petition to
take deposition to investigate potential claim, through U.S. Postal service, to the depose
Dennis Patman Jones, 201 W. Mulberry, Kaufman, Texas 75142. Ph~ne no.(962) 962-8800
on February   !t:{ ,   2015.

                                                        /S/Kef.fs-:::one Mennf5:it;;;;
                                                              0. B. Ellis Unit
                                                              1697 FM 980
C.C. FILE                                                     Huntsville, Texas 77340
                                                              Appearing Pro-S~--
