ACCEPTED 01-15-00338-CV 4/13/2015 FIRST COURT 3:05:53 PM OF APPEALS Chris Daniel - District Clerk HOUSTON, Harris County TEXAS Envelope No. 4866536 4/29/2015 1:45:14 PM By: Michelle Wojcik CHRISTOPHER PRINE Filed: 4/13/2015 3:05:53 PM CLERK CAUSE NO. 2012-25496 PACIFIC ALLIED ASSET § IN THE DISTRICT COURTS OF FILED IN MANAGEMENT, LLC § 1st COURT OF APPEALS § HOUSTON, TEXAS Plaintiff /Cross-Defendant § 4/29/2015 1:45:14 PM § CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE VS. § Clerk § HUI KIL WOO dba OLYMPIC § CONSTRUCTION § § Defendant /Third Party Plaintiff/Cross- § HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS Plaintiff § § VS. § § NORTHWEST CROSSING CAPITAL, § LLC, § § Third Party Defendant § 151st JUDICIAL DISTRICT NOTICE OF APPEAL OF PACIFIC ALLIED ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC AND NORTHWEST CROSSING CAPITAL, LLC TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: NOW COME, Plaintiff /Cross-Defendant, Pacific Allied Asset Management, LLC and Third Party Defendant/ Cross-Plaintiff Northwest Crossing Capital, LLC, in the above styled and numbered cause, and pursuant to Texas Rule of Appellate Procedure 25.1, file this Notice of Appeal and would show as follows: 1. Trial court, cause number and style of case: 151st Judicial District Court, Harris County, Texas; Cause No. 2012-25496; In the matter styled PACIFIC ALLIED ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC, Plaintiff /Cross-Defendant vs. HUI KIL WOO dba OLYMPIC CONSTRUCTION Defendant /Third Party Plaintiff /Cross-Plaintiff vs. NORTHWEST 1 CROSSING CAPITAL, LLC, Third Party Defendant/ Cross Plaintiff. 2. Date of Judgment or Order appealed from: Final Judgment dated March 12, 2015. 3. Parties’ desire to appeal: Pacific Allied Asset Management, LLC and Northwest Crossing Capital, LLC desire to appeal the Judgment or Order. 4. Court to which appeal is taken: Either the First or Fourteenth Court of Appeals. 5. Name of Parties filing the notice: Pacific Allied Asset Management, LLC and Northwest Crossing Capital, LLC. Respectfully submitted, PLUMMER & FARMER 3303 Louisiana, Suite 145 Houston, Texas 77006 TEL: (713) 524-2400 FAX: (713) 524-6371 By: /s/ Michael D. Farmer MICHAEL D. FARMER TBA No. 06823100 Attorneys for Pacific Allied Asset Management, LLC and Northwest Crossing Capital, LLC 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing Notice of Appeal of Pacific Allied Asset Management, LLC and Northwest Crossing Capital, LLC has been served in accordance with Tex. R. Civ. P. 21a, to all attorneys of record on this 13th day of April, 2015, as follows: Mr. Kristopher Ahn The Ahn Law Firm 9930 Long Point Rd Houston, Texas 77055 /s/ Michael D. Farmer MICHAEL D. FARMER 3