PD-0469&0470&0471&0472-15 COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS Transmitted 4/27/2015 11:55:10 AM Accepted 4/27/2015 3:34:47 PM ABEL ACOSTA IN THE CLERK COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS JOHN B. ISBELL, § APPELLANT § V. § NO. ___________ April 27, 2015 § THE STATE OF TEXAS, § APPELLEE § STATE’S MOTION TO EXTEND TIME TO FILE PETITION FOR DISCRETIONARY REVIEW COMES NOW the State of Texas, by and through Sharen Wilson, the Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney and files this motion to extend the time for two weeks to file a petition for discretionary review. I. The court of appeals below is the Court of Appeals for the Second Court of Appeals District. The styles and numbers of the cases in the Fort Worth Court are Isbell v. State, Nos. 02-14-00124-CR, 02-14-00125-CR, 02-14-00126-CR, and 02-14-00127-CR II. On March 26, 2015, the Fort Worth Court issued an opinion reversing the trial court’s judgments. See Isbell v. State, No. 02-14-00124(-127)-CR, 2015 WL 1407749 (Tex. App.—Fort Worth March 26, 2015) (mem op., not designated for publication).trial court’s judgment. The State did not file a motion for rehearing. III. The current deadline for filing the State’s petition for discretionary review is April 27, 2015. The State now requests an extension of 14 days – until May 11, 2015 – to file the State’s petition. The State has not previously requested an extension of time to file a petition for review in this case. IV. This extension is not for the purposes of delay, but rather so that undersigned counsel may adequately set forth the State’s position in its grounds for review. The undersigned has been working not only on this PDR, but on the State’s reply briefs in Gray v. State, No. 02-14-00249-CR; Guzman v. State, 02-14-00297-CR; and a petition for review in Pinkston v. State, No. 02-14-00041-CR. Wherefore, the State prays that the Court grant an extension of 14 days to May 11, 2015 for filing the State’s petition for discretionary review. 2 Respectfully submitted, SHAREN WILSON Criminal District Attorney Tarrant County, Texas DEBRA WINDSOR Assistant Criminal District Attorney Chief, Post-Conviction Tarrant County, Texas /s/ James Gibson_____________ JAMES GIBSON, Assistant Criminal District Attorney 401 W. Belknap Street Fort Worth, Texas 76196-0201 (817) 884-1687 FAX (817) 884-1672 State Bar No. 00787533 COAAppellateAlerts@TarrantCounty.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE A copy of the State's Motion to Extend Time to File Petition for Discretionary Review has been e-served to opposing counsel, the Hon. Barry G. Johnson, Barrygj@aol.com, 2821 E. Lancaster, Fort Worth, Texas 76103, on April 27, 2015. /s/ James Gibson JAMES GIBSON H:\GIBSON.G17\MOTIONS\Isbell; ext to file pdr.docx 3
Isbell, John B.
Combined Opinion