TN If! E I FXIH ( O(A fl 7 0 F cfl.7fh.7N))l_ ' APf6AL5' 5 ia:s::: g, 7 An rLu,., 7 wi.;r,.,<- 1 Per.-tJD/JtY; II. Ha.r,-5 (<.) 4 , ty o,-n, ,~, c ferkJ cAr i> D,," ;-t I _) Re s-r-t>nd& n /' ,_, rn e fitFo•Jef •· /-f,... / /l,., rht:Ji>'-? Whirnt'7 1/Jo/i'?q/) s fro 5e. #: /71?{ /?Cf (W'I/VNJi" ~ID Ftn l'g'Cj Jlca)fs v/11(>/ 7)! 7 73 vc; Ch rFr OQ/)ie ( RECEIVED iN COURT OF CRtllliNALAPf>EALs /-Ia, rr i5 C~r.-r~~ "Y /J;s toi t C/e,k MAY 07 2015 /2_o/ Fa,n k {/n S'1c Jc:.e:> Hoc.t.-1""/Z)~ 7 )( 77ucrz.. ·- .. 11. _'KE'Sp(>~d Qn r ~r0~ntJ Res ,--- Ghr/f · fb,t;" J ) ih ni5 ,· CCA.f~ cit-'( as Dl·5·· r r·-~~-t Cler"<1· or Harr,·s LoL..nry) Texar haY a rnin~5t·e,;al d~..c t'/ TO receive Qnd. f-\le. all (Jt:iperr in £:rit\-lin~l proLeeclin9.J'J 01nd perPor-m all orher dvtt;er ifl>1pored. on the. derk b1 /qw' pCA(5~.tq"t lo T.(,(,p, Arr. z, Zl J and iJ (efytmsihle under. /.C.(.f,. 11.07 .Sec..ti4i"\. 3 Cc) to /n->,Medr~tley. trc-~nr/17;{. ·ro rhe · (ovrt at Crif\"1;i'l01l Appecth c; Cop'( of the a.pp hcqr-,·vn for wrlr ·oC. hc.~.bec:tj Corpt.Af 1 and an-; anJwers {':lt'c/ 1 and ~ certd1rr.q·te •· ft: cn·,ng · the. dc~te CApot"\ ""h lc.h rhct 1 P,;-,cl_,r,:). I.Nct.r Yl'lade . i P the , (o,.,v;r_t,·;,J (o~.A.rr. dec;-cler rhcn ·· are no /)S'-4e5 fO he. (e solved, . Chris Dczl"l/(l J Harris Lcc..nty 0 i5tfi<-1 Clerk IY>q'f be served ~ t h;~ f lcu:e a{ b l.(Jii'Je5r a.t /2o/ F1 c..nk/,-r, S ,.., S te 3oo Ho~..t5 ~h1 7ex;.r 77oDZ. 1IT. V;o)C4 tToh 'Re'Jpoo Jtn,.. Vlol'1teJ Art;·de IJ. 0 7 5ec1"i0r) 3{c..) 0 r the te>(C( y Lc.J.e o{ Cri,-.,il'lo.l Procedures- b't Pc.-t;l',r,J f6 ptovrcJe e1 copy or:' the. ctp;l,-co. ·,ro11 Por. klrit '. 0 { hq bectf · corftAS 1 ah'l anf' wers P.·led 1 a,J a . cert'·J',{:a te · re c.ltth J -the Ja·te upo, J,;<:.~ rha r .f,;.,d ,r,.!J £•• \.N~Y ,..,..,a.Jt ro the LoCArr ot ·CrifY'Ill'lc;.cl. AppetAis , Wirh ,;., , rhe tt'n-,e . ; pre~Gn-bed b, law and w~tl.;f) Gl (eq)ohabJe )dte. Pro,...., the t-frne on whrc.,~ r~ ~ Jo cum en tJ We/e to have bee,., rr~nJ'rt'71 treJ, rhiY or,·'9;hc;d Peritro•) ~r \,Nrir of /flan ,Jc~rnl.lJ J (JLt(S'-<411~ to TeK~J Cede. or Lf1Mi1'7c:ll . Prccedurel J and si7ow ;-he Cov(t rJ,«!. /J))(JwinJ/ :f. FA<.T5 . Pei-i~ioner. iS" Q.t\ Applicc:H·1r t'.:-r ~ T,(.C P. Arr.-c.le /l.o7 who Is a.dlendr inca.t(era.tecl (,.., TDCJ-C.JD TV# f7.187lf9. Petihuher har €.>J to r~e. ·coc...rr 0 { (r;~,r,"l Ap(Je~lr .. fece;veJ Gl. ldi.t-ter ·f'roi'VI· t~e. ~ CCA. ,;,d;_(ctrtn.J no Wr;·r had '- I Jlt Applicable OotH" 5 1.) Di5tric.r- Clerk. fece;ved fe tlr(C)ner:r API' ltcGC rio,., .P.;}r Wrtr o~ H~hei~.r . Corpu~. £),n 3/JO/ZOIS . deJ'9nctr•n.9 . (C(~ASe# I24~J67-15 ' . ' ' ~ ' z.) StG\t~ fe5p011deJ ro the Writ ~'t P;·/,r,J u·5- A~s""er 3/11/ZOIS.. 4.) Texa Y Court of Lritt't in"l Apl'ev..l f Pile >- tz:AMp5 wn tren ob/g<:t{ol'\ . {:;led b1 Pet7troher 6n 04/ /zoiS as5£Yttnj No Wrr't har been P;led. 5.) PetH!Oher reqVte~·reJ the DiHt'R:r Clerk lo Poward rJ..,It pqfei'S on 05/ol}z.o 15. "§_ Atp hcQ.ble ~ I.J Arttde n I() 7 Se ctrOI-) 3 (c.) L lea rly 5 iGt te .f rhq t" "r ;]t r~e. £'h9 WIArr cle<..icter rhetr the/e are (10/SS4e5J 1-he. clerk shc:dl lmmecJ~'a.+ely -t-rqnsm{+ [e~phaJi.raddeJ] ro the Court or (fifhin"'l Appeotl f a. Cop'( ot the applictt tion J any answery gled.J and a.· certif'tcate re c;t/n J r),e Jqte upon W~lcA thctt ..Pindi'nJ Wctf l'ha.Je, Fa;lufe.ofthe Court to ctct Wirh/n ThE! 011! owed "26 dC\'}J. .sh::.JJ c.on JH/lAte S4c.~ ,C( /),;.,cJ,r, J .''~Kqr Cocle oC Crirh,.nal Procedure~ Arr;c../e. /J.o7 Sec; s (c), R. e Spoi\Jent ,·s in violet ti'oll et thi5 procedure 1 mt'n,'sterlal dut,'e>1 "'n d .,. hu 5 -t h e Ia.. ws o t' -rh /5 S".,.. a .,. e . JZI.,. ReUef. Where.Pore.J pr\:miJes c.orufd€red fet-n·io;,er) Anthui'll Wj.,lr,.,ey 1 Notrr-an J p!D seJ · re5pec:_tP~II'f · re9~Ae5t q .P,-,d,()y rhGtt rhf:.. /2eJpo·7de/lr Jrd. f)~T rta.n5f'r1it th~ d0curner7TJ ro rh~ Courr d~ (r,·,.,,-,cd Apper;Jj w;rh;., Gt (eq5onc.tbl-< time; and tku Peri·tibner hCl5 btotA._yht t-hiJ l;ri~c-.rlon ,-n gcuc/ Pc.t;rh and l-tct5 :n-"bsn:;,inh(;,f}/y prevqiled, Perihcner- pra'(f' {tr Ql") Orclef' d;recrthy P.espondent TO rran5r~?lt q C..opy oC t-he Applicqtio;-, ~. Wrir ot HQbe4I (.orpwrJ Gfny answers ~,)ec{; ccnd C1 certi~i(A'te re c.itr'iJy rhe dqte i.-!po-., vvhr-c.h thqr p,r,d,~Jy W4Y n,~de ·r~ rhc Courr of Crirh,'na{ Aflfedlr q r chrec. ted ,;., Arr;-c.le /1. o7 Sec.. 5~) o{ the ~Kctr (_0Je of Cr,,;,,;,~l PruredL.(.re., . . .~ B-ti An-thqn't IAJhirne7 Not~Ci., (jJa; Scj ' J:t i7/ 8 7lf'1 / WYNJt/ £ YIO Ftn ?~21 Hr...tllhl/•'lly 7 X 7 7I'YCf . ·.Tn rnatei .IJec..lq rc4t1on ·r. Anrho0y Whir.,e 7 Ncilf'1Q'1 beihy ~ utFen ~~ 1;, (q~ceru ted ,-, Tf)cJ- (.J [) :J:"O # (71'67'KC1 co· the W'jNNJf LlN:JT dedare. c.mcJer pe/lalt'/ of'per/'<-t.r'j ;h:e: FAc..T5 ct"c:.l ALLE&ItTJun/.r- ,r, rh-c Agc..rE or.9i1'1cd Perltic,., 4:..~ ' . . ~. ·.. . . Wri.-: of JYl cmdan,l-t.f are. t-rl.4e. and -correct to. rn1 he. he/':·. ~ .. . ·. fhr}p JU,~.~ o.s-/ol)~c;.r /)r,rJ,o,, NdNhc1"7 1 # 17/!f7;r9 / NyNN/: . Ylo F/h 2 8 Z I H...,nrJv/ll.y 1 )( 7 71''1? PctyC. '5/f::, · ·(err; Pled. te cJ Serv,·ce T Af11ho11y Whirne7 herb't c.errrfy rh~r 01 cof1 oP the. above. Qr;-9,·,u:4( Pe .,.; f"R>Y\ fJr Wrlr al Ma" d war ser,;eJ Ofl [,h(IJ Oc~n;8/ 11 ·narr,J GuCAn·ty 0...,J filet Cl er'
Norman, Anthony Whitney
Combined Opinion