Willis, Drake Lafayette

Court: Court of Appeals of Texas
Date filed: 2015-05-14
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Combined Opinion
        r~·     1.·,

         •) RA.K E L•. WI L L1 S Jf ·1 S1S I3D
         H. 1-1. [l) FF .1 f L 1~ UN I T - [a) C. lf
        :lhlol FM jtJS Y
        TEN tJ ES~ EE C:D LiJJJ :11 T)(. 1 S gg ~
                                                                        RECEiVED t.N
        ,                                                                    , MAY 14 2015
         THE ~u.STIC..ES DF                                                  Abli AeoMl, Cfe!Fk
              THE C.DURT 0 F CRIMIAJA.L A.PPEAL~                 ~"::

              P. o. ~DX 1:230~ 1 CA PI TfJ L ~TATIDtJ

              AtJST7Al 1 TEXA~· 7B7//

              R.E =                          --
                       J:N·'EX. PARTE I)RAKE L, W!LliS1 WR-77,:J'-Ib-D7
                       1: Ca CAU5E  .MD, FOR- .2'-IDjO- T (A & B) 1 IN THE
                       1) IS T RItT C0 U RT 0 F ~ALL AS CO UN ,T !j.
                            LETTER. MD TI.~tJ REB-IJE-5 TZI\JG LEAVE TO
                        F 1 L E A PET I           T I 0 N F 0 R A WR. IT DF N\~1\1 •)/\MUS
              TD Tf-tE H5/J.;         LDLJI~E        PEAASOtJt CLERk!
              'NtJOU~ .YoU PLE:/\~f_ I,JFOR_M IHE ttlUftr THAT [),J ~ECE.Mi?lfrQ
              oz, ~oJJ       ,   ItJ THE A.~ovE JVuMBEREA CAu_sE                       nr:   Atr.roAJ,
              TI-!A.T RELATO(( ''~AN~E•\ OVER'' HI~ SLJPPLEMEAJ'TA.l APP-

              LitA.TiiJN J:QR A POST- CONVItfiD/J WR.II L)F HABEA~
              CDR PuS ART. I Ia 0'1 ~ V~ A.~ C. C.4 P. TO TI-lE H~ H. LD r-~IEV~
              U fJ IT - T r) [ Ll      1     d. wIa I ~ M 10 5-l/        I     IE N tJ E ~ S E E -
                                                       ~~Jf I

( cc)

            cDLD IJ ~ I       T EX A~ 7 5 g8 L/       I   PR I   ~b AI     A.IJ I H{) RIT 1 E~ F DR!. Mtrr.-
            LIJJG ·rF1£Je
            TJ-lf: ~ LJ B M 1 -~S IDIJ ~ATE           OF FE g R.uA~~ J l1 aDll-                  tJF ({ELAIDR~   '

            D rti.bi.NAL PDSI- [DI\JV ItT IO/'J WRIT 0~ t:-tA.f&fAS [IJ(J.,_(Ju~
            1f,rJ7, DN iJEL.ENL~Ert tJ'i, .2ol(- RELATDRs JuPPLfM&JrAL APPLI-
            L-kT IOAJ rDQ          A.    Posr- LO!'J\JftTID.".J" W{('f1              ~r-   1-JA(!EAS LDf{.fJuS
            1/.07~ WAS \'TI/t'\fl~'\\ flA"P\£t\ lJVEA. ID PRTIDrJ AU1HIJR.IT1ES.
                      IT l-lA.~ PAS~E'\ ~ /:2 ~EARS SII\JC.E RELATD~'~ '~E(fM~ER.

            OS ' ciOil- SLJ PP LE AAEJJT AL A. PPLILA. TIDJJ IJF J.iABEM                            [l)R.Pu~ I L011

            HAS SEEAJ 1-tArJ)\Ei~ OVER TO THE --PRI5DtJ A.tJfHDRIT1~~ F"lJR
            NLA1L rJJb. IWE rR.rAL tbu~r aF RELA.To((') toi\J vrL fiDJJ
            CbULt\ AJ 0 T MA.KE 1\. F ItJ 1\ I.rJ (;S 0 F FALT~ A.f\/1\ ClJ.JJ CLtJ~WrJ

            OF LA.W TJ..\R.OlJG~ E.VIr\t.rJTIA.~ i-tEA.R.IrJb 1 As QE.~tJIR.E•\
                                    '                                                                   \
            B~ V,A., t.CP.        AR.T# /Lt)7, BEL/\US.E TRIAL [{)Ut( ~L·)IJT RE-
            CE.LVE Tl~f PETITilJtJ I ·:)o TlJ NO F~lJLT                                    OF QE:L/\IQ~S OWA11
            w11 T Lt4 LEA.VE ~ REL/\TDQ ~JITH tJ () MLES~

                                                                                              10 1R.TAL [DoR1.''


           A~ tJt= Tt-lf S.U~MIS~IO/\J •\ATE 01=" 11-liS LETTErQ. Ml!J·r:rDAJ
           Rt&UE~T       I.rJG LEA..\JE TD -~1 LE A PETIT IDJ\J FOP.. A. Wf<..IT OF"
                                                                      ,,          ,,
           MAtJ1\AMU~' RElf.\/OR. HAS, UDI RECEIVE~\ IJ011Lf, THAT
           1-tr~ ')ELEM~ER. b~, ~DU,            SuPPlE. MENIAL APPLit.AT1DtJ FoR.
           Pos-r . .   C.DAivrc_ TIDtJ WRJ:T ·i..tA~EA~     c.or<..Po1 tL07,     WA.~   EITHER_

           Tr{AJJ~ MI i fE I~ T{) THE ltUS f{E ~ brD5, l
                                                                                                     II         ,,

                        HA.r:1EA~ tD~~U ~ PET ITIDtJ                    s HCJUL·~    ~E ~EtN\.£.'1 FILE•\
                   WHErJ PETIT IDJJ I~ HM,\E'\ 0\JE({ TD P((ISO/'J ~u-n-\O({ff:IE~
                    FOR NLA.I L 7.1Jb .. J2 U• S, C. A~ § J !l5 tt o
                         A 1-\A.~EA) PET1T1DN 5HDuL'! f1E •1EEJAE•\ FZ:LE:'l WHEAl THE
                   PEIITID.AJ IS.         HAN•1E 1~ OVE:ft ID PR.I~ON AUTI-lfJR.ITIE~ FDR..                          N\A-
                   .ILI!Jbo SIMILA.QL'1                1   IN C.DlJ PER V. ~Rnr,KjJ-\If<.E                1   7D L3d

                   37713 7q t.5rh C.lr. f£1.QS)            1   \JE l-IEU\ THAT A PR.D SE PAl.SDNER
                   LIT7GA.rJI~ LDMPLA1/JT I5 FILE') AS 5DDA1 A.~ THE PLEA.~IrJ{,S
                   MA.VE ~EE/J •\£Pl)-SITE•} INTD TI4E PRI5DN MA.1L S~~ TfM o IAJ
                   J..IDUSTDN      v,   L/\c.l<,   yg7 u.s.            J.foitJJJDg   s.t+. 237q,Joi           LEd~1d
                   ~Lis (Jqgg)          wHrti-f tSTA~L15E;\ A. ~IMILAR.                                   BD'i ~uLE'\
                                   1                                                           MA1L

                   J:DR '~E T ER..MIN :ttJ f:J WHEAl I\ PR.O .SE ND rItE dF APPEAL F({OM
                   i)TSM.IS.SAL DF          A 1-\1\{jEA~ ALTIDrJ WDiJU\ ~E CbN~I~Ef<.E,1
                   rrte.·)   &   TtJ 1-ltJuSTDN T!4E             r_ouR.r    P£LD6JJ1Zt'~ ntA.T, [uJI\I-
                   Jk!LLE 1\ TJ\1 LA.W1 UNA.I•\E1\ ·~~ CDUI\JSEL                       1   A!\JA   UIJA~LE 1'D

                   LEA..VE. THE PR.l.SOJJ          1   A PRlJ sf Pf<.r.~DNER.S CtJJJf({DL lJVE.Y<-
                                                                 P9. 4* 4

(( c\
. ,.

            TI-lE PRDC.E.)SING Ot= HTS IJDIItf. 1\JEtESSAR.!Ltj C.EA.5E.5>
            As, _t;DDN A~ HE 1-\A.I\/1~ S IT ~ VE.fZ [,.] ~d
                                                                                     .·a+ j~fo,
       d. C.DtJSTITIJ11DI\!Al LA-W I 1,   ~ l~ // \fER.t,JDI\J~     Af\JrJ •.   TcxA.~    C. C. P.
             ART~ f LD 1   I   ~   3 (b)   0

       3o M.J\ 1\J ~ J\ MUS KE ~ .3 {o'!al) I J~
                 M./\1\Jt\/\MU~ RELIEF Mf\"3 BE bf<.MJTE 1\ IF T~E REL/\TOIQ.
            SJ-\DW ~ fl) Tl-\~T THE 1\Cf _soubHT 1D ~E C.bM.PELLE~~ 1.~
            PUR.ELY MI.tJISTf.RIAl1 A.f\Ji\ (~) TJ..lA.I THEf<.E I~ AfD A.r\E&-
            UAT E REME '\ ~ A. T LA.W,

       4.    MAJV ;\A.Nlu S kEY ID
                 A RELATOR ~EEKII\Jb f\AA..r-,Jl\1\MU~ RELIEF NlUSf HAVE A
            C.LEA(( RibHT TD THE RELIEF .SD£JGi-IT1 AfltAI\fTrJb /flAT TI-lE
            ME A.I T S t, F TJ-IE A. E. L.1EF Si;tJ[_,Hr ARE ~E ~OAJI) '~1~ PiJ TE / Ti-\E
            RE.&tJIREMEtJT DF A. C.LEA.R. LEbA.l RieHT 1\fElE ~~ITATE~
            TI-l f\T TI-t E LAW PLt\:ItJL lj 1~ E ~U{1 BE~ THE ~U T:1 ID r6E PER FDRA'lE1l ~
                                           P.9g At 5
 SUC.f-l Tl-lAT Tlif({E I~ NO RODM I="DfZ fHE EXEA.l:I~E OF
 t\:r~tRE T IOI\Jt

[{)UQT   I   RE LA.TO (( Pf<.EVIOtJ~LY 1='1 LEI\ A. LFTTER. M.OfiDN RE-
 &ut~TirJ6 LEJ\.VE TD FILE.                   f\. PET Il1"01\l F()R.. A WR.IT DF
 /v'\A.NI\/\M.U1 OtJ I="E~((LJJ\.R!1 \~1 JOIQ, Wirl-t RE&uE~f TO THIS
                                 ~I           ,,                   <                    I
 COU({1 TO ~ D A..tJ ItJ&lJ.1R. ':1                INTO TliE AAATTtR. {) J: f<.ELATV~~
 ~~ELfM~ER. Dg 1 :WItt                5u PPLfM£1\JTAL APPLILATIOtAJ        I=Df<. A PD~T-

 [DJJVIt TIDIJ WRIT DF 11A.~E/\~ C.DRPUS· A~T6 i L07' \1../l...C..C..P.
 (SEE. RELI\IDRS 1\TTAL.HEI\                 E~ HI BIT 1\Jo.     I,' A1TALHE'\   FEg:QuAA.Y
 I&, ~DIQ;'' MDI1DI\J FDR. LEA.VE'') ( ~EE ({E.LATDR~ P\TTA.LJlE 1\ E'i.Hif!J:T
 ND.d., 1\l\f.LI!J q, btDI2, "NlD11D!J r:o({ lE~VE'')         (sEE ri-\1~ cDuR.T ~
 MARCH /ll, ~Dl~        I   fl   {jf<~ER_''/ FE~~lJM.~ A'1 I ~01~ •Jl{)({I\E((\' ,' JUIJE
              '.1.~+                       1)EU:M~ER t-1, jol3 'drd tJDTILE\').
 s, lD13,              NLYf1.LE'\ /

     DtJ ~r.JL~ ~ \, ~oiQ i ~EC.EM~ER. 311 JDI~, Af\J,·~ JV\.ML~ j~~ J.Di4,
 ltELA.TDft A.TTA.L~\E1\ I\ fR.uE C.DP~
                                    Dr HIS ~ECEM~E({ fJ~, ~OIL ~uPP~
 LE:M.£rJTAL 1\PPLlC.A.TID N WIZI.T nr Hf\~EA:~ L.DR. PuS TD Hr~
,clfTTE:~ M0110JJ FoR. LEI\\JE'\~c..+. TO Ti-\.I~ C.DUQT, f~EE: 1H1~
 tDuR.TS RE.LO((i\~ tJ F RELAToR'~ •1£LEM~ER. {j~ 1 ciOlrL ~uPf. APP. ll~DI J.
PREVI()u~L~ REtt\.IOR. \-\1\~ T1ME.L'1 r'<.E&CJE~TEI\                   1HIS C.DU(J.:r-
,..   ,_

                    i                      ·                               II·                ,,   ·
           B1:1 :! T S JuRIS ~~I C. T :r D 1\1             TD   1)   D AtJ II\J tiU :r R.Y II\Jm Tl~ E MAT-
           TEr THEr<.EFD{(E"CbtJ~
        SI '\E~t:~) A M1JJ1S TEitAL '1U1~ ~y .THE P..ULES £J ~ At A. Af\ft\
        Ti-lE T•)C.J PRISOJJ M/\1L S~.SfEifl, M.A1L1rJb GUI 1JE/J ·THUS,
        T~E FrfZ~ T RE&tJIREM.£1\Jf F'OR .M/\1\f!\A:M.U~ RELit=~· I~ FuL-

( cc)

       , ~ILLE•\,
                         Tl{EflE :I.S NO PRDV.ISIOtJ FD(( A.rJ APPEA.L C..DtJ-
        PE~ FDR.M Tl-\E t~lJ T Y lJ F PRlJL.E )SIAJG A.!J 1\ M.~I L 1·tJ6          A

        IDtJ r T D THI; TtQ.IAL [()U f.L T     0 F 14 :IS [0/J VIt.. T1DrJ FD\R.. F1litJ6.
        '' TI~E IJJ A.B1 LIT .'1 TD A.PP EAL LEAVE.~ RE L~ fD R W11l-\ JJ 0
        A'\E13..UA.IE REME:·~Y A.l LA.W~' TI-\Er~ CtJf.J((T TO PLEA~E MAKE
II             \t   .
 "lf\J&UI({~ !tjTO       THE M~IT E(( OR. I ~StJ E A WRIT CJF MfvJ,)AJiuJ.S
wrrH TUE MA.N 1\Ar'£ oF AR-rtc.LE 1LD?,                       vl A. c.c. P.
                                                RE~PELTFLJLU1 SUBM.11TE•l,
                                                1>1n.. I)Jt.O.M t. ~1S1Si30

r ·• \
                               COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS
                             APPLICATION FOR A WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS
                          UNDER CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, ARTICLE 11.07


    1.      You must use the complete form, which begins on the following page, to me an
            application for a writ of habeas corpus seeking relief from a final felony conviction
            under Article 11.07 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. (This form is not for death-
            penalty cases, probated sentences which have not been revoked, or misdemeanors.)

    2.      The clerk of the trial court in which you were convicted will make this form
            available to you, on request, without charge.

    3.      You must file the entire writ application form, including those sections that do not
            apply to you. If any pages are missing from the form, or if the form has been
            downloaded and the questions have been, renumbered or omitted, your entire
            application will be returned as non-compliant. If your application is returned as
            non-compliant, the clerk of the trial court wiD write a note of the defect on your
            application and return the form to you without filing it.

    4.      You must make a separate application on a separate form for each judgment of
            conviction you seek relief from. Even if the judgments were entered in the same
            court on the same day, you must make a separate application for each one.

    5.      Answer every item that applies to you on the form. You may use additional pages
            only if you need them for item 17, the facts supporting your ground for relief. Do
            not attach any additional pages for any other item 17.

    6.      You must include all grounds for relief on the application form as provided by the
            instructions under item 17. You must also briefly summarize the facts of your claim
            on the application form as provided by the instructions under item 17.

    7.      Do not cite cases or other law in this application forrn. Do not make legal
            arguments in this form. Legal citations and arguments may be made in a separate

    8.      You must verify the application by signing either the Oath Before Notary Public or
            the Inmate's Declaration, which are at the end of this form on pages 11 and 12. You
            may be prosecuted and convicted for aggravated perjury if you make any false
            statement of a material fact in this application.

    9.      When the application is fully completed, mail the original to the clerk of the
            convicting district court. Keep a copy of the application for your records.

    10.     You must notify the clerk of the convicting district court Of any change in address
            after you have filed your application.

    Revised: September I, 2011                                                          ATC-11.07
                                     !LJPPLE ME tJI Al APflLI.C.A TI()rJ.
                                 EV :1.1\ EtJ 'l"IAA.Y     ~E Afb:A.ll':. RI:~U&.S TE•~

                                           Case No . ...,......,-----,----,--
                                 (The Clerk of the convicting court will fill this line in.)



.NAME:       9RAKE L~FA.Yern: \.lilLIS
.DATE OF BIRTH: _.;..uir~Jl.._YL......Jiu.l.,_
                                           1 ..LI...~...Q7L...3....____-,----------,---------­

.TDCJ-CID NUMBER: _,0._...15....__.__,7.~5'._I3.....0'------- SID NUMBER:

(1)     This application concerns (check all that apply):

        D(      a conviction                                       0         parole

        1M      a sentence                                         0         mandatory supervision

        0       time credit                                        0         out-of-time appeal or petition for
                                                                             discretionary review

(2)     What district court entered the judgment of the conviction you want relief from?
        (Include the court number and county.)

(3)     What was the case number in the trial court?

( 4)    What was the name of the trial judge?

        THE f.IOtJ.   )
                          I   Rt. f. I< M.A f, N I   ~

Tl-l7S !S A .!luPPLEM.EtJTAL APPLIC..~Tl.OJ\l rD 1"HE DQ!.&.IAJA.l A.PPU.CATt.OAl rtJ
ll.tl1, APPL!..fAiiOI\1 *'=- WOR-.24D.1D-I(A), PE,j')IJIJ& :£1\1 THE TR.t~tL LD!JR.i
At.JI\ FI.LE.•~ OtJ .1-11- il1 t1lYIUidtd DIJ .:l"t.JLY 13, .2.011.


Revised: September I, 2011                                                                            ATC-11.07
(5)     Were you represented by counsel? If yes, provide the attorney's name:

(6)           ' the date that the judgment was entered?
        What was

         MAY 11 ,2009

(7)     For what offense were you convicted and what was the sentence?

(8)     If you were sentenced on more than one count of an indictment in the same court at
        the same time, what counts were you convicted of and what was the sentence in each
        count? ·

(9)     What was the plea you entered? (Check one.)

        o guilty-open plea                o guilty-plea bargain
        K not guilty                      o nolo contendere/no contest

        If you entered different pleas to counts in a multi-count indiCtment, please explain:

(10)    What kind of tria~ did you have?
        o no jury                               o jury for guilt and punishment

        ~   jury for guilt, judge for punishment

(11)    Did you testify at trial? If yes, at what phase of the trial did you testify?

         Ye)- t;u:r t T      IAINO l F:AIC E

(12)    Did you appeal from the judgment of conviction?

        til yes                          o no


Revised: September I, 2011                                                              ATC-11.07
        If you did appeal, answer the following questions:

        (A)     What court of appeals did you appeal to? ~!F1H                               •XL.srA:tC.r- ~AU A~
        (B)     What was the case number?             ...~o.O£.i,5J....:..:...JOL9:J...-~Ou.O.u)L..tl0l...:.7.L..--~C:..!J~..___ _ _ _ _ _ __

        (C)     Were you represented by counsel on appeal? If yes, provide the attorney's
                IKE l=IQ,J., bEBORAH J:A.Rt!J.S 1 5TA'IE BAA. l:t: D(oS43jOo

        (D)     What was the decision and the date of the decision? fo.EF!A.M.E•}-b- .2~- 1()

(13)    Did you file a petition for discretionary review in the Court of Criminal Appeals?

        o yes                             Ill   no

        If you did _file a petition for discretionary review, answer the following questions:

        (A)     What was the case number?

        (B)     What was the decision and the date of the decision? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(14)    Have you previously filed an application for a writ of habeas corpus under Article
        11.07 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure challenging this conviction?

        • yes     AI:J. 1Ill              o no

        If you answered yes, answer the following questions:

        (A)     What was the Court of Criminal Appeals' writ number?._ _ _ _ _ _ __

        (B)     What was the decision and the date of the decision? _jPuE;o.llr.JL:.•lul:.J!AoJJJC:z..:r_ _ _ __

        (C)     Please identify the reason that the current claims were not presented and
                could not have been presented on your previous application.

                 THIS        I&   A SUPPI EM.EMIA.L APPliCATION T{) GAn E A,( AAhi:-

                 TOI\.IA.l ClA.INl..       nuE TD THE APPL:C.ftWI'S IMEtPERtiJJCE IiJ

                 HE ~~r·\ /JOT RECobAJz.z.E -rHe C.tA:tt~t Rr:ztJ!3 PREjfAJfE,I rtJ na:s

                 ~UPPLEM.E/\JTAL         APPL'! C.AT ID,J.


Revised: September 1, 2011                                                                                                     ATC-11.07
(15)    Do you currently have any petition or appeal pending in any other state or federal

        )!(   yes                        o no

        If you answered yes, please provide the name of the court and the case number:

(16)    If you are presenting a claim for time credit, have you exhausted your
        administrative remedies by presenting your claim to the time credit resolution
        system of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice? (This requirement applies to
        any final felony conviction, including state jail felonies)

        o yes                            o no

        If you answered yes, answer the following questions:

        (A)         What date did you present the claim? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

        (B)         Did you receive a deCision and, if yes, what was the date of the decision?

        If you answered no, please explain why you have not submitted your claim:

(17)   Beginning on page 6, state concisely every legal ground for your claim that you are
       being unlawfully restrained, and then briefly summarize the facts supporting each
       ground. You must present each ground on the form application and a brief
       summary ofthe facts. lfyour grounds and brief summary of the facts have not been
       presented on the form application, the Court will not consider your grounds.


Revised: September 1, 2011                                                                ATC-11.07
                          If you have more than four grounds, use page 10 of the form, which you may copy
                          as many times as needed to give you a separate page for each ground, with each
                          ground numbered in sequence.

                          You may attach a memorandum of law to the form a·pplication if you want to
                          present legal authorities, but the Court will not consider grounds for relief in a
                          memorandum of hw that were not stated on the form application. If you are
                          challenging the validity of your conviction, please include a summary of the facts
                          pertaining to your offense and trial in your memorandum.
                                                                             ({.EL~VAtJ"f                     ~1A1"f ll~ n.t1"S

              II. "
              1"\flPiiC.a.tl+                   1.1AS
                                                             ..        j
                                                                                         .roL ,4- Q.
                                                                                                          h     tl
                                                                                                                 f.tggra.vll.. h!c!     Se..wo.. I           L ,,

  J<~ya.tltl ~te.Shay Wif\Kf:ie.ld                                           1   ApplltflAt'_s tl[ftR..·yfi. U..f Did ~-iep-dll.ug~fifl

  h2. fl2CLf +-e.r ("B. w'•).                                 thi!.        1tld i c.fiYIVJ t a. II eg~d +ha+ ~ pp I i Cllnt pentH rated
s.w.\~ ~e..:tulll Dr~flfl with hi~ fit~gu, fc.R. VDL. lr a+ pgs. j,lL f,
s.w., +es+:Fte.d +h£Lt eJYI one. ac..a.~!ltory A~~JfC.11t1-l- (.\uLL~d dbiJ/\ hfs
 ~CL.n+~ • grtlbbe.d htu hafld ar\d pla.t:ed                                                                         i+ dfl     lo.i~ pen,·~. -(~.r. voL.3 ,tit
pgo ~b).~. B.J,J., .Pur+htU +e.s+:.f:e.d to -twa                                                                                    n+htU   !e~ll~Cd·f. itlddefl·h
not o.lle.gt?.d                            :fl +nl!.          :nd,'t.+Mutt• Cin ontt occ.o..s~{oll whUe Shf. pre.~eJJ­
dllci +o b12.. tl..itee.p, Appl ittut+ ~u11ed doL.Jt\ he.r ~tlf\·H., and ~ar+ly
pu112d down hu ~t;tfl.+:e!l in.d fbtJthe.d htU ~ri va.fe. ~tlrf wNh ht..s
fit~g8ro                  (~.r. VDLe 1,                                11+    (),9.S, 5~--$"q), Dt1                                  llf\Dthe.r         DC.C..a..~s,•utll

A.ppl; tll.r'lt -co. lYle.                                   :n+D             c.~... b!ld roo#l .she.. ~ha.re.d w:th h/U ~ts+u~                                  1   and
Pulled                down                      ht2.r        ·Pc.tfli-~          and                 touc.hed               +hi ~rHidt         dild    oub;de. of
her           p·r ~vcd·e. ~a.r+5 • ( 5, r:. Vlll~~ 31 a+ pgs. 63- 'L/ L
 , -   ~~     -   -   -   '~-     -    -    -    -- -         -    -   -·- -     -   -        -. -   - - .- -    ·- -   -     I .   I
  •       l.. ~.              1       re.fus +o                   +he. one               VDJume. Dt C.J~rl« fil!lllrd.s.
       tf f               "                                                      .                                             I
l.       ~.       F, ,            refe.r5               +o        +hi!       t:nur+             Rll~Drte.r'..s              nD+es,.


        Revised: September I, 20I I                                                                                                                       ATC-11.07
                                         ~uPPLE   M.EAJTA.L   C.l~I..M

NgbHMl                  ttJAIJ'&JI\ ~ ·~A.T HI~ TR.:t~L C/)WJSE L fl~l~ER£•\ .IN~FI=ft:.TZVE
A~SlSTAtJC.E 1          WHERE C..btuJSE l •\:r1} NOT RE&UE.ST A. CHAR(,E OtJ TUJ: les~Et:l
XtJ~Lui\t::l\ D~~fr.JtE I'J~ IAJ•\EC..f.AIL~ wz·r!4 A. ti-JzL•' t!Y .:iE~uAt. ffi!JrAtT,
~R~§~BiPb'fH~etJdkb~J~N~~~ggravtl+ed ~t2'i.ual AHI1Uif ot ll ehfld'
+be :ndic±dlen+. a.Heged ±haJ Applicao+   pwe±ra.+ed ±he !>etua.t
Dcga.o of 1-he c.hiid wi+h b:~                    £tl\ger. {[, R. vaL,   1,   a+   -pgs, J!s),
 i)ur~Dg +rial           +he   c.hild compla.lllatlf 1 n.foe ,ve4'rnld k•'Yillltl 6resllliy

brinKtiled  fs.v.) 1 +o+: £,'ed +bar A.pplicaf\+ ca.use.d her ba.od to
frwc.h his paais. Js . F. \lfJL. 3J 1.1± p9s. 5r2-tzA). Or1 +wo rHW
 separa.+e oc.cassioll no+ a.tleged :a fhe :na:e.+mea+J Ap_pi:c.ao+

touched her priva.te par+s w:±h his h1111d, Ls.F. VQL, 31 a+ pgS,f,t-
 iOB)., Appl:c.ao+ :s            s.w.)s s!ep-fa:+ber. tlurL'\9 h.·s -tcl,d Appl.'co11f
adm:±+ed he had                 on ,,cc.ass~'ot'l ±ooched ·B.w. 1s aod her ymmgtr
s:bl:ngs' ~r!va.±e pt1r±S through. ±heir tlo±b;ttlg whfie. they Jlepted,
because +h.e" were. cbroalc bed we++ec.5 1 +a Make. sora fhev were.
                    }                                   .                                I

n(2± ·we±• Applie.a.n± fur+her fQr,f;t;:ed thed he was B.W.'s o.nd
her    ~rbflll9.S'       primary         c.11re   glvtr wh:te +heir mo+ber             wort