Abel Acosta,Clerk
Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas
P.0.3ox 12308~Capital Station
Austin,Texas 78711
RE: Ex Parte Brandon Trevelle Caines
Style No. 1274701-A ; 1274700~A
\!ri t No. 81 1 134-02 ; 81, 134-03
.Dear Abel Acosta, Clerk
Greetings ! 1 am writ ting your department concerning the above cause No. · s :i.
in said tityle ot Actions. 1 recieved a order trom the 183rd District Court
filed on the Hlth ot March 2015:notifying me that the l~Jrd District Court was
issued thirty (JU) days to transpire the record to the Court ot Crimin&l
Appeals. 1 then recieved notices trom the·court ot Criminal Appeals~dated
April.10,2015,that the supplemental Clerks records,had been recieved and
presented to the Court. However ,as pa:i:t ot my bt?Ite vJrit 1 raised; inettective
--------·-Assistance ot C::ounseJ:--cla:tlhs~:which· 'the·' state -·issued· an" order tor· my counsel--to --
respond to the claims .My -t.olirmse.JL failed to respond t6 ·the. clairas .My counsel
failed to respond,and my State l·Jrit \·Jas sitting in the 1B3rd District Court :